/* * Copyright 2004-2008 James Bursa * Copyright 2008 Michael Drake * Copyright 2009 Paul Blokus * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** \file * Scroll widget (implementation). */ #include #include #include "desktop/mouse.h" #include "desktop/scroll.h" #include "desktop/plotters.h" #include "desktop/plot_style.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "utils/utils.h" struct scroll { bool horizontal; /* Horizontal scroll if true, vertical if false */ int length; /* Length of the scroll widget */ int scrolled_d; /* The dimension of the scrolled area */ int scrolled_vis; /* The visible part of the scrolled area */ int area_scroll; /* Scroll value of the scrolled area */ int bar_off; /* Offset of the scrollbar */ int bar_len; /* Length of the scrollbar */ scroll_client_callback client_callback; /* Callback receiving scroll events */ void *client_data; /* User data passed to the callback */ bool dragging; /* Flag indicating drag at progess */ int drag_start_coord; /* Coordinate value at drag start */ int drag_start_bar_off; /* Scrollbar offset at drag start */ bool reverse; /* Flag indicating that the scroll should move * in the opposite direction than the mouse does */ struct scroll *pair; /* Parpendicular scroll */ bool pair_drag; /* Flag indicating that the current drag affects also the pair scroll */ }; /** Overflow scrollbar colours * * Overflow scrollbar colours can be set by front end code to try to match * scrollbar colours used on the desktop. * * If a front end doesn't set scrollbar colours, these defaults are used. */ colour scroll_widget_fg_colour = 0x00d9d9d9; /* light grey */ colour scroll_widget_bg_colour = 0x006b6b6b; /* mid grey */ colour scroll_widget_arrow_colour = 0x00444444; /* dark grey */ static void scroll_drag_start_internal(struct scroll *scroll, int x, int y, bool reverse, bool pair); /** * Create a scroll. * * \param horizontal true for a horizontal scrollbar false for a * vertical one * \param length full length of the scroll widget * \param scrolled_dimension full length of the scrolled area * \param scrolled_visible length of the visible part of the scrolled area * \param client_data data for the client callback * \param client_callback client callback for scroll events * \param scroll_pt gets updated to point at the newly created * scroll * \return true if the scroll has been created succesfully * or false on memory exhaustion */ bool scroll_create(bool horizontal, int length, int scrolled_dimension, int scrolled_visible, void *client_data, scroll_client_callback client_callback, struct scroll **scroll_pt) { struct scroll *scroll; int well_length; scroll = malloc(sizeof(struct scroll)); if (scroll == NULL) { LOG(("malloc failed")); warn_user("NoMemory", 0); *scroll_pt = NULL; return false; } scroll->horizontal = horizontal; scroll->length = length; scroll->scrolled_d = scrolled_dimension; scroll->scrolled_vis = scrolled_visible; scroll->area_scroll = 0; scroll->bar_off = 0; scroll->reverse = false; scroll->pair = NULL; scroll->pair_drag = false; well_length = length - 2 * SCROLLBAR_WIDTH; scroll->bar_len = (well_length * scrolled_visible) / scrolled_dimension; scroll->client_callback = client_callback; scroll->client_data = client_data; scroll->dragging = false; *scroll_pt = scroll; return true; } /** * Destroy a scroll. * * \param scroll the scroll to be destroyed */ void scroll_destroy(struct scroll *scroll) { if (scroll->pair != NULL) scroll->pair->pair = NULL; free(scroll); } /** * Draw an outline rectangle common to a few of scroll elements. * * \param x0 left border of the outline * \param y0 top border of the outline * \param x1 right border of the outline * \param y1 bottom border of the outline * \param c base colour of the outline, the other colours are created by * lightening or darkening this one * \param inset true for inset outline, false for an outset one * \return */ static inline bool scroll_redraw_scrollbar_rectangle( int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, colour c, bool inset) { static plot_style_t c0 = { .stroke_type = PLOT_OP_TYPE_SOLID, .stroke_width = 1, }; static plot_style_t c1 = { .stroke_type = PLOT_OP_TYPE_SOLID, .stroke_width = 1, }; static plot_style_t c2 = { .stroke_type = PLOT_OP_TYPE_SOLID, .stroke_width = 1, }; if (inset) { c0.stroke_colour = darken_colour(c); c1.stroke_colour = lighten_colour(c); } else { c0.stroke_colour = lighten_colour(c); c1.stroke_colour = darken_colour(c); } c2.stroke_colour = blend_colour(c0.stroke_colour, c1.stroke_colour); if (!plot.line(x0, y0, x1, y0, &c0)) return false; if (!plot.line(x1, y0, x1, y1 + 1, &c1)) return false; if (!plot.line(x1, y0, x1, y0 + 1, &c2)) return false; if (!plot.line(x1, y1, x0, y1, &c1)) return false; if (!plot.line(x0, y1, x0, y0, &c0)) return false; if (!plot.line(x0, y1, x0, y1 + 1, &c2)) return false; return true; } /** * Redraw a part of the scroll. * * \param scroll the scroll to be redrawn * \param x the X coordinate to draw the scroll at * \param y the Y coordinate to draw the scroll at * \param clip_x0 minimum x of the clipping rectangle * \param clip_y0 minimum y of the clipping rectangle * \param clip_x1 maximum x of the clipping rectangle * \param clip_y1 maximum y of the clipping rectangle * \param scale scale for the redraw * \return true on succes false otherwise */ bool scroll_redraw(struct scroll *scroll, int x, int y, struct rect *clip, float scale) { int w = SCROLLBAR_WIDTH; int well_length, bar_off, bar_c0, bar_c1; int v[6]; /* array of triangle vertices */ int x0, y0, x1, y1; plot_style_t pstyle_scroll_widget_bg_colour = { .fill_type = PLOT_OP_TYPE_SOLID, .fill_colour = scroll_widget_bg_colour, }; plot_style_t pstyle_scroll_widget_fg_colour = { .fill_type = PLOT_OP_TYPE_SOLID, .fill_colour = scroll_widget_fg_colour, }; plot_style_t pstyle_scroll_widget_arrow_colour = { .fill_type = PLOT_OP_TYPE_SOLID, .fill_colour = scroll_widget_arrow_colour, }; well_length = scroll->length - 2 * SCROLLBAR_WIDTH; x0 = x; y0 = y; x1 = x + (scroll->horizontal ? scroll->length : SCROLLBAR_WIDTH) - 1; y1 = y + (scroll->horizontal ? SCROLLBAR_WIDTH : scroll->length) - 1; bar_off = scroll->bar_off; bar_c1 = (scroll->horizontal ? x0 : y0) + SCROLLBAR_WIDTH + scroll->bar_off + scroll->bar_len - 1; if (scale != 1.0) { w *= scale; well_length *= scale; x0 *= scale; y0 *= scale; x1 *= scale; y1 *= scale; bar_off *= scale; bar_c1 *= scale; } bar_c0 = (scroll->horizontal ? x0 : y0) + w + bar_off; if (x1 < clip->x0 || y1 < clip->y0 || clip->x1 < x0 || clip->y1 < y0) /* scrollbar is outside the clipping rectangle, nothing to * render */ return true; if (scroll->horizontal) { /* scroll is horizontal */ /* scrollbar outline */ if (!scroll_redraw_scrollbar_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, scroll_widget_bg_colour, true)) return false; /* left arrow icon border */ if (!scroll_redraw_scrollbar_rectangle(x0 + 1, y0 + 1, x0 + w - 2, y1 - 1, scroll_widget_fg_colour, false)) return false; /* left arrow icon background */ if (!plot.rectangle(x0 + 2, y0 + 2, x0 + w - 2, y1 - 1, &pstyle_scroll_widget_fg_colour)) return false; /* left arrow */ v[0] = x0 + w / 4; v[1] = y0 + w / 2; v[2] = x0 + w * 3 / 4; v[3] = y0 + w / 4; v[4] = x0 + w * 3 / 4; v[5] = y0 + w * 3 / 4; if (!plot.polygon(v, 3, &pstyle_scroll_widget_arrow_colour)) return false; /* scroll well background */ if (!plot.rectangle(x0 + w - 1, y0 + 1, x1 - w + 2, y1, &pstyle_scroll_widget_bg_colour)) return false; /* scroll position indicator bar */ if (!scroll_redraw_scrollbar_rectangle(bar_c0, y0 + 1, bar_c1, y1 - 1, scroll_widget_fg_colour, false)) return false; if (!plot.rectangle(bar_c0 + 1, y0 + 2, bar_c1, y1 - 1, &pstyle_scroll_widget_fg_colour)) return false; /* right arrow icon border */ if (!scroll_redraw_scrollbar_rectangle(x1 - w + 2, y0 + 1, x1 - 1, y1 - 1, scroll_widget_fg_colour, false)) return false; /* right arrow icon background */ if (!plot.rectangle(x1 - w + 3, y0 + 2, x1 - 1, y1 - 1, &pstyle_scroll_widget_fg_colour)) return false; /* right arrow */ v[0] = x1 - w / 4 + 1; v[1] = y0 + w / 2; v[2] = x1 - w * 3 / 4 + 1; v[3] = y0 + w / 4; v[4] = x1 - w * 3 / 4 + 1; v[5] = y0 + w * 3 / 4; if (!plot.polygon(v, 3, &pstyle_scroll_widget_arrow_colour)) return false; } else { /* scroll is vertical */ /* outline */ if (!scroll_redraw_scrollbar_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, scroll_widget_bg_colour, true)) return false; /* top arrow background */ if (!scroll_redraw_scrollbar_rectangle(x0 + 1, y0 + 1, x1 - 1, y0 + w - 2, scroll_widget_fg_colour, false)) return false; if (!plot.rectangle(x0 + 2, y0 + 2, x1 - 1, y0 + w - 2, &pstyle_scroll_widget_fg_colour)) return false; /* up arrow */ v[0] = x0 + w / 2; v[1] = y0 + w / 4; v[2] = x0 + w / 4; v[3] = y0 + w * 3 / 4; v[4] = x0 + w * 3 / 4; v[5] = y0 + w * 3 / 4; if (!plot.polygon(v, 3, &pstyle_scroll_widget_arrow_colour)) return false; /* scroll well background */ if (!plot.rectangle(x0 + 1, y0 + w - 1, x1, y1 - w + 2, &pstyle_scroll_widget_bg_colour)) return false; /* scroll position indicator bar */ if (!scroll_redraw_scrollbar_rectangle(x0 + 1, bar_c0, x1 - 1, bar_c1, scroll_widget_fg_colour, false)) return false; if (!plot.rectangle(x0 + 2, bar_c0 + 1, x1 - 1, bar_c1, &pstyle_scroll_widget_fg_colour)) return false; /* bottom arrow background */ if (!scroll_redraw_scrollbar_rectangle(x0 + 1, y1 - w + 2, x1 - 1, y1 - 1, scroll_widget_fg_colour, false)) return false; if (!plot.rectangle(x0 + 2, y1 - w + 3, x1 - 1, y1 - 1, &pstyle_scroll_widget_fg_colour)) return false; /* down arrow */ v[0] = x0 + w / 2; v[1] = y1 - w / 4 + 1; v[2] = x0 + w / 4; v[3] = y1 - w * 3 / 4 + 1; v[4] = x0 + w * 3 / 4; v[5] = y1 - w * 3 / 4 + 1; if (!plot.polygon(v, 3, &pstyle_scroll_widget_arrow_colour)) return false; } return true; } /** * Set the value of the scroll. * * \param scroll the scroll to have the value set * \param scroll_val the new value to be set * \param bar true if the value is for the scroll indication bar * offset, false if it is for the scrolled area one */ void scroll_set(struct scroll *scroll, int scroll_val, bool bar) { int well_length; struct scroll_msg_data msg; if (scroll_val < 0) scroll_val = 0; if (scroll->scrolled_d == scroll->scrolled_vis) return; well_length = scroll->length - 2 * SCROLLBAR_WIDTH; if (bar) { if (scroll_val > well_length - scroll->bar_len) scroll->bar_off = well_length - scroll->bar_len; else scroll->bar_off = scroll_val; scroll->area_scroll = ((scroll->scrolled_d - scroll->scrolled_vis) * (scroll->bar_off)) / (well_length - scroll->bar_len); } else { if (scroll_val > scroll->scrolled_d - scroll->scrolled_vis) scroll->area_scroll = scroll->scrolled_d - scroll->scrolled_vis; else scroll->area_scroll = scroll_val; scroll->bar_off = (well_length * scroll->area_scroll) / scroll->scrolled_d; } msg.scroll = scroll; msg.msg = SCROLL_MSG_MOVED; msg.new_scroll = scroll->area_scroll; scroll->client_callback(scroll->client_data, &msg); msg.msg = SCROLL_MSG_REDRAW; msg.x0 = scroll->horizontal ? SCROLLBAR_WIDTH - 1: 0; msg.y0 = scroll->horizontal ? 0 : SCROLLBAR_WIDTH - 1; msg.x1 = (scroll->horizontal ? scroll->length - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH + 1: SCROLLBAR_WIDTH); msg.y1 = (scroll->horizontal ? SCROLLBAR_WIDTH : scroll->length - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH + 1); scroll->client_callback(scroll->client_data, &msg); } /** * Get the scroll offset for the visible part of the scrolled area. * * \param scroll the scroll to get the value from * \return scroll offset for the scrolled area */ int scroll_get_offset(struct scroll *scroll) { if (scroll == NULL) return 0; return scroll->area_scroll; } /** * Set the length of the scroll and the visible or scrolled part of the scrolled * area. * * \param scroll the scroll to set the values for * \param length -1 or the new scroll length to be set * \param scrolled_visible -1 or the new value of the visible part of the * scrolled area to be set * \param scrolled_dimension -1 or the new dimension of the scrolled content */ void scroll_set_extents(struct scroll *scroll, int length, int scrolled_visible, int scrolled_dimension) { int well_length; if (length != -1) scroll->length = length; if (scrolled_visible != -1) scroll->scrolled_vis = scrolled_visible; if (scrolled_dimension != -1) scroll->scrolled_d = scrolled_dimension; well_length = length - 2 * SCROLLBAR_WIDTH; scroll->bar_len = (well_length * scrolled_visible) / scroll->scrolled_d; scroll->bar_off = (well_length * scroll->area_scroll) / scroll->scrolled_d; } /** * Check the orientation of the scroll. * * \param scroll the scroll to check the orientation of * \return true for a horizontal scroll, false for a vertical one */ bool scroll_is_horizontal(struct scroll *scroll) { return scroll->horizontal; } /** * Handle mouse actions other then drag ends. * * \param scroll the scroll which gets the mouse action * \param mouse mouse state * \param x X coordinate of the mouse * \param y Y coordinate of the mouse * \return message for the status bar or NULL on failure */ const char *scroll_mouse_action(struct scroll *scroll, browser_mouse_state mouse, int x, int y) { int x0, y0, x1, y1; int val; const char *status; bool h; /* we want mouse presses and mouse drags that were not started at * the scroll indication bar to be launching actions on the scroll area */ bool but1 = ((mouse & BROWSER_MOUSE_PRESS_1) || ((mouse & BROWSER_MOUSE_HOLDING_1) && (mouse & BROWSER_MOUSE_DRAG_ON) && !scroll->dragging)); bool but2 = ((mouse & BROWSER_MOUSE_PRESS_2) || ((mouse & BROWSER_MOUSE_HOLDING_2) && (mouse & BROWSER_MOUSE_DRAG_ON) && !scroll->dragging)); h = scroll->horizontal; x0 = 0; y0 = 0; x1 = h ? scroll->length : SCROLLBAR_WIDTH; y1 = h ? SCROLLBAR_WIDTH : scroll->length; if (!scroll->dragging && !(x >= x0 && x <= x1 && y >= y0 && y <= y1)) { /* Not a drag and mouse outside scroll widget */ return NULL; } if (h) val = x; else val = y; if (scroll->dragging) { val -= scroll->drag_start_coord; if (scroll->reverse) val = -val; if (val != 0) scroll_set(scroll, scroll->drag_start_bar_off + val, true); if (scroll->pair_drag) { scroll_mouse_action(scroll->pair, mouse, x, y); status = messages_get("ScrollBoth"); } else status = messages_get(h ? "ScrollH" : "ScrollV"); return status; } if (val < SCROLLBAR_WIDTH) { /* left/up arrow */ status = messages_get(h ? "ScrollLeft" : "ScrollUp"); if (but1) scroll_set(scroll, scroll->bar_off - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, true); else if (but2) scroll_set(scroll, scroll->bar_off + SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, true); } else if (val < SCROLLBAR_WIDTH + scroll->bar_off) { /* well between left/up arrow and bar */ status = messages_get(h ? "ScrollPLeft" : "ScrollPUp"); if (but1) scroll_set(scroll, scroll->area_scroll - scroll->length, false); else if (but2) scroll_set(scroll, scroll->area_scroll + scroll->length, false); } else if (val > scroll->length - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH) { /* right/down arrow */ status = messages_get(h ? "ScrollRight" : "ScrollDown"); if (but1) scroll_set(scroll, scroll->bar_off + SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, true); else if (but2) scroll_set(scroll, scroll->bar_off - SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, true); } else if (val > SCROLLBAR_WIDTH + scroll->bar_off + scroll->bar_len) { /* well between right/down arrow and bar */ status = messages_get(h ? "ScrollPRight" : "ScrollPDown"); if (but1) scroll_set(scroll, scroll->area_scroll + scroll->length, false); else if (but2) scroll_set(scroll, scroll->area_scroll - scroll->length, false); } else { /* scroll indication bar */ status = messages_get(h ? "ScrollH" : "ScrollV"); } if (mouse & (BROWSER_MOUSE_DRAG_1 | BROWSER_MOUSE_DRAG_2) && (val >= SCROLLBAR_WIDTH + scroll->bar_off && val < SCROLLBAR_WIDTH + scroll->bar_off + scroll->bar_len)) /* The mouse event is a drag start and takes place at the scroll * indication bar. */ scroll_drag_start_internal(scroll, x, y, false, (mouse & BROWSER_MOUSE_DRAG_2) ? true : false); return status; } /** * Internal procedure used for staring a drag scroll for a scrollbar. * * \param scroll the scroll to start the drag for * \param x the X coordinate of the drag start * \param y the Y coordinate of the drag start * \param reverse whether this should be a reverse drag(used when the user * drags the content and the scrolls have to adjust) * \param pair whether the drag should start for the pair scroll too */ void scroll_drag_start_internal(struct scroll *scroll, int x, int y, bool reverse, bool pair) { struct scroll_msg_data msg; scroll->drag_start_coord = scroll->horizontal ? x : y; scroll->drag_start_bar_off = scroll->bar_off; scroll->dragging = true; scroll->reverse = reverse; msg.scroll = scroll; /* \todo - some proper numbers please! */ if (scroll->horizontal) { msg.x0 = -1024; msg.x1 = 1024; msg.y0 = 0; msg.y1 = 0; } else { msg.x0 = 0; msg.x1 = 0; msg.y0 = -1024; msg.y1 = 1024; } if (pair && scroll->pair != NULL) { scroll->pair_drag = true; scroll->pair->drag_start_coord = scroll->pair->horizontal ? x : y; scroll->pair->drag_start_bar_off = scroll->pair->bar_off; scroll->pair->dragging = true; scroll->pair->reverse = reverse; if (scroll->pair->horizontal) { msg.x0 = -1024; msg.x1 = 1024; } else { msg.y0 = -1024; msg.y1 = 1024; } } msg.msg = SCROLL_MSG_SCROLL_START; scroll->client_callback(scroll->client_data, &msg); } /** * Handle end of mouse drags. * * \param scroll the scroll for which the drag ends * \param mouse mouse state * \param x X coordinate of the mouse * \param y Y coordinate of the mouse */ void scroll_mouse_drag_end(struct scroll *scroll, browser_mouse_state mouse, int x, int y) { struct scroll_msg_data msg; int val; assert(scroll->dragging); val = (scroll->horizontal ? x : y) - scroll->drag_start_coord; if (scroll->reverse) val = -val; if (val != 0) scroll_set(scroll, scroll->drag_start_bar_off + val, true); scroll->dragging = false; scroll->reverse = false; if (scroll->pair_drag) { scroll->pair_drag = false; val = (scroll->pair->horizontal ? x : y) - scroll->pair->drag_start_coord; if (scroll->pair->reverse) val = -val; if (val != 0) scroll_set(scroll->pair, scroll->pair->drag_start_bar_off + val, true); scroll->pair->dragging = false; scroll->pair->reverse = false; } msg.scroll = scroll; msg.msg = SCROLL_MSG_SCROLL_FINISHED; scroll->client_callback(scroll->client_data, &msg); } /** * Called when the content, which is scrolled with some scrolls, is being * dragged so the scrolls have to adjust properly. If the content has both * scrolls and scroll_make_pair has beed called before only the one scroll which * will receive further mouse events has to be passed. * * \param scroll one of the the scrolls owned by the dragged content * \param x X coordinate of mouse during drag start * \param y Y coordinate of mouse during drag start */ void scroll_start_content_drag(struct scroll *scroll, int x, int y) { scroll_drag_start_internal(scroll, x, y, true, true); } /** * Connect a horizontal and a vertical scroll into a pair so that they * co-operate during 2D drags. * * \param horizontal_scroll the scroll used for horizontal scrolling * \param vertical_scroll the scroll used for vertical scrolling */ void scroll_make_pair(struct scroll *horizontal_scroll, struct scroll *vertical_scroll) { assert(horizontal_scroll->horizontal && !vertical_scroll->horizontal); horizontal_scroll->pair = vertical_scroll; vertical_scroll->pair = horizontal_scroll; } void *scroll_get_data(struct scroll *scroll) { return scroll->client_data; }