#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2017 Daniel Silverstone # # This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ # # NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Monkey Farmer The monkey farmer is a wrapper around `nsmonkey` which can be used to simplify access to the monkey behaviours and ultimately to write useful tests in an expressive but not overcomplicated DSLish way. Tests are, ultimately, still Python code. """ import asyncore import os import socket import subprocess import time #monkey_cmd = ['./nsmonkey', '--accept_language=fr'] monkey_cmd = ['./nsmonkey'] class MonkeyFarmer(asyncore.dispatcher): def __init__(self, online, quiet=False): (mine, monkeys) = socket.socketpair() asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, sock=mine) self.monkey = subprocess.Popen( monkey_cmd, stdin=monkeys, stdout=monkeys, close_fds=[mine]) monkeys.close() self.buffer = "" self.incoming = "" self.lines = [] self.scheduled = [] self.deadmonkey = False self.online = online self.quiet = quiet def handle_connect(self): pass def handle_read(self): got = self.recv(8192) if got == "" or got is None: self.deadmonkey = True return self.incoming += got if "\n" in self.incoming: lines = self.incoming.split("\n") self.incoming = lines.pop() self.lines = lines def writable(self): return (len(self.buffer) > 0) def handle_write(self): sent = self.send(self.buffer) self.buffer = self.buffer[sent:] def tell_monkey(self, *args): cmd = (" ".join(args)) if not self.quiet: print ">>> %s" % cmd self.buffer += "%s\n" % cmd def monkey_says(self, line): if not self.quiet: print "<<< %s" % line self.online(line) def schedule_event(self, event, secs=None, when=None): assert(secs is not None or when is not None) if when is None: when = time.time() + secs self.scheduled.append((when, event)) self.scheduled.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a[0],b[0])) def unschedule_event(self, event): self.scheduled = [x for x in self.scheduled if x[1] != event] def loop(self, once=False): if len(self.lines) > 0: self.monkey_says(self.lines.pop(0)) if once: return while not self.deadmonkey: now = time.time() while len(self.scheduled) > 0 and now >= self.scheduled[0][0]: func = self.scheduled[0][1] self.scheduled.pop(0) func(self) now = time.time() if len(self.scheduled) > 0: next = self.scheduled[0][0] asyncore.loop(timeout=next-now, count=1) else: asyncore.loop(count=1) if len(self.lines) > 0: self.monkey_says(self.lines.pop(0)) if once: break class Browser: def __init__(self, quiet=False): self.farmer = MonkeyFarmer(online=self.on_monkey_line, quiet=quiet) self.windows = {} self.current_draw_target = None def pass_options(self, *opts): if len(opts) > 0: self.farmer.tell_monkey("OPTIONS " + (" ".join(opts))) def on_monkey_line(self, line): parts = line.split(" ") handler = getattr(self, "handle_" + parts[0], None) if handler is not None: handler(*parts[1:]) def quit(self): self.farmer.tell_monkey("QUIT") def quit_and_wait(self): self.quit() self.farmer.loop() def handle_GENERIC(self, what, *args): pass def handle_WINDOW(self, action, _win, winid, *args): if action == "NEW": new_win = BrowserWindow(self, winid, *args) self.windows[winid] = new_win else: win = self.windows.get(winid, None) if win is None: print " Unknown window id %s" % winid else: win.handle(action, *args) def handle_PLOT(self, *args): if self.current_draw_target is not None: self.current_draw_target.handle_plot(*args) def new_window(self, url=None): if url is None: self.farmer.tell_monkey("WINDOW NEW") else: self.farmer.tell_monkey("WINDOW NEW %s" % url) wins_known = set(self.windows.keys()) while len(set(self.windows.keys()).difference(wins_known)) == 0: self.farmer.loop(once=True) poss_wins = set(self.windows.keys()).difference(wins_known) return self.windows[poss_wins.pop()] class BrowserWindow: def __init__(self, browser, winid, _for, coreid, _existing, otherid, _newtab, newtab, _clone, clone): self.alive = True self.browser = browser self.winid = winid self.coreid = coreid self.existing = browser.windows.get(otherid, None) self.newtab = newtab == "TRUE" self.clone = clone == "TRUE" self.width = 0 self.height = 0 self.title = "" self.throbbing = False self.scrollx = 0 self.scrolly = 0 self.content_width = 0 self.content_height = 0 self.status = "" self.pointer = "" self.scale = 1.0 self.url = "" self.plotted = [] self.plotting = False def kill(self): self.browser.farmer.tell_monkey("WINDOW DESTROY %s" % self.winid) def go(self, url, referer = None): if referer is None: self.browser.farmer.tell_monkey("WINDOW GO %s %s" % ( self.winid, url)) else: self.browser.farmer.tell_monkey("WINDOW GO %s %s %s" % ( self.winid, url, referer)) def reload(self): self.browser.farmer.tell_monkey("WINDOW RELOAD %s" % self.winid) def redraw(self, coords=None): if coords is None: self.browser.farmer.tell_monkey("WINDOW REDRAW %s" % self.winid) else: self.browser.farmer.tell_monkey("WINDOW REDRAW %s %s" % ( self.winid, (" ".join(coords)))) def handle(self, action, *args): handler = getattr(self, "handle_window_" + action, None) if handler is not None: handler(*args) def handle_window_SIZE(self, _width, width, _height, height): self.width = int(width) self.height = int(height) def handle_window_DESTROY(self): self.alive = False def handle_window_TITLE(self, _str, *title): self.title = " ".join(title) def handle_window_REDRAW(self): pass def handle_window_GET_DIMENSIONS(self, _width, width, _height, height): self.width = width self.height = height def handle_window_NEW_CONTENT(self): pass def handle_window_NEW_ICON(self): pass def handle_window_START_THROBBER(self): self.throbbing = True def handle_window_STOP_THROBBER(self): self.throbbing = False def handle_window_SET_SCROLL(self, _x, x, _y, y): self.scrollx = int(x) self.scrolly = int(y) def handle_window_UPDATE_BOX(self, _x, x, _y, y, _width, width, _height, height): x = int(x) y = int(y) width = int(width) height = int(height) pass def handle_window_UPDATE_EXTENT(self, _width, width, _height, height): self.content_width = int(width) self.content_height = int(height) def handle_window_SET_STATUS(self, _str, *status): self.status = (" ".join(status)) def handle_window_SET_POINTER(self, _ptr, ptr): self.pointer = ptr def handle_window_SET_SCALE(self, _scale, scale): self.scale = float(scale) def handle_window_SET_URL(self, _url, url): self.url = url def handle_window_GET_SCROLL(self, _x, x, _y, y): self.scrollx = int(x) self.scrolly = int(y) def handle_window_SCROLL_START(self): self.scrollx = 0 self.scrolly = 0 def handle_window_REDRAW(self, act): if act == "START": self.browser.current_draw_target = self self.plotted = [] self.plotting = True else: self.browser.current_draw_target = None self.plotting = False def load_page(self, url=None, referer=None): if url is not None: self.go(url, referer) self.wait_loaded() def reload(self): self.browser.farmer.tell_monkey("WINDOW RELOAD %s" % self.winid) self.wait_loaded() def wait_loaded(self): while not self.throbbing: self.browser.farmer.loop(once=True) while self.throbbing: self.browser.farmer.loop(once=True) def handle_plot(self, *args): self.plotted.append(args) def redraw(self, coords=None): if coords is None: self.browser.farmer.tell_monkey("WINDOW REDRAW %s" % self.winid) else: self.browser.farmer.tell_monkey("WINDOW REDRAW %s %s" % ( self.winid, (" ".join(coords)))) while not self.plotting: self.browser.farmer.loop(once=True) while self.plotting: self.browser.farmer.loop(once=True) return self.plotted # Simple test is as follows... browser = Browser(quiet=True) win = browser.new_window() fname = "test/js/inline-doc-write-simple.html" full_fname = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), fname) browser.pass_options("--enable_javascript=0") win.load_page("file://" + full_fname) print("Loaded, URL is %s" % win.url) cmds = win.redraw() print("Received %d plot commands" % len(cmds)) for cmd in cmds: if cmd[0] == "TEXT": print "%s %s -> %s" % (cmd[2], cmd[4], (" ".join(cmd[6:]))) browser.pass_options("--enable_javascript=1") win.load_page("file://" + full_fname) print("Loaded, URL is %s" % win.url) cmds = win.redraw() print("Received %d plot commands" % len(cmds)) for cmd in cmds: if cmd[0] == "TEXT": print "%s %s -> %s" % (cmd[2], cmd[4], (" ".join(cmd[6:]))) browser.quit_and_wait()