/* * Copyright 2015 Chris Young * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** \file * Intuition-based context menu operations */ #ifdef __amigaos4__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils/utils.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "utils/nsoption.h" #include "utils/nsurl.h" #include "content/hlcache.h" #include "desktop/browser.h" #include "desktop/browser_history.h" #include "netsurf/mouse.h" #include "desktop/searchweb.h" #include "desktop/textinput.h" #include "amiga/bitmap.h" #include "amiga/clipboard.h" #include "amiga/ctxmenu.h" #include "amiga/filetype.h" #include "amiga/gui.h" #include "amiga/libs.h" #include "amiga/plugin_hack.h" #include "amiga/theme.h" #include "amiga/utf8.h" enum { AMI_CTX_ID_NONE = 0, /* Text selection */ AMI_CTX_ID_SELCOPY, AMI_CTX_ID_WEBSEARCH, /* Links */ AMI_CTX_ID_URLOPENTAB, AMI_CTX_ID_URLOPENWIN, AMI_CTX_ID_URLDOWNLOAD, AMI_CTX_ID_URLCOPY, /* Objects */ AMI_CTX_ID_OBJSHOW, AMI_CTX_ID_OBJCOPY, AMI_CTX_ID_OBJCMD, /* Frames */ AMI_CTX_ID_FRAMESHOW, /* History */ AMI_CTX_ID_HISTORY, AMI_CTX_ID_HISTORY0, AMI_CTX_ID_HISTORY9F = AMI_CTX_ID_HISTORY0 + 19, /* Tabs */ AMI_CTX_ID_TABNEW, AMI_CTX_ID_TABCLOSE_OTHER, AMI_CTX_ID_MAX }; static Object *ctxmenu_obj = NULL; static struct Hook ctxmenu_item_hook[AMI_CTX_ID_MAX]; static char *ctxmenu_item_label[AMI_CTX_ID_MAX]; static char *ctxmenu_item_shortcut[AMI_CTX_ID_MAX]; static Object *ctxmenu_item_image[AMI_CTX_ID_MAX]; /**************************** * Menu item hook functions * ****************************/ /** Menu functions - called automatically by RA_HandleInput **/ HOOKF(void, ami_ctxmenu_item_selcopy, APTR, window, struct IntuiMessage *) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin = (struct gui_window_2 *)hook->h_Data; browser_window_key_press(gwin->gw->bw, NS_KEY_COPY_SELECTION); browser_window_key_press(gwin->gw->bw, NS_KEY_CLEAR_SELECTION); } HOOKF(void, ami_ctxmenu_item_websearch, APTR, window, struct IntuiMessage *) { nserror ret = NSERROR_OK; nsurl *url; struct gui_window_2 *gwin = (struct gui_window_2 *)hook->h_Data; char *sel = browser_window_get_selection(gwin->gw->bw); ret = search_web_omni(sel, SEARCH_WEB_OMNI_SEARCHONLY, &url); if (ret == NSERROR_OK) { browser_window_navigate(gwin->gw->bw, url, NULL, BW_NAVIGATE_HISTORY, NULL, NULL, NULL); nsurl_unref(url); } if (ret != NSERROR_OK) { amiga_warn_user(messages_get_errorcode(ret), 0); } free(sel); } HOOKF(void, ami_ctxmenu_item_urlopentab, APTR, window, struct IntuiMessage *) { struct browser_window *bw; nsurl *url = (nsurl *)hook->h_Data; struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); nserror error = browser_window_create(BW_CREATE_CLONE | BW_CREATE_HISTORY | BW_CREATE_TAB, url, browser_window_get_url(gwin->gw->bw), gwin->gw->bw, &bw); if (error != NSERROR_OK) amiga_warn_user(messages_get_errorcode(error), 0); } HOOKF(void, ami_ctxmenu_item_urlopenwin, APTR, window, struct IntuiMessage *) { struct browser_window *bw; nsurl *url = (nsurl *)hook->h_Data; struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); nserror error = browser_window_create(BW_CREATE_CLONE | BW_CREATE_HISTORY, url, browser_window_get_url(gwin->gw->bw), gwin->gw->bw, &bw); if (error != NSERROR_OK) amiga_warn_user(messages_get_errorcode(error), 0); } HOOKF(void, ami_ctxmenu_item_urldownload, APTR, window, struct IntuiMessage *) { nsurl *url = (nsurl *)hook->h_Data; struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); browser_window_navigate(gwin->gw->bw, url, browser_window_get_url(gwin->gw->bw), BW_NAVIGATE_DOWNLOAD, NULL, NULL, NULL); } HOOKF(void, ami_ctxmenu_item_urlcopy, APTR, window, struct IntuiMessage *) { nsurl *url = (nsurl *)hook->h_Data; ami_easy_clipboard(nsurl_access(url)); } HOOKF(void, ami_ctxmenu_item_objshow, APTR, window, struct IntuiMessage *) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); browser_window_navigate(gwin->gw->bw, hlcache_handle_get_url(hook->h_Data), browser_window_get_url(gwin->gw->bw), BW_NAVIGATE_HISTORY, NULL, NULL, NULL); } HOOKF(void, ami_ctxmenu_item_objcopy, APTR, window, struct IntuiMessage *) { struct bitmap *bm; struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); struct hlcache_handle *object = (struct hlcache_handle *)hook->h_Data; if((bm = content_get_bitmap(object))) { ami_bitmap_set_url(bm, hlcache_handle_get_url(object)); ami_bitmap_set_title(bm, content_get_title(object)); ami_easy_clipboard_bitmap(bm); } #ifdef WITH_NS_SVG else if(ami_mime_compare(object, "svg") == true) { ami_easy_clipboard_svg(object); } #endif } HOOKF(void, ami_ctxmenu_item_objcmd, APTR, window, struct IntuiMessage *) { amiga_plugin_hack_execute((struct hlcache_handle *)hook->h_Data); } HOOKF(void, ami_ctxmenu_item_frameshow, APTR, window, struct IntuiMessage *) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); browser_window_navigate(gwin->gw->bw, hlcache_handle_get_url(hook->h_Data), browser_window_get_url(gwin->gw->bw), BW_NAVIGATE_HISTORY, NULL, NULL, NULL); } /** Hooks for clicktab context menu entries **/ HOOKF(void, ami_ctxmenu_item_tabnew, APTR, window, struct IntuiMessage *) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); ami_gui_new_blank_tab(gwin); } HOOKF(void, ami_ctxmenu_item_tabclose_other, APTR, window, struct IntuiMessage *) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); ami_gui_close_inactive_tabs(gwin); } /** Hook for history context menu entries **/ HOOKF(void, ami_ctxmenu_item_history, APTR, window, struct IntuiMessage *) { struct gui_window_2 *gwin; GetAttr(WINDOW_UserData, (Object *)window, (ULONG *)&gwin); browser_window_history_go(gwin->gw->bw, (struct history_entry *)hook->h_Data, false); } /************************* * Browser context menus * *************************/ /** Add an initialised item to a context menu **/ static void ami_ctxmenu_add_item(Object *root_menu, int id, APTR data) { ctxmenu_item_hook[id].h_Data = data; IDoMethod(root_menu, OM_ADDMEMBER, MStrip, MA_Type, T_ITEM, MA_ID, id, MA_Label, ctxmenu_item_label[id], MA_Key, ctxmenu_item_shortcut[id], MA_Image, ctxmenu_item_image[id], MA_UserData, &ctxmenu_item_hook[id], MEnd); } /** Hook function called by Intuition, creates context menu structure **/ static uint32 ami_ctxmenu_hook_func(struct Hook *hook, struct Window *window, struct ContextMenuMsg *msg) { Object *root_menu; bool ctxmenu_has_content = false; struct gui_window_2 *gwin = hook->h_Data; struct hlcache_handle *cc = browser_window_get_content(gwin->gw->bw); struct browser_window_features ccdata; int mx = window->MouseX; int my = window->MouseY; int x, y; char *sel; if(msg->State != CM_QUERY) return 0; if(nsoption_bool(kiosk_mode) == true) return 0; // check window is active if(ctxmenu_obj != NULL) DisposeObject(ctxmenu_obj); ctxmenu_obj = MStrip, MA_Type, T_ROOT, MA_AddChild, root_menu = MStrip, MA_Type, T_MENU, MA_Label, NULL, //"NetSurf", MA_EmbeddedKey, FALSE, MA_FreeImage, FALSE, MEnd, MEnd; if(ami_mouse_to_ns_coords(gwin, &x, &y, mx, my) == false) { /* Outside browser render area */ return 0; } browser_window_get_features(gwin->gw->bw, x, y, &ccdata); if((browser_window_can_select(gwin->gw->bw)) && ((browser_window_get_editor_flags(gwin->gw->bw) & BW_EDITOR_CAN_COPY)) && (sel = browser_window_get_selection(gwin->gw->bw))) { ami_ctxmenu_add_item(root_menu, AMI_CTX_ID_SELCOPY, gwin); ami_ctxmenu_add_item(root_menu, AMI_CTX_ID_WEBSEARCH, gwin); ctxmenu_has_content = true; free(sel); } if(ccdata.link) { if(ctxmenu_has_content == true) ami_ctxmenu_add_item(root_menu, AMI_CTX_ID_NONE, NULL); ami_ctxmenu_add_item(root_menu, AMI_CTX_ID_URLOPENTAB, ccdata.link); ami_ctxmenu_add_item(root_menu, AMI_CTX_ID_URLOPENWIN, ccdata.link); ami_ctxmenu_add_item(root_menu, AMI_CTX_ID_URLDOWNLOAD, ccdata.link); ami_ctxmenu_add_item(root_menu, AMI_CTX_ID_URLCOPY, ccdata.link); ctxmenu_has_content = true; } if(ccdata.object) { if(ctxmenu_has_content == true) ami_ctxmenu_add_item(root_menu, AMI_CTX_ID_NONE, NULL); ami_ctxmenu_add_item(root_menu, AMI_CTX_ID_OBJSHOW, ccdata.object); if(content_get_type(ccdata.object) == CONTENT_IMAGE) ami_ctxmenu_add_item(root_menu, AMI_CTX_ID_OBJCOPY, ccdata.object); if(ami_mime_content_to_cmd(ccdata.object)) ami_ctxmenu_add_item(root_menu, AMI_CTX_ID_OBJCMD, ccdata.object); ctxmenu_has_content = true; } if(ccdata.main && (ccdata.main != cc)) { if(ctxmenu_has_content == true) ami_ctxmenu_add_item(root_menu, AMI_CTX_ID_NONE, NULL); ami_ctxmenu_add_item(root_menu, AMI_CTX_ID_FRAMESHOW, ccdata.main); ctxmenu_has_content = true; } if(ctxmenu_has_content == true) { msg->Menu = ctxmenu_obj; ami_set_pointer(gwin, GUI_POINTER_DEFAULT, false); } return 0; } /** Initial menu item creation **/ static void ami_ctxmenu_alloc_item(int id, const char *label, const char *key, const char *image, void *func) { if(label == ML_SEPARATOR) { ctxmenu_item_label[id] = ML_SEPARATOR; } else { ctxmenu_item_label[id] = ami_utf8_easy(messages_get(label)); } if(key != NULL) { ctxmenu_item_shortcut[id] = strdup(key); } else { ctxmenu_item_shortcut[id] = NULL; } if(image != NULL) { ctxmenu_item_image[id] = BitMapObj, BITMAP_Screen, scrn, BITMAP_SourceFile, image, BITMAP_Masking, TRUE, BitMapEnd; SetAttrs(ctxmenu_item_image[id], BITMAP_Width, 16, BITMAP_Height, 16, TAG_DONE); } ctxmenu_item_hook[id].h_Entry = func; ctxmenu_item_hook[id].h_Data = 0; } /** Exported interface documented in ctxmenu.h **/ struct Hook *ami_ctxmenu_get_hook(APTR data) { return AllocSysObjectTags(ASOT_HOOK, ASOHOOK_Entry, (HOOKFUNC)ami_ctxmenu_hook_func, ASOHOOK_Data, data, TAG_DONE); } /** Exported interface documented in ctxmenu.h **/ void ami_ctxmenu_release_hook(struct Hook *hook) { FreeSysObject(ASOT_HOOK, hook); } /** Exported interface documented in ctxmenu.h **/ void ami_ctxmenu_free(void) { for(int i = 1; i < AMI_CTX_ID_MAX; i++) { if((ctxmenu_item_label[i] != NULL) && (ctxmenu_item_label[i] != ML_SEPARATOR)) { ami_utf8_free(ctxmenu_item_label[i]); } ctxmenu_item_label[i] = NULL; if(ctxmenu_item_shortcut[i] != NULL) { free(ctxmenu_item_shortcut[i]); ctxmenu_item_shortcut[i] = NULL; } if(ctxmenu_item_image[i] != NULL) { DisposeObject(ctxmenu_item_image[i]); ctxmenu_item_image[i] = NULL; } } if(ctxmenu_obj != NULL) DisposeObject(ctxmenu_obj); ctxmenu_obj = NULL; } /** Exported interface documented in ctxmenu.h **/ void ami_ctxmenu_init(void) { ami_ctxmenu_alloc_item(AMI_CTX_ID_NONE, ML_SEPARATOR, NULL, NULL, NULL); ami_ctxmenu_alloc_item(AMI_CTX_ID_SELCOPY, "CopyNS", "C", "TBImages:list_copy", ami_ctxmenu_item_selcopy); ami_ctxmenu_alloc_item(AMI_CTX_ID_WEBSEARCH, "SearchWeb", NULL, "TBImages:list_search", ami_ctxmenu_item_websearch); ami_ctxmenu_alloc_item(AMI_CTX_ID_URLOPENTAB, "LinkNewTab", NULL, "TBImages:list_tab", ami_ctxmenu_item_urlopentab); ami_ctxmenu_alloc_item(AMI_CTX_ID_URLOPENWIN, "LinkNewWin", NULL, "TBImages:list_app", ami_ctxmenu_item_urlopenwin); ami_ctxmenu_alloc_item(AMI_CTX_ID_URLDOWNLOAD, "LinkDload", NULL, "TBImages:list_save", ami_ctxmenu_item_urldownload); ami_ctxmenu_alloc_item(AMI_CTX_ID_URLCOPY, "CopyURL", NULL, "TBImages:list_copy", ami_ctxmenu_item_urlcopy); ami_ctxmenu_alloc_item(AMI_CTX_ID_OBJSHOW, "ObjShow", NULL, "TBImages:list_preview", ami_ctxmenu_item_objshow); ami_ctxmenu_alloc_item(AMI_CTX_ID_OBJCOPY, "CopyClip", NULL, "TBImages:list_copy", ami_ctxmenu_item_objcopy); ami_ctxmenu_alloc_item(AMI_CTX_ID_OBJCMD, "ExternalApp", NULL, "TBImages:list_tool", ami_ctxmenu_item_objcmd); ami_ctxmenu_alloc_item(AMI_CTX_ID_FRAMESHOW, "FrameOnly", NULL, "TBImages:list_preview", ami_ctxmenu_item_frameshow); ami_ctxmenu_alloc_item(AMI_CTX_ID_TABNEW, "NewTab", "T", "TBImages:list_tab", ami_ctxmenu_item_tabnew); ami_ctxmenu_alloc_item(AMI_CTX_ID_TABCLOSE_OTHER, "CloseInactive", "K", "TBImages:list_cancel", ami_ctxmenu_item_tabclose_other); } /******************************** * History button context menus * ********************************/ /** Create menu entries from browser history **/ static bool ami_ctxmenu_history(int direction, struct gui_window_2 *gwin, const struct history_entry *entry) { Object *history_root; int id = AMI_CTX_ID_HISTORY0 + gwin->temp; if(direction == AMI_CTXMENU_HISTORY_FORWARD) id += 10; if(gwin->temp >= 10) return false; ctxmenu_item_hook[id].h_Entry = (HOOKFUNC)ami_ctxmenu_item_history; ctxmenu_item_hook[id].h_Data = (APTR)entry; history_root = (Object *)IDoMethod(gwin->history_ctxmenu[direction], MM_FINDID, 0, AMI_CTX_ID_HISTORY); IDoMethod(history_root, OM_ADDMEMBER, MStrip, MA_Type, T_ITEM, MA_Label, browser_window_history_entry_get_title(entry), MA_ID, id, MA_Image, NULL, MA_UserData, &ctxmenu_item_hook[id], MEnd); gwin->temp++; return true; } /** Callback for browser_window_history_enumerate **/ static bool ami_ctxmenu_history_back(const struct browser_window *bw, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const struct history_entry *entry, void *user_data) { return ami_ctxmenu_history(AMI_CTXMENU_HISTORY_BACK, (struct gui_window_2 *)user_data, entry); } /** Callback for browser_window_history_enumerate **/ static bool ami_ctxmenu_history_forward(const struct browser_window *bw, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, const struct history_entry *entry, void *user_data) { return ami_ctxmenu_history(AMI_CTXMENU_HISTORY_FORWARD, (struct gui_window_2 *)user_data, entry); } /** Exported interface documented in ctxmenu.h **/ struct Menu *ami_ctxmenu_history_create(int direction, struct gui_window_2 *gwin) { Object *obj; if(gwin->history_ctxmenu[direction] == NULL) { if(ctxmenu_item_label[AMI_CTX_ID_HISTORY] == NULL) ctxmenu_item_label[AMI_CTX_ID_HISTORY] = ami_utf8_easy(messages_get("History")); gwin->history_ctxmenu[direction] = MStrip, MA_Type, T_ROOT, MA_AddChild, MStrip, MA_Type, T_MENU, MA_ID, AMI_CTX_ID_HISTORY, MA_Label, ctxmenu_item_label[AMI_CTX_ID_HISTORY], MA_EmbeddedKey, FALSE, //MA_FreeImage, FALSE, MEnd, MEnd; } else { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { obj = (Object *)IDoMethod(gwin->history_ctxmenu[direction], MM_FINDID, 0, AMI_CTX_ID_HISTORY0 + i); if(obj != NULL) IDoMethod(gwin->history_ctxmenu[direction], OM_REMMEMBER, obj); } gwin->temp = 0; if(direction == AMI_CTXMENU_HISTORY_BACK) { browser_window_history_enumerate_back(gwin->gw->bw, ami_ctxmenu_history_back, gwin); } else { browser_window_history_enumerate_forward(gwin->gw->bw, ami_ctxmenu_history_forward, gwin); } } return (struct Menu *)gwin->history_ctxmenu[direction]; } /************************** * ClickTab context menus * **************************/ /** Exported interface documented in ctxmenu.h **/ struct Menu *ami_ctxmenu_clicktab_create(struct gui_window_2 *gwin) { Object *root_menu; if(gwin->clicktab_ctxmenu != NULL) return (struct Menu *)gwin->clicktab_ctxmenu; gwin->clicktab_ctxmenu = MStrip, MA_Type, T_ROOT, MA_AddChild, root_menu = MStrip, MA_Type, T_MENU, MA_Label, NULL, MA_EmbeddedKey, FALSE, MEnd, MEnd; ami_ctxmenu_add_item(root_menu, AMI_CTX_ID_TABNEW, gwin); ami_ctxmenu_add_item(root_menu, AMI_CTX_ID_TABCLOSE_OTHER, gwin); return (struct Menu *)gwin->clicktab_ctxmenu; } #endif