/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2004 James Bursa */ /** \file CSS parser using the lemon parser generator. see CSS2 Specification, chapter 4 http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/syndata.html, and errata http://www.w3.org/Style/css2-updates/REC-CSS2-19980512-errata stylesheet : [ CDO | CDC | S | statement ]*; statement : ruleset | at-rule; at-rule : ATKEYWORD S* any* [ block | ';' S* ]; block : '{' S* [ any | block | ATKEYWORD S* | ';' ]* '}' S*; ruleset : selector? '{' S* declaration? [ ';' S* declaration? ]* '}' S*; selector : any+; declaration : property ':' S* value; property : IDENT S*; value : [ any | block | ATKEYWORD S* ]+; any : [ IDENT | NUMBER | PERCENTAGE | DIMENSION | STRING | DELIM | URI | HASH | UNICODE-RANGE | INCLUDES | FUNCTION | DASHMATCH | '(' any* ')' | '[' any* ']' ] S*; Note: S, CDO, CDC will be stripped out by the scanner */ stylesheet ::= statement_list. statement_list ::= . statement_list ::= statement_list statement. statement ::= ruleset. statement ::= at_rule. at_rule ::= ATKEYWORD any_list block. at_rule ::= ATKEYWORD(A) any_list(B) SEMI. { if ((A.length == 7) && (strncasecmp(A.text, "@import", 7) == 0) && B) css_atimport(param->stylesheet, B); css_free_node(B); } block ::= LBRACE block_body RBRACE. block_body ::= . block_body ::= block_body any. block_body ::= block_body block. block_body ::= block_body ATKEYWORD. block_body ::= block_body SEMI. ruleset ::= selector_list(A) LBRACE declaration_list(B) RBRACE. { if (A && B) css_add_ruleset(param->stylesheet, A, B); else css_free_selector(A); css_free_node(B); } ruleset ::= LBRACE declaration_list(A) RBRACE. /* this form of ruleset not used in CSS2 used to parse style attributes (ruleset_only = 1) */ { if (param->ruleset_only) param->declaration = A; else css_free_node(A); } ruleset ::= any_list_1(A) LBRACE declaration_list(B) RBRACE. { css_free_node(A); css_free_node(B); } /* not CSS2 */ selector_list(A) ::= selector(B). { A = B; } selector_list(A) ::= selector_list(B) COMMA selector(C). { if (B && C) { C->next = B; A = C; } else { css_free_selector(B); css_free_selector(C); A = 0; } } selector(A) ::= simple_selector(B). { A = B; } selector(A) ::= selector(B) css_combinator(C) simple_selector(D). { if (B && D) { D->combiner = B; D->comb = C; D->specificity += B->specificity; A = D; } else { css_free_selector(B); css_free_selector(D); A = 0; } } css_combinator(A) ::= . { A = CSS_COMB_ANCESTOR; } css_combinator(A) ::= PLUS. { A = CSS_COMB_PRECEDED; } css_combinator(A) ::= GT. { A = CSS_COMB_PARENT; } simple_selector(A) ::= element_name(B) detail_list(C). { if (C && (A = css_new_selector(CSS_SELECTOR_ELEMENT, B.text, B.length))) { A->detail = C; A->specificity = 1 + C->specificity; } else { param->memory_error = true; css_free_selector(C); A = 0; } } simple_selector(A) ::= element_name(B). { if ((A = css_new_selector(CSS_SELECTOR_ELEMENT, B.text, B.length))) A->specificity = 1; else param->memory_error = true; } simple_selector(A) ::= detail_list(C). { if (C && (A = css_new_selector(CSS_SELECTOR_ELEMENT, 0, 0))) { A->detail = C; A->specificity = C->specificity; } else { param->memory_error = true; css_free_selector(C); A = 0; } } element_name(A) ::= IDENT(B). { A = B; } element_name(A) ::= ASTERISK. { A.text = 0; } detail_list(A) ::= detail(B). { A = B; } detail_list(A) ::= detail(B) detail_list(C). { if (B && C) { B->specificity += C->specificity; B->next = C; A = B; } else { css_free_selector(B); css_free_selector(C); A = 0; } } detail(A) ::= HASH(B). { A = css_new_selector(CSS_SELECTOR_ID, B.text+1, B.length-1); if (A) A->specificity = 0x10000; else param->memory_error = true; } detail(A) ::= DOT IDENT(B). { A = css_new_selector(CSS_SELECTOR_CLASS, B.text, B.length); if (A) A->specificity = 0x100; else param->memory_error = true; } detail(A) ::= LBRAC IDENT(B) RBRAC. { A = css_new_selector(CSS_SELECTOR_ATTRIB, B.text, B.length); if (A) A->specificity = 0x100; else param->memory_error = true; } detail(A) ::= LBRAC IDENT(B) EQUALS IDENT(C) RBRAC. { A = css_new_selector(CSS_SELECTOR_ATTRIB_EQ, B.text, B.length); if (A) { A->data2 = C.text; A->data2_length = C.length; A->specificity = 0x100; } else param->memory_error = true; } detail(A) ::= LBRAC IDENT(B) EQUALS STRING(C) RBRAC. { A = css_new_selector(CSS_SELECTOR_ATTRIB_EQ, B.text, B.length); if (A) { A->data2 = C.text + 1; A->data2_length = C.length - 2; A->specificity = 0x100; } else param->memory_error = true; } detail(A) ::= LBRAC IDENT(B) INCLUDES IDENT(C) RBRAC. { A = css_new_selector(CSS_SELECTOR_ATTRIB_INC, B.text, B.length); if (A) { A->data2 = C.text; A->data2_length = C.length; A->specificity = 0x100; } else param->memory_error = true; } detail(A) ::= LBRAC IDENT(B) INCLUDES STRING(C) RBRAC. { A = css_new_selector(CSS_SELECTOR_ATTRIB_INC, B.text, B.length); if (A) { A->data2 = C.text + 1; A->data2_length = C.length - 2; A->specificity = 0x100; } else param->memory_error = true; } detail(A) ::= LBRAC IDENT(B) DASHMATCH IDENT(C) RBRAC. { A = css_new_selector(CSS_SELECTOR_ATTRIB_DM, B.text, B.length); if (A) { A->data2 = C.text; A->data2_length = C.length; A->specificity = 0x100; } else param->memory_error = true; } detail(A) ::= LBRAC IDENT(B) DASHMATCH STRING(C) RBRAC. { A = css_new_selector(CSS_SELECTOR_ATTRIB_DM, B.text, B.length); if (A) { A->data2 = C.text + 1; A->data2_length = C.length - 2; A->specificity = 0x100; } else param->memory_error = true; } detail(A) ::= COLON IDENT(B). { if (B.length == 4 && strncasecmp(B.text, "link", 4) == 0) { A = css_new_selector(CSS_SELECTOR_ATTRIB, "href", 4); if (A) A->specificity = 0x100; else param->memory_error = true; } else { A = css_new_selector(CSS_SELECTOR_PSEUDO, B.text, B.length); if (A) A->specificity = 0x100; else param->memory_error = true; } } detail(A) ::= COLON FUNCTION(B) IDENT RPAREN. { A = css_new_selector(CSS_SELECTOR_PSEUDO, B.text, B.length); if (A) A->specificity = 0x100; else param->memory_error = true; } declaration_list(A) ::= . { A = 0; } declaration_list(A) ::= declaration(B). { A = B; } declaration_list(A) ::= declaration_list(B) SEMI. { A = B; } declaration_list(A) ::= declaration(B) SEMI declaration_list(C). { if (B) { B->next = C; A = B; } else { A = C; } } declaration(A) ::= property(B) COLON value(C). { if (C && (A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_DECLARATION, B.text, B.length))) A->value = C; else { param->memory_error = true; css_free_node(C); A = 0; } } declaration(A) ::= any_list_1(B). /* malformed declaration: ignore */ { A = 0; css_free_node(B); } property(A) ::= IDENT(B). { A = B; } value(A) ::= any(B). { A = B; } value(A) ::= any(B) value(C). { if (B && C) { B->next = C; A = B; } else { css_free_node(B); css_free_node(C); A = 0; } } value(A) ::= value(B) block. { A = B; } value(A) ::= value(B) ATKEYWORD. { A = B; } any_list(A) ::= . { A = 0; } any_list(A) ::= any(B) any_list(C). { if (B) { B->next = C; A = B; } else { css_free_node(B); css_free_node(C); A = 0; } } any_list_1(A) ::= any(B) any_list(C). { if (B) { B->next = C; A = B; } else { css_free_node(B); css_free_node(C); A = 0; } } any(A) ::= IDENT(B). { A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_IDENT, B.text, B.length); if (!A) param->memory_error = true; } any(A) ::= NUMBER(B). { A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_NUMBER, B.text, B.length); if (!A) param->memory_error = true; } any(A) ::= PERCENTAGE(B). { A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_PERCENTAGE, B.text, B.length); if (!A) param->memory_error = true; } any(A) ::= DIMENSION(B). { A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_DIMENSION, B.text, B.length); if (!A) param->memory_error = true; } any(A) ::= STRING(B). { A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_STRING, B.text + 1, B.length - 2); if (!A) param->memory_error = true; } any(A) ::= DELIM(B). { A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_DELIM, B.text, B.length); if (!A) param->memory_error = true; } any(A) ::= URI(B). { A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_URI, B.text, B.length); if (!A) param->memory_error = true; } any(A) ::= HASH(B). { A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_HASH, B.text, B.length); if (!A) param->memory_error = true; } any(A) ::= UNICODE_RANGE(B). { A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_UNICODE_RANGE, B.text, B.length); if (!A) param->memory_error = true; } any(A) ::= INCLUDES. { A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_INCLUDES, 0, 0); if (!A) param->memory_error = true; } any(A) ::= FUNCTION(B). { A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_FUNCTION, B.text, B.length); if (!A) param->memory_error = true; } any(A) ::= DASHMATCH. { A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_DASHMATCH, 0, 0); if (!A) param->memory_error = true; } any(A) ::= COLON. { A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_COLON, 0, 0); if (!A) param->memory_error = true; } any(A) ::= COMMA. { A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_COMMA, 0, 0); if (!A) param->memory_error = true; } any(A) ::= DOT. { A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_DOT, 0, 0); if (!A) param->memory_error = true; } any(A) ::= PLUS. { A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_PLUS, 0, 0); if (!A) param->memory_error = true; } any(A) ::= GT. { A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_GT, 0, 0); if (!A) param->memory_error = true; } any(A) ::= LPAREN any_list(B) RPAREN. { if ((A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_PAREN, 0, 0))) A->value = B; else { param->memory_error = true; css_free_node(B); A = 0; } } any(A) ::= LBRAC any_list(B) RBRAC. { if ((A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_BRAC, 0, 0))) A->value = B; else { param->memory_error = true; css_free_node(B); A = 0; } } any(A) ::= ASTERISK(B). { A = css_new_node(CSS_NODE_DELIM, B.text, B.length); if (!A) param->memory_error = true; } /* lemon directives */ %extra_argument { struct css_parser_params *param } %include { #define CSS_INTERNALS #include "netsurf/css/css.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" } %name css_parser_ %token_type { struct css_parser_token } %type selector_list { struct css_selector * } %type selector { struct css_selector * } %type css_combinator { css_combinator } %type simple_selector { struct css_selector * } %type detail_list { struct css_selector * } %type detail { struct css_selector * } %type declaration_list { struct css_node * } %type declaration { struct css_node * } %type value { struct css_node * } %type any_list { struct css_node * } %type any_list_1 { struct css_node * } %type any { struct css_node * } %destructor selector_list { css_free_selector($$); } %destructor selector { css_free_selector($$); } %destructor simple_selector { css_free_selector($$); } %destructor detail_list { css_free_selector($$); } %destructor detail { css_free_selector($$); } %destructor declaration_list { css_free_node($$); } %destructor declaration { css_free_node($$); } %destructor value { css_free_node($$); } %destructor any_list { css_free_node($$); } %destructor any_list_1 { css_free_node($$); } %destructor any { css_free_node($$); } %left COLON COMMA GT HASH LBRAC PLUS. %left DOT. %left IDENT. %left LBRACE. %syntax_error { param->syntax_error = true; }