/* * Copyright 2008 Vincent Sanders * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "desktop/gui.h" #include "desktop/mouse.h" #include "desktop/plotters.h" #include "desktop/netsurf.h" #include "desktop/options.h" #include "utils/filepath.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "utils/schedule.h" #include "utils/types.h" #include "utils/url.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "desktop/textinput.h" #include "render/form.h" #include "framebuffer/gui.h" #include "framebuffer/fbtk.h" #include "framebuffer/framebuffer.h" #include "framebuffer/schedule.h" #include "framebuffer/findfile.h" #include "framebuffer/image_data.h" #include "framebuffer/font.h" #include "content/urldb.h" #include "desktop/history_core.h" #include "content/fetch.h" #define NSFB_TOOLBAR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT "blfsrut" fbtk_widget_t *fbtk; struct gui_window *input_window = NULL; struct gui_window *search_current_window; struct gui_window *window_list = NULL; /* private data for browser user widget */ struct browser_widget_s { struct browser_window *bw; /**< The browser window connected to this gui window */ int scrollx, scrolly; /**< scroll offsets. */ /* Pending window redraw state. */ bool redraw_required; /**< flag indicating the foreground loop * needs to redraw the browser widget. */ bbox_t redraw_box; /**< Area requiring redraw. */ bool pan_required; /**< flag indicating the foreground loop * needs to pan the window. */ int panx, pany; /**< Panning required. */ }; /* queue a redraw operation, co-ordinates are relative to the window */ static void fb_queue_redraw(struct fbtk_widget_s *widget, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) { struct browser_widget_s *bwidget = fbtk_get_userpw(widget); bwidget->redraw_box.x0 = min(bwidget->redraw_box.x0, x0); bwidget->redraw_box.y0 = min(bwidget->redraw_box.y0, y0); bwidget->redraw_box.x1 = max(bwidget->redraw_box.x1, x1); bwidget->redraw_box.y1 = max(bwidget->redraw_box.y1, y1); if (fbtk_clip_to_widget(widget, &bwidget->redraw_box)) { bwidget->redraw_required = true; fbtk_request_redraw(widget); } else { bwidget->redraw_box.y0 = bwidget->redraw_box.x0 = INT_MAX; bwidget->redraw_box.y1 = bwidget->redraw_box.x1 = -(INT_MAX); bwidget->redraw_required = false; } } /* queue a window scroll */ static void widget_scroll_y(struct gui_window *gw, int y, bool abs) { struct browser_widget_s *bwidget = fbtk_get_userpw(gw->browser); int content_height; int height; float scale = gw->bw->scale; LOG(("window scroll")); if (abs) { bwidget->pany = y - bwidget->scrolly; } else { bwidget->pany += y; } content_height = content_get_height(gw->bw->current_content) * scale; height = fbtk_get_height(gw->browser); /* dont pan off the top */ if ((bwidget->scrolly + bwidget->pany) < 0) bwidget->pany = -bwidget->scrolly; /* do not pan off the bottom of the content */ if ((bwidget->scrolly + bwidget->pany) > (content_height - height)) bwidget->pany = (content_height - height) - bwidget->scrolly; if (bwidget->pany == 0) return; bwidget->pan_required = true; fbtk_request_redraw(gw->browser); fbtk_set_scroll_position(gw->vscroll, bwidget->scrolly + bwidget->pany); } /* queue a window scroll */ static void widget_scroll_x(struct gui_window *gw, int x, bool abs) { struct browser_widget_s *bwidget = fbtk_get_userpw(gw->browser); int content_width; int width; float scale = gw->bw->scale; if (abs) { bwidget->panx = x - bwidget->scrollx; } else { bwidget->panx += x; } content_width = content_get_width(gw->bw->current_content) * scale; width = fbtk_get_width(gw->browser); /* dont pan off the left */ if ((bwidget->scrollx + bwidget->panx) < 0) bwidget->panx = - bwidget->scrollx; /* do not pan off the right of the content */ if ((bwidget->scrollx + bwidget->panx) > (content_width - width)) bwidget->panx = (content_width - width) - bwidget->scrollx; if (bwidget->panx == 0) return; bwidget->pan_required = true; fbtk_request_redraw(gw->browser); fbtk_set_scroll_position(gw->hscroll, bwidget->scrollx + bwidget->panx); } static void fb_pan(fbtk_widget_t *widget, struct browser_widget_s *bwidget, struct browser_window *bw) { int x; int y; int width; int height; nsfb_bbox_t srcbox; nsfb_bbox_t dstbox; nsfb_t *nsfb = fbtk_get_nsfb(widget); height = fbtk_get_height(widget); width = fbtk_get_width(widget); LOG(("panning %d, %d", bwidget->panx, bwidget->pany)); x = fbtk_get_absx(widget); y = fbtk_get_absy(widget); /* if the pan exceeds the viewport size just redraw the whole area */ if (bwidget->pany > height || bwidget->pany < -height || bwidget->panx > width || bwidget->panx < -width) { bwidget->scrolly += bwidget->pany; bwidget->scrollx += bwidget->panx; fb_queue_redraw(widget, 0, 0, width, height); /* ensure we don't try to scroll again */ bwidget->panx = 0; bwidget->pany = 0; } if (bwidget->pany < 0) { /* pan up by less then viewport height */ srcbox.x0 = x; srcbox.y0 = y; srcbox.x1 = srcbox.x0 + width; srcbox.y1 = srcbox.y0 + height + bwidget->pany; dstbox.x0 = x; dstbox.y0 = y - bwidget->pany; dstbox.x1 = dstbox.x0 + width; dstbox.y1 = dstbox.y0 + height + bwidget->pany; /* move part that remains visible up */ nsfb_plot_copy(nsfb, &srcbox, nsfb, &dstbox); /* redraw newly exposed area */ bwidget->scrolly += bwidget->pany; fb_queue_redraw(widget, 0, 0, width, - bwidget->pany); } if (bwidget->pany > 0) { /* pan down by less then viewport height */ srcbox.x0 = x; srcbox.y0 = y + bwidget->pany; srcbox.x1 = srcbox.x0 + width; srcbox.y1 = srcbox.y0 + height - bwidget->pany; dstbox.x0 = x; dstbox.y0 = y; dstbox.x1 = dstbox.x0 + width; dstbox.y1 = dstbox.y0 + height - bwidget->pany; /* move part that remains visible down */ nsfb_plot_copy(nsfb, &srcbox, nsfb, &dstbox); /* redraw newly exposed area */ bwidget->scrolly += bwidget->pany; fb_queue_redraw(widget, 0, height - bwidget->pany, width, height); } if (bwidget->panx < 0) { /* pan left by less then viewport width */ srcbox.x0 = x; srcbox.y0 = y; srcbox.x1 = srcbox.x0 + width + bwidget->panx; srcbox.y1 = srcbox.y0 + height; dstbox.x0 = x - bwidget->panx; dstbox.y0 = y; dstbox.x1 = dstbox.x0 + width + bwidget->panx; dstbox.y1 = dstbox.y0 + height; /* move part that remains visible left */ nsfb_plot_copy(nsfb, &srcbox, nsfb, &dstbox); /* redraw newly exposed area */ bwidget->scrollx += bwidget->panx; fb_queue_redraw(widget, 0, 0, -bwidget->panx, height); } if (bwidget->panx > 0) { /* pan right by less then viewport width */ srcbox.x0 = x + bwidget->panx; srcbox.y0 = y; srcbox.x1 = srcbox.x0 + width - bwidget->panx; srcbox.y1 = srcbox.y0 + height; dstbox.x0 = x; dstbox.y0 = y; dstbox.x1 = dstbox.x0 + width - bwidget->panx; dstbox.y1 = dstbox.y0 + height; /* move part that remains visible right */ nsfb_plot_copy(nsfb, &srcbox, nsfb, &dstbox); /* redraw newly exposed area */ bwidget->scrollx += bwidget->panx; fb_queue_redraw(widget, width - bwidget->panx, 0, width, height); } bwidget->pan_required = false; bwidget->panx = 0; bwidget->pany = 0; } static void fb_redraw(fbtk_widget_t *widget, struct browser_widget_s *bwidget, struct browser_window *bw) { int x; int y; struct rect clip; struct redraw_context ctx = { .interactive = true, .background_images = true, .plot = &fb_plotters }; LOG(("%d,%d to %d,%d", bwidget->redraw_box.x0, bwidget->redraw_box.y0, bwidget->redraw_box.x1, bwidget->redraw_box.y1)); x = fbtk_get_absx(widget); y = fbtk_get_absy(widget); /* adjust clipping co-ordinates according to window location */ bwidget->redraw_box.y0 += y; bwidget->redraw_box.y1 += y; bwidget->redraw_box.x0 += x; bwidget->redraw_box.x1 += x; nsfb_claim(fbtk_get_nsfb(widget), &bwidget->redraw_box); /* redraw bounding box is relative to window */ clip.x0 = bwidget->redraw_box.x0; clip.y0 = bwidget->redraw_box.y0; clip.x1 = bwidget->redraw_box.x1; clip.y1 = bwidget->redraw_box.y1; browser_window_redraw(bw, (x - bwidget->scrollx) / bw->scale, (y - bwidget->scrolly) / bw->scale, &clip, &ctx); nsfb_update(fbtk_get_nsfb(widget), &bwidget->redraw_box); bwidget->redraw_box.y0 = bwidget->redraw_box.x0 = INT_MAX; bwidget->redraw_box.y1 = bwidget->redraw_box.x1 = INT_MIN; bwidget->redraw_required = false; } static int fb_browser_window_redraw(fbtk_widget_t *widget, fbtk_callback_info *cbi) { struct gui_window *gw = cbi->context; struct browser_widget_s *bwidget; bwidget = fbtk_get_userpw(widget); if (bwidget == NULL) { LOG(("browser widget from widget %p was null", widget)); return -1; } if (bwidget->pan_required) { fb_pan(widget, bwidget, gw->bw); } if (bwidget->redraw_required) { fb_redraw(widget, bwidget, gw->bw); } else { bwidget->redraw_box.x0 = 0; bwidget->redraw_box.y0 = 0; bwidget->redraw_box.x1 = fbtk_get_width(widget); bwidget->redraw_box.y1 = fbtk_get_height(widget); fb_redraw(widget, bwidget, gw->bw); } return 0; } static const char *fename; static int febpp; static int fewidth; static int feheight; static const char *feurl; static bool process_cmdline(int argc, char** argv) { int opt; LOG(("argc %d, argv %p", argc, argv)); fename = "sdl"; febpp = 32; if ((nsoption_int(window_width) != 0) && (nsoption_int(window_height) != 0)) { fewidth = nsoption_int(window_width); feheight = nsoption_int(window_height); } else { fewidth = 800; feheight = 600; } if ((nsoption_charp(homepage_url) != NULL) && (nsoption_charp(homepage_url)[0] != '\0')) { feurl = nsoption_charp(homepage_url); } else { feurl = NETSURF_HOMEPAGE; } while((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "f:b:w:h:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'f': fename = optarg; break; case 'b': febpp = atoi(optarg); break; case 'w': fewidth = atoi(optarg); break; case 'h': feheight = atoi(optarg); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [-f frontend] [-b bpp] url\n", argv[0]); return false; } } if (optind < argc) { feurl = argv[optind]; } return true; } static void gui_init(int argc, char** argv) { nsfb_t *nsfb; nsoption_set_bool(core_select_menu, true); if (nsoption_charp(cookie_file) == NULL) { nsoption_set_charp(cookie_file, strdup("~/.netsurf/Cookies")); LOG(("Using '%s' as Cookies file", nsoption_charp(cookie_file))); } if (nsoption_charp(cookie_jar) == NULL) { nsoption_set_charp(cookie_jar, strdup("~/.netsurf/Cookies")); LOG(("Using '%s' as Cookie Jar file", nsoption_charp(cookie_jar))); } if (nsoption_charp(cookie_file) == NULL || nsoption_charp(cookie_jar == NULL)) die("Failed initialising cookie options"); if (process_cmdline(argc,argv) != true) die("unable to process command line.\n"); nsfb = framebuffer_initialise(fename, fewidth, feheight, febpp); if (nsfb == NULL) die("Unable to initialise framebuffer"); framebuffer_set_cursor(&pointer_image); if (fb_font_init() == false) die("Unable to initialise the font system"); fbtk = fbtk_init(nsfb); fbtk_enable_oskb(fbtk); urldb_load_cookies(nsoption_charp(cookie_file)); } /** Entry point from OS. * * /param argc The number of arguments in the string vector. * /param argv The argument string vector. * /return The return code to the OS */ int main(int argc, char** argv) { struct browser_window *bw; char *options; char *messages; setbuf(stderr, NULL); respaths = fb_init_resource("${HOME}/.netsurf/:${NETSURFRES}:"NETSURF_FB_RESPATH":./framebuffer/res:"NETSURF_FB_FONTPATH); options = filepath_find(respaths, "Choices"); messages = filepath_find(respaths, "messages"); netsurf_init(&argc, &argv, options, messages); free(messages); free(options); gui_init(argc, argv); LOG(("calling browser_window_create")); bw = browser_window_create(feurl, 0, 0, true, false); netsurf_main_loop(); browser_window_destroy(bw); netsurf_exit(); return 0; } void gui_poll(bool active) { nsfb_event_t event; int timeout; /* timeout in miliseconds */ /* run the scheduler and discover how long to wait for the next event */ timeout = schedule_run(); /* if active do not wait for event, return immediately */ if (active) timeout = 0; /* if redraws are pending do not wait for event, return immediately */ if (fbtk_get_redraw_pending(fbtk)) timeout = 0; if (fbtk_event(fbtk, &event, timeout)) { if ((event.type == NSFB_EVENT_CONTROL) && (event.value.controlcode == NSFB_CONTROL_QUIT)) netsurf_quit = true; } fbtk_redraw(fbtk); } void gui_quit(void) { LOG(("gui_quit")); urldb_save_cookies(nsoption_charp(cookie_jar)); framebuffer_finalise(); } /* called back when click in browser window */ static int fb_browser_window_click(fbtk_widget_t *widget, fbtk_callback_info *cbi) { struct gui_window *gw = cbi->context; struct browser_widget_s *bwidget = fbtk_get_userpw(widget); float scale; if (cbi->event->type != NSFB_EVENT_KEY_DOWN && cbi->event->type != NSFB_EVENT_KEY_UP) return 0; LOG(("browser window clicked at %d,%d", cbi->x, cbi->y)); switch (cbi->event->type) { case NSFB_EVENT_KEY_DOWN: switch (cbi->event->value.keycode) { case NSFB_KEY_MOUSE_1: scale = gw->bw->scale; browser_window_mouse_click(gw->bw, BROWSER_MOUSE_PRESS_1, (cbi->x + bwidget->scrollx) / scale, (cbi->y + bwidget->scrolly) / scale); break; case NSFB_KEY_MOUSE_3: scale = gw->bw->scale; browser_window_mouse_click(gw->bw, BROWSER_MOUSE_PRESS_2, (cbi->x + bwidget->scrollx) / scale, (cbi->y + bwidget->scrolly) / scale); break; case NSFB_KEY_MOUSE_4: /* scroll up */ scale = gw->bw->scale; if (browser_window_scroll_at_point(gw->bw, (cbi->x + bwidget->scrollx) / scale, (cbi->y + bwidget->scrolly) / scale, 0, -100) == false) widget_scroll_y(gw, -100, false); break; case NSFB_KEY_MOUSE_5: /* scroll down */ scale = gw->bw->scale; if (browser_window_scroll_at_point(gw->bw, (cbi->x + bwidget->scrollx) / scale, (cbi->y + bwidget->scrolly) / scale, 0, 100) == false) widget_scroll_y(gw, 100, false); break; default: break; } break; case NSFB_EVENT_KEY_UP: switch (cbi->event->value.keycode) { case NSFB_KEY_MOUSE_1: scale = gw->bw->scale; browser_window_mouse_click(gw->bw, BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1, (cbi->x + bwidget->scrollx) / scale, (cbi->y + bwidget->scrolly) / scale); break; case NSFB_KEY_MOUSE_3: scale = gw->bw->scale; browser_window_mouse_click(gw->bw, BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_2, (cbi->x + bwidget->scrollx) / scale, (cbi->y + bwidget->scrolly) / scale); break; default: break; } break; default: break; } return 1; } /* called back when movement in browser window */ static int fb_browser_window_move(fbtk_widget_t *widget, fbtk_callback_info *cbi) { struct gui_window *gw = cbi->context; struct browser_widget_s *bwidget = fbtk_get_userpw(widget); browser_window_mouse_track(gw->bw, 0, (cbi->x + bwidget->scrollx) / gw->bw->scale, (cbi->y + bwidget->scrolly) / gw->bw->scale); return 0; } static int fb_browser_window_input(fbtk_widget_t *widget, fbtk_callback_info *cbi) { struct gui_window *gw = cbi->context; static uint8_t modifier = 0; int ucs4 = -1; LOG(("got value %d", cbi->event->value.keycode)); switch (cbi->event->type) { case NSFB_EVENT_KEY_DOWN: switch (cbi->event->value.keycode) { case NSFB_KEY_PAGEUP: if (browser_window_key_press(gw->bw, KEY_PAGE_UP) == false) widget_scroll_y(gw, -fbtk_get_height(gw->browser), false); break; case NSFB_KEY_PAGEDOWN: if (browser_window_key_press(gw->bw, KEY_PAGE_DOWN) == false) widget_scroll_y(gw, fbtk_get_height(gw->browser), false); break; case NSFB_KEY_RIGHT: if (browser_window_key_press(gw->bw, KEY_RIGHT) == false) widget_scroll_x(gw, 100, false); break; case NSFB_KEY_LEFT: if (browser_window_key_press(gw->bw, KEY_LEFT) == false) widget_scroll_x(gw, -100, false); break; case NSFB_KEY_UP: if (browser_window_key_press(gw->bw, KEY_UP) == false) widget_scroll_y(gw, -100, false); break; case NSFB_KEY_DOWN: if (browser_window_key_press(gw->bw, KEY_DOWN) == false) widget_scroll_y(gw, 100, false); break; case NSFB_KEY_RSHIFT: modifier |= 1; break; case NSFB_KEY_LSHIFT: modifier |= 1<<1; break; default: ucs4 = fbtk_keycode_to_ucs4(cbi->event->value.keycode, modifier); if (ucs4 != -1) browser_window_key_press(gw->bw, ucs4); break; } break; case NSFB_EVENT_KEY_UP: switch (cbi->event->value.keycode) { case NSFB_KEY_RSHIFT: modifier &= ~1; break; case NSFB_KEY_LSHIFT: modifier &= ~(1<<1); break; default: break; } break; default: break; } return 0; } static void fb_update_back_forward(struct gui_window *gw) { struct browser_window *bw = gw->bw; fbtk_set_bitmap(gw->back, (browser_window_back_available(bw)) ? &left_arrow : &left_arrow_g); fbtk_set_bitmap(gw->forward, (browser_window_forward_available(bw)) ? &right_arrow : &right_arrow_g); } /* left icon click routine */ static int fb_leftarrow_click(fbtk_widget_t *widget, fbtk_callback_info *cbi) { struct gui_window *gw = cbi->context; struct browser_window *bw = gw->bw; if (cbi->event->type != NSFB_EVENT_KEY_UP) return 0; if (history_back_available(bw->history)) history_back(bw, bw->history); fb_update_back_forward(gw); return 1; } /* right arrow icon click routine */ static int fb_rightarrow_click(fbtk_widget_t *widget, fbtk_callback_info *cbi) { struct gui_window *gw = cbi->context; struct browser_window *bw = gw->bw; if (cbi->event->type != NSFB_EVENT_KEY_UP) return 0; if (history_forward_available(bw->history)) history_forward(bw, bw->history); fb_update_back_forward(gw); return 1; } /* reload icon click routine */ static int fb_reload_click(fbtk_widget_t *widget, fbtk_callback_info *cbi) { struct browser_window *bw = cbi->context; if (cbi->event->type != NSFB_EVENT_KEY_UP) return 0; browser_window_reload(bw, true); return 1; } /* stop icon click routine */ static int fb_stop_click(fbtk_widget_t *widget, fbtk_callback_info *cbi) { struct browser_window *bw = cbi->context; if (cbi->event->type != NSFB_EVENT_KEY_UP) return 0; browser_window_stop(bw); return 0; } static int fb_osk_click(fbtk_widget_t *widget, fbtk_callback_info *cbi) { if (cbi->event->type != NSFB_EVENT_KEY_UP) return 0; map_osk(); return 0; } /* close browser window icon click routine */ static int fb_close_click(fbtk_widget_t *widget, fbtk_callback_info *cbi) { if (cbi->event->type != NSFB_EVENT_KEY_UP) return 0; netsurf_quit = true; return 0; } static int fb_scroll_callback(fbtk_widget_t *widget, fbtk_callback_info *cbi) { struct gui_window *gw = cbi->context; switch (cbi->type) { case FBTK_CBT_SCROLLY: widget_scroll_y(gw, cbi->y, true); break; case FBTK_CBT_SCROLLX: widget_scroll_x(gw, cbi->x, true); break; default: break; } return 0; } static int fb_url_enter(void *pw, char *text) { struct browser_window *bw = pw; browser_window_go(bw, text, 0, true); return 0; } static int fb_url_move(fbtk_widget_t *widget, fbtk_callback_info *cbi) { framebuffer_set_cursor(&caret_image); return 0; } static int set_ptr_default_move(fbtk_widget_t *widget, fbtk_callback_info *cbi) { framebuffer_set_cursor(&pointer_image); return 0; } static int fb_localhistory_btn_clik(fbtk_widget_t *widget, fbtk_callback_info *cbi) { struct gui_window *gw = cbi->context; if (cbi->event->type != NSFB_EVENT_KEY_UP) return 0; fb_localhistory_map(gw->localhistory); return 0; } /** Create a toolbar window and populate it with buttons. * * The toolbar layout uses a character to define buttons type and position: * b - back * l - local history * f - forward * s - stop * r - refresh * u - url bar expands to fit remaining space * t - throbber/activity indicator * c - close the current window * * The default layout is "blfsrut" there should be no more than a * single url bar entry or behaviour will be undefined. * * @param gw Parent window * @param toolbar_height The height in pixels of the toolbar * @param padding The padding in pixels round each element of the toolbar * @param frame_col Frame colour. * @param toolbar_layout A string defining which buttons and controls * should be added to the toolbar. May be empty * string to disable the bar.. * */ static fbtk_widget_t * create_toolbar(struct gui_window *gw, int toolbar_height, int padding, colour frame_col, const char *toolbar_layout) { fbtk_widget_t *toolbar; fbtk_widget_t *widget; int xpos; /* The position of the next widget. */ int xlhs = 0; /* extent of the left hand side widgets */ int xdir = 1; /* the direction of movement + or - 1 */ const char *itmtype; /* type of the next item */ if (toolbar_layout == NULL) { toolbar_layout = NSFB_TOOLBAR_DEFAULT_LAYOUT; } LOG(("Using toolbar layout %s", toolbar_layout)); itmtype = toolbar_layout; if (*itmtype == 0) { return NULL; } toolbar = fbtk_create_window(gw->window, 0, 0, 0, toolbar_height, frame_col); if (toolbar == NULL) { return NULL; } fbtk_set_handler(toolbar, FBTK_CBT_POINTERENTER, set_ptr_default_move, NULL); xpos = padding; /* loop proceeds creating widget on the left hand side until * it runs out of layout or encounters a url bar declaration * wherupon it works backwards from the end of the layout * untill the space left is for the url bar */ while ((itmtype >= toolbar_layout) && (*itmtype != 0) && (xdir !=0)) { LOG(("toolbar adding %c", *itmtype)); switch (*itmtype) { case 'b': /* back */ widget = fbtk_create_button(toolbar, (xdir == 1) ? xpos : xpos - left_arrow.width, padding, left_arrow.width, -padding, frame_col, &left_arrow, fb_leftarrow_click, gw); gw->back = widget; /* keep reference */ break; case 'l': /* local history */ widget = fbtk_create_button(toolbar, (xdir == 1) ? xpos : xpos - history_image.width, padding, history_image.width, -padding, frame_col, &history_image, fb_localhistory_btn_clik, gw); break; case 'f': /* forward */ widget = fbtk_create_button(toolbar, (xdir == 1)?xpos : xpos - right_arrow.width, padding, right_arrow.width, -padding, frame_col, &right_arrow, fb_rightarrow_click, gw); gw->forward = widget; break; case 'c': /* close the current window */ widget = fbtk_create_button(toolbar, (xdir == 1)?xpos : xpos - stop_image_g.width, padding, stop_image_g.width, -padding, frame_col, &stop_image_g, fb_close_click, gw->bw); break; case 's': /* stop */ widget = fbtk_create_button(toolbar, (xdir == 1)?xpos : xpos - stop_image.width, padding, stop_image.width, -padding, frame_col, &stop_image, fb_stop_click, gw->bw); break; case 'r': /* reload */ widget = fbtk_create_button(toolbar, (xdir == 1)?xpos : xpos - reload.width, padding, reload.width, -padding, frame_col, &reload, fb_reload_click, gw->bw); break; case 't': /* throbber/activity indicator */ widget = fbtk_create_bitmap(toolbar, (xdir == 1)?xpos : xpos - throbber0.width, padding, throbber0.width, -padding, frame_col, &throbber0); gw->throbber = widget; break; case 'u': /* url bar*/ if (xdir == -1) { /* met the u going backwards add url * now we know available extent */ widget = fbtk_create_writable_text(toolbar, xlhs, padding, xpos - xlhs, -padding, FB_COLOUR_WHITE, FB_COLOUR_BLACK, true, fb_url_enter, gw->bw); fbtk_set_handler(widget, FBTK_CBT_POINTERENTER, fb_url_move, gw->bw); gw->url = widget; /* keep reference */ /* toolbar is complete */ xdir = 0; break; } /* met url going forwards, note position and * reverse direction */ itmtype = toolbar_layout + strlen(toolbar_layout); xdir = -1; xlhs = xpos; xpos = (2 * fbtk_get_width(toolbar)); widget = toolbar; break; default: widget = NULL; xdir = 0; LOG(("Unknown element %c in toolbar layout", *itmtype)); break; } if (widget != NULL) { xpos += (xdir * (fbtk_get_width(widget) + padding)); } LOG(("xpos is %d",xpos)); itmtype += xdir; } fbtk_set_mapping(toolbar, true); return toolbar; } static void create_browser_widget(struct gui_window *gw, int toolbar_height, int furniture_width) { struct browser_widget_s *browser_widget; browser_widget = calloc(1, sizeof(struct browser_widget_s)); gw->browser = fbtk_create_user(gw->window, 0, toolbar_height, -furniture_width, -furniture_width, browser_widget); fbtk_set_handler(gw->browser, FBTK_CBT_REDRAW, fb_browser_window_redraw, gw); fbtk_set_handler(gw->browser, FBTK_CBT_INPUT, fb_browser_window_input, gw); fbtk_set_handler(gw->browser, FBTK_CBT_CLICK, fb_browser_window_click, gw); fbtk_set_handler(gw->browser, FBTK_CBT_POINTERMOVE, fb_browser_window_move, gw); } static void create_normal_browser_window(struct gui_window *gw, int furniture_width) { fbtk_widget_t *widget; fbtk_widget_t *toolbar; int statusbar_width = 0; int toolbar_height = nsoption_int(fb_toolbar_size); LOG(("Normal window")); gw->window = fbtk_create_window(fbtk, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); statusbar_width = nsoption_int(toolbar_status_width) * fbtk_get_width(gw->window) / 10000; /* toolbar */ toolbar = create_toolbar(gw, toolbar_height, 2, FB_FRAME_COLOUR, nsoption_charp(fb_toolbar_layout)); /* set the actually created toolbar height */ if (toolbar != NULL) { toolbar_height = fbtk_get_height(toolbar); } else { toolbar_height = 0; } /* status bar */ gw->status = fbtk_create_text(gw->window, 0, fbtk_get_height(gw->window) - furniture_width, statusbar_width, furniture_width, FB_FRAME_COLOUR, FB_COLOUR_BLACK, false); fbtk_set_handler(gw->status, FBTK_CBT_POINTERENTER, set_ptr_default_move, NULL); LOG(("status bar %p at %d,%d", gw->status, fbtk_get_absx(gw->status), fbtk_get_absy(gw->status))); /* create horizontal scrollbar */ gw->hscroll = fbtk_create_hscroll(gw->window, statusbar_width, fbtk_get_height(gw->window) - furniture_width, fbtk_get_width(gw->window) - statusbar_width - furniture_width, furniture_width, FB_SCROLL_COLOUR, FB_FRAME_COLOUR, fb_scroll_callback, gw); /* fill bottom right area */ if (nsoption_bool(fb_osk) == true) { widget = fbtk_create_text_button(gw->window, fbtk_get_width(gw->window) - furniture_width, fbtk_get_height(gw->window) - furniture_width, furniture_width, furniture_width, FB_FRAME_COLOUR, FB_COLOUR_BLACK, fb_osk_click, NULL); fbtk_set_text(widget, "\xe2\x8c\xa8"); } else { widget = fbtk_create_fill(gw->window, fbtk_get_width(gw->window) - furniture_width, fbtk_get_height(gw->window) - furniture_width, furniture_width, furniture_width, FB_FRAME_COLOUR); fbtk_set_handler(widget, FBTK_CBT_POINTERENTER, set_ptr_default_move, NULL); } /* create vertical scrollbar */ gw->vscroll = fbtk_create_vscroll(gw->window, fbtk_get_width(gw->window) - furniture_width, toolbar_height, furniture_width, fbtk_get_height(gw->window) - toolbar_height - furniture_width, FB_SCROLL_COLOUR, FB_FRAME_COLOUR, fb_scroll_callback, gw); /* browser widget */ create_browser_widget(gw, toolbar_height, nsoption_int(fb_furniture_size)); /* Give browser_window's user widget input focus */ fbtk_set_focus(gw->browser); } struct gui_window * gui_create_browser_window(struct browser_window *bw, struct browser_window *clone, bool new_tab) { struct gui_window *gw; gw = calloc(1, sizeof(struct gui_window)); if (gw == NULL) return NULL; /* seems we need to associate the gui window with the underlying * browser window */ gw->bw = bw; create_normal_browser_window(gw, nsoption_int(fb_furniture_size)); gw->localhistory = fb_create_localhistory(bw, fbtk, nsoption_int(fb_furniture_size)); /* map and request redraw of gui window */ fbtk_set_mapping(gw->window, true); return gw; } void gui_window_destroy(struct gui_window *gw) { fbtk_destroy_widget(gw->window); free(gw); } void gui_window_set_title(struct gui_window *g, const char *title) { LOG(("%p, %s", g, title)); } void gui_window_redraw_window(struct gui_window *g) { fb_queue_redraw(g->browser, 0, 0, fbtk_get_width(g->browser), fbtk_get_height(g->browser) ); } void gui_window_update_box(struct gui_window *g, const struct rect *rect) { struct browser_widget_s *bwidget = fbtk_get_userpw(g->browser); fb_queue_redraw(g->browser, rect->x0 - bwidget->scrollx, rect->y0 - bwidget->scrolly, rect->x1 - bwidget->scrollx, rect->y1 - bwidget->scrolly); } bool gui_window_get_scroll(struct gui_window *g, int *sx, int *sy) { struct browser_widget_s *bwidget = fbtk_get_userpw(g->browser); *sx = bwidget->scrollx / g->bw->scale; *sy = bwidget->scrolly / g->bw->scale; return true; } void gui_window_set_scroll(struct gui_window *gw, int sx, int sy) { struct browser_widget_s *bwidget = fbtk_get_userpw(gw->browser); assert(bwidget); widget_scroll_x(gw, sx * gw->bw->scale, true); widget_scroll_y(gw, sy * gw->bw->scale, true); } void gui_window_scroll_visible(struct gui_window *g, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) { LOG(("%s:(%p, %d, %d, %d, %d)", __func__, g, x0, y0, x1, y1)); } void gui_window_get_dimensions(struct gui_window *g, int *width, int *height, bool scaled) { *width = fbtk_get_width(g->browser); *height = fbtk_get_height(g->browser); if (scaled) { *width /= g->bw->scale; *height /= g->bw->scale; } } void gui_window_update_extent(struct gui_window *gw) { float scale = gw->bw->scale; fbtk_set_scroll_parameters(gw->hscroll, 0, content_get_width(gw->bw->current_content) * scale, fbtk_get_width(gw->browser), 100); fbtk_set_scroll_parameters(gw->vscroll, 0, content_get_height(gw->bw->current_content) * scale, fbtk_get_height(gw->browser), 100); } void gui_window_set_status(struct gui_window *g, const char *text) { fbtk_set_text(g->status, text); } void gui_window_set_pointer(struct gui_window *g, gui_pointer_shape shape) { switch (shape) { case GUI_POINTER_POINT: framebuffer_set_cursor(&hand_image); break; case GUI_POINTER_CARET: framebuffer_set_cursor(&caret_image); break; case GUI_POINTER_MENU: framebuffer_set_cursor(&menu_image); break; case GUI_POINTER_PROGRESS: framebuffer_set_cursor(&progress_image); break; default: framebuffer_set_cursor(&pointer_image); break; } } void gui_window_hide_pointer(struct gui_window *g) { } void gui_window_set_url(struct gui_window *g, const char *url) { fbtk_set_text(g->url, url); } static void throbber_advance(void *pw) { struct gui_window *g = pw; struct fbtk_bitmap *image; switch (g->throbber_index) { case 0: image = &throbber1; g->throbber_index = 1; break; case 1: image = &throbber2; g->throbber_index = 2; break; case 2: image = &throbber3; g->throbber_index = 3; break; case 3: image = &throbber4; g->throbber_index = 4; break; case 4: image = &throbber5; g->throbber_index = 5; break; case 5: image = &throbber6; g->throbber_index = 6; break; case 6: image = &throbber7; g->throbber_index = 7; break; case 7: image = &throbber8; g->throbber_index = 0; break; default: return; } if (g->throbber_index >= 0) { fbtk_set_bitmap(g->throbber, image); schedule(10, throbber_advance, g); } } void gui_window_start_throbber(struct gui_window *g) { g->throbber_index = 0; schedule(10, throbber_advance, g); } void gui_window_stop_throbber(struct gui_window *gw) { gw->throbber_index = -1; fbtk_set_bitmap(gw->throbber, &throbber0); fb_update_back_forward(gw); } void gui_window_place_caret(struct gui_window *g, int x, int y, int height) { } void gui_window_remove_caret(struct gui_window *g) { } void gui_window_new_content(struct gui_window *g) { } bool gui_window_scroll_start(struct gui_window *g) { return true; } bool gui_window_drag_start(struct gui_window *g, gui_drag_type type, const struct rect *rect) { return true; } void gui_window_save_link(struct gui_window *g, const char *url, const char *title) { } /** * set favicon */ void gui_window_set_icon(struct gui_window *g, hlcache_handle *icon) { } /** * set gui display of a retrieved favicon representing the search provider * \param ico may be NULL for local calls; then access current cache from * search_web_ico() */ void gui_window_set_search_ico(hlcache_handle *ico) { } struct gui_download_window * gui_download_window_create(download_context *ctx, struct gui_window *parent) { return NULL; } nserror gui_download_window_data(struct gui_download_window *dw, const char *data, unsigned int size) { return NSERROR_OK; } void gui_download_window_error(struct gui_download_window *dw, const char *error_msg) { } void gui_download_window_done(struct gui_download_window *dw) { } void gui_drag_save_object(gui_save_type type, hlcache_handle *c, struct gui_window *w) { } void gui_drag_save_selection(struct selection *s, struct gui_window *g) { } void gui_start_selection(struct gui_window *g) { } void gui_clear_selection(struct gui_window *g) { } void gui_paste_from_clipboard(struct gui_window *g, int x, int y) { } bool gui_empty_clipboard(void) { return false; } bool gui_add_to_clipboard(const char *text, size_t length, bool space) { return false; } bool gui_commit_clipboard(void) { return false; } bool gui_copy_to_clipboard(struct selection *s) { return false; } void gui_create_form_select_menu(struct browser_window *bw, struct form_control *control) { } void gui_launch_url(const char *url) { } void gui_cert_verify(const char *url, const struct ssl_cert_info *certs, unsigned long num, nserror (*cb)(bool proceed, void *pw), void *cbpw) { cb(false, cbpw); } /* * Local Variables: * c-basic-offset:8 * End: */