/* * Copyright 2004 John M Bell * Copyright 2020 Vincent Sanders * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * \file * Free text search */ #include #include "utils/errors.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "netsurf/types.h" #include "desktop/selection.h" #include "content/content.h" #include "content/content_protected.h" #include "content/hlcache.h" #include "content/textsearch.h" /** * search match */ struct list_entry { /** * previous match */ struct list_entry *prev; /** * next match */ struct list_entry *next; /** * start position of match */ unsigned start_idx; /** * end of match */ unsigned end_idx; /** * content opaque start pointer */ struct box *start_box; /** * content opaque end pointer */ struct box *end_box; /** * content specific selection object */ struct selection *sel; }; /** * The context for a free text search */ struct textsearch_context { /** * content search was performed upon */ struct content *c; /** * opaque pointer passed to constructor. */ void *gui_p; /** * List of matches */ struct list_entry *found; /** * current selected match */ struct list_entry *current; /* first for select all */ /** * query string search results are for */ char *string; bool prev_case_sens; bool newsearch; }; /** * broadcast textsearch message */ static inline void textsearch_broadcast(struct textsearch_context *textsearch, int type, bool state, const char *string) { union content_msg_data msg_data; msg_data.textsearch.type = type; msg_data.textsearch.ctx = textsearch->gui_p; msg_data.textsearch.state = state; msg_data.textsearch.string = string; content_broadcast(textsearch->c, CONTENT_MSG_TEXTSEARCH, &msg_data); } /** * Release the memory used by the list of matches, * deleting selection objects too */ static void free_matches(struct textsearch_context *textsearch) { struct list_entry *cur; struct list_entry *nxt; cur = textsearch->found->next; /* * empty the list before clearing and deleting the selections * because the the clearing may update the toolkit immediately, * causing nested accesses to the list */ textsearch->found->prev = NULL; textsearch->found->next = NULL; for (; cur; cur = nxt) { nxt = cur->next; if (cur->sel) { selection_destroy(cur->sel); } free(cur); } } /** * Specifies whether all matches or just the current match should * be highlighted in the search text. */ static void search_show_all(bool all, struct textsearch_context *context) { struct list_entry *a; nserror res; for (a = context->found->next; a; a = a->next) { bool add = true; if (!all && a != context->current) { add = false; if (a->sel) { selection_destroy(a->sel); a->sel = NULL; } } if (add && !a->sel) { res = context->c->handler->create_selection(context->c, &a->sel); if (res == NSERROR_OK) { selection_set_position(a->sel, a->start_idx, a->end_idx); } } } } /** * Search for a string in a content. * * \param context The search context. * \param string the string to search for * \param string_len length of search string * \param flags flags to control the search. */ static nserror search_text(struct textsearch_context *context, const char *string, int string_len, search_flags_t flags) { struct rect bounds; union content_msg_data msg_data; bool case_sensitive, forwards, showall; nserror res = NSERROR_OK; case_sensitive = ((flags & SEARCH_FLAG_CASE_SENSITIVE) != 0) ? true : false; forwards = ((flags & SEARCH_FLAG_FORWARDS) != 0) ? true : false; showall = ((flags & SEARCH_FLAG_SHOWALL) != 0) ? true : false; if (context->c == NULL) { return res; } /* check if we need to start a new search or continue an old one */ if ((context->newsearch) || (context->prev_case_sens != case_sensitive)) { if (context->string != NULL) { free(context->string); } context->current = NULL; free_matches(context); context->string = malloc(string_len + 1); if (context->string != NULL) { memcpy(context->string, string, string_len); context->string[string_len] = '\0'; } /* indicate find operation starting */ textsearch_broadcast(context, CONTENT_TEXTSEARCH_FIND, true, NULL); /* call content find handler */ res = context->c->handler->textsearch_find(context->c, context, string, string_len, case_sensitive); /* indicate find operation finished */ textsearch_broadcast(context, CONTENT_TEXTSEARCH_FIND, false, NULL); if (res != NSERROR_OK) { free_matches(context); return res; } context->prev_case_sens = case_sensitive; /* new search, beginning at the top of the page */ context->current = context->found->next; context->newsearch = false; } else if (context->current != NULL) { /* continued search in the direction specified */ if (forwards) { if (context->current->next) context->current = context->current->next; } else { if (context->current->prev) context->current = context->current->prev; } } /* update match state */ textsearch_broadcast(context, CONTENT_TEXTSEARCH_MATCH, (context->current != NULL), NULL); search_show_all(showall, context); /* update back state */ textsearch_broadcast(context, CONTENT_TEXTSEARCH_BACK, ((context->current != NULL) && (context->current->prev != NULL)), NULL); /* update forward state */ textsearch_broadcast(context, CONTENT_TEXTSEARCH_FORWARD, ((context->current != NULL) && (context->current->next != NULL)), NULL); if (context->current == NULL) { /* no current match */ return res; } /* call content match bounds handler */ res = context->c->handler->textsearch_bounds(context->c, context->current->start_idx, context->current->end_idx, context->current->start_box, context->current->end_box, &bounds); if (res == NSERROR_OK) { msg_data.scroll.area = true; msg_data.scroll.x0 = bounds.x0; msg_data.scroll.y0 = bounds.y0; msg_data.scroll.x1 = bounds.x1; msg_data.scroll.y1 = bounds.y1; content_broadcast(context->c, CONTENT_MSG_SCROLL, &msg_data); } return res; } /** * Begins/continues the search process * * \note that this may be called many times for a single search. * * \param context The search context in use. * \param flags The flags forward/back etc * \param string The string to match */ static nserror content_textsearch_step(struct textsearch_context *textsearch, search_flags_t flags, const char *string) { int string_len; int i = 0; nserror res = NSERROR_OK; assert(textsearch != NULL); /* broadcast recent query string */ textsearch_broadcast(textsearch, CONTENT_TEXTSEARCH_RECENT, false, string); string_len = strlen(string); for (i = 0; i < string_len; i++) { if (string[i] != '#' && string[i] != '*') break; } if (i < string_len) { res = search_text(textsearch, string, string_len, flags); } else { union content_msg_data msg_data; free_matches(textsearch); /* update match state */ textsearch_broadcast(textsearch, CONTENT_TEXTSEARCH_MATCH, true, NULL); /* update back state */ textsearch_broadcast(textsearch, CONTENT_TEXTSEARCH_BACK, false, NULL); /* update forward state */ textsearch_broadcast(textsearch, CONTENT_TEXTSEARCH_FORWARD, false, NULL); /* clear scroll */ msg_data.scroll.area = false; msg_data.scroll.x0 = 0; msg_data.scroll.y0 = 0; content_broadcast(textsearch->c, CONTENT_MSG_SCROLL, &msg_data); } return res; } /** * Terminate a search. * * \param c content to clear */ static nserror content_textsearch__clear(struct content *c) { free(c->textsearch.string); c->textsearch.string = NULL; if (c->textsearch.context != NULL) { content_textsearch_destroy(c->textsearch.context); c->textsearch.context = NULL; } return NSERROR_OK; } /** * create a search_context * * \param c The content the search_context is connected to * \param context A context pointer passed to the provider routines. * \param search_out A pointer to recive the new text search context * \return NSERROR_OK on success and \a search_out updated else error code */ static nserror content_textsearch_create(struct content *c, void *gui_data, struct textsearch_context **textsearch_out) { struct textsearch_context *context; struct list_entry *search_head; content_type type; if ((c->handler->textsearch_find == NULL) || (c->handler->textsearch_bounds == NULL) || (c->handler->create_selection == NULL)){ /* * content has no free text find handler so searching * is unsupported. */ return NSERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } type = c->handler->type(); context = malloc(sizeof(struct textsearch_context)); if (context == NULL) { return NSERROR_NOMEM; } search_head = malloc(sizeof(struct list_entry)); if (search_head == NULL) { free(context); return NSERROR_NOMEM; } search_head->start_idx = 0; search_head->end_idx = 0; search_head->start_box = NULL; search_head->end_box = NULL; search_head->sel = NULL; search_head->prev = NULL; search_head->next = NULL; context->found = search_head; context->current = NULL; context->string = NULL; context->prev_case_sens = false; context->newsearch = true; context->c = c; context->gui_p = gui_data; *textsearch_out = context; return NSERROR_OK; } /* exported interface, documented in content/textsearch.h */ const char * content_textsearch_find_pattern(const char *string, int s_len, const char *pattern, int p_len, bool case_sens, unsigned int *m_len) { struct { const char *ss, *s, *p; bool first; } context[16]; const char *ep = pattern + p_len; const char *es = string + s_len; const char *p = pattern - 1; /* a virtual '*' before the pattern */ const char *ss = string; const char *s = string; bool first = true; int top = 0; while (p < ep) { bool matches; if (p < pattern || *p == '*') { char ch; /* skip any further asterisks; one is the same as many */ do p++; while (p < ep && *p == '*'); /* if we're at the end of the pattern, yes, it matches */ if (p >= ep) break; /* anything matches a # so continue matching from here, and stack a context that will try to match the wildcard against the next character */ ch = *p; if (ch != '#') { /* scan forwards until we find a match for this char */ if (!case_sens) ch = toupper(ch); while (s < es) { if (case_sens) { if (*s == ch) break; } else if (toupper(*s) == ch) break; s++; } } if (s < es) { /* remember where we are in case the match fails; we may then resume */ if (top < (int)NOF_ELEMENTS(context)) { context[top].ss = ss; context[top].s = s + 1; context[top].p = p - 1; /* ptr to last asterisk */ context[top].first = first; top++; } if (first) { ss = s; /* remember first non-'*' char */ first = false; } matches = true; } else { matches = false; } } else if (s < es) { char ch = *p; if (ch == '#') matches = true; else { if (case_sens) matches = (*s == ch); else matches = (toupper(*s) == toupper(ch)); } if (matches && first) { ss = s; /* remember first non-'*' char */ first = false; } } else { matches = false; } if (matches) { p++; s++; } else { /* doesn't match, * resume with stacked context if we have one */ if (--top < 0) return NULL; /* no match, give up */ ss = context[top].ss; s = context[top].s; p = context[top].p; first = context[top].first; } } /* end of pattern reached */ *m_len = max(s - ss, 1); return ss; } /* exported interface, documented in content/textsearch.h */ nserror content_textsearch_add_match(struct textsearch_context *context, unsigned start_idx, unsigned end_idx, struct box *start_box, struct box *end_box) { struct list_entry *entry; /* found string in box => add to list */ entry = calloc(1, sizeof(*entry)); if (entry == NULL) { return NSERROR_NOMEM; } entry->start_idx = start_idx; entry->end_idx = end_idx; entry->start_box = start_box; entry->end_box = end_box; entry->sel = NULL; entry->next = NULL; entry->prev = context->found->prev; if (context->found->prev == NULL) { context->found->next = entry; } else { context->found->prev->next = entry; } context->found->prev = entry; return NSERROR_OK; } /* exported interface, documented in content/textsearch.h */ bool content_textsearch_ishighlighted(struct textsearch_context *textsearch, unsigned start_offset, unsigned end_offset, unsigned *start_idx, unsigned *end_idx) { struct list_entry *cur; for (cur = textsearch->found->next; cur != NULL; cur = cur->next) { if (cur->sel && selection_defined(cur->sel) && selection_highlighted(cur->sel, start_offset, end_offset, start_idx, end_idx)) { return true; } } return false; } /* exported interface, documented in content/textsearch.h */ nserror content_textsearch_destroy(struct textsearch_context *textsearch) { assert(textsearch != NULL); if (textsearch->string != NULL) { /* broadcast recent query string */ textsearch_broadcast(textsearch, CONTENT_TEXTSEARCH_RECENT, false, textsearch->string); free(textsearch->string); } /* update back state */ textsearch_broadcast(textsearch, CONTENT_TEXTSEARCH_BACK, true, NULL); /* update forward state */ textsearch_broadcast(textsearch, CONTENT_TEXTSEARCH_FORWARD, true, NULL); free_matches(textsearch); free(textsearch); return NSERROR_OK; } /* exported interface, documented in content/content.h */ nserror content_textsearch(struct hlcache_handle *h, void *context, search_flags_t flags, const char *string) { struct content *c = hlcache_handle_get_content(h); nserror res; assert(c != NULL); if (string != NULL && c->textsearch.string != NULL && c->textsearch.context != NULL && strcmp(string, c->textsearch.string) == 0) { /* Continue prev. search */ content_textsearch_step(c->textsearch.context, flags, string); } else if (string != NULL) { /* New search */ free(c->textsearch.string); c->textsearch.string = strdup(string); if (c->textsearch.string == NULL) { return NSERROR_NOMEM; } if (c->textsearch.context != NULL) { content_textsearch_destroy(c->textsearch.context); c->textsearch.context = NULL; } res = content_textsearch_create(c, context, &c->textsearch.context); if (res != NSERROR_OK) { return res; } content_textsearch_step(c->textsearch.context, flags, string); } else { /* Clear search */ content_textsearch__clear(c); free(c->textsearch.string); c->textsearch.string = NULL; } return NSERROR_OK; } /* exported interface, documented in content/content.h */ nserror content_textsearch_clear(struct hlcache_handle *h) { struct content *c = hlcache_handle_get_content(h); assert(c != 0); return(content_textsearch__clear(c)); }