/* * Copyright 2017 Chris Young * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * \file * Amiga core window interface. * * Provides interface for core renderers to the Amiga Intuition drawable area. * * This module is an object that must be encapsulated. Client users * should embed a struct ami_corewindow at the beginning of their * context for this display surface, fill in relevant data and then * call ami_corewindow_init() * * The Amiga core window structure requires the callback for draw, key and * mouse operations. */ #include "amiga/os3support.h" #include #include #include #include #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "utils/utf8.h" #include "netsurf/keypress.h" #include "netsurf/mouse.h" #include "desktop/plot_style.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "amiga/corewindow.h" #include "amiga/memory.h" #include "amiga/misc.h" #include "amiga/object.h" #include "amiga/schedule.h" #include "amiga/utf8.h" static void ami_cw_scroller_top(struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, ULONG *restrict x, ULONG *restrict y) { ULONG xs = 0; ULONG ys = 0; if(ami_cw->scroll_x_visible == true) { GetAttr(SCROLLER_Top, ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_HSCROLL], (ULONG *)&xs); } if(ami_cw->scroll_y_visible == true) { GetAttr(SCROLLER_Top, ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_VSCROLL], (ULONG *)&ys); } *x = xs; *y = ys; } /** * Convert co-ordinates relative to space.gadget * into document co-ordinates * * @param ami_cw core window * @param x co-ordinate, will be updated to new x co-ordinate * @param y co-ordinate, will be updated to new y co-ordinate */ static void ami_cw_coord_amiga_to_ns(struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, int *restrict x, int *restrict y) { ULONG xs = 0; ULONG ys = 0; ami_cw_scroller_top(ami_cw, &xs, &ys); *x = *x + xs; *y = *y + ys; } /** * check if mouse has moved since position was stored * @return true if it has, false otherwise */ static bool ami_cw_mouse_moved(struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, int x, int y) { if(abs(x - ami_cw->mouse_x_click) > 5) return true; if(abs(y - ami_cw->mouse_y_click) > 5) return true; return false; } /* get current mouse position in the draw area, adjusted for scroll. * @return true if the mouse was in the draw area and co-ordinates updated */ static bool ami_cw_mouse_pos(struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, int *restrict x, int *restrict y) { int16 xm, ym; ULONG xs, ys; struct IBox *bbox; xm = ami_cw->win->MouseX; ym = ami_cw->win->MouseY; if(ami_gui_get_space_box((Object *)ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_DRAW], &bbox) != NSERROR_OK) { amiga_warn_user("NoMemory", ""); return false; } xm -= bbox->Left; ym -= bbox->Top; ami_gui_free_space_box(bbox); if((xm < 0) || (ym < 0) || (xm > bbox->Width) || (ym > bbox->Height)) return false; ami_cw_scroller_top(ami_cw, &xs, &ys); xm += xs; ym += ys; *x = xm; *y = ym; return true; } /* handle keypress */ static void ami_cw_key(struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, int nskey) { ami_cw->key(ami_cw, nskey); switch(nskey) { case NS_KEY_COPY_SELECTION: /* if we've copied a selection we need to clear it - style guide rules */ ami_cw->key(ami_cw, NS_KEY_CLEAR_SELECTION); break; /* we may need to deal with scroll-related keys here */ } } /** * Redraw functions * * This is slightly over-engineered as it was taken from the main browser/old tree redraws * and supports deferred drawing of rectangles and tiling */ /** * Redraw an area of a core window * * \param g a struct ami_corewindow * \param r rect (in document co-ordinates) */ static void ami_cw_redraw_rect(struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, struct rect *r) { struct IBox *bbox; ULONG pos_x, pos_y; struct rect draw_rect; int tile_size_x = ami_cw->gg.width; int tile_size_y = ami_cw->gg.height; int tile_x, tile_y, tile_w, tile_h; int x = r->x0; int y = r->y0; int width = r->x1 - r->x0; int height = r->y1 - r->y0; struct redraw_context ctx = { .interactive = true, .background_images = true, .plot = &amiplot }; if(ami_gui_get_space_box((Object *)ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_DRAW], &bbox) != NSERROR_OK) { amiga_warn_user("NoMemory", ""); return; } ami_cw_scroller_top(ami_cw, &pos_x, &pos_y); glob = &ami_cw->gg; if(x - pos_x + width > bbox->Width) width = bbox->Width - (x - pos_x); if(y - pos_y + height > bbox->Height) height = bbox->Height - (y - pos_y); if(x < pos_x) { width -= pos_x - x; x = pos_x; } if(y < pos_y) { height -= pos_y - y; y = pos_y; } for(tile_y = y; tile_y < (y + height); tile_y += tile_size_y) { tile_h = tile_size_y; if(((y + height) - tile_y) < tile_size_y) tile_h = (y + height) - tile_y; for(tile_x = x; tile_x < (x + width); tile_x += tile_size_x) { tile_w = tile_size_x; if(((x + width) - tile_x) < tile_size_x) tile_w = (x + width) - tile_x; draw_rect.x0 = tile_x; // was - draw_rect.y0 = tile_y; // was - draw_rect.x1 = tile_x + tile_w; draw_rect.y1 = tile_y + tile_h; ami_cw->draw(ami_cw, -tile_x, -tile_y, &draw_rect, &ctx); #ifdef __amigaos4__ BltBitMapTags(BLITA_SrcType, BLITT_BITMAP, BLITA_Source, ami_cw->gg.bm, BLITA_SrcX, 0, BLITA_SrcY, 0, BLITA_DestType, BLITT_RASTPORT, BLITA_Dest, ami_cw->win->RPort, BLITA_DestX, bbox->Left + tile_x - pos_x, BLITA_DestY, bbox->Top + tile_y - pos_y, BLITA_Width, tile_w, BLITA_Height, tile_h, TAG_DONE); #else BltBitMapRastPort(ami_cw->gg.bm, 0, 0, ami_cw->win->RPort, bbox->Left + tile_x - pos_x, bbox->Top + tile_y - pos_y, tile_w, tile_h, 0xC0); #endif } } ami_gui_free_space_box(bbox); ami_clearclipreg(glob); ami_gui_set_default_gg(); } /** * Draw the deferred rectangles * * @param draw set to false to just delete the queue */ static void ami_cw_redraw_queue(struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, bool draw) { struct nsObject *node; struct nsObject *nnode; struct rect *rect; if(IsMinListEmpty(ami_cw->deferred_rects)) return; if(draw == false) { LOG("Ignoring deferred box redraw queue"); } // else should probably show busy pointer node = (struct nsObject *)GetHead((struct List *)ami_cw->deferred_rects); do { if(draw == true) { rect = (struct rect *)node->objstruct; ami_cw_redraw_rect(ami_cw, rect); } nnode = (struct nsObject *)GetSucc((struct Node *)node); ami_memory_itempool_free(ami_cw->deferred_rects_pool, node->objstruct, sizeof(struct rect)); DelObjectNoFree(node); } while((node = nnode)); } static void ami_cw_redraw_cb(void *p) { struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw = (struct ami_corewindow *)p; ami_cw_redraw_queue(ami_cw, true); } /** * Queue a redraw of a rectangle * * @param ami_cw the core window to redraw * @param r the rectangle (in doc coords) to redraw, or NULL for full window */ static void ami_cw_redraw(struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, const struct rect *restrict r) { struct nsObject *nsobj; struct rect *restrict deferred_rect; struct rect new_rect; if(r == NULL) { struct IBox *bbox; if(ami_gui_get_space_box((Object *)ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_DRAW], &bbox) != NSERROR_OK) { amiga_warn_user("NoMemory", ""); return; } new_rect.x0 = 0; new_rect.y0 = 0; ami_cw_coord_amiga_to_ns(ami_cw, &new_rect.x0, &new_rect.y0); new_rect.x1 = new_rect.x0 + bbox->Width; new_rect.y1 = new_rect.y0 + bbox->Height; ami_gui_free_space_box(bbox); r = &new_rect; } if(ami_gui_window_update_box_deferred_check(ami_cw->deferred_rects, r, ami_cw->deferred_rects_pool)) { deferred_rect = ami_memory_itempool_alloc(ami_cw->deferred_rects_pool, sizeof(struct rect)); CopyMem(r, deferred_rect, sizeof(struct rect)); nsobj = AddObject(ami_cw->deferred_rects, AMINS_RECT); nsobj->objstruct = deferred_rect; } else { LOG("Ignoring duplicate or subset of queued box redraw"); } ami_schedule(1, ami_cw_redraw_cb, ami_cw); } static void ami_cw_toggle_scrollbar(struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw, bool vert, bool visible) { Object *scroller; Object *layout; ULONG tag; if(vert == true) { if(visible == ami_cw->scroll_y_visible) { return; } else { scroller = ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_VSCROLL]; layout = ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_VSCROLLLAYOUT]; tag = WINDOW_VertProp; ami_cw->scroll_y_visible = visible; } } else { if(visible == ami_cw->scroll_x_visible) { return; } else { scroller = ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_HSCROLL]; layout = ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_HSCROLLLAYOUT]; tag = WINDOW_HorizProp; ami_cw->scroll_x_visible = visible; } } if(visible == true) { if(ami_cw->in_border_scroll == true) { SetAttrs(ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_WIN], tag, 1, TAG_DONE); } else { #ifdef __amigaos4__ IDoMethod(layout, LM_ADDCHILD, ami_cw->win, scroller, NULL); #else SetAttrs(layout, LAYOUT_AddChild, scroller, TAG_DONE); #endif } } else { if(ami_cw->in_border_scroll == true) { SetAttrs(ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_WIN], tag, -1, TAG_DONE); } else { #ifdef __amigaos4__ IDoMethod(layout, LM_REMOVECHILD, ami_cw->win, scroller); #else SetAttrs(layout, LAYOUT_RemoveChild, scroller, TAG_DONE); #endif } } if(ami_cw->in_border_scroll == false) { FlushLayoutDomainCache((struct Gadget *)ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_WIN]); RethinkLayout((struct Gadget *)ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_WIN], ami_cw->win, NULL, TRUE); } /* probably need to redraw here */ ami_cw_redraw(ami_cw, NULL); } static void ami_cw_close(void *w) { struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw = (struct ami_corewindow *)w; ami_cw->close(ami_cw); } HOOKF(void, ami_cw_idcmp_hook, Object *, object, struct IntuiMessage *) { struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw = hook->h_Data; struct IntuiWheelData *wheel; ULONG gid = GetTagData( GA_ID, 0, msg->IAddress ); switch(msg->Class) { case IDCMP_IDCMPUPDATE: switch(gid) { case GID_CW_HSCROLL: case GID_CW_VSCROLL: ami_cw_redraw(ami_cw, NULL); break; } break; #ifdef __amigaos4__ case IDCMP_EXTENDEDMOUSE: if(msg->Code == IMSGCODE_INTUIWHEELDATA) { wheel = (struct IntuiWheelData *)msg->IAddress; //ami_tree_scroll(twin, (wheel->WheelX * 20), (wheel->WheelY * 20)); } break; #endif } } /** * Main event loop for our core window * * \return TRUE if window destroyed */ static BOOL ami_cw_event(void *w) { struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw = (struct ami_corewindow *)w; ULONG result; ULONG storage; uint16 code; struct InputEvent *ie; int nskey; int key_state = 0; struct timeval curtime; int x = 0, y = 0; while((result = RA_HandleInput(ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_WIN], &code)) != WMHI_LASTMSG) { switch(result & WMHI_CLASSMASK) { case WMHI_MOUSEMOVE: if(ami_cw_mouse_pos(ami_cw, &x, &y)) { key_state = ami_gui_get_quals(ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_WIN]); ami_cw->mouse(ami_cw, ami_cw->mouse_state | key_state, x, y); } break; case WMHI_MOUSEBUTTONS: if(ami_cw_mouse_pos(ami_cw, &x, &y) == false) break; key_state = ami_gui_get_quals(ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_WIN]); switch(code) { case SELECTDOWN: ami_cw->mouse_state = BROWSER_MOUSE_PRESS_1; break; case MIDDLEDOWN: ami_cw->mouse_state = BROWSER_MOUSE_PRESS_2; break; case SELECTUP: if(ami_cw->mouse_state & BROWSER_MOUSE_PRESS_1) { CurrentTime((ULONG *)&curtime.tv_sec, (ULONG *)&curtime.tv_usec); ami_cw->mouse_state = BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_1; if(ami_cw->lastclick.tv_sec) { if((ami_cw_mouse_moved(ami_cw, x, y) == false) && (DoubleClick(ami_cw->lastclick.tv_sec, ami_cw->lastclick.tv_usec, curtime.tv_sec, curtime.tv_usec))) ami_cw->mouse_state |= BROWSER_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK; } ami_cw->mouse_x_click = x; ami_cw->mouse_y_click = y; if(ami_cw->mouse_state & BROWSER_MOUSE_DOUBLE_CLICK) { ami_cw->lastclick.tv_sec = 0; ami_cw->lastclick.tv_usec = 0; } else { ami_cw->lastclick.tv_sec = curtime.tv_sec; ami_cw->lastclick.tv_usec = curtime.tv_usec; } } ami_cw->mouse(ami_cw, ami_cw->mouse_state | key_state, x, y); ami_cw->mouse_state = BROWSER_MOUSE_HOVER; break; case MIDDLEUP: if(ami_cw->mouse_state & BROWSER_MOUSE_PRESS_2) ami_cw->mouse_state = BROWSER_MOUSE_CLICK_2; ami_cw->mouse(ami_cw, ami_cw->mouse_state | key_state, x, y); ami_cw->mouse_state = BROWSER_MOUSE_HOVER; break; } ami_cw->mouse(ami_cw, ami_cw->mouse_state | key_state, x, y); break; case WMHI_RAWKEY: storage = result & WMHI_GADGETMASK; GetAttr(WINDOW_InputEvent, ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_WIN], (ULONG *)&ie); nskey = ami_key_to_nskey(storage, ie); ami_cw_key(ami_cw, nskey); break; case WMHI_NEWSIZE: ami_cw_redraw(ami_cw, NULL); break; case WMHI_CLOSEWINDOW: ami_cw_close(ami_cw); return TRUE; break; case WMHI_GADGETUP: switch(result & WMHI_GADGETMASK) { case GID_CW_HSCROLL: case GID_CW_VSCROLL: ami_cw_redraw(ami_cw, NULL); break; default: /* pass the event to the window owner */ if(ami_cw->event != NULL) if(ami_cw->event(ami_cw, result) == TRUE) { return TRUE; } break; } default: /* pass the event to the window owner */ if(ami_cw->event != NULL) if(ami_cw->event(ami_cw, result) == TRUE) { return TRUE; } break; } }; return FALSE; } static const struct ami_win_event_table ami_cw_table = { ami_cw_event, ami_cw_close, }; /** * callback from core to request a redraw */ static void ami_cw_redraw_request(struct core_window *cw, const struct rect *r) { struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw = (struct ami_corewindow *)cw; ami_cw_redraw(ami_cw, r); } static void ami_cw_get_window_dimensions(struct core_window *cw, int *width, int *height) { struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw = (struct ami_corewindow *)cw; struct IBox *bbox; if(ami_gui_get_space_box((Object *)ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_DRAW], &bbox) != NSERROR_OK) { amiga_warn_user("NoMemory", ""); return; } *width = bbox->Width; *height = bbox->Height; ami_gui_free_space_box(bbox); } static void ami_cw_update_size(struct core_window *cw, int width, int height) { struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw = (struct ami_corewindow *)cw; int win_w, win_h; ami_cw_get_window_dimensions((struct core_window *)ami_cw, &win_w, &win_h); if(width == -1) { ami_cw_toggle_scrollbar(ami_cw, false, false); } else { ami_cw_toggle_scrollbar(ami_cw, false, true); RefreshSetGadgetAttrs((struct Gadget *)ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_HSCROLL], ami_cw->win, NULL, SCROLLER_Total, (ULONG)width, SCROLLER_Visible, win_w, TAG_DONE); } if(height == -1) { ami_cw_toggle_scrollbar(ami_cw, true, false); } else { ami_cw_toggle_scrollbar(ami_cw, true, true); RefreshSetGadgetAttrs((struct Gadget *)ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_VSCROLL], ami_cw->win, NULL, SCROLLER_Total, height, SCROLLER_Visible, win_h, TAG_DONE); } } static void ami_cw_scroll_visible(struct core_window *cw, const struct rect *r) { struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw = (struct ami_corewindow *)cw; int scrollsetx; int scrollsety; int win_w = 0, win_h = 0; ULONG win_x0, win_y0; int win_x1, win_y1; ami_cw_get_window_dimensions((struct core_window *)ami_cw, &win_w, &win_h); ami_cw_scroller_top(ami_cw, &win_x0, &win_y0); win_x1 = win_x0 + win_w; win_y1 = win_y0 + win_h; if(r->y1 > win_y1) scrollsety = r->y1 - win_h; if(r->y0 < win_y0) scrollsety = r->y0; if(r->x1 > win_x1) scrollsetx = r->x1 - win_w; if(r->x0 < win_x0) scrollsetx = r->x0; if(ami_cw->scroll_y_visible == true) { RefreshSetGadgetAttrs((APTR)ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_VSCROLL], ami_cw->win, NULL, SCROLLER_Top, scrollsety, TAG_DONE); } if(ami_cw->scroll_x_visible == true) { RefreshSetGadgetAttrs((APTR)ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_HSCROLL], ami_cw->win, NULL, SCROLLER_Top, scrollsetx, TAG_DONE); } /* probably need to redraw here */ ami_cw_redraw(ami_cw, NULL); } static void ami_cw_drag_status(struct core_window *cw, core_window_drag_status ds) { struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw = (struct ami_corewindow *)cw; ami_cw->drag_status = ds; } struct core_window_callback_table ami_cw_cb_table = { .redraw_request = ami_cw_redraw_request, .update_size = ami_cw_update_size, .scroll_visible = ami_cw_scroll_visible, .get_window_dimensions = ami_cw_get_window_dimensions, .drag_status = ami_cw_drag_status }; /* exported function documented example/corewindow.h */ nserror ami_corewindow_init(struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw) { /* setup the core window callback table */ ami_cw->cb_table = &ami_cw_cb_table; /* clear some vars */ ami_cw->mouse_state = BROWSER_MOUSE_HOVER; ami_cw->lastclick.tv_sec = 0; ami_cw->lastclick.tv_usec = 0; ami_cw->scroll_x_visible = true; ami_cw->scroll_y_visible = true; ami_cw->in_border_scroll = false; /* allocate drawing area etc */ ami_init_layers(&ami_cw->gg, 0, 0, false); ami_cw->gg.shared_pens = ami_AllocMinList(); ami_cw->deferred_rects = NewObjList(); ami_cw->deferred_rects_pool = ami_memory_itempool_create(sizeof(struct rect)); /* add the core window to our window list so we process events */ ami_gui_win_list_add(ami_cw, AMINS_COREWINDOW, &ami_cw_table); /* set up the IDCMP hook for event processing (extended mouse, scrollbars) */ ami_cw->idcmp_hook.h_Entry = (void *)ami_cw_idcmp_hook; ami_cw->idcmp_hook.h_Data = ami_cw; /* open the window */ ami_cw->win = (struct Window *)RA_OpenWindow(ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_WIN]); /* attach the scrollbars for event processing _if they are in the window border_ */ if(ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_HSCROLL] == NULL) { GetAttr(WINDOW_HorizObject, ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_WIN], (ULONG *)&ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_HSCROLL]); RefreshSetGadgetAttrs((APTR)ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_HSCROLL], ami_cw->win, NULL, GA_ID, GID_CW_HSCROLL, ICA_TARGET, ICTARGET_IDCMP, TAG_DONE); ami_cw->in_border_scroll = true; } if(ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_VSCROLL] == NULL) { GetAttr(WINDOW_VertObject, ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_WIN], (ULONG *)&ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_VSCROLL]); RefreshSetGadgetAttrs((APTR)ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_VSCROLL], ami_cw->win, NULL, GA_ID, GID_CW_VSCROLL, ICA_TARGET, ICTARGET_IDCMP, TAG_DONE); ami_cw->in_border_scroll = true; } return NSERROR_OK; } /* exported interface documented in example/corewindow.h */ nserror ami_corewindow_fini(struct ami_corewindow *ami_cw) { /* remove any pending redraws */ ami_schedule(-1, ami_cw_redraw_cb, ami_cw); FreeObjList(ami_cw->deferred_rects); ami_memory_itempool_delete(ami_cw->deferred_rects_pool); /* destroy the window */ ami_cw->win = NULL; DisposeObject(ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_WIN]); #if 0 /* ensure our scrollbars are destroyed */ /* it appears these are disposed anyway, * even if the gadgets are no longer attached to the window */ if(ami_cw->in_border_scroll == false) { if(ami_cw->scroll_x_visible == false) { DisposeObject(ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_HSCROLL]); } if(ami_cw->scroll_y_visible == false) { DisposeObject(ami_cw->objects[GID_CW_VSCROLL]); } } #endif /* release off-screen bitmap stuff */ ami_plot_release_pens(ami_cw->gg.shared_pens); ami_free_layers(&ami_cw->gg); /* free the window title */ ami_utf8_free(ami_cw->wintitle); /* remove the core window from our window list */ ami_gui_win_list_remove(ami_cw); return NSERROR_OK; }