/** * $Id: fetch.c,v 1.6 2003/01/04 18:51:41 andrew Exp $ */ #include "libxml/HTMLparser.h" #include "netsurf/render/box.h" #include "netsurf/render/css.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/browser.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/netsurf.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/fetch.h" #include "netsurf/render/utils.h" #include "curl/curl.h" #include #include #include void fetch_identify_location(struct fetch* f, char* location, char* previous) { if (f->location != NULL) xfree(f->location); f->location = xstrdup(location); if (strspn(location, "file:/") == strlen("file:/")) f->type = fetch_FILE; else /* throw everything else at curl, since it can fetch lots of protocols */ f->type = fetch_CURL; } struct fetch* create_fetch(char* location, char* previous, fetch_flags f, struct fetch_request* r) { struct fetch* fetch = (struct fetch*) xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct fetch)); fetch_identify_location(fetch, location, previous); fetch->flags = f; fetch->status = fetch_STATUS_WAIT; fetch->bytes_fetched = 0; fetch->bytes_total = -1; fetch->request = r; fetch->start_time = time(&fetch->start_time); fetch->next = netsurf_fetches; netsurf_fetches = fetch; return fetch; } void fetch_destroy(struct fetch* f) { if (f == NULL) return; if (netsurf_fetches == f) netsurf_fetches = f->next; else { struct fetch* ff = netsurf_fetches; while (ff->next != f && ff->next != NULL) ff = ff->next; if (ff->next == f) ff->next = f->next; } xfree(f->location); xfree(f->request); xfree(f); } struct fetch* fetch_cancel(struct fetch* f) { if (f == NULL) return NULL; /* may need to contact server here */ f->status = fetch_DELETED; /* fetch may not necessarily be destroyed if the cancelling can't be done instantly */ return f; } void fetch_receive(struct fetch* f, int amount, char* bytes) { struct browser_message msg; f->bytes_fetched = f->bytes_fetched + amount; switch (f->request->type) { case REQUEST_FROM_BROWSER: msg.type = msg_FETCH_DATA; msg.f = f; msg.data.fetch_data.block = bytes; msg.data.fetch_data.block_size = amount; if (browser_window_message(f->request->requestor.browser, &msg) != 0) { fetch_cancel(f); return; } break; default: break; } if (f->bytes_fetched >= f->bytes_total && f->bytes_total != -1) { msg.type = msg_FETCH_FINISHED; msg.f = f; browser_window_message(f->request->requestor.browser, &msg); fetch_destroy(f); } return; } size_t fetch_curl_data(void * data, size_t size, size_t nmemb, struct fetch* f) { struct browser_message msg; msg.type = msg_FETCH_DATA; msg.f = f; msg.data.fetch_data.block = data; msg.data.fetch_data.block_size = size * nmemb; Log("fetch_poll","sending curl's FETCH_DATA to browser"); browser_window_message(f->request->requestor.browser, &msg); return size * nmemb; } struct fetch* fetch_poll(struct fetch* f) { struct fetch* ret = f; Log("fetch_poll","polling..."); if (f == NULL) { Log("fetch_poll","null fetch; returning"); return f; } if (f->type == fetch_DELETED) { ret = f->next; Log("fetch_poll", "deleting marked fetch"); fetch_destroy(f); Log("fetch_poll", "moving on..."); return fetch_poll(ret); } else if (f->type == fetch_CURL && f->status == fetch_STATUS_WAIT) { struct browser_message msg; CURL* curl; Log("fetch_poll","init curl"); curl = curl_easy_init(); Log("fetch_poll","init curl returned"); if (curl != 0) { Log("fetch_poll","init curl OK"); /* shouldn't assume this! somehow work it out instead. */ msg.type = msg_FETCH_FETCH_INFO; msg.f = f; msg.data.fetch_info.type = type_HTML; msg.data.fetch_info.total_size = -1; if (browser_window_message(f->request->requestor.browser, &msg) == 0) { Log("fetch_poll","about to set options"); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_URL, f->location); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, fetch_curl_data); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, f); curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "NetSurf/0.00 (alpha)"); Log("fetch_poll","about to perform"); curl_easy_perform(curl); Log("fetch_poll","about to cleanup"); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); Log("fetch_poll","cleanup finished"); msg.type = msg_FETCH_FINISHED; msg.f = f; Log("fetch_poll","sending FETCH_FINISHED to browser"); browser_window_message(f->request->requestor.browser, &msg); Log("fetch_poll","FETCH_FINISHED accepted"); ret = f->next; Log("fetch_poll","Destroying f"); fetch_destroy(f); Log("fetch_poll","Moving on..."); return fetch_poll(ret); } Log("fetch_poll","about to cleanup since requestor went funny"); curl_easy_cleanup(curl); Log("fetch_poll","Requesting browser didn't like something"); ret = f->next; Log("fetch_poll","Cancelling fetch"); f = fetch_cancel(f); return fetch_poll(ret); } Log("fetch_poll","we are aborting the mission"); msg.type = msg_FETCH_ABORT; msg.f = f; browser_window_message(f->request->requestor.browser, &msg); Log("fetch_poll","ABORT message sent to browser"); ret = f->next; fetch_destroy(f); return fetch_poll(ret); /* carry on polling */ } else if (f->type == fetch_FILE && f->status == fetch_STATUS_WAIT) { struct browser_message msg; char actual_filename[1024]; FILE* in; gui_file_to_filename(f->location, actual_filename, 1024); /* in = fopen("files","a"); fprintf(in, "%s\n%s\n\n",f->location, actual_filename); fclose(in);*/ in = fopen(actual_filename, "r"); if (in == NULL) { /* can't open file -- send abort to requestor, then destroy */ Log("fetch_poll","can't open file"); msg.type = msg_FETCH_ABORT; msg.f = f; browser_window_message(f->request->requestor.browser, &msg); Log("fetch_poll","ABORT message sent to browser"); ret = f->next; fetch_destroy(f); Log("fetch_poll","destroyed f; moving on"); return fetch_poll(ret); /* carry on polling */ } else { /* file opened successfully. now to send size and type to requestor, then the data, then finish. */ int size; /* calculate size */ Log("fetch_poll","calculating file size"); fseek(in, 0, SEEK_END); size = (int) ftell(in); fclose(in); /* send file info. (assuming HTML at the mo, but should work out what it is, somehow) */ msg.type = msg_FETCH_FETCH_INFO; msg.f = f; msg.data.fetch_info.type = type_HTML; msg.data.fetch_info.total_size = size; Log("fetch_poll","sending FETCH_INFO to browser"); if (browser_window_message(f->request->requestor.browser, &msg) == 0) { /* file info accepted. can now load the data and send it */ Log("fetch_poll","FETCH_INFO accepted"); f->status = fetch_STATUS_FETCH; /* load and send data */ msg.type = msg_FETCH_DATA; msg.f = f; msg.data.fetch_data.block = load(actual_filename); msg.data.fetch_data.block_size = size; Log("fetch_poll","sending FETCH_DATA to browser"); if (browser_window_message(f->request->requestor.browser, &msg) == 0) { xfree(msg.data.fetch_data.block); /* data accepted. no more data, so finish */ Log("fetch_poll","FETCH_DATA accepted"); f->status = fetch_STATUS_FINISH; /* send finish */ msg.type = msg_FETCH_FINISHED; msg.f = f; Log("fetch_poll","sending FETCH_FINISHED to browser"); browser_window_message(f->request->requestor.browser, &msg); Log("fetch_poll","FETCH_FINISHED accepted"); ret = f->next; Log("fetch_poll","Destroying f"); fetch_destroy(f); Log("fetch_poll","Moving on..."); return fetch_poll(ret); /* destroy this fetch, then move on to next fetch to poll */ } xfree(msg.data.fetch_data.block); } /* requestor didn't like something, and wants the fetch cancelled */ Log("fetch_poll","Requesting browser didn't like something"); ret = f->next; Log("fetch_poll","Cancelling fetch"); f = fetch_cancel(f); return fetch_poll(ret); } } Log("fetch_poll","Moving on (at end of function with f->next)"); f->next = fetch_poll(f->next); return f; }