/* * Copyright 2008 François Revol * Copyright 2006 Rob Kendrick * Copyright 2005 James Bursa * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * \file * BeOS/Haiku implementation target independent plotting. */ #define __STDBOOL_H__ 1 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "utils/nsoption.h" #include "utils/nsurl.h" #include "netsurf/plotters.h" } #include "beos/font.h" #include "beos/gui.h" #include "beos/plotters.h" #include "beos/bitmap.h" #warning MAKE ME static /*static*/ BView *current_view; /* * NOTE: BeOS rects differ from NetSurf ones: * the right-bottom pixel is actually part of the BRect! */ #warning make patterns nicer static const pattern kDottedPattern = { 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa, 0x55, 0xaa }; static const pattern kDashedPattern = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0x33, 0x33, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0x33, 0x33 }; static const rgb_color kBlackColor = { 0, 0, 0, 255 }; //struct plotter_table plot; // #pragma mark - implementation BView *nsbeos_current_gc(void) { return current_view; } BView *nsbeos_current_gc_lock(void) { BView *view = current_view; if (view && view->LockLooper()) return view; return NULL; } void nsbeos_current_gc_unlock(void) { if (current_view) { current_view->UnlockLooper(); } } void nsbeos_current_gc_set(BView *view) { // XXX: (un)lock previous ? current_view = view; } static nserror nsbeos_plot_bbitmap(int x, int y, int width, int height, BBitmap *b, colour bg) { /* XXX: This currently ignores the background colour supplied. * Does this matter? */ if (width == 0 || height == 0) { return NSERROR_OK; } BView *view; view = nsbeos_current_gc/*_lock*/(); if (view == NULL) { beos_warn_user("No GC", 0); return NSERROR_INVALID; } drawing_mode oldmode = view->DrawingMode(); source_alpha alpha; alpha_function func; view->GetBlendingMode(&alpha, &func); //view->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_OVER); view->SetDrawingMode(B_OP_ALPHA); view->SetBlendingMode(B_PIXEL_ALPHA, B_ALPHA_OVERLAY); // XXX DrawBitmap() resamples if rect doesn't match, // but doesn't do any filtering // XXX: use Zeta API if available ? BRect rect(x, y, x + width - 1, y + height - 1); /* rgb_color old = view->LowColor(); if (bg != NS_TRANSPARENT) { view->SetLowColor(nsbeos_rgb_colour(bg)); view->FillRect(rect, B_SOLID_LOW); } */ view->DrawBitmap(b, rect); // maybe not needed? //view->SetLowColor(old); view->SetBlendingMode(alpha, func); view->SetDrawingMode(oldmode); //nsbeos_current_gc_unlock(); return NSERROR_OK; } static BPoint transform_pt(float x, float y, const float transform[6]) { #warning XXX: verify //return BPoint(x, y); BPoint pt; pt.x = x * transform[0] + y * transform[1] + transform[4]; pt.y = x * transform[2] + y * transform[3] + transform[5]; /* printf("TR: {%f, %f} { %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f} = { %f, %f }\n", x, y, transform[0], transform[1], transform[2], transform[3], transform[4], transform[5], pt.x, pt.y); */ return pt; } rgb_color nsbeos_rgb_colour(colour c) { rgb_color color; if (c == NS_TRANSPARENT) return B_TRANSPARENT_32_BIT; color.red = c & 0x0000ff; color.green = (c & 0x00ff00) >> 8; color.blue = (c & 0xff0000) >> 16; return color; } void nsbeos_set_colour(colour c) { rgb_color color = nsbeos_rgb_colour(c); BView *view = nsbeos_current_gc(); view->SetHighColor(color); } /** * Plot a caret. * * It is assumed that the plotters have been set up. */ void nsbeos_plot_caret(int x, int y, int h) { BView *view; view = nsbeos_current_gc/*_lock*/(); if (view == NULL) /* TODO: report an error here */ return; BPoint start(x, y); BPoint end(x, y + h - 1); #if defined(__HAIKU__) || defined(B_BEOS_VERSION_DANO) view->SetHighColor(ui_color(B_DOCUMENT_TEXT_COLOR)); #else view->SetHighColor(kBlackColor); #endif view->StrokeLine(start, end); //nsbeos_current_gc_unlock(); } /** * \brief Sets a clip rectangle for subsequent plot operations. * * \param ctx The current redraw context. * \param ns_clip The rectangle to limit all subsequent plot * operations within. * \return NSERROR_OK on success else error code. */ static nserror nsbeos_plot_clip(const struct redraw_context *ctx, const struct rect *ns_clip) { BView *view; //fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d, %d, %d, %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, clip_x0, clip_y0, clip_x1, clip_y1); view = nsbeos_current_gc/*_lock*/(); if (view == NULL) { beos_warn_user("No GC", 0); return NSERROR_INVALID; } BRect rect(ns_clip->x0, ns_clip->y0, ns_clip->x1 - 1, ns_clip->y1 - 1); BRegion clip(rect); view->ConstrainClippingRegion(NULL); if (view->Bounds() != rect) { view->ConstrainClippingRegion(&clip); } //nsbeos_current_gc_unlock(); return NSERROR_OK; } /** * Plots an arc * * plot an arc segment around (x,y), anticlockwise from angle1 * to angle2. Angles are measured anticlockwise from * horizontal, in degrees. * * \param ctx The current redraw context. * \param style Style controlling the arc plot. * \param x The x coordinate of the arc. * \param y The y coordinate of the arc. * \param radius The radius of the arc. * \param angle1 The start angle of the arc. * \param angle2 The finish angle of the arc. * \return NSERROR_OK on success else error code. */ static nserror nsbeos_plot_arc(const struct redraw_context *ctx, const plot_style_t *style, int x, int y, int radius, int angle1, int angle2) { BView *view; view = nsbeos_current_gc/*_lock*/(); if (view == NULL) { beos_warn_user("No GC", 0); return NSERROR_INVALID; } nsbeos_set_colour(style->fill_colour); BPoint center(x, y); float angle = angle1; // in degree float span = angle2 - angle1; // in degree view->StrokeArc(center, radius, radius, angle, span); //nsbeos_current_gc_unlock(); return NSERROR_OK; } /** * Plots a circle * * Plot a circle centered on (x,y), which is optionally filled. * * \param ctx The current redraw context. * \param style Style controlling the circle plot. * \param x x coordinate of circle centre. * \param y y coordinate of circle centre. * \param radius circle radius. * \return NSERROR_OK on success else error code. */ static nserror nsbeos_plot_disc(const struct redraw_context *ctx, const plot_style_t *style, int x, int y, int radius) { BView *view; view = nsbeos_current_gc/*_lock*/(); if (view == NULL) { beos_warn_user("No GC", 0); return NSERROR_INVALID; } nsbeos_set_colour(style->fill_colour); BPoint center(x, y); if (style->fill_type != PLOT_OP_TYPE_NONE) view->FillEllipse(center, radius, radius); else view->StrokeEllipse(center, radius, radius); //nsbeos_current_gc_unlock(); return NSERROR_OK; } /** * Plots a line * * plot a line from (x0,y0) to (x1,y1). Coordinates are at * centre of line width/thickness. * * \param ctx The current redraw context. * \param style Style controlling the line plot. * \param line A rectangle defining the line to be drawn * \return NSERROR_OK on success else error code. */ static nserror nsbeos_plot_line(const struct redraw_context *ctx, const plot_style_t *style, const struct rect *line) { pattern pat; BView *view; switch (style->stroke_type) { case PLOT_OP_TYPE_SOLID: /**< Solid colour */ default: pat = B_SOLID_HIGH; break; case PLOT_OP_TYPE_DOT: /**< Doted plot */ pat = kDottedPattern; break; case PLOT_OP_TYPE_DASH: /**< dashed plot */ pat = kDashedPattern; break; } view = nsbeos_current_gc/*_lock*/(); if (view == NULL) { beos_warn_user("No GC", 0); return NSERROR_OK; } nsbeos_set_colour(style->stroke_colour); float pensize = view->PenSize(); view->SetPenSize(style->stroke_width); BPoint start(line->x0, line->y0); BPoint end(line->x1, line->y1); view->StrokeLine(start, end, pat); view->SetPenSize(pensize); //nsbeos_current_gc_unlock(); return NSERROR_OK; } /** * Plots a rectangle. * * The rectangle can be filled an outline or both controlled * by the plot style The line can be solid, dotted or * dashed. Top left corner at (x0,y0) and rectangle has given * width and height. * * \param ctx The current redraw context. * \param style Style controlling the rectangle plot. * \param nsrect A rectangle defining the line to be drawn * \return NSERROR_OK on success else error code. */ static nserror nsbeos_plot_rectangle(const struct redraw_context *ctx, const plot_style_t *style, const struct rect *nsrect) { if (style->fill_type != PLOT_OP_TYPE_NONE) { BView *view; view = nsbeos_current_gc/*_lock*/(); if (view == NULL) { beos_warn_user("No GC", 0); return NSERROR_INVALID; } nsbeos_set_colour(style->fill_colour); BRect rect(nsrect->x0, nsrect->y0, nsrect->x1 - 1, nsrect->y1 - 1); view->FillRect(rect); //nsbeos_current_gc_unlock(); } if (style->stroke_type != PLOT_OP_TYPE_NONE) { pattern pat; BView *view; switch (style->stroke_type) { case PLOT_OP_TYPE_SOLID: /**< Solid colour */ default: pat = B_SOLID_HIGH; break; case PLOT_OP_TYPE_DOT: /**< Doted plot */ pat = kDottedPattern; break; case PLOT_OP_TYPE_DASH: /**< dashed plot */ pat = kDashedPattern; break; } view = nsbeos_current_gc/*_lock*/(); if (view == NULL) { beos_warn_user("No GC", 0); return NSERROR_INVALID; } nsbeos_set_colour(style->stroke_colour); float pensize = view->PenSize(); view->SetPenSize(style->stroke_width); BRect rect(nsrect->x0, nsrect->y0, nsrect->x1, nsrect->y1); view->StrokeRect(rect, pat); view->SetPenSize(pensize); //nsbeos_current_gc_unlock(); } return NSERROR_OK; } /** * Plot a polygon * * Plots a filled polygon with straight lines between * points. The lines around the edge of the ploygon are not * plotted. The polygon is filled with the non-zero winding * rule. * * \param ctx The current redraw context. * \param style Style controlling the polygon plot. * \param p verticies of polygon * \param n number of verticies. * \return NSERROR_OK on success else error code. */ static nserror nsbeos_plot_polygon(const struct redraw_context *ctx, const plot_style_t *style, const int *p, unsigned int n) { unsigned int i; BView *view; view = nsbeos_current_gc/*_lock*/(); if (view == NULL) { beos_warn_user("No GC", 0); return NSERROR_INVALID; } nsbeos_set_colour(style->fill_colour); BPoint points[n]; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { points[i] = BPoint(p[2 * i] - 0.5, p[2 * i + 1] - 0.5); } if (style->fill_colour == NS_TRANSPARENT) { view->StrokePolygon(points, (int32)n); } else { view->FillPolygon(points, (int32)n); } return NSERROR_OK; } /** * Plots a path. * * Path plot consisting of cubic Bezier curves. Line and fill colour is * controlled by the plot style. * * \param ctx The current redraw context. * \param pstyle Style controlling the path plot. * \param p elements of path * \param n nunber of elements on path * \param width The width of the path * \param transform A transform to apply to the path. * \return NSERROR_OK on success else error code. */ static nserror nsbeos_plot_path(const struct redraw_context *ctx, const plot_style_t *pstyle, const float *p, unsigned int n, float width, const float transform[6]) { unsigned int i; BShape shape; if (n == 0) { return NSERROR_OK; } if (p[0] != PLOTTER_PATH_MOVE) { LOG("path doesn't start with a move"); return NSERROR_INVALID; } for (i = 0; i < n; ) { if (p[i] == PLOTTER_PATH_MOVE) { BPoint pt(transform_pt(p[i + 1], p[i + 2], transform)); shape.MoveTo(pt); i += 3; } else if (p[i] == PLOTTER_PATH_CLOSE) { shape.Close(); i++; } else if (p[i] == PLOTTER_PATH_LINE) { BPoint pt(transform_pt(p[i + 1], p[i + 2], transform)); shape.LineTo(pt); i += 3; } else if (p[i] == PLOTTER_PATH_BEZIER) { BPoint pt[3] = { transform_pt(p[i + 1], p[i + 2], transform), transform_pt(p[i + 3], p[i + 4], transform), transform_pt(p[i + 5], p[i + 6], transform) }; shape.BezierTo(pt); i += 7; } else { LOG("bad path command %f", p[i]); return NSERROR_INVALID; } } shape.Close(); BView *view; view = nsbeos_current_gc/*_lock*/(); if (view == NULL) { return NSERROR_INVALID; } rgb_color old_high = view->HighColor(); float old_pen = view->PenSize(); view->SetPenSize(width); view->MovePenTo(0, 0); if (pstyle->fill_colour != NS_TRANSPARENT) { view->SetHighColor(nsbeos_rgb_colour(pstyle->fill_colour)); view->FillShape(&shape); } if (pstyle->stroke_colour != NS_TRANSPARENT) { view->SetHighColor(nsbeos_rgb_colour(pstyle->stroke_colour)); view->StrokeShape(&shape); } // restore view->SetPenSize(old_pen); view->SetHighColor(old_high); //nsbeos_current_gc_unlock(); return NSERROR_OK; } /** * Plot a bitmap * * Tiled plot of a bitmap image. (x,y) gives the top left * coordinate of an explicitly placed tile. From this tile the * image can repeat in all four directions -- up, down, left * and right -- to the extents given by the current clip * rectangle. * * The bitmap_flags say whether to tile in the x and y * directions. If not tiling in x or y directions, the single * image is plotted. The width and height give the dimensions * the image is to be scaled to. * * \param ctx The current redraw context. * \param bitmap The bitmap to plot * \param x The x coordinate to plot the bitmap * \param y The y coordiante to plot the bitmap * \param width The width of area to plot the bitmap into * \param height The height of area to plot the bitmap into * \param bg the background colour to alpha blend into * \param flags the flags controlling the type of plot operation * \return NSERROR_OK on success else error code. */ static nserror nsbeos_plot_bitmap(const struct redraw_context *ctx, struct bitmap *bitmap, int x, int y, int width, int height, colour bg, bitmap_flags_t flags) { int doneheight = 0, donewidth = 0; BBitmap *primary; BBitmap *pretiled; bool repeat_x = (flags & BITMAPF_REPEAT_X); bool repeat_y = (flags & BITMAPF_REPEAT_Y); if (!(repeat_x || repeat_y)) { /* Not repeating at all, so just plot it */ primary = nsbeos_bitmap_get_primary(bitmap); return nsbeos_plot_bbitmap(x, y, width, height, primary, bg); } if (repeat_x && !repeat_y) pretiled = nsbeos_bitmap_get_pretile_x(bitmap); if (repeat_x && repeat_y) pretiled = nsbeos_bitmap_get_pretile_xy(bitmap); if (!repeat_x && repeat_y) pretiled = nsbeos_bitmap_get_pretile_y(bitmap); primary = nsbeos_bitmap_get_primary(bitmap); /* use the primary and pretiled widths to scale the w/h provided */ width *= pretiled->Bounds().Width() + 1; width /= primary->Bounds().Width() + 1; height *= pretiled->Bounds().Height() + 1; height /= primary->Bounds().Height() + 1; BView *view; view = nsbeos_current_gc/*_lock*/(); if (view == NULL) { beos_warn_user("No GC", 0); return NSERROR_INVALID; } // XXX: do we really need to use clipping reg ? // I guess it's faster to not draw clipped out stuff... BRect cliprect; BRegion clipreg; view->GetClippingRegion(&clipreg); cliprect = clipreg.Frame(); //XXX: FIXME if (y > cliprect.top) { doneheight = ((int)cliprect.top - height) + ((y - (int)cliprect.top) % height); } else { doneheight = y; } while (doneheight < ((int)cliprect.bottom)) { if (x > cliprect.left) { donewidth = ((int)cliprect.left - width) + ((x - (int)cliprect.left) % width); } else { donewidth = x; } while (donewidth < (cliprect.right)) { nsbeos_plot_bbitmap(donewidth, doneheight, width, height, pretiled, bg); donewidth += width; if (!repeat_x) { break; } } doneheight += height; if (!repeat_y) { break; } } #warning WRITEME return NSERROR_OK; } /** * Text plotting. * * \param ctx The current redraw context. * \param fstyle plot style for this text * \param x x coordinate * \param y y coordinate * \param text UTF-8 string to plot * \param length length of string, in bytes * \return NSERROR_OK on success else error code. */ static nserror nsbeos_plot_text(const struct redraw_context *ctx, const struct plot_font_style *fstyle, int x, int y, const char *text, size_t length) { if (!nsfont_paint(fstyle, text, length, x, y)) { return NSERROR_INVALID; } return NSERROR_OK; } /** * beos plotter operation table */ const struct plotter_table nsbeos_plotters = { nsbeos_plot_clip, nsbeos_plot_arc, nsbeos_plot_disc, nsbeos_plot_line, nsbeos_plot_rectangle, nsbeos_plot_polygon, nsbeos_plot_path, nsbeos_plot_bitmap, nsbeos_plot_text, NULL, // Group Start NULL, // Group End NULL, // Flush true // option_knockout }; #ifdef TEST_PLOTTERS // static void test_plotters(void) { int x0, y0; int x1, y1; struct rect r; x0 = 5; y0 = 5; x1 = 35; y1 = 6; plot.line(x0, y0, x1, y1, 1, 0x0000ff00, false, false); y0+=2; y1+=2; plot.line(x0, y0, x1, y1, 1, 0x0000ff00, true, false); y0+=2; y1+=2; plot.line(x0, y0, x1, y1, 1, 0x0000ff00, false, true); y0+=2; y1+=2; plot.line(x0, y0, x1, y1, 1, 0x0000ff00, true, true); y0+=10; y1+=20; plot.fill(x0, y0, x1, y1, 0x00ff0000); plot.rectangle(x0+10, y0+10, x1-x0+1, y1-y0+1, 2, 0x00ffff00, true, false); y0+=30; y1+=30; r.x0 = x0 + 2; r.y0 = y0 + 2; r.x1 = x1 - 2; r.y1 = y1 - 2; plot.clip(&r); plot.fill(x0, y0, x1, y1, 0x00000000); plot.disc(x1, y1, 8, 0x000000ff, false); r.x0 = 0; r.y0 = 0; r.x1 = 300; r.y1 = 300; plot.clip(&r); y0+=30; y1+=30; } #include #include #include class PTView : public BView { public: PTView(BRect frame) : BView(frame, "view", B_FOLLOW_NONE, B_WILL_DRAW) {}; virtual ~PTView() {}; virtual void Draw(BRect update) { test_plotters(); }; }; extern "C" void test_plotters_main(void); void test_plotters_main(void) { BApplication app("application/x-vnd.NetSurf"); memcpy(&plot, &nsbeos_plotters, sizeof(plot)); BRect frame(0,0,300,300); PTView *view = new PTView(frame); frame.OffsetBySelf(100,100); BWindow *win = new BWindow(frame, "NetSurfPlotterTest", B_TITLED_WINDOW, B_QUIT_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE); win->AddChild(view); nsbeos_current_gc_set(view); win->Show(); app.Run(); } #endif /* TEST_PLOTTERS */