/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2003 James Bursa */ #include #include #include #include #define CSS_INTERNALS #define NDEBUG #include "netsurf/css/css.h" #include "netsurf/content/content.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" struct property_entry { const char name[20]; void (*parse) (struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v); }; struct colour_entry { const char name[12]; colour col; }; struct font_size_entry { const char name[10]; float size; }; static int compare_selectors(const struct node *n0, const struct node *n1); static int parse_length(struct css_length * const length, const struct node * const v, bool non_negative); static colour parse_colour(const struct node * const v); static void parse_background_color(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v); static void parse_clear(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v); static void parse_color(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v); static void parse_display(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v); static void parse_float(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v); static void parse_font_size(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v); static void parse_font_style(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v); static void parse_font_weight(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v); static void parse_height(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v); static void parse_line_height(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v); static void parse_text_align(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v); static void parse_width(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v); /* table of property parsers: MUST be sorted by property name */ static const struct property_entry property_table[] = { { "background-color", parse_background_color }, { "clear", parse_clear }, { "color", parse_color }, { "display", parse_display }, { "float", parse_float }, { "font-size", parse_font_size }, { "font-style", parse_font_style }, { "font-weight", parse_font_weight }, { "height", parse_height }, { "line-height", parse_line_height }, { "text-align", parse_text_align }, { "width", parse_width }, }; /* table of standard colour names: MUST be sorted by colour name * note: colour is 0xbbggrr */ static const struct colour_entry colour_table[] = { { "aqua", 0xffff00 }, { "black", 0x000000 }, { "blue", 0xff0000 }, { "fuchsia", 0xff00ff }, { "gray", 0x808080 }, { "green", 0x008000 }, { "lime", 0x00ff00 }, { "maroon", 0x000080 }, { "navy", 0x800000 }, { "olive", 0x008080 }, { "purple", 0x800080 }, { "red", 0x0000ff }, { "silver", 0xc0c0c0 }, { "teal", 0x808000 }, { "transparent", TRANSPARENT }, { "white", 0xffffff }, { "yellow", 0x00ffff }, }; /* table of font sizes: MUST be sorted by name */ #define SIZE_FACTOR 1.2 static const struct font_size_entry font_size_table[] = { { "large", 1.0 * SIZE_FACTOR }, { "medium", 1.0 }, { "small", 1.0 / SIZE_FACTOR }, { "x-large", 1.0 * SIZE_FACTOR * SIZE_FACTOR }, { "x-small", 1.0 / (SIZE_FACTOR * SIZE_FACTOR) }, { "xx-large", 1.0 * SIZE_FACTOR * SIZE_FACTOR * SIZE_FACTOR }, { "xx-small", 1.0 / (SIZE_FACTOR * SIZE_FACTOR * SIZE_FACTOR) }, }; /** * css_add_ruleset -- add a ruleset to a stylesheet */ void css_add_ruleset(struct content *c, struct node *selector, struct node *declaration) { bool found; struct css_stylesheet *stylesheet = c->data.css.css; struct node *n, *sel, *next_sel, *prev; struct css_style *style; unsigned int hash; for (sel = selector; sel != 0; sel = next_sel) { next_sel = sel->next; /*LOG(("+++")); for (n = sel; n != 0; n = n->right) { struct node *m; if (n->data != 0) fprintf(stderr, "%s", n->data); for (m = n->left; m != 0; m = m->next) { switch (m->type) { case NODE_ID: fprintf(stderr, "%s", m->data); break; case NODE_CLASS: fprintf(stderr, ".%s", m->data); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "unexpected node"); } } fprintf(stderr, " "); } fprintf(stderr, "\n");*/ /* skip empty selectors */ if (sel->left == 0 && sel->data == 0) continue; /* check if this selector is already present */ found = false; prev = 0; hash = css_hash(sel->data); /* selectors are ordered by specificity in the hash chain */ for (n = stylesheet->rule[hash]; n && n->specificity < sel->specificity; n = n->next) prev = n; for ( ; n && n->specificity == sel->specificity; n = n->next) { prev = n; if (compare_selectors(sel, n)) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { /* not present: construct a new struct css_style */ LOG(("constructing new style")); style = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*style)); memcpy(style, &css_empty_style, sizeof(*style)); sel->style = style; sel->next = n; if (prev) prev->next = sel; else stylesheet->rule[hash] = sel; c->size += sizeof(*style); } else { /* already exists: augument existing style */ LOG(("augumenting existing style")); style = n->style; sel->next = 0; css_free_node(sel); } /* fill in the declarations */ css_add_declarations(style, declaration); } } void css_add_declarations(struct css_style *style, struct node *declaration) { struct node *n; for (n = declaration; n != 0; n = n->next) { struct property_entry *p; assert(n->type == NODE_DECLARATION && n->data != 0 && n->left != 0); p = bsearch(n->data, property_table, sizeof(property_table) / sizeof(property_table[0]), sizeof(property_table[0]), strcasecmp); if (p == 0) continue; p->parse(style, n->left); } } int compare_selectors(const struct node *n0, const struct node *n1) { struct node *m0, *m1; unsigned int count0 = 0, count1 = 0; /* compare element name */ if (!((n0->data == 0 && n1->data == 0) || (n0->data != 0 && n1->data != 0 && strcmp(n0->data, n1->data) == 0))) return 0; if (n0->comb != n1->comb) return 0; /* compare classes and ids */ for (m0 = n0->left; m0 != 0; m0 = m0->next) count0++; for (m1 = n1->left; m1 != 0; m1 = m1->next) count1++; if (count0 != count1) return 0; for (m0 = n0->left; m0 != 0; m0 = m0->next) { int found = 0; for (m1 = n1->left; m1 != 0; m1 = m1->next) { /* TODO: should this be case sensitive for IDs? */ if (m0->type == m1->type && strcasecmp(m0->data, m1->data) == 0 && ((m0->data2 == 0 && m1->data2 == 0) || strcasecmp(m0->data2, m1->data2) == 0)) { found = 1; break; } } if (!found) return 0; } /* compare ancestors */ if (n0->comb == COMB_NONE) return 1; return compare_selectors(n0->right, n1->right); } /** * property parsers */ /* TODO: consider NODE_NUMBER whenever a value may be '0' */ int parse_length(struct css_length * const length, const struct node * const v, bool non_negative) { css_unit u; float value; if (v->type != NODE_DIMENSION) return 1; u = css_unit_parse(v->data + strspn(v->data, "0123456789+-.")); if (u == CSS_UNIT_UNKNOWN) return 1; value = atof(v->data); if (non_negative && value < 0) return 1; length->unit = u; length->value = value; return 0; } colour named_colour(const char *name) { struct colour_entry *col; col = bsearch(name, colour_table, sizeof(colour_table) / sizeof(colour_table[0]), sizeof(colour_table[0]), strcasecmp); if (col == 0) return TRANSPARENT; return col->col; } colour parse_colour(const struct node * const v) { colour c = TRANSPARENT; int len; unsigned int r, g, b; struct colour_entry *col; switch (v->type) { case NODE_HASH: len = strlen(v->data); if (len == 4) { if (sscanf(v->data + 1, "%1x%1x%1x", &r, &g, &b) == 3) c = (b << 20) | (b << 16) | (g << 12) | (g << 8) | (r << 4) | r; } else if (len == 7) { if (sscanf(v->data + 1, "%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b) == 3) c = (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r; } break; case NODE_FUNCTION: /* TODO: rgb(r, g, b) */ break; case NODE_IDENT: col = bsearch(v->data, colour_table, sizeof(colour_table) / sizeof(colour_table[0]), sizeof(colour_table[0]), strcasecmp); if (col != 0) c = col->col; break; default: break; } return c; } void parse_background_color(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v) { s->background_color = parse_colour(v); } void parse_clear(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v) { css_clear z; if (v->type != NODE_IDENT || v->next != 0) return; z = css_clear_parse(v->data); if (z != CSS_CLEAR_UNKNOWN) s->clear = z; } void parse_color(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v) { s->color = parse_colour(v); } void parse_display(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v) { css_display z; if (v->type != NODE_IDENT || v->next != 0) return; z = css_display_parse(v->data); if (z != CSS_DISPLAY_UNKNOWN) s->display = z; } void parse_float(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v) { css_float z; if (v->type != NODE_IDENT || v->next != 0) return; z = css_float_parse(v->data); if (z != CSS_FLOAT_UNKNOWN) s->float_ = z; } void parse_font_size(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v) { struct font_size_entry *fs; switch (v->type) { case NODE_IDENT: fs = bsearch(v->data, font_size_table, sizeof(font_size_table) / sizeof(font_size_table[0]), sizeof(font_size_table[0]), strcasecmp); if (fs != 0) { s->font_size.size = CSS_FONT_SIZE_LENGTH; s->font_size.value.length.unit = CSS_UNIT_PT; s->font_size.value.length.value = fs->size * 10; } else if (strcasecmp(v->data, "larger") == 0) { s->font_size.size = CSS_FONT_SIZE_PERCENT; s->font_size.value.percent = SIZE_FACTOR * 100; } else if (strcmp(v->data, "smaller") == 0) { s->font_size.size = CSS_FONT_SIZE_PERCENT; s->font_size.value.percent = 1 / SIZE_FACTOR * 100; } break; case NODE_PERCENTAGE: s->font_size.size = CSS_FONT_SIZE_PERCENT; s->font_size.value.percent = atof(v->data); break; case NODE_DIMENSION: if (parse_length(&s->font_size.value.length, v, true) == 0) s->font_size.size = CSS_FONT_SIZE_LENGTH; break; default: break; } } void parse_font_style(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v) { css_font_style z; if (v->type != NODE_IDENT || v->next != 0) return; z = css_font_style_parse(v->data); if (z != CSS_FONT_STYLE_UNKNOWN) s->font_style = z; } void parse_font_weight(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v) { css_font_weight z; if (v->type != NODE_IDENT || v->next != 0) return; z = css_font_weight_parse(v->data); if (z != CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_UNKNOWN) s->font_weight = z; } void parse_height(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v) { if (v->type == NODE_IDENT && strcasecmp(v->data, "auto") == 0) s->height.height = CSS_HEIGHT_AUTO; else if (v->type == NODE_DIMENSION && parse_length(&s->height.length, v, true) == 0) s->height.height = CSS_HEIGHT_LENGTH; } void parse_line_height(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v) { if (v->type == NODE_IDENT && strcasecmp(v->data, "normal") == 0) { s->line_height.size = CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_ABSOLUTE; s->line_height.value.absolute = 1.0; } else if (v->type == NODE_PERCENTAGE) { s->line_height.size = CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_PERCENT; s->line_height.value.percent = atof(v->data); } else if (v->type == NODE_DIMENSION && parse_length(&s->line_height.value.length, v, true) == 0) { s->line_height.size = CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_LENGTH; } else if (v->type == NODE_NUMBER) { s->line_height.size = CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_ABSOLUTE; s->line_height.value.absolute = atof(v->data); } } void parse_text_align(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v) { css_text_align z; if (v->type != NODE_IDENT || v->next != 0) return; z = css_text_align_parse(v->data); if (z != CSS_TEXT_ALIGN_UNKNOWN) s->text_align = z; } void parse_width(struct css_style * const s, const struct node * const v) { if (v->type == NODE_IDENT && strcasecmp(v->data, "auto") == 0) s->width.width = CSS_WIDTH_AUTO; else if (v->type == NODE_PERCENTAGE) { s->width.width = CSS_WIDTH_PERCENT; s->width.value.percent = atof(v->data); } else if (v->type == NODE_DIMENSION && parse_length(&s->width.value.length, v, true) == 0) s->width.width = CSS_WIDTH_LENGTH; }