#!/bin/make # # Create the WebIDL for core DOM and HTML spec directly from # downloaded specifications. The resulting IDL is pretty close but # carries the example text etc. and should be manually cleaned up and # tagged with the retrival date and source URL # # needs debin packages: curl w3m tidy html-xml-utils # # Copyright 2012 Vincent Sanders # MIT licenced .PHONY:all clean all: dom.idl html.idl .INTERMEDIATE:dom-spec.html dom-spec.xml dom-idl.html html-spec.html html-spec.xml html-idl.html dom-spec.html: curl -s http://dom.spec.whatwg.org/ -o $@ html-spec.html: curl -s http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/ -o $@ %-spec.xml: %-spec.html -tidy -q -f $@.errors --new-blocklevel-tags header,hgroup,figure -o $@ -asxml $< %-idl.html: %-spec.xml hxselect pre.idl < $< > $@ %.idl: %-idl.html cat $< | w3m -dump -T text/html >$@ clean: ${RM} dom.idl html.idl dom-spec.html dom-spec.xml dom-idl.html html-spec.html html-spec.xml html-idl.html