/* * Copyright 2004, 2005 Richard Wilson * Copyright 2009 Paul Blokus * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "utils/nsoption.h" #include "content/content.h" #include "content/hlcache.h" #include "content/urldb.h" #include "desktop/browser.h" #include "desktop/hotlist.h" #include "desktop/hotlist_old.h" #include "desktop/plotters.h" #include "desktop/tree.h" #include "desktop/tree_url_node.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "utils/log.h" #define URL_CHUNK_LENGTH 512 static struct tree *hotlist_old_tree; static struct node *hotlist_old_tree_root; static bool creating_node; static hlcache_handle *folder_icon; static const struct { const char *url; const char *msg_key; } hotlist_old_default_entries[] = { { "http://www.netsurf-browser.org/", "HotlistHomepage" }, { "http://www.netsurf-browser.org/downloads/riscos/testbuilds", "HotlistTestBuild" }, { "http://www.netsurf-browser.org/documentation", "HotlistDocumentation" }, { "http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=464312&group_id=51719", "HotlistBugTracker" }, { "http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=464315&group_id=51719", "HotlistFeatureRequest" } }; #define hotlist_old_ENTRIES_COUNT (sizeof(hotlist_old_default_entries) / sizeof(hotlist_old_default_entries[0])) static node_callback_resp hotlist_old_node_callback(void *user_data, struct node_msg_data *msg_data) { struct node *node = msg_data->node; const char *text; char *norm_text; bool is_folder = tree_node_is_folder(node); bool cancelled = false; switch (msg_data->msg) { case NODE_ELEMENT_EDIT_CANCELLED: cancelled = true; /* fall through */ case NODE_ELEMENT_EDIT_FINISHED: if (creating_node && !cancelled && (is_folder == false) && (msg_data->flag == TREE_ELEMENT_TITLE)) { tree_url_node_edit_url(hotlist_old_tree, node); } else { creating_node = false; } return NODE_CALLBACK_HANDLED; case NODE_ELEMENT_EDIT_FINISHING: if (creating_node && (is_folder == false)) return tree_url_node_callback(hotlist_old_tree, msg_data); if (is_folder == true) { text = msg_data->data.text; while (isspace(*text)) text++; norm_text = strdup(text); if (norm_text == NULL) { LOG(("malloc failed")); warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return NODE_CALLBACK_REJECT; } /* don't allow zero length entry text, return false */ if (norm_text[0] == '\0') { warn_user("NoNameError", 0); msg_data->data.text = NULL; return NODE_CALLBACK_CONTINUE; } msg_data->data.text = norm_text; } break; case NODE_DELETE_ELEMENT_IMG: return NODE_CALLBACK_HANDLED; default: if (is_folder == false) return tree_url_node_callback(hotlist_old_tree, msg_data); } return NODE_CALLBACK_NOT_HANDLED; } /* exported interface documented in hotlist.h */ bool hotlist_old_initialise(struct tree *tree, const char *hotlist_path, const char* folder_icon_name) { struct node *node; const struct url_data *url_data; int hlst_loop; /* Either load or create a hotlist */ creating_node = false; folder_icon = tree_load_icon(folder_icon_name); tree_url_node_init(folder_icon_name); if (tree == NULL) return false; hotlist_old_tree = tree; hotlist_old_tree_root = tree_get_root(hotlist_old_tree); if (tree_urlfile_load(hotlist_path, hotlist_old_tree, hotlist_old_node_callback, NULL)) { return true; } /* failed to load hotlist file, use default list */ node = tree_create_folder_node(hotlist_old_tree, hotlist_old_tree_root, messages_get("NetSurf"), true, false, false); if (node == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get_errorcode(NSERROR_NOMEM), 0); return false; } tree_set_node_user_callback(node, hotlist_old_node_callback, NULL); tree_set_node_icon(hotlist_old_tree, node, folder_icon); for (hlst_loop = 0; hlst_loop != hotlist_old_ENTRIES_COUNT; hlst_loop++) { nsurl *url; if (nsurl_create(hotlist_old_default_entries[hlst_loop].url, &url) != NSERROR_OK) { return false; } url_data = urldb_get_url_data(url); if (url_data == NULL) { urldb_add_url(url); urldb_set_url_persistence(url, true); url_data = urldb_get_url_data(url); } if (url_data != NULL) { tree_create_URL_node(hotlist_old_tree, node, url, messages_get(hotlist_old_default_entries[hlst_loop].msg_key), hotlist_old_node_callback, NULL); tree_update_URL_node(hotlist_old_tree, node, url, url_data); } nsurl_unref(url); } return true; } /** * Get flags with which the hotlist tree should be created; * * \return the flags */ unsigned int hotlist_old_get_tree_flags(void) { return TREE_MOVABLE | TREE_HOTLIST; } /** * Deletes the global history tree and saves the hotlist. * \param hotlist_path the path where the hotlist should be saved */ void hotlist_old_cleanup(const char *hotlist_path) { LOG(("Exporting hotlist...")); hotlist_old_export(hotlist_path); LOG(("Releasing handles...")); hlcache_handle_release(folder_icon); LOG(("Clearing hotlist tree nodes...")); tree_url_node_cleanup(); LOG(("Hotlist cleaned up.")); } /** * Informs the hotlist that some content has been visited. Internal procedure. * * \param content the content visited * \param node the node to update siblings and children of */ static void hotlist_old_visited_internal(hlcache_handle *content, struct node *node) { struct node *child; const char *text; const char *url; nsurl *nsurl; if (content == NULL || hlcache_handle_get_url(content) == NULL || hotlist_old_tree == NULL) return; nsurl = hlcache_handle_get_url(content); url = nsurl_access(nsurl); for (; node; node = tree_node_get_next(node)) { if (!tree_node_is_folder(node)) { text = tree_url_node_get_url(node); if (strcmp(text, url) == 0) { tree_update_URL_node(hotlist_old_tree, node, nsurl, NULL); } } child = tree_node_get_child(node); if (child != NULL) { hotlist_old_visited_internal(content, child); } } } /** * Informs the hotlist that some content has been visited * * \param content the content visited */ void hotlist_old_visited(hlcache_handle *content) { if (hotlist_old_tree != NULL) { hotlist_old_visited_internal(content, tree_get_root(hotlist_old_tree)); } } /** * Save the hotlist in a human-readable form under the given location. * * \param path the path where the hotlist will be saved */ bool hotlist_old_export(const char *path) { return tree_urlfile_save(hotlist_old_tree, path, "NetSurf hotlist"); } /** * Edit the node which is currently selected. Works only if one node is * selected. */ void hotlist_old_edit_selected(void) { struct node *node; struct node_element *element; node = tree_get_selected_node(hotlist_old_tree_root); if (node != NULL) { creating_node = true; element = tree_node_find_element(node, TREE_ELEMENT_TITLE, NULL); tree_start_edit(hotlist_old_tree, element); } } /** * Delete nodes which are currently selected. */ void hotlist_old_delete_selected(void) { tree_delete_selected_nodes(hotlist_old_tree, hotlist_old_tree_root); } /** * Select all nodes in the tree. */ void hotlist_old_select_all(void) { tree_set_node_selected(hotlist_old_tree, hotlist_old_tree_root, true, true); } /** * Unselect all nodes. */ void hotlist_old_clear_selection(void) { tree_set_node_selected(hotlist_old_tree, hotlist_old_tree_root, true, false); } /** * Expand grouping folders and history entries. */ void hotlist_old_expand_all(void) { tree_set_node_expanded(hotlist_old_tree, hotlist_old_tree_root, true, true, true); } /** * Expand grouping folders only. */ void hotlist_old_expand_directories(void) { tree_set_node_expanded(hotlist_old_tree, hotlist_old_tree_root, true, true, false); } /** * Expand history entries only. */ void hotlist_old_expand_addresses(void) { tree_set_node_expanded(hotlist_old_tree, hotlist_old_tree_root, true, false, true); } /** * Collapse grouping folders and history entries. */ void hotlist_old_collapse_all(void) { tree_set_node_expanded(hotlist_old_tree, hotlist_old_tree_root, false, true, true); } /** * Collapse grouping folders only. */ void hotlist_old_collapse_directories(void) { tree_set_node_expanded(hotlist_old_tree, hotlist_old_tree_root, false, true, false); } /** * Collapse history entries only. */ void hotlist_old_collapse_addresses(void) { tree_set_node_expanded(hotlist_old_tree, hotlist_old_tree_root, false, false, true); } /** * Add a folder node. * * \param selected create the folder in the currently-selected node */ void hotlist_old_add_folder(bool selected) { struct node *node, *parent = NULL; creating_node = true; if (selected == true) { parent = tree_get_selected_node(tree_get_root(hotlist_old_tree)); if (parent && (tree_node_is_folder(parent) == false)) { parent = tree_node_get_parent(parent); } } if (parent == NULL) { parent = tree_get_default_folder_node(hotlist_old_tree); } node = tree_create_folder_node(hotlist_old_tree, parent, messages_get("Untitled"), true, false, false); if (node == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get_errorcode(NSERROR_NOMEM), 0); return; } tree_set_node_user_callback(node, hotlist_old_node_callback, NULL); tree_set_node_icon(hotlist_old_tree, node, folder_icon); tree_start_edit(hotlist_old_tree, tree_node_find_element(node, TREE_ELEMENT_TITLE, NULL)); } /** * Add an entry node. * * \param selected add the entry in the currently-selected node */ void hotlist_old_add_entry(bool selected) { struct node *node; struct node *parent = NULL; nsurl *url; creating_node = true; if (selected == true) { parent = tree_get_selected_node(tree_get_root(hotlist_old_tree)); if (parent && (tree_node_is_folder(parent) == false)) { parent = tree_node_get_parent(parent); } } if (parent == NULL) { parent = tree_get_default_folder_node(hotlist_old_tree); } if (nsurl_create("http://netsurf-browser.org/", &url) != NSERROR_OK) return; node = tree_create_URL_node(hotlist_old_tree, parent, url, "Untitled", hotlist_old_node_callback, NULL); nsurl_unref(url); if (node == NULL) return; tree_set_node_user_callback(node, hotlist_old_node_callback, NULL); tree_url_node_edit_title(hotlist_old_tree, node); } /** * Adds the currently viewed page to the hotlist */ void hotlist_old_add_page(const char *url) { const struct url_data *data; struct node *node, *parent; nsurl *nsurl; if (url == NULL) return; if (nsurl_create(url, &nsurl) != NSERROR_OK) return; data = urldb_get_url_data(nsurl); if (data == NULL) return; parent = tree_get_default_folder_node(hotlist_old_tree); node = tree_create_URL_node(hotlist_old_tree, parent, nsurl, NULL, hotlist_old_node_callback, NULL); tree_update_URL_node(hotlist_old_tree, node, nsurl, data); /* Update new hotlist */ if (nsoption_bool(temp_treeview_test) != false) hotlist_add_url(nsurl); nsurl_unref(nsurl); } /** * Adds the currently viewed page to the hotlist at the given co-ordinates * \param url url of the page * \param x X cooridinate with respect to tree origin * \param y Y cooridinate with respect to tree origin */ void hotlist_old_add_page_xy(const char *url, int x, int y) { const struct url_data *data; struct node *link, *node; bool before; nsurl *nsurl; if (url == NULL) return; if (nsurl_create(url, &nsurl) != NSERROR_OK) return; data = urldb_get_url_data(nsurl); if (data == NULL) { urldb_add_url(nsurl); urldb_set_url_persistence(nsurl, true); data = urldb_get_url_data(nsurl); } if (data != NULL) { link = tree_get_link_details(hotlist_old_tree, x, y, &before); node = tree_create_URL_node(NULL, NULL, nsurl, NULL, hotlist_old_node_callback, NULL); tree_link_node(hotlist_old_tree, link, node, before); } nsurl_unref(nsurl); } /** * Open the selected entries in separate browser windows. * * \param tabs open multiple entries in tabs in the new window */ void hotlist_old_launch_selected(bool tabs) { tree_launch_selected(hotlist_old_tree, tabs); } /** * Set the hotlist's default folder to the selected node. * * \param clear reset the default to tree root */ bool hotlist_old_set_default_folder(bool clear) { if (clear == true) { tree_clear_default_folder_node(hotlist_old_tree); return true; } else { return tree_set_default_folder_node(hotlist_old_tree, NULL); } }