/* * Copyright 2011 Sven Weidauer * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #import #import "cocoa/gui.h" #import "cocoa/plotter.h" #import "BrowserView.h" #import "BrowserViewController.h" #import "BrowserWindowController.h" #import "FormSelectMenu.h" #import "desktop/gui.h" #import "desktop/netsurf.h" #import "desktop/browser.h" #import "desktop/options.h" #import "desktop/textinput.h" #import "desktop/selection.h" #import "desktop/401login.h" #import "utils/utils.h" #import "image/ico.h" char *default_stylesheet_url; char *adblock_stylesheet_url; char *quirks_stylesheet_url; NSString * const kCookiesFileOption = @"CookiesFile"; NSString * const kURLsFileOption = @"URLsFile"; NSString * const kHotlistFileOption = @"Hotlist"; NSString * const kHomepageURLOption = @"HomepageURL"; NSString * const kOptionsFileOption = @"ClassicOptionsFile"; static NSMutableSet *cocoa_all_browser_views = nil; #define UNIMPL() NSLog( @"Function '%s' unimplemented", __func__ ) void gui_multitask(void) { // nothing to do } void gui_poll(bool active) { cocoa_autorelease(); NSEvent *event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask: NSAnyEventMask untilDate: active ? nil : [NSDate distantFuture] inMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue: YES]; if (nil != event) { [NSApp sendEvent: event]; [NSApp updateWindows]; } if (browser_reformat_pending) { [cocoa_all_browser_views makeObjectsPerformSelector: @selector( reformat )]; browser_reformat_pending = false; } } void gui_quit(void) { // nothing to do } struct browser_window; struct gui_window *gui_create_browser_window(struct browser_window *bw, struct browser_window *clone, bool new_tab) { BrowserWindowController *window = nil; if (clone != NULL) { bw->scale = clone->scale; window = [(BrowserViewController *)(clone->window) windowController]; } else { bw->scale = (float) option_scale / 100; } BrowserViewController *result = [[BrowserViewController alloc] initWithBrowser: bw]; if (bw->parent == NULL) { if (!new_tab || nil == window) { window = [[[BrowserWindowController alloc] init] autorelease]; [[window window] makeKeyAndOrderFront: nil]; } [window addTab: result]; } else { BrowserViewController *parent = (BrowserViewController *)bw->parent->window; NSCParameterAssert( parent != nil ); [[parent browserView] addSubview: [result view]]; } if (cocoa_all_browser_views == nil) { cocoa_all_browser_views = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init]; } [cocoa_all_browser_views addObject: [result browserView]]; return (struct gui_window *)result; } struct browser_window *gui_window_get_browser_window(struct gui_window *g) { return [(BrowserViewController *)g browser]; } void gui_window_destroy(struct gui_window *g) { BrowserViewController *vc = (BrowserViewController *)g; if ([vc browser]->parent != NULL) [[vc view] removeFromSuperview]; [cocoa_all_browser_views removeObject: [vc browserView]]; [vc release]; } void gui_window_set_title(struct gui_window *g, const char *title) { [(BrowserViewController *)g setTitle: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: title]]; } void gui_window_redraw(struct gui_window *g, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) { const NSRect rect = cocoa_rect( x0, y0, x1, y1 ); [[(BrowserViewController *)g browserView] setNeedsDisplayInRect: rect]; } void gui_window_redraw_window(struct gui_window *g) { [[(BrowserViewController *)g browserView] setNeedsDisplay: YES]; } void gui_window_update_box(struct gui_window *g, const union content_msg_data *data) { const NSRect rect = cocoa_scaled_rect_wh( [(BrowserViewController *)g browser]->scale, data->redraw.object_x, data->redraw.object_y, data->redraw.object_width, data->redraw.object_height ); [[(BrowserViewController *)g browserView] setNeedsDisplayInRect: rect]; } bool gui_window_get_scroll(struct gui_window *g, int *sx, int *sy) { NSCParameterAssert( g != NULL && sx != NULL && sy != NULL ); NSRect visible = [[(BrowserViewController *)g browserView] visibleRect]; *sx = cocoa_pt_to_px( NSMinX( visible ) ); *sy = cocoa_pt_to_px( NSMinY( visible ) ); return true; } void gui_window_set_scroll(struct gui_window *g, int sx, int sy) { [[(BrowserViewController *)g browserView] scrollPoint: cocoa_point( sx, sy )]; } void gui_window_scroll_visible(struct gui_window *g, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) { gui_window_set_scroll( g, x0, y0 ); } void gui_window_position_frame(struct gui_window *g, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) { const NSRect rect = cocoa_rect( x0, y0, x1, y1 ); [[(BrowserViewController *)g view] setFrame: rect]; } void gui_window_get_dimensions(struct gui_window *g, int *width, int *height, bool scaled) { NSCParameterAssert( width != NULL && height != NULL ); NSRect frame = [[[(BrowserViewController *)g browserView] superview] frame]; if (scaled) { const CGFloat scale = [(BrowserViewController *)g browser]->scale; frame.size.width /= scale; frame.size.height /= scale; } *width = cocoa_pt_to_px( NSWidth( frame ) ); *height = cocoa_pt_to_px( NSHeight( frame ) ); } void gui_window_update_extent(struct gui_window *g) { BrowserViewController * const window = (BrowserViewController *)g; struct browser_window *browser = [window browser]; int width = content_get_width( browser->current_content ); int height = content_get_height( browser->current_content ); [[window browserView] setMinimumSize: cocoa_scaled_size( browser->scale, width, height )]; } void gui_window_set_status(struct gui_window *g, const char *text) { [(BrowserViewController *)g setStatus: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: text]]; } void gui_window_set_pointer(struct gui_window *g, gui_pointer_shape shape) { switch (shape) { case GUI_POINTER_DEFAULT: case GUI_POINTER_WAIT: case GUI_POINTER_PROGRESS: [[NSCursor arrowCursor] set]; break; case GUI_POINTER_CROSS: [[NSCursor crosshairCursor] set]; break; case GUI_POINTER_POINT: case GUI_POINTER_MENU: [[NSCursor pointingHandCursor] set]; break; case GUI_POINTER_CARET: [[NSCursor IBeamCursor] set]; break; default: NSLog( @"Other cursor %d requested", shape ); [[NSCursor arrowCursor] set]; break; } } void gui_window_hide_pointer(struct gui_window *g) { } void gui_window_set_url(struct gui_window *g, const char *url) { [(BrowserViewController *)g setUrl: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: url]]; } void gui_window_start_throbber(struct gui_window *g) { [(BrowserViewController *)g setIsProcessing: YES]; [(BrowserViewController *)g updateBackForward]; } void gui_window_stop_throbber(struct gui_window *g) { [(BrowserViewController *)g setIsProcessing: NO]; [(BrowserViewController *)g updateBackForward]; } void gui_window_set_icon(struct gui_window *g, hlcache_handle *icon) { #ifdef WITH_BMP if (icon != NULL && content_get_type( icon ) == CONTENT_ICO) nsico_set_bitmap_from_size( icon, 16, 16 ); #endif NSBitmapImageRep *bmp = icon != NULL ? (NSBitmapImageRep *)content_get_bitmap( icon ) : NULL; NSImage *image = nil; if (bmp != nil) { image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize: NSMakeSize( 32, 32 )]; [image addRepresentation: bmp]; } else { image = [[NSImage imageNamed: @"NetSurf"] copy]; } [image setFlipped: YES]; [(BrowserViewController *)g setFavicon: image]; [image release]; } void gui_window_set_search_ico(hlcache_handle *ico) { UNIMPL(); } void gui_window_place_caret(struct gui_window *g, int x, int y, int height) { [[(BrowserViewController *)g browserView] addCaretAt: cocoa_point( x, y ) height: cocoa_px_to_pt( height )]; } void gui_window_remove_caret(struct gui_window *g) { [[(BrowserViewController *)g browserView] removeCaret]; } void gui_window_new_content(struct gui_window *g) { [(BrowserViewController *)g contentUpdated]; } bool gui_window_scroll_start(struct gui_window *g) { return true; } bool gui_window_box_scroll_start(struct gui_window *g, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) { return true; } bool gui_window_frame_resize_start(struct gui_window *g) { return true; } void gui_window_save_link(struct gui_window *g, const char *url, const char *title) { UNIMPL(); } void gui_window_set_scale(struct gui_window *g, float scale) { gui_window_redraw_window( g ); } void gui_drag_save_object(gui_save_type type, hlcache_handle *c, struct gui_window *g) { } void gui_drag_save_selection(struct selection *s, struct gui_window *g) { } void gui_create_form_select_menu(struct browser_window *bw, struct form_control *control) { FormSelectMenu *menu = [[FormSelectMenu alloc] initWithControl: control forWindow: bw]; [menu runInView: [(BrowserViewController *)bw->window browserView]]; [menu release]; } void gui_launch_url(const char *url) { [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL: [NSURL URLWithString: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: url]]]; } struct ssl_cert_info; void gui_cert_verify(const char *url, const struct ssl_cert_info *certs, unsigned long num, nserror (*cb)(bool proceed, void *pw), void *cbpw) { cb( false, cbpw ); } void gui_401login_open(const char *url, const char *realm, nserror (*cb)(bool proceed, void *pw), void *cbpw) { cb( false, cbpw ); }