/* * Copyright 2008 Vincent Sanders * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/utf8.h" #include "desktop/plotters.h" #include "framebuffer/fb_gui.h" #include "framebuffer/fb_plotters.h" #include "framebuffer/fb_bitmap.h" #include "framebuffer/fb_font.h" static inline uint32_t * fb_32bpp_get_xy_loc(int x, int y) { return (uint32_t *)(framebuffer->ptr + (y * framebuffer->linelen) + (x << 2)); } static inline colour fb_32bpp_to_colour(uint32_t pixel) { return ((pixel & 0xFF) << 16) | ((pixel & 0xFF00)) | ((pixel & 0xFF0000) >> 16); } #define SIGN(x) ((x<0) ? -1 : ((x>0) ? 1 : 0)) static bool fb_32bpp_line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int width, colour c, bool dotted, bool dashed) { int w; uint32_t ent; uint32_t *pvideo; int x, y, i; int dx, dy, sdy; int dxabs, dyabs; if (y1 > fb_plot_ctx.y1) return true; if (y0 < fb_plot_ctx.y0) return true; ent = ((c & 0xff0000) >> 16) | (c & 0xff00) | ((c & 0xff) << 16); if (y0 == y1) { /* horizontal line special cased */ if (!fb_plotters_clip_rect_ctx(&x0, &y0, &x1, &y1)) return true; /* line outside clipping */ pvideo = fb_32bpp_get_xy_loc(x0, y0); w = x1 - x0; while (w-- > 0) { *(pvideo + w) = ent; } return true; } else { /* standard bresenham line */ if (!fb_plotters_clip_line_ctx(&x0, &y0, &x1, &y1)) return true; /* line outside clipping */ /* the horizontal distance of the line */ dx = x1 - x0; dxabs = abs (dx); /* the vertical distance of the line */ dy = y1 - y0; dyabs = abs (dy); sdy = dx ? SIGN(dy) * SIGN(dx) : SIGN(dy); if (dx >= 0) pvideo = fb_32bpp_get_xy_loc(x0, y0); else pvideo = fb_32bpp_get_xy_loc(x1, y1); x = dyabs >> 1; y = dxabs >> 1; if (dxabs >= dyabs) { /* the line is more horizontal than vertical */ for (i = 0; i <= dxabs; i++) { *pvideo = ent; pvideo++; y += dyabs; if (y >= dxabs) { y -= dxabs; pvideo += sdy * (framebuffer->linelen>>2); } } } else { /* the line is more vertical than horizontal */ for (i = 0; i <= dyabs; i++) { *pvideo = ent; pvideo += sdy * (framebuffer->linelen >> 2); x += dxabs; if (x >= dyabs) { x -= dyabs; pvideo++; } } } } return true; } static bool fb_32bpp_rectangle(int x0, int y0, int width, int height, int line_width, colour c, bool dotted, bool dashed) { fb_32bpp_line(x0, y0, x0 + width, y0, line_width, c, dotted, dashed); fb_32bpp_line(x0, y0 + height, x0 + width, y0 + height, line_width, c, dotted, dashed); fb_32bpp_line(x0, y0, x0, y0 + height, line_width, c, dotted, dashed); fb_32bpp_line(x0 + width, y0, x0 + width, y0 + height, line_width, c, dotted, dashed); return true; } static bool fb_32bpp_polygon(const int *p, unsigned int n, colour fill) { return fb_plotters_polygon(p, n, fill, fb_32bpp_line); } static bool fb_32bpp_fill(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, colour c) { int w; int y; uint32_t *pvid; uint32_t ent; if (!fb_plotters_clip_rect_ctx(&x0, &y0, &x1, &y1)) return true; /* fill lies outside current clipping region */ ent = ((c & 0xff0000) >> 16) | (c & 0xff00) | ((c & 0xff) << 16); pvid = fb_32bpp_get_xy_loc(x0, y0); for (y = y0; y < y1; y++) { w = x1 - x0; while (w-- > 0) { *(pvid + w) = ent; } pvid += (framebuffer->linelen >> 2); } return true; } static bool fb_32bpp_clg(colour c) { fb_32bpp_fill(fb_plot_ctx.x0, fb_plot_ctx.y0, fb_plot_ctx.x1, fb_plot_ctx.y1, c); return true; } #ifdef FB_USE_FREETYPE static bool fb_32bpp_draw_ft_monobitmap(FT_Bitmap *bp, int x, int y, colour c) { int height = bp->rows; int width = bp->width; uint32_t row; int xloop, yloop; uint32_t *pvideo; uint32_t fgcol; int x0,y0,x1,y1; int xoff, yoff; /* x and y offset into image */ unsigned char *fntd; if (width == 0) { LOG(("null width char!")); return false; } y+=1; /* the coord is the bottom-left of the pixels offset by 1 to make * it work since fb coords are the top-left of pixels */ /* The part of the text displayed is cropped to the current context. */ x0 = x; y0 = y; x1 = x + width; y1 = y + height; if (!fb_plotters_clip_rect_ctx(&x0, &y0, &x1, &y1)) { return true; /* text lies outside current clipping region */ } /* find width and height to plot */ if (height > (y1 - y0)) height = (y1 - y0); if (width > (x1 - x0)) width = (x1 - x0); xoff = x0 - x; yoff = y0 - y; fgcol = ((c & 0xff0000) >> 16) | (c & 0xff00) | ((c & 0xff) << 16); pvideo = fb_32bpp_get_xy_loc(x, y0); for (yloop = yoff; yloop < height; yloop++) { fntd = bp->buffer + (yloop * bp->pitch); for (xloop = 0; xloop < width ; xloop++) { if ((xloop % 8) == 0) { row = *fntd++; } if ((row & 0x80) != 0) { *(pvideo + xloop) = fgcol; } row = row << 1; } pvideo += (framebuffer->linelen >> 2); } return true; } static bool fb_32bpp_draw_ft_bitmap(FT_Bitmap *bp, int x, int y, colour c) { uint32_t *pvideo; uint8_t *pixel = (uint8_t *)bp->buffer; colour abpixel; /* alphablended pixel */ int xloop, yloop; int x0,y0,x1,y1; int xoff, yoff; /* x and y offset into image */ int height = bp->rows; int width = bp->width; uint32_t fgcol; /* The part of the scaled image actually displayed is cropped to the * current context. */ x0 = x; y0 = y; x1 = x + width; y1 = y + height; if (!fb_plotters_clip_rect_ctx(&x0, &y0, &x1, &y1)) return true; if (height > (y1 - y0)) height = (y1 - y0); if (width > (x1 - x0)) width = (x1 - x0); xoff = x0 - x; yoff = y0 - y; /* plot the image */ pvideo = fb_32bpp_get_xy_loc(x0, y0); fgcol = c & 0xFFFFFF; for (yloop = 0; yloop < height; yloop++) { for (xloop = 0; xloop < width; xloop++) { abpixel = (pixel[((yoff + yloop) * bp->pitch) + xloop + xoff] << 24) | fgcol; if ((abpixel & 0xFF000000) != 0) { /* pixel is not transparent */ if ((abpixel & 0xFF000000) != 0xFF) { abpixel = fb_plotters_ablend(abpixel, fb_32bpp_to_colour(*(pvideo + xloop))); } *(pvideo + xloop) = ((abpixel & 0xFF) << 16) | ((abpixel & 0xFF00)) | ((abpixel & 0xFF0000) >> 16); } } pvideo += (framebuffer->linelen >> 2); } return true; } static bool fb_32bpp_text(int x, int y, const struct css_style *style, const char *text, size_t length, colour bg, colour c) { uint32_t ucs4; size_t nxtchr = 0; FT_UInt glyph_index; FT_Face face = fb_get_face(style); FT_Error error; while (nxtchr < length) { ucs4 = utf8_to_ucs4(text + nxtchr, length - nxtchr); nxtchr = utf8_next(text, length, nxtchr); glyph_index = FT_Get_Char_Index(face, ucs4); error = FT_Load_Glyph(face, glyph_index, FT_LOAD_RENDER | FT_LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT | ft_load_type); if (error) continue; /* now, draw to our target surface */ if (face->glyph->bitmap.pixel_mode == FT_PIXEL_MODE_MONO) { fb_32bpp_draw_ft_monobitmap( &face->glyph->bitmap, x + face->glyph->bitmap_left, y - face->glyph->bitmap_top, c); } else { fb_32bpp_draw_ft_bitmap( &face->glyph->bitmap, x + face->glyph->bitmap_left, y - face->glyph->bitmap_top, c); } x += face->glyph->advance.x >> 6; } return true; } #else static bool fb_32bpp_text(int x, int y, const struct css_style *style, const char *text, size_t length, colour bg, colour c) { const struct fb_font_desc* fb_font = fb_get_font(style); const uint32_t *font_data; uint32_t row; int xloop, yloop; size_t chr; uint32_t *pvideo; uint32_t fgcol; unsigned char *buffer = NULL; int x0,y0,x1,y1; int xoff, yoff; /* x and y offset into image */ int height = fb_font->height; /* aquire thge text in local font encoding */ utf8_to_font_encoding(fb_font, text, length, (char**)&buffer); if (!buffer) return true; length = strlen((char *)buffer); /* y is given to the fonts baseline we need it to the fonts top */ y-=((fb_font->height * 75)/100); y+=1; /* the coord is the bottom-left of the pixels offset by 1 to make * it work since fb coords are the top-left of pixels */ /* The part of the text displayed is cropped to the current context. */ x0 = x; y0 = y; x1 = x + (fb_font->width * length); y1 = y + fb_font->height; if (!fb_plotters_clip_rect_ctx(&x0, &y0, &x1, &y1)) { free(buffer); return true; /* text lies outside current clipping region */ } /* find width and height to plot */ if (height > (y1 - y0)) height = (y1 - y0); xoff = x0 - x; yoff = y0 - y; fgcol = ((c & 0xff0000) >> 16) | (c & 0xff00) | ((c & 0xff) << 16); /*LOG(("x %d, y %d, style %p, txt %.*s , len %d, bg 0x%lx, fg 0x%lx", x,y,style,length,text,length,bg,c));*/ for (chr = 0; chr < length; chr++, x += fb_font->width) { if ((x + fb_font->width) > x1) break; if (x < x0) continue; pvideo = fb_32bpp_get_xy_loc(x, y0); /* move our font-data to the correct position */ font_data = fb_font->data + (buffer[chr] * fb_font->height); for (yloop = 0; yloop < height; yloop++) { row = font_data[yoff + yloop]; for (xloop = fb_font->width; xloop > 0 ; xloop--) { if ((row & 1) != 0) *(pvideo + xloop) = fgcol; row = row >> 1; } pvideo += (framebuffer->linelen >> 2); } } free(buffer); return true; } #endif static bool fb_32bpp_disc(int x, int y, int radius, colour c, bool filled) { LOG(("disc unimplemented")); return true; } static bool fb_32bpp_arc(int x, int y, int radius, int angle1, int angle2, colour c) { LOG(("arc unimplemented")); return true; } static inline colour ablend(colour pixel) { return pixel; } static bool fb_32bpp_bitmap(int x, int y, int width, int height, struct bitmap *bitmap, colour bg, struct content *content) { uint32_t *pvideo; colour *pixel = (colour *)bitmap->pixdata; colour abpixel; /* alphablended pixel */ int xloop, yloop; int x0,y0,x1,y1; int xoff, yoff; /* x and y offset into image */ /* LOG(("x %d, y %d, width %d, height %d, bitmap %p, content %p", x,y,width,height,bitmap,content));*/ /* TODO here we should scale the image from bitmap->width to width, for * now simply crop. */ if (width > bitmap->width) width = bitmap->width; if (height > bitmap->height) height = bitmap->height; /* The part of the scaled image actually displayed is cropped to the * current context. */ x0 = x; y0 = y; x1 = x + width; y1 = y + height; if (!fb_plotters_clip_rect_ctx(&x0, &y0, &x1, &y1)) return true; if (height > (y1 - y0)) height = (y1 - y0); if (width > (x1 - x0)) width = (x1 - x0); xoff = x0 - x; yoff = y0 - y; /* plot the image */ pvideo = fb_32bpp_get_xy_loc(x0, y0); for (yloop = 0; yloop < height; yloop++) { for (xloop = 0; xloop < width; xloop++) { abpixel = pixel[((yoff + yloop) * bitmap->width) + xloop + xoff]; if ((abpixel & 0xFF000000) != 0) { if ((abpixel & 0xFF000000) != 0xFF) { abpixel = fb_plotters_ablend(abpixel, fb_32bpp_to_colour(*(pvideo + xloop))); } *(pvideo + xloop) = ((abpixel & 0xFF) << 16) | ((abpixel & 0xFF00)) | ((abpixel & 0xFF0000) >> 16); } } pvideo += (framebuffer->linelen >> 2); } return true; } static bool fb_32bpp_bitmap_tile(int x, int y, int width, int height, struct bitmap *bitmap, colour bg, bool repeat_x, bool repeat_y, struct content *content) { return fb_plotters_bitmap_tile(x, y, width, height, bitmap, bg, repeat_x, repeat_y, content, fb_32bpp_bitmap); } static bool fb_32bpp_flush(void) { LOG(("flush unimplemnted")); return true; } static bool fb_32bpp_path(const float *p, unsigned int n, colour fill, float width, colour c, const float transform[6]) { LOG(("path unimplemented")); return true; } const struct plotter_table framebuffer_32bpp_plot = { .clg = fb_32bpp_clg, .rectangle = fb_32bpp_rectangle, .line = fb_32bpp_line, .polygon = fb_32bpp_polygon, .fill = fb_32bpp_fill, .clip = fb_clip, .text = fb_32bpp_text, .disc = fb_32bpp_disc, .arc = fb_32bpp_arc, .bitmap = fb_32bpp_bitmap, .bitmap_tile = fb_32bpp_bitmap_tile, .flush = fb_32bpp_flush, .path = fb_32bpp_path, .option_knockout = true, }; /* * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset:8 * End: */