/* * Copyright 2009 Mark Benjamin * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils/config.h" #include "utils/nsoption.h" #include "utils/container.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "desktop/browser.h" #include "desktop/theme.h" #include "content/content.h" #include "content/content_type.h" #include "content/hlcache.h" #include "gtk/compat.h" #include "gtk/gui.h" #include "gtk/scaffolding.h" #include "gtk/menu.h" #include "gtk/theme.h" #include "gtk/window.h" #include "gtk/preferences.h" enum image_sets { IMAGE_SET_MAIN_MENU = 0, IMAGE_SET_RCLICK_MENU, IMAGE_SET_POPUP_MENU, IMAGE_SET_BUTTONS, IMAGE_SET_COUNT }; struct nsgtk_theme_cache { GdkPixbuf *image[PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON]; GdkPixbuf *searchimage[SEARCH_BUTTONS_COUNT]; /* apng throbber image */ }; static char *current_theme_name = NULL; static struct nsgtk_theme_cache *theme_cache_menu = NULL; static struct nsgtk_theme_cache *theme_cache_toolbar = NULL; /** * \param themename contains a name of theme to check whether it may * properly be added to the list; alternatively NULL to check the integrity * of the list * \return true for themename may be added / every item in the list is * a valid directory */ static bool nsgtk_theme_verify(const char *themename) { long filelength; FILE *fp; size_t val = SLEN("themelist") + strlen(res_dir_location) + 1; char buf[50]; char themefile[val]; snprintf(themefile, val, "%s%s", res_dir_location, "themelist"); if (themename == NULL) { char *filecontent, *testfile; struct stat sta; fp = fopen(themefile, "r+"); if (fp == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("gtkFileError"), themefile); return true; } fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_END); filelength = ftell(fp); filecontent = malloc(filelength + SLEN("gtk default theme\n") + SLEN("\n") + 1); if (filecontent == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("NoMemory"), 0); fclose(fp); return true; } strcpy(filecontent, "gtk default theme\n"); fseek(fp, 0L, SEEK_SET); while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) { /* iterate list */ buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; /* "\n\0" -> "\0\0" */ testfile = malloc(strlen(res_dir_location) + SLEN("themes/") + strlen(buf) + 1); if (testfile == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("NoMemory"), 0); free(filecontent); fclose(fp); return false; } sprintf(testfile, "%sthemes/%s", res_dir_location, buf); /* check every directory */ if (access(testfile, R_OK) == 0) { if ((stat(testfile, &sta) == 0) && (S_ISDIR(sta.st_mode))) { buf[strlen(buf)] = '\n'; /* "\0\0" -> "\n\0" */ strcat(filecontent, buf); } } free(testfile); } fclose(fp); fp = fopen(themefile, "w"); if (fp == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("gtkFileError"), themefile); free(filecontent); return true; } val = fwrite(filecontent, strlen(filecontent), 1, fp); if (val == 0) LOG(("empty write themelist")); fclose(fp); free(filecontent); return true; } else { fp = fopen(themefile, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("gtkFileError"), themefile); return false; } while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) { buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; /* "\n\0" -> "\0\0" */ if (strcmp(buf, themename) == 0) { fclose(fp); return false; } } fclose(fp); return true; } } /** * called during gui init phase to retrieve theme name from file then * implement */ void nsgtk_theme_init(void) { int theme; struct nsgtk_scaffolding *list; FILE *fp; char buf[50]; int row_count = 0; theme = nsoption_int(current_theme); /* check if default theme is selected */ if (theme == 0) { return; } nsgtk_theme_verify(NULL); fp = fopen(themelist_file_location, "r"); if (fp == NULL) return; while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) { if (buf[0] == '\0') continue; if (row_count++ == theme) { if (current_theme_name != NULL) { free(current_theme_name); } /* clear the '\n' ["\n\0"->"\0\0"] */ buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; current_theme_name = strdup(buf); break; } } fclose(fp); list = nsgtk_scaffolding_iterate(NULL); while (list != NULL) { nsgtk_theme_implement(list); list = nsgtk_scaffolding_iterate(list); } } /** * return reference to static global current_theme_name; caller then has * responsibility for global reference */ char *nsgtk_theme_name(void) { return current_theme_name; } /** * set static global current_theme_name from param */ void nsgtk_theme_set_name(const char *name) { if ((name == NULL) && (current_theme_name == NULL)) { return; /* setting it to the same thing */ } else if ((name == NULL) && (current_theme_name != NULL)) { free(current_theme_name); current_theme_name = NULL; } else if ((name != NULL) && (current_theme_name == NULL)) { current_theme_name = strdup(name); nsgtk_theme_prepare(); } else if (strcmp(name, current_theme_name) != 0) { /* disimilar new name */ free(current_theme_name); current_theme_name = strdup(name); nsgtk_theme_prepare(); } } /** * adds a theme name to the list of themes */ void nsgtk_theme_add(const char *themename) { size_t len; GtkWidget *notification, *label; len = SLEN("themelist") + strlen(res_dir_location) + 1; char themefile[len]; snprintf(themefile, len, "%s%s", res_dir_location, "themelist"); /* conduct verification here; no adding duplicates to list */ if (nsgtk_theme_verify(themename) == false) { warn_user(messages_get("gtkThemeDup"), 0); return; } FILE *fp = fopen(themefile, "a"); if (fp == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("gtkFileError"), themefile); return; } fprintf(fp, "%s\n", themename); fclose(fp); /* notification that theme was added successfully */ notification = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons(messages_get("gtkThemeAdd"), NULL, GTK_DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, NSGTK_STOCK_OK, GTK_RESPONSE_NONE, NULL, NULL); if (notification == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("NoMemory"), 0); return; } len = SLEN("\t\t\t\t\t\t") + strlen(messages_get("gtkThemeAdd")) + 1; char labelcontent[len]; snprintf(labelcontent, len, "\t\t\t%s\t\t\t", messages_get("gtkThemeAdd")); label = gtk_label_new(labelcontent); if (label == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("NoMemory"), 0); return; } g_signal_connect_swapped(notification, "response", G_CALLBACK(gtk_widget_destroy), notification); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(nsgtk_dialog_get_content_area(GTK_DIALOG(notification))), label); gtk_widget_show_all(notification); /* update combo */ nsgtk_preferences_theme_add(themename); } /** * sets the images for a particular scaffolding according to the current theme */ void nsgtk_theme_implement(struct nsgtk_scaffolding *g) { struct nsgtk_theme *theme[IMAGE_SET_COUNT]; int i; struct nsgtk_button_connect *button; struct gtk_search *search; for (i = 0; i <= IMAGE_SET_POPUP_MENU; i++) theme[i] = nsgtk_theme_load(GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU); theme[IMAGE_SET_BUTTONS] = nsgtk_theme_load(GTK_ICON_SIZE_LARGE_TOOLBAR); for (i = BACK_BUTTON; i < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON; i++) { if ((i == URL_BAR_ITEM) || (i == THROBBER_ITEM) || (i == WEBSEARCH_ITEM)) continue; button = nsgtk_scaffolding_button(g, i); if (button == NULL) continue; /* gtk_image_menu_item_set_image accepts NULL image */ if ((button->main != NULL) && (theme[IMAGE_SET_MAIN_MENU] != NULL)) { gtk_image_menu_item_set_image(button->main, GTK_WIDGET( theme[IMAGE_SET_MAIN_MENU]-> image[i])); gtk_widget_show_all(GTK_WIDGET(button->main)); } if ((button->rclick != NULL) && (theme[IMAGE_SET_RCLICK_MENU] != NULL)) { gtk_image_menu_item_set_image(button->rclick, GTK_WIDGET( theme[IMAGE_SET_RCLICK_MENU]-> image[i])); gtk_widget_show_all(GTK_WIDGET(button->rclick)); } if ((button->popup != NULL) && (theme[IMAGE_SET_POPUP_MENU] != NULL)) { gtk_image_menu_item_set_image(button->popup, GTK_WIDGET( theme[IMAGE_SET_POPUP_MENU]-> image[i])); gtk_widget_show_all(GTK_WIDGET(button->popup)); } if ((button->location != -1) && (button->button != NULL) && (theme[IMAGE_SET_BUTTONS] != NULL)) { gtk_tool_button_set_icon_widget( GTK_TOOL_BUTTON(button->button), GTK_WIDGET( theme[IMAGE_SET_BUTTONS]-> image[i])); gtk_widget_show_all(GTK_WIDGET(button->button)); } } /* set search bar images */ search = nsgtk_scaffolding_search(g); if ((search != NULL) && (theme[IMAGE_SET_MAIN_MENU] != NULL)) { /* gtk_tool_button_set_icon_widget accepts NULL image */ if (search->buttons[SEARCH_BACK_BUTTON] != NULL) { gtk_tool_button_set_icon_widget( search->buttons[SEARCH_BACK_BUTTON], GTK_WIDGET(theme[IMAGE_SET_MAIN_MENU]-> searchimage[SEARCH_BACK_BUTTON])); gtk_widget_show_all(GTK_WIDGET( search->buttons[SEARCH_BACK_BUTTON])); } if (search->buttons[SEARCH_FORWARD_BUTTON] != NULL) { gtk_tool_button_set_icon_widget( search->buttons[SEARCH_FORWARD_BUTTON], GTK_WIDGET(theme[IMAGE_SET_MAIN_MENU]-> searchimage[SEARCH_FORWARD_BUTTON])); gtk_widget_show_all(GTK_WIDGET( search->buttons[ SEARCH_FORWARD_BUTTON])); } if (search->buttons[SEARCH_CLOSE_BUTTON] != NULL) { gtk_tool_button_set_icon_widget( search->buttons[SEARCH_CLOSE_BUTTON], GTK_WIDGET(theme[IMAGE_SET_MAIN_MENU]-> searchimage[SEARCH_CLOSE_BUTTON])); gtk_widget_show_all(GTK_WIDGET( search->buttons[SEARCH_CLOSE_BUTTON])); } } for (i = 0; i < IMAGE_SET_COUNT; i++) { if (theme[i] != NULL) { free(theme[i]); } } } /** * get default image for buttons / menu items from gtk stock items. * * \param tbbutton button reference * \param iconsize The size of icons to select. * \return default images. */ static GtkImage * nsgtk_theme_image_default(nsgtk_toolbar_button tbbutton, GtkIconSize iconsize) { GtkImage *image; /* The GTK image to return */ char *imagefile; size_t len; switch(tbbutton) { #define BUTTON_IMAGE(p, q) \ case p##_BUTTON: \ image = GTK_IMAGE(nsgtk_image_new_from_stock(q, iconsize)); \ break BUTTON_IMAGE(BACK, NSGTK_STOCK_GO_BACK); BUTTON_IMAGE(FORWARD, NSGTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD); BUTTON_IMAGE(STOP, NSGTK_STOCK_STOP); BUTTON_IMAGE(RELOAD, NSGTK_STOCK_REFRESH); BUTTON_IMAGE(HOME, NSGTK_STOCK_HOME); BUTTON_IMAGE(NEWWINDOW, "gtk-new"); BUTTON_IMAGE(NEWTAB, "gtk-new"); BUTTON_IMAGE(OPENFILE, NSGTK_STOCK_OPEN); BUTTON_IMAGE(CLOSETAB, NSGTK_STOCK_CLOSE); BUTTON_IMAGE(CLOSEWINDOW, NSGTK_STOCK_CLOSE); BUTTON_IMAGE(SAVEPAGE, NSGTK_STOCK_SAVE_AS); BUTTON_IMAGE(PRINTPREVIEW, "gtk-print-preview"); BUTTON_IMAGE(PRINT, "gtk-print"); BUTTON_IMAGE(QUIT, "gtk-quit"); BUTTON_IMAGE(CUT, "gtk-cut"); BUTTON_IMAGE(COPY, "gtk-copy"); BUTTON_IMAGE(PASTE, "gtk-paste"); BUTTON_IMAGE(DELETE, "gtk-delete"); BUTTON_IMAGE(SELECTALL, "gtk-select-all"); BUTTON_IMAGE(FIND, NSGTK_STOCK_FIND); BUTTON_IMAGE(PREFERENCES, "gtk-preferences"); BUTTON_IMAGE(ZOOMPLUS, "gtk-zoom-in"); BUTTON_IMAGE(ZOOMMINUS, "gtk-zoom-out"); BUTTON_IMAGE(ZOOMNORMAL, "gtk-zoom-100"); BUTTON_IMAGE(FULLSCREEN, "gtk-fullscreen"); BUTTON_IMAGE(VIEWSOURCE, "gtk-index"); BUTTON_IMAGE(CONTENTS, "gtk-help"); BUTTON_IMAGE(ABOUT, "gtk-about"); #undef BUTTON_IMAGE case HISTORY_BUTTON: len = SLEN("arrow_down_8x32.png") +strlen(res_dir_location) + 1; imagefile = malloc(len); if (imagefile == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("NoMemory"), 0); return NULL; } snprintf(imagefile, len, "%sarrow_down_8x32.png", res_dir_location); image = GTK_IMAGE(gtk_image_new_from_file(imagefile)); free(imagefile); break; default: len = SLEN("themes/Alpha.png") + strlen(res_dir_location) + 1; imagefile = malloc(len); if (imagefile == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("NoMemory"), 0); return NULL; } snprintf(imagefile, len, "%sthemes/Alpha.png",res_dir_location); image = GTK_IMAGE(gtk_image_new_from_file(imagefile)); free(imagefile); break; } return image; } /** * Get default image for search buttons / menu items from gtk stock items * * \param tbbutton search button reference * \param iconsize The size of icons to select. * \return default search image. */ static GtkImage * nsgtk_theme_searchimage_default(nsgtk_search_buttons tbbutton, GtkIconSize iconsize) { char *imagefile; GtkImage *image; switch(tbbutton) { case (SEARCH_BACK_BUTTON): return GTK_IMAGE(nsgtk_image_new_from_stock(NSGTK_STOCK_GO_BACK, iconsize)); case (SEARCH_FORWARD_BUTTON): return GTK_IMAGE(nsgtk_image_new_from_stock(NSGTK_STOCK_GO_FORWARD, iconsize)); case (SEARCH_CLOSE_BUTTON): return GTK_IMAGE(nsgtk_image_new_from_stock(NSGTK_STOCK_CLOSE, iconsize)); default: { size_t len = SLEN("themes/Alpha.png") + strlen(res_dir_location) + 1; imagefile = malloc(len); if (imagefile == NULL) { warn_user(messages_get("NoMemory"), 0); return NULL; } snprintf(imagefile, len, "%sthemes/Alpha.png", res_dir_location); image = GTK_IMAGE( gtk_image_new_from_file(imagefile)); free(imagefile); return image; } } } /** * loads the set of default images for the toolbar / menus */ static struct nsgtk_theme *nsgtk_theme_default(GtkIconSize iconsize) { struct nsgtk_theme *theme = malloc(sizeof(struct nsgtk_theme)); int btnloop; if (theme == NULL) { warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return NULL; } for (btnloop = BACK_BUTTON; btnloop < PLACEHOLDER_BUTTON ; btnloop++) { theme->image[btnloop] = nsgtk_theme_image_default(btnloop, iconsize); } for (btnloop = SEARCH_BACK_BUTTON; btnloop < SEARCH_BUTTONS_COUNT; btnloop++) { theme->searchimage[btnloop] = nsgtk_theme_searchimage_default(btnloop, iconsize); } return theme; } /** * creates a set of images to add to buttons / menus * loads images from cache, calling an update to the cache when necessary * \return a struct nsgtk_theme is an array of images */ struct nsgtk_theme *nsgtk_theme_load(GtkIconSize s) { if (current_theme_name == NULL) { return nsgtk_theme_default(s); } struct nsgtk_theme *theme = malloc(sizeof(struct nsgtk_theme)); if (theme == NULL) { return theme; } if ((theme_cache_menu == NULL) || (theme_cache_toolbar == NULL)) { nsgtk_theme_prepare(); } /* load theme from cache */ struct nsgtk_theme_cache *cachetheme = (s == GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU) ? theme_cache_menu : theme_cache_toolbar; if (cachetheme == NULL) { free(theme); return NULL; } #define SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(p, q, r) \ if (p->image[q##_BUTTON] != NULL) \ r->image[q##_BUTTON] = GTK_IMAGE(gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf( \ p->image[q##_BUTTON])); \ else \ r->image[q##_BUTTON] = nsgtk_theme_image_default(q##_BUTTON, s) SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, BACK, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, HISTORY, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, FORWARD, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, STOP, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, RELOAD, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, HOME, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, NEWWINDOW, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, NEWTAB, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, OPENFILE, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, CLOSETAB, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, CLOSEWINDOW, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, SAVEPAGE, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, PRINTPREVIEW, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, PRINT, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, QUIT, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, CUT, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, COPY, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, PASTE, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, DELETE, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, SELECTALL, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, PREFERENCES, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, ZOOMPLUS, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, ZOOMMINUS, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, ZOOMNORMAL, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, FULLSCREEN, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, VIEWSOURCE, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, CONTENTS, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, ABOUT, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, PDF, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, PLAINTEXT, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, DRAWFILE, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, POSTSCRIPT, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, FIND, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, DOWNLOADS, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, SAVEWINDOWSIZE, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, TOGGLEDEBUGGING, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, SAVEBOXTREE, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, SAVEDOMTREE, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, LOCALHISTORY, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, GLOBALHISTORY, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, ADDBOOKMARKS, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, SHOWBOOKMARKS, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, SHOWCOOKIES, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, OPENLOCATION, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, NEXTTAB, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, PREVTAB, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, GUIDE, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(cachetheme, INFO, theme); #undef SET_BUTTON_IMAGE #define SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(p, q, qq, r) \ if (qq->searchimage[SEARCH_##p##_BUTTON] != NULL) \ r->searchimage[SEARCH_##p##_BUTTON] = \ GTK_IMAGE(gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf( \ qq->searchimage[ \ SEARCH_##p##_BUTTON])); \ else if (qq->image[q##_BUTTON] != NULL) \ r->searchimage[SEARCH_##p##_BUTTON] = \ GTK_IMAGE(gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf( \ qq->image[q##_BUTTON])); \ else \ r->searchimage[SEARCH_##p##_BUTTON] = \ nsgtk_theme_searchimage_default( \ SEARCH_##p##_BUTTON, s) SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(BACK, BACK, cachetheme, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(FORWARD, FORWARD, cachetheme, theme); SET_BUTTON_IMAGE(CLOSE, CLOSEWINDOW, cachetheme, theme); #undef SET_BUTTON_IMAGE return theme; } /** * caches individual theme images from file * \param i the toolbar button reference * \param filename the image file name * \param path the path to the theme folder */ static void nsgtk_theme_cache_image(nsgtk_toolbar_button i, const char *filename, const char *path) { char fullpath[strlen(filename) + strlen(path) + 1]; sprintf(fullpath, "%s%s", path, filename); if (theme_cache_toolbar != NULL) theme_cache_toolbar->image[i] = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(fullpath, 24, 24, NULL); if (theme_cache_menu != NULL) { theme_cache_menu->image[i] = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size( fullpath, 16, 16, NULL); } } static void nsgtk_theme_cache_searchimage(nsgtk_search_buttons i, const char *filename, const char *path) { char fullpath[strlen(filename) + strlen(path) + 1]; sprintf(fullpath, "%s%s", path, filename); if (theme_cache_toolbar != NULL) { theme_cache_toolbar->searchimage[i] = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(fullpath, 24, 24, NULL); } if (theme_cache_menu != NULL) { theme_cache_menu->searchimage[i] = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(fullpath, 16, 16, NULL); } } /** * caches theme images from file as pixbufs */ void nsgtk_theme_prepare(void) { if (current_theme_name == NULL) return; if (theme_cache_menu == NULL) theme_cache_menu = malloc(sizeof(struct nsgtk_theme_cache)); if (theme_cache_toolbar == NULL) theme_cache_toolbar = malloc(sizeof(struct nsgtk_theme_cache)); size_t len = strlen(res_dir_location) + SLEN("/themes/") + strlen(current_theme_name) + 1; char path[len]; snprintf(path, len, "%sthemes/%s/", res_dir_location, current_theme_name); #define CACHE_IMAGE(p, q, r) \ nsgtk_theme_cache_image(p##_BUTTON, #q ".png", r) CACHE_IMAGE(BACK, back, path); CACHE_IMAGE(HISTORY, history, path); CACHE_IMAGE(FORWARD, forward, path); CACHE_IMAGE(STOP, stop, path); CACHE_IMAGE(RELOAD, reload, path); CACHE_IMAGE(HOME, home, path); CACHE_IMAGE(NEWWINDOW, newwindow, path); CACHE_IMAGE(NEWTAB, newtab, path); CACHE_IMAGE(OPENFILE, openfile, path); CACHE_IMAGE(CLOSETAB, closetab, path); CACHE_IMAGE(CLOSEWINDOW, closewindow, path); CACHE_IMAGE(SAVEPAGE, savepage, path); CACHE_IMAGE(PRINTPREVIEW, printpreview, path); CACHE_IMAGE(PRINT, print, path); CACHE_IMAGE(QUIT, quit, path); CACHE_IMAGE(CUT, cut, path); CACHE_IMAGE(COPY, copy, path); CACHE_IMAGE(PASTE, paste, path); CACHE_IMAGE(DELETE, delete, path); CACHE_IMAGE(SELECTALL, selectall, path); CACHE_IMAGE(PREFERENCES, preferences, path); CACHE_IMAGE(ZOOMPLUS, zoomplus, path); CACHE_IMAGE(ZOOMMINUS, zoomminus, path); CACHE_IMAGE(ZOOMNORMAL, zoomnormal, path); CACHE_IMAGE(FULLSCREEN, fullscreen, path); CACHE_IMAGE(VIEWSOURCE, viewsource, path); CACHE_IMAGE(CONTENTS, helpcontents, path); CACHE_IMAGE(ABOUT, helpabout, path); CACHE_IMAGE(PDF, pdf, path); CACHE_IMAGE(PLAINTEXT, plaintext, path); CACHE_IMAGE(DRAWFILE, drawfile, path); CACHE_IMAGE(POSTSCRIPT, postscript, path); CACHE_IMAGE(FIND, find, path); CACHE_IMAGE(DOWNLOADS, downloads, path); CACHE_IMAGE(SAVEWINDOWSIZE, savewindowsize, path); CACHE_IMAGE(TOGGLEDEBUGGING, toggledebugging, path); CACHE_IMAGE(SAVEBOXTREE, boxtree, path); CACHE_IMAGE(SAVEDOMTREE, domtree, path); CACHE_IMAGE(LOCALHISTORY, localhistory, path); CACHE_IMAGE(GLOBALHISTORY, globalhistory, path); CACHE_IMAGE(ADDBOOKMARKS, addbookmarks, path); CACHE_IMAGE(SHOWBOOKMARKS, showbookmarks, path); CACHE_IMAGE(SHOWCOOKIES, showcookies, path); CACHE_IMAGE(OPENLOCATION, openlocation, path); CACHE_IMAGE(NEXTTAB, nexttab, path); CACHE_IMAGE(PREVTAB, prevtab, path); CACHE_IMAGE(GUIDE, helpguide, path); CACHE_IMAGE(INFO, helpinfo, path); #undef CACHE_IMAGE #define CACHE_IMAGE(p, q, r) \ nsgtk_theme_cache_searchimage(p, #q ".png", r); CACHE_IMAGE(SEARCH_BACK_BUTTON, searchback, path); CACHE_IMAGE(SEARCH_FORWARD_BUTTON, searchforward, path); CACHE_IMAGE(SEARCH_CLOSE_BUTTON, searchclose, path); #undef CACHE_IMAGE } #ifdef WITH_THEME_INSTALL /** * handler saves theme data content as a local theme */ static bool theme_install_read(const char *data, unsigned long len) { char *filename, *newfilename; size_t namelen; int handle = g_file_open_tmp("nsgtkthemeXXXXXX", &filename, NULL); if (handle == -1) { warn_user(messages_get("gtkFileError"), "temporary theme file"); return false; } ssize_t written = write(handle, data, len); close(handle); if ((unsigned)written != len) return false; /* get name of theme; set as dirname */ namelen = SLEN("themes/") + strlen(res_dir_location) + 1; char dirname[namelen]; snprintf(dirname, namelen, "%sthemes/", res_dir_location); /* save individual files in theme */ newfilename = container_extract_theme(filename, dirname); g_free(filename); if (newfilename == NULL) return false; nsgtk_theme_add(newfilename); free(newfilename); return true; } /** * Callback for fetchcache() for theme install fetches. */ static nserror theme_install_callback(hlcache_handle *c, const hlcache_event *event, void *pw) { switch (event->type) { case CONTENT_MSG_DONE: { const char *source_data; unsigned long source_size; source_data = content_get_source_data(c, &source_size); if (!theme_install_read(source_data, source_size)) warn_user("ThemeInvalid", 0); hlcache_handle_release(c); break; } case CONTENT_MSG_ERROR: warn_user(event->data.error, 0); break; default: break; } return NSERROR_OK; } /** * when CONTENT_THEME needs handling call this function */ void theme_install_start(hlcache_handle *c) { assert(c); assert(content_get_type(c) == CONTENT_THEME); /* stop theme sitting in memory cache */ content_invalidate_reuse_data(c); hlcache_handle_replace_callback(c, theme_install_callback, NULL); } #endif