/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2003 James Bursa * Copyright 2003 Phil Mellor * Copyright 2003 John M Bell */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libxml/HTMLparser.h" #include "netsurf/content/fetchcache.h" #include "netsurf/css/css.h" #include "netsurf/render/box.h" #include "netsurf/render/font.h" #include "netsurf/render/html.h" #ifdef riscos #include "netsurf/desktop/gui.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/plugin.h" #endif #define NDEBUG #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #include "netsurf/utils/messages.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" /* status for box tree construction */ struct status { struct content *content; char *href; char *title; struct form* current_form; struct page_elements* elements; }; /* result of converting a special case element */ struct result { struct box *box; /* box for element, if any, 0 otherwise */ int convert_children; /* children should be converted */ }; static void box_add_child(struct box * parent, struct box * child); static struct box * convert_xml_to_box(xmlNode * n, struct content *content, struct css_style * parent_style, struct css_selector ** selector, unsigned int depth, struct box * parent, struct box *inline_container, struct status status); static struct css_style * box_get_style(struct content ** stylesheet, unsigned int stylesheet_count, struct css_style * parent_style, xmlNode * n, struct css_selector * selector, unsigned int depth); static struct result box_a(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style); static struct result box_body(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style); static struct result box_image(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style); static struct result box_form(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style); static struct result box_textarea(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style); static struct result box_select(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style); static struct result box_input(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style); static struct box *box_input_text(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style, bool password); static struct result box_button(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style); static void add_option(xmlNode* n, struct gui_gadget* current_select, char *text); static void box_normalise_block(struct box *block); static void box_normalise_table(struct box *table); void box_normalise_table_row_group(struct box *row_group, unsigned int **row_span, unsigned int *table_columns); void box_normalise_table_row(struct box *row, unsigned int **row_span, unsigned int *table_columns); static void box_normalise_inline_container(struct box *cont); static void gadget_free(struct gui_gadget* g); static void box_free_box(struct box *box); static struct result box_object(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style); static struct result box_embed(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style); static struct result box_applet(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style); static struct result box_iframe(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style); static struct form* create_form(xmlNode* n); static void add_form_element(struct page_elements* pe, struct form* f); static void add_gadget_element(struct page_elements* pe, struct gui_gadget* g); static bool plugin_decode(struct content* content, char* url, struct box* box, struct object_params* po); /* element_table must be sorted by name */ struct element_entry { char name[10]; /* element type */ struct result (*convert)(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style); }; static const struct element_entry element_table[] = { {"a", box_a}, {"applet", box_applet}, {"body", box_body}, {"button", box_button}, {"embed", box_embed}, {"form", box_form}, {"iframe", box_iframe}, {"img", box_image}, {"input", box_input}, {"object", box_object}, {"select", box_select}, {"textarea", box_textarea} }; #define ELEMENT_TABLE_COUNT (sizeof(element_table) / sizeof(element_table[0])) /** * add a child to a box tree node */ void box_add_child(struct box * parent, struct box * child) { if (parent->children != 0) { /* has children already */ parent->last->next = child; child->prev = parent->last; } else { /* this is the first child */ parent->children = child; child->prev = 0; } parent->last = child; child->parent = parent; } /** * create a box tree node */ struct box * box_create(struct css_style * style, char *href, char *title) { struct box * box = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct box)); box->type = BOX_INLINE; box->style = style; box->width = UNKNOWN_WIDTH; box->max_width = UNKNOWN_MAX_WIDTH; box->href = href ? xstrdup(href) : 0; box->title = title ? xstrdup(title) : 0; box->columns = 1; box->rows = 1; #ifndef riscos /* under RISC OS, xcalloc makes these unnecessary */ box->text = 0; box->space = 0; box->clone = 0; box->style_clone = 0; box->length = 0; box->start_column = 0; box->next = 0; box->prev = 0; box->children = 0; box->last = 0; box->parent = 0; box->float_children = 0; box->next_float = 0; box->col = 0; box->font = 0; box->gadget = 0; box->object = 0; box->object_params = 0; box->object_state = 0; #endif return box; } /** * make a box tree with style data from an xml tree */ void xml_to_box(xmlNode *n, struct content *c) { struct css_selector* selector = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct css_selector)); struct status status = {c, 0, 0, 0, &c->data.html.elements}; LOG(("node %p", n)); assert(c->type == CONTENT_HTML); c->data.html.layout = box_create(0, 0, 0); c->data.html.layout->type = BOX_BLOCK; c->data.html.style = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct css_style)); memcpy(c->data.html.style, &css_base_style, sizeof(struct css_style)); c->data.html.fonts = font_new_set(); c->data.html.object_count = 0; c->data.html.object = xcalloc(0, sizeof(*c->data.html.object)); convert_xml_to_box(n, c, c->data.html.style, &selector, 0, c->data.html.layout, 0, status); LOG(("normalising")); box_normalise_block(c->data.html.layout->children); } /** * make a box tree with style data from an xml tree * * arguments: * n xml tree * content content structure * parent_style style at this point in xml tree * selector element selector hierachy to this point * depth depth in xml tree * parent parent in box tree * inline_container current inline container box, or 0 * status status for forms etc. * * returns: * updated current inline container */ /* mapping from CSS display to box type * this table must be in sync with css/css_enums */ static box_type box_map[] = { 0, /*CSS_DISPLAY_INHERIT,*/ BOX_INLINE, /*CSS_DISPLAY_INLINE,*/ BOX_BLOCK, /*CSS_DISPLAY_BLOCK,*/ BOX_BLOCK, /*CSS_DISPLAY_LIST_ITEM,*/ BOX_INLINE, /*CSS_DISPLAY_RUN_IN,*/ BOX_INLINE_BLOCK, /*CSS_DISPLAY_INLINE_BLOCK,*/ BOX_TABLE, /*CSS_DISPLAY_TABLE,*/ BOX_TABLE, /*CSS_DISPLAY_INLINE_TABLE,*/ BOX_TABLE_ROW_GROUP, /*CSS_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW_GROUP,*/ BOX_TABLE_ROW_GROUP, /*CSS_DISPLAY_TABLE_HEADER_GROUP,*/ BOX_TABLE_ROW_GROUP, /*CSS_DISPLAY_TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP,*/ BOX_TABLE_ROW, /*CSS_DISPLAY_TABLE_ROW,*/ BOX_INLINE, /*CSS_DISPLAY_TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP,*/ BOX_INLINE, /*CSS_DISPLAY_TABLE_COLUMN,*/ BOX_TABLE_CELL, /*CSS_DISPLAY_TABLE_CELL,*/ BOX_INLINE /*CSS_DISPLAY_TABLE_CAPTION,*/ }; struct box * convert_xml_to_box(xmlNode * n, struct content *content, struct css_style * parent_style, struct css_selector ** selector, unsigned int depth, struct box * parent, struct box *inline_container, struct status status) { struct box * box = 0; struct box * inline_container_c; struct css_style * style = 0; xmlNode * c; char * s; char * text = 0; xmlChar * title0; char * title = 0; int convert_children = 1; char *href_in = status.href; assert(n != 0 && parent_style != 0 && selector != 0 && parent != 0); LOG(("depth %i, node %p, node type %i", depth, n, n->type)); gui_multitask(); if (n->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { struct element_entry *element; /* work out the style for this element */ *selector = xrealloc(*selector, (depth + 1) * sizeof(struct css_selector)); (*selector)[depth].element = (const char *) n->name; (*selector)[depth].class = (*selector)[depth].id = 0; if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "class"))) (*selector)[depth].class = s; if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "id"))) (*selector)[depth].id = s; style = box_get_style(content->data.html.stylesheet_content, content->data.html.stylesheet_count, parent_style, n, *selector, depth + 1); LOG(("display: %s", css_display_name[style->display])); if (style->display == CSS_DISPLAY_NONE) { free(style); LOG(("depth %i, node %p, node type %i END", depth, n, n->type)); goto end; } /* floats are treated as blocks */ if (style->float_ == CSS_FLOAT_LEFT || style->float_ == CSS_FLOAT_RIGHT) if (style->display == CSS_DISPLAY_INLINE) style->display = CSS_DISPLAY_BLOCK; /* extract title attribute, if present */ if ((title0 = xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "title"))) { status.title = title = squash_tolat1(title0); xfree(title0); } /* special elements */ element = bsearch((const char *) n->name, element_table, ELEMENT_TABLE_COUNT, sizeof(element_table[0]), (int (*)(const void *, const void *)) strcmp); if (element != 0) { /* a special convert function exists for this element */ struct result res = element->convert(n, &status, style); box = res.box; convert_children = res.convert_children; if (box == 0) { /* no box for this element */ assert(convert_children == 0); free(style); LOG(("depth %i, node %p, node type %i END", depth, n, n->type)); goto end; } } else { /* general element */ box = box_create(style, status.href, title); } box->type = box_map[style->display]; } else if (n->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) { text = squash_tolat1(n->content); /* if the text is just a space, combine it with the preceding * text node, if any */ if (text[0] == ' ' && text[1] == 0) { if (inline_container != 0) { assert(inline_container->last != 0); inline_container->last->space = 1; } xfree(text); LOG(("depth %i, node %p, node type %i END", depth, n, n->type)); goto end; } /* text nodes are converted to inline boxes */ box = box_create(parent_style, status.href, title); box->style_clone = 1; box->length = strlen(text); if (text[box->length - 1] == ' ') { box->space = 1; box->length--; } box->text = text; box->font = font_open(content->data.html.fonts, box->style); } else { /* not an element or text node: ignore it (eg. comment) */ LOG(("depth %i, node %p, node type %i END", depth, n, n->type)); goto end; } content->size += sizeof(struct box) + sizeof(struct css_style); assert(box != 0); if (text != 0 || box->type == BOX_INLINE || box->type == BOX_INLINE_BLOCK || style->float_ == CSS_FLOAT_LEFT || style->float_ == CSS_FLOAT_RIGHT) { /* this is an inline box */ if (inline_container == 0) { /* this is the first inline node: make a container */ inline_container = box_create(0, 0, 0); inline_container->type = BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER; box_add_child(parent, inline_container); } if (text != 0) { /* text box */ box_add_child(inline_container, box); if (text[0] == ' ') { box->length--; memmove(text, text + 1, box->length); if (box->prev != 0) box->prev->space = 1; } LOG(("depth %i, node %p, node type %i END", depth, n, n->type)); goto end; } else if (box->type == BOX_INLINE) { /* inline box: add to tree and recurse */ box_add_child(inline_container, box); if (convert_children) { for (c = n->children; c != 0; c = c->next) inline_container = convert_xml_to_box(c, content, style, selector, depth + 1, parent, inline_container, status); } LOG(("depth %i, node %p, node type %i END", depth, n, n->type)); goto end; } else if (box->type == BOX_INLINE_BLOCK) { /* inline block box: add to tree and recurse */ box_add_child(inline_container, box); if (convert_children) { inline_container_c = 0; for (c = n->children; c != 0; c = c->next) inline_container_c = convert_xml_to_box(c, content, style, selector, depth + 1, box, inline_container_c, status); } LOG(("depth %i, node %p, node type %i END", depth, n, n->type)); goto end; } else { /* float: insert a float box between the parent and current node */ assert(style->float_ == CSS_FLOAT_LEFT || style->float_ == CSS_FLOAT_RIGHT); LOG(("float")); parent = box_create(0, status.href, title); if (style->float_ == CSS_FLOAT_LEFT) parent->type = BOX_FLOAT_LEFT; else parent->type = BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT; box_add_child(inline_container, parent); if (box->type == BOX_INLINE || box->type == BOX_INLINE_BLOCK) box->type = BOX_BLOCK; } } assert(n->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE); assert(CSS_DISPLAY_INLINE < style->display && style->display < CSS_DISPLAY_NONE); /* non-inline box: add to tree and recurse */ box_add_child(parent, box); if (convert_children) { inline_container_c = 0; for (c = n->children; c != 0; c = c->next) inline_container_c = convert_xml_to_box(c, content, style, selector, depth + 1, box, inline_container_c, status); } if (style->float_ == CSS_FLOAT_NONE) /* new inline container unless this is a float */ inline_container = 0; if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "colspan"))) { if ((box->columns = strtol(s, 0, 10)) == 0) box->columns = 1; xmlFree(s); } if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "rowspan"))) { if ((box->rows = strtol(s, 0, 10)) == 0) box->rows = 1; xmlFree(s); } end: free(title); if (!href_in) xmlFree(status.href); if (n->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { free((*selector)[depth].class); free((*selector)[depth].id); } LOG(("depth %i, node %p, node type %i END", depth, n, n->type)); return inline_container; } /** * Get the style for an element * * The style is collected from three sources: * 1. any styles for this element in the document stylesheet(s) * 2. non-CSS HTML attributes * 3. the 'style' attribute */ struct css_style * box_get_style(struct content ** stylesheet, unsigned int stylesheet_count, struct css_style * parent_style, xmlNode * n, struct css_selector * selector, unsigned int depth) { struct css_style * style = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct css_style)); struct css_style * style_new = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct css_style)); char * s; unsigned int i; memcpy(style, parent_style, sizeof(struct css_style)); memcpy(style_new, &css_blank_style, sizeof(struct css_style)); for (i = 0; i != stylesheet_count; i++) { if (stylesheet[i] != 0) { assert(stylesheet[i]->type == CONTENT_CSS); css_get_style(stylesheet[i], n, style_new); } } css_cascade(style, style_new); free(style_new); if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "bgcolor"))) { unsigned int r, g, b; if (s[0] == '#' && sscanf(s + 1, "%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b) == 3) style->background_color = (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r; else if (s[0] != '#') style->background_color = named_colour(s); xmlFree(s); } if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "color"))) { unsigned int r, g, b; if (s[0] == '#' && sscanf(s + 1, "%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b) == 3) style->color = (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r; else if (s[0] != '#') style->color = named_colour(s); xmlFree(s); } if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "height"))) { float value = atof(s); if (value < 0) { /* ignore negative values */ } else if (strrchr(s, '%')) { /*the specification doesn't make clear what * percentage heights mean, so ignore them */ } else { style->height.height = CSS_HEIGHT_LENGTH; style->height.length.unit = CSS_UNIT_PX; style->height.length.value = value; } xmlFree(s); } if (strcmp((const char *) n->name, "input") == 0) { if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "size"))) { int size = atoi(s); if (0 < size) { char *type = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "type"); style->width.width = CSS_WIDTH_LENGTH; if (!type || stricmp(type, "text") == 0 || stricmp(type, "password") == 0) /* in characters for text or password */ style->width.value.length.unit = CSS_UNIT_EX; else /* in pixels otherwise */ style->width.value.length.unit = CSS_UNIT_PX; style->width.value.length.value = size; if (type) xmlFree(type); } xmlFree(s); } } if (strcmp((const char *) n->name, "body") == 0) { if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "text"))) { unsigned int r, g, b; if (s[0] == '#' && sscanf(s + 1, "%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b) == 3) style->color = (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r; else if (s[0] != '#') style->color = named_colour(s); xmlFree(s); } } if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "width"))) { float value = atof(s); if (value < 0) { /* ignore negative values */ } else if (strrchr(s, '%')) { style->width.width = CSS_WIDTH_PERCENT; style->width.value.percent = value; } else { style->width.width = CSS_WIDTH_LENGTH; style->width.value.length.unit = CSS_UNIT_PX; style->width.value.length.value = value; } xmlFree(s); } if (strcmp((const char *) n->name, "textarea") == 0) { if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "rows"))) { int value = atoi(s); if (0 < value) { style->height.height = CSS_HEIGHT_LENGTH; style->height.length.unit = CSS_UNIT_EM; style->height.length.value = value; } xmlFree(s); } if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "cols"))) { int value = atoi(s); if (0 < value) { style->width.width = CSS_WIDTH_LENGTH; style->width.value.length.unit = CSS_UNIT_EX; style->width.value.length.value = value; } xmlFree(s); } } if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "style"))) { struct css_style * astyle = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct css_style)); memcpy(astyle, &css_empty_style, sizeof(struct css_style)); css_parse_property_list(astyle, s); css_cascade(style, astyle); free(astyle); xmlFree(s); } return style; } /** * Special case elements * * These functions are called by convert_xml_to_box when an element is being * converted, according to the entries in element_table (top of file). * * The parameters are the xmlNode, a status structure for the conversion, and * the style found for the element. * * If a box is created, it is returned in the result structure. The * convert_children field should be 1 if convert_xml_to_box should convert the * node's children recursively, 0 if it should ignore them (presumably they * have been processed in some way by the function). If box is 0, no box will * be created for that element, and convert_children must be 0. */ struct result box_a(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style) { struct box *box; char *s; if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "href"))) status->href = s; box = box_create(style, status->href, status->title); return (struct result) {box, 1}; } struct result box_body(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style) { struct box *box; status->content->data.html.background_colour = style->background_color; box = box_create(style, status->href, status->title); return (struct result) {box, 1}; } struct result box_image(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style) { struct box *box; char *s, *url; xmlChar *s2; box = box_create(style, status->href, status->title); /* handle alt text */ if ((s2 = xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "alt"))) { box->text = squash_tolat1(s2); box->length = strlen(box->text); box->font = font_open(status->content->data.html.fonts, style); free(s2); } /* img without src is an error */ if (!(s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "src"))) return (struct result) {box, 0}; url = url_join(s, status->content->url); LOG(("image '%s'", url)); xmlFree(s); /* start fetch */ html_fetch_object(status->content, url, box); return (struct result) {box, 0}; } struct result box_form(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style) { struct box *box; box = box_create(style, status->href, status->title); status->current_form = create_form(n); add_form_element(status->elements, status->current_form); return (struct result) {box, 1}; } struct result box_textarea(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style) { xmlChar *content, *current; struct box *box, *inline_container, *inline_box; char* s; box = box_create(style, NULL, 0); box->gadget = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct gui_gadget)); box->gadget->box = box; box->gadget->type = GADGET_TEXTAREA; box->gadget->form = status->current_form; style->display = CSS_DISPLAY_INLINE_BLOCK; /* split the content at newlines and make an inline container with an * inline box for each line */ current = content = xmlNodeGetContent(n); do { size_t len = strcspn(current, "\r\n"); char old = current[len]; current[len] = 0; inline_container = box_create(0, 0, 0); inline_container->type = BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER; inline_box = box_create(style, 0, 0); inline_box->type = BOX_INLINE; inline_box->style_clone = 1; inline_box->text = tolat1(current); inline_box->length = strlen(inline_box->text); inline_box->font = font_open(status->content->data.html.fonts, style); box_add_child(inline_container, inline_box); box_add_child(box, inline_container); current[len] = old; current += len; current += strspn(current, "\r\n"); } while (*current); xmlFree(content); if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "name"))) { box->gadget->name = s; } add_gadget_element(status->elements, box->gadget); return (struct result) {box, 0}; } struct result box_select(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style) { struct box *box; struct box *inline_container; struct box *inline_box; struct gui_gadget *gadget = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct gui_gadget)); char* s; xmlNode *c, *c2; gadget->type = GADGET_SELECT; gadget->form = status->current_form; gadget->data.select.multiple = false; if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "multiple"))) { gadget->data.select.multiple = true; xmlFree(s); } gadget->data.select.items = NULL; gadget->data.select.last_item = NULL; gadget->data.select.num_items = 0; gadget->data.select.num_selected = 0; for (c = n->children; c != 0; c = c->next) { if (strcmp((const char *) c->name, "option") == 0) { xmlChar *content = xmlNodeGetContent(c); add_option(c, gadget, squash_tolat1(content)); xmlFree(content); gadget->data.select.num_items++; } else if (strcmp((const char *) c->name, "optgroup") == 0) { for (c2 = c->children; c2; c2 = c2->next) { if (strcmp((const char *) c2->name, "option") == 0) { xmlChar *content = xmlNodeGetContent(c2); add_option(c2, gadget, squash_tolat1(content)); xmlFree(content); gadget->data.select.num_items++; } } } } if (gadget->data.select.num_items == 0) { /* no options: ignore entire select */ xfree(gadget); return (struct result) {0, 0}; } if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "name"))) { gadget->name = s; } box = box_create(style, NULL, 0); box->gadget = gadget; gadget->box = box; style->display = CSS_DISPLAY_INLINE_BLOCK; inline_container = box_create(0, 0, 0); inline_container->type = BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER; inline_box = box_create(style, 0, 0); inline_box->type = BOX_INLINE; inline_box->style_clone = 1; box_add_child(inline_container, inline_box); box_add_child(box, inline_container); if (!gadget->data.select.multiple && gadget->data.select.num_selected == 0) { gadget->data.select.current = gadget->data.select.items; gadget->data.select.current->selected = true; gadget->data.select.num_selected = 1; } if (gadget->data.select.num_selected == 0) inline_box->text = xstrdup(messages_get("Form_None")); else if (gadget->data.select.num_selected == 1) inline_box->text = xstrdup(gadget->data.select.current->text); else inline_box->text = xstrdup(messages_get("Form_Many")); inline_box->length = strlen(inline_box->text); inline_box->font = font_open(status->content->data.html.fonts, style); add_gadget_element(status->elements, gadget); return (struct result) {box, 0}; } void add_option(xmlNode* n, struct gui_gadget* current_select, char *text) { struct formoption *option = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct formoption)); char *s, *c; assert(current_select != 0); if (current_select->data.select.items == 0) current_select->data.select.items = option; else current_select->data.select.last_item->next = option; current_select->data.select.last_item = option; for (c = text; *c; c++) if (*c == ' ') *c = 160; option->selected = option->initial_selected = false; option->text = text; option->value = 0; if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "selected"))) { xmlFree(s); if (current_select->data.select.num_selected == 0 || current_select->data.select.multiple) { option->selected = option->initial_selected = true; current_select->data.select.num_selected++; current_select->data.select.current = option; } } if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "value"))) { option->value = s; } } struct result box_input(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style) { struct box* box = 0; struct gui_gadget *gadget = 0; char *s, *type, *url; type = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "type"); /* the default type is "text" */ if (type == 0 || stricmp(type, "text") == 0) { box = box_input_text(n, status, style, false); gadget = box->gadget; gadget->box = box; } else if (stricmp(type, "password") == 0) { box = box_input_text(n, status, style, true); gadget = box->gadget; gadget->box = box; } else if (stricmp(type, "hidden") == 0) { /* no box for hidden inputs */ gadget = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct gui_gadget)); gadget->type = GADGET_HIDDEN; if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "value"))) gadget->data.hidden.value = s; } else if (stricmp(type, "checkbox") == 0 || stricmp(type, "radio") == 0) { box = box_create(style, NULL, 0); box->gadget = gadget = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct gui_gadget)); gadget->box = box; if (type[0] == 'c' || type[0] == 'C') gadget->type = GADGET_CHECKBOX; else gadget->type = GADGET_RADIO; if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "checked"))) { if (gadget->type == GADGET_CHECKBOX) gadget->data.checkbox.selected = -1; else gadget->data.radio.selected = -1; xmlFree(s); } if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "value"))) { if (gadget->type == GADGET_CHECKBOX) gadget->data.checkbox.value = s; else gadget->data.radio.value = s; } } else if (stricmp(type, "submit") == 0 || stricmp(type, "reset") == 0) { struct result result = box_button(n, status, style); struct box *inline_container, *inline_box; box = result.box; inline_container = box_create(0, 0, 0); inline_container->type = BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER; inline_box = box_create(style, 0, 0); inline_box->type = BOX_INLINE; inline_box->style_clone = 1; if (box->gadget->value) inline_box->text = tolat1(box->gadget->value); else if (box->gadget->type == GADGET_SUBMIT) inline_box->text = xstrdup(messages_get("Form_Submit")); else inline_box->text = xstrdup(messages_get("Form_Reset")); inline_box->length = strlen(inline_box->text); inline_box->font = font_open(status->content->data.html.fonts, style); box_add_child(inline_container, inline_box); box_add_child(box, inline_container); } else if (stricmp(type, "image") == 0) { box = box_create(style, NULL, 0); box->gadget = gadget = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct gui_gadget)); gadget->box = box; gadget->type = GADGET_IMAGE; if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar*) "name"))) { gadget->data.image.n = s; } if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar*) "width"))) { gadget->data.image.width = (atoi(s)); } if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar*) "height"))) { gadget->data.image.height = (atoi(s)); } if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar*) "src"))) { url = url_join(strdup(s), status->content->url); html_fetch_object(status->content, url, box); } gadget->data.image.name = xcalloc(strlen(gadget->data.image.n) + 5, sizeof(char)); gadget->data.image.value = xcalloc(strlen(gadget->data.image.n) + 20, sizeof(char)); } if (type != 0) xmlFree(type); if (gadget != 0) { gadget->form = status->current_form; gadget->name = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "name"); add_gadget_element(status->elements, gadget); } return (struct result) {box, 0}; } struct box *box_input_text(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style, bool password) { char *s; unsigned int i; struct box *box = box_create(style, 0, 0); struct box *inline_container, *inline_box; style->display = CSS_DISPLAY_INLINE_BLOCK; box->gadget = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct gui_gadget)); box->gadget->box = box; box->gadget->maxlength = 100; if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "maxlength"))) { box->gadget->maxlength = atoi(s); xmlFree(s); } s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "value"); box->gadget->value = s ? tolat1(s) : xstrdup(""); box->gadget->initial_value = xstrdup(box->gadget->value); if (s) xmlFree(s); inline_container = box_create(0, 0, 0); inline_container->type = BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER; inline_box = box_create(style, 0, 0); inline_box->type = BOX_INLINE; inline_box->style_clone = 1; inline_box->length = strlen(box->gadget->value); if (password) { box->gadget->type = GADGET_PASSWORD; inline_box->text = xcalloc(inline_box->length + 1, 1); for (i = 0; i != inline_box->length; i++) inline_box->text[i] = '*'; } else { box->gadget->type = GADGET_TEXTBOX; inline_box->text = xstrdup(box->gadget->value); /* replace spaces with hard spaces to prevent line wrapping */ for (i = 0; i != inline_box->length; i++) if (inline_box->text[i] == ' ') inline_box->text[i] = 160; } inline_box->font = font_open(status->content->data.html.fonts, style); box_add_child(inline_container, inline_box); box_add_child(box, inline_container); return box; } struct result box_button(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style) { char *type = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "type"); struct box *box = box_create(style, 0, 0); style->display = CSS_DISPLAY_INLINE_BLOCK; if (!type || strcasecmp(type, "submit") == 0) { box->gadget = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct gui_gadget)); box->gadget->type = GADGET_SUBMIT; } else if (strcasecmp(type, "reset") == 0) { box->gadget = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct gui_gadget)); box->gadget->type = GADGET_RESET; } else { /* type="button" or unknown: just render the contents */ xmlFree(type); return (struct result) {box, 1}; } if (type) xmlFree(type); box->gadget->form = status->current_form; box->gadget->box = box; box->gadget->name = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "name"); box->gadget->value = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "value"); return (struct result) {box, 1}; } /** * print a box tree to standard output */ void box_dump(struct box * box, unsigned int depth) { unsigned int i; struct box * c; for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) fprintf(stderr, " "); fprintf(stderr, "x%li y%li w%li h%li ", box->x, box->y, box->width, box->height); if (box->max_width != UNKNOWN_MAX_WIDTH) fprintf(stderr, "min%lu max%lu ", box->min_width, box->max_width); switch (box->type) { case BOX_BLOCK: fprintf(stderr, "BOX_BLOCK "); break; case BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER: fprintf(stderr, "BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER "); break; case BOX_INLINE: fprintf(stderr, "BOX_INLINE "); break; case BOX_INLINE_BLOCK: fprintf(stderr, "BOX_INLINE_BLOCK "); break; case BOX_TABLE: fprintf(stderr, "BOX_TABLE "); break; case BOX_TABLE_ROW: fprintf(stderr, "BOX_TABLE_ROW "); break; case BOX_TABLE_CELL: fprintf(stderr, "BOX_TABLE_CELL [columns %i] ", box->columns); break; case BOX_TABLE_ROW_GROUP: fprintf(stderr, "BOX_TABLE_ROW_GROUP "); break; case BOX_FLOAT_LEFT: fprintf(stderr, "BOX_FLOAT_LEFT "); break; case BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT: fprintf(stderr, "BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT "); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown box type "); } if (box->text) fprintf(stderr, "'%.*s' ", (int) box->length, box->text); if (box->object) fprintf(stderr, "(object '%s') ", box->object->url); if (box->style) css_dump_style(box->style); if (box->href != 0) fprintf(stderr, " -> '%s' ", box->href); if (box->title != 0) fprintf(stderr, "[%s]", box->title); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); for (c = box->children; c != 0; c = c->next) box_dump(c, depth + 1); } /** * ensure the box tree is correctly nested * * parent permitted child nodes * BLOCK, INLINE_BLOCK BLOCK, INLINE_CONTAINER, TABLE * INLINE_CONTAINER INLINE, INLINE_BLOCK, FLOAT_LEFT, FLOAT_RIGHT * INLINE none * TABLE at least 1 TABLE_ROW_GROUP * TABLE_ROW_GROUP at least 1 TABLE_ROW * TABLE_ROW at least 1 TABLE_CELL * TABLE_CELL BLOCK, INLINE_CONTAINER, TABLE (same as BLOCK) * FLOAT_(LEFT|RIGHT) exactly 1 BLOCK or TABLE */ void box_normalise_block(struct box *block) { struct box *child; struct box *next_child; struct box *table; struct css_style *style; assert(block != 0); assert(block->type == BOX_BLOCK || block->type == BOX_INLINE_BLOCK || block->type == BOX_TABLE_CELL); LOG(("block %p, block->type %u", block, block->type)); gui_multitask(); for (child = block->children; child != 0; child = next_child) { LOG(("child %p, child->type = %d", child, child->type)); next_child = child->next; /* child may be destroyed */ switch (child->type) { case BOX_BLOCK: /* ok */ box_normalise_block(child); break; case BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER: box_normalise_inline_container(child); break; case BOX_TABLE: box_normalise_table(child); break; case BOX_INLINE: case BOX_INLINE_BLOCK: case BOX_FLOAT_LEFT: case BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT: /* should have been wrapped in inline container by convert_xml_to_box() */ assert(0); break; case BOX_TABLE_ROW_GROUP: case BOX_TABLE_ROW: case BOX_TABLE_CELL: /* insert implied table */ style = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct css_style)); memcpy(style, block->style, sizeof(struct css_style)); css_cascade(style, &css_blank_style); table = box_create(style, block->href, 0); table->type = BOX_TABLE; if (child->prev == 0) block->children = table; else child->prev->next = table; table->prev = child->prev; while (child != 0 && ( child->type == BOX_TABLE_ROW_GROUP || child->type == BOX_TABLE_ROW || child->type == BOX_TABLE_CELL)) { box_add_child(table, child); child = child->next; } table->last->next = 0; table->next = next_child = child; table->parent = block; box_normalise_table(table); break; default: assert(0); } } LOG(("block %p done", block)); } void box_normalise_table(struct box *table) { struct box *child; struct box *next_child; struct box *row_group; struct css_style *style; unsigned int *row_span = xcalloc(2, sizeof(row_span[0])); unsigned int table_columns = 1; assert(table != 0); assert(table->type == BOX_TABLE); LOG(("table %p", table)); row_span[0] = row_span[1] = 0; for (child = table->children; child != 0; child = next_child) { next_child = child->next; switch (child->type) { case BOX_TABLE_ROW_GROUP: /* ok */ box_normalise_table_row_group(child, &row_span, &table_columns); break; case BOX_BLOCK: case BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER: case BOX_TABLE: case BOX_TABLE_ROW: case BOX_TABLE_CELL: /* insert implied table row group */ style = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct css_style)); memcpy(style, table->style, sizeof(struct css_style)); css_cascade(style, &css_blank_style); row_group = box_create(style, table->href, 0); row_group->type = BOX_TABLE_ROW_GROUP; if (child->prev == 0) table->children = row_group; else child->prev->next = row_group; row_group->prev = child->prev; while (child != 0 && ( child->type == BOX_BLOCK || child->type == BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER || child->type == BOX_TABLE || child->type == BOX_TABLE_ROW || child->type == BOX_TABLE_CELL)) { box_add_child(row_group, child); child = child->next; } row_group->last->next = 0; row_group->next = next_child = child; row_group->parent = table; box_normalise_table_row_group(row_group, &row_span, &table_columns); break; case BOX_INLINE: case BOX_INLINE_BLOCK: case BOX_FLOAT_LEFT: case BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT: /* should have been wrapped in inline container by convert_xml_to_box() */ assert(0); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "%i\n", child->type); assert(0); } } table->columns = table_columns; xfree(row_span); if (table->children == 0) { LOG(("table->children == 0, removing")); if (table->prev == 0) table->parent->children = table->next; else table->prev->next = table->next; if (table->next != 0) table->next->prev = table->prev; box_free(table); } LOG(("table %p done", table)); } void box_normalise_table_row_group(struct box *row_group, unsigned int **row_span, unsigned int *table_columns) { struct box *child; struct box *next_child; struct box *row; struct css_style *style; assert(row_group != 0); assert(row_group->type == BOX_TABLE_ROW_GROUP); LOG(("row_group %p", row_group)); for (child = row_group->children; child != 0; child = next_child) { next_child = child->next; switch (child->type) { case BOX_TABLE_ROW: /* ok */ box_normalise_table_row(child, row_span, table_columns); break; case BOX_BLOCK: case BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER: case BOX_TABLE: case BOX_TABLE_ROW_GROUP: case BOX_TABLE_CELL: /* insert implied table row */ style = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct css_style)); memcpy(style, row_group->style, sizeof(struct css_style)); css_cascade(style, &css_blank_style); row = box_create(style, row_group->href, 0); row->type = BOX_TABLE_ROW; if (child->prev == 0) row_group->children = row; else child->prev->next = row; row->prev = child->prev; while (child != 0 && ( child->type == BOX_BLOCK || child->type == BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER || child->type == BOX_TABLE || child->type == BOX_TABLE_ROW_GROUP || child->type == BOX_TABLE_CELL)) { box_add_child(row, child); child = child->next; } row->last->next = 0; row->next = next_child = child; row->parent = row_group; box_normalise_table_row(row, row_span, table_columns); break; case BOX_INLINE: case BOX_INLINE_BLOCK: case BOX_FLOAT_LEFT: case BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT: /* should have been wrapped in inline container by convert_xml_to_box() */ assert(0); break; default: assert(0); } } if (row_group->children == 0) { LOG(("row_group->children == 0, removing")); if (row_group->prev == 0) row_group->parent->children = row_group->next; else row_group->prev->next = row_group->next; if (row_group->next != 0) row_group->next->prev = row_group->prev; box_free(row_group); } LOG(("row_group %p done", row_group)); } void box_normalise_table_row(struct box *row, unsigned int **row_span, unsigned int *table_columns) { struct box *child; struct box *next_child; struct box *cell; struct css_style *style; unsigned int columns = 0, i, min; assert(row != 0); assert(row->type == BOX_TABLE_ROW); LOG(("row %p", row)); for (child = row->children; child != 0; child = next_child) { next_child = child->next; switch (child->type) { case BOX_TABLE_CELL: /* ok */ box_normalise_block(child); cell = child; break; case BOX_BLOCK: case BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER: case BOX_TABLE: case BOX_TABLE_ROW_GROUP: case BOX_TABLE_ROW: /* insert implied table cell */ style = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct css_style)); memcpy(style, row->style, sizeof(struct css_style)); css_cascade(style, &css_blank_style); cell = box_create(style, row->href, 0); cell->type = BOX_TABLE_CELL; if (child->prev == 0) row->children = cell; else child->prev->next = cell; cell->prev = child->prev; while (child != 0 && ( child->type == BOX_BLOCK || child->type == BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER || child->type == BOX_TABLE || child->type == BOX_TABLE_ROW_GROUP || child->type == BOX_TABLE_ROW)) { box_add_child(cell, child); child = child->next; } cell->last->next = 0; cell->next = next_child = child; cell->parent = row; box_normalise_block(cell); break; case BOX_INLINE: case BOX_INLINE_BLOCK: case BOX_FLOAT_LEFT: case BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT: /* should have been wrapped in inline container by convert_xml_to_box() */ assert(0); break; default: assert(0); } /* skip columns with cells spanning from above */ while ((*row_span)[columns] != 0) columns++; cell->start_column = columns; if (*table_columns < columns + cell->columns) { *table_columns = columns + cell->columns; *row_span = xrealloc(*row_span, sizeof((*row_span)[0]) * (*table_columns + 1)); (*row_span)[*table_columns] = 0; /* sentinel */ } for (i = 0; i != cell->columns; i++) (*row_span)[columns + i] = cell->rows; columns += cell->columns; } for (i = 0; i != *table_columns; i++) if ((*row_span)[i] != 0) (*row_span)[i]--; if (row->children == 0) { LOG(("row->children == 0, removing")); if (row->prev == 0) row->parent->children = row->next; else row->prev->next = row->next; if (row->next != 0) row->next->prev = row->prev; box_free(row); } LOG(("row %p done", row)); } void box_normalise_inline_container(struct box *cont) { struct box *child; struct box *next_child; assert(cont != 0); assert(cont->type == BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER); LOG(("cont %p", cont)); for (child = cont->children; child != 0; child = next_child) { next_child = child->next; switch (child->type) { case BOX_INLINE: /* ok */ break; case BOX_INLINE_BLOCK: /* ok */ box_normalise_block(child); break; case BOX_FLOAT_LEFT: case BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT: /* ok */ assert(child->children != 0); switch (child->children->type) { case BOX_BLOCK: box_normalise_block(child->children); break; case BOX_TABLE: box_normalise_table(child->children); break; default: assert(0); } if (child->children == 0) { /* the child has destroyed itself: remove float */ if (child->prev == 0) child->parent->children = child->next; else child->prev->next = child->next; if (child->next != 0) child->next->prev = child->prev; box_free(child); } break; case BOX_BLOCK: case BOX_INLINE_CONTAINER: case BOX_TABLE: case BOX_TABLE_ROW_GROUP: case BOX_TABLE_ROW: case BOX_TABLE_CELL: default: assert(0); } } LOG(("cont %p done", cont)); } void gadget_free(struct gui_gadget* g) { struct formoption *o, *o1; if (g->name != 0) xmlFree(g->name); free(g->value); free(g->initial_value); switch (g->type) { case GADGET_HIDDEN: if (g->data.hidden.value != 0) xmlFree(g->data.hidden.value); break; case GADGET_RADIO: if (g->data.checkbox.value != 0) xmlFree(g->data.radio.value); break; case GADGET_CHECKBOX: if (g->data.checkbox.value != 0) xmlFree(g->data.checkbox.value); break; case GADGET_IMAGE: if (g->data.image.n != 0) xmlFree(g->data.image.n); if (g->data.image.name != 0) xfree(g->data.image.name); if (g->data.image.value != 0) xfree(g->data.image.value); break; case GADGET_SELECT: o = g->data.select.items; while (o != NULL) { if (o->text != 0) xmlFree(o->text); if (o->value != 0) xmlFree(o->value); o1 = o->next; xfree(o); o = o1; } break; } } /** * free a box tree recursively */ void box_free(struct box *box) { struct box *child, *next; /* free children first */ for (child = box->children; child; child = next) { next = child->next; box_free(child); } /* last this box */ box_free_box(box); } void box_free_box(struct box *box) { if (!box->clone) { if (box->gadget) { gadget_free(box->gadget); free(box->gadget); } free(box->href); free(box->title); free(box->col); if (!box->style_clone) free(box->style); } free(box->text); /* TODO: free object_params */ } /** * form helper functions */ struct form* create_form(xmlNode* n) { struct form* form; char* s; form = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*form)); if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "action"))) { form->action = s; } form->method = method_GET; if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "method"))) { if (stricmp(s, "post") == 0) form->method = method_POST; xmlFree(s); } return form; } void add_form_element(struct page_elements* pe, struct form* f) { pe->forms = xrealloc(pe->forms, (pe->numForms + 1) * sizeof(struct form*)); pe->forms[pe->numForms] = f; pe->numForms++; } void add_gadget_element(struct page_elements* pe, struct gui_gadget* g) { pe->gadgets = xrealloc(pe->gadgets, (pe->numGadgets + 1) * sizeof(struct gui_gadget*)); pe->gadgets[pe->numGadgets] = g; pe->numGadgets++; } /** * add an object to the box tree */ struct result box_object(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style) { struct box *box; struct object_params *po; struct plugin_params* pp; char *s, *url; xmlNode *c; box = box_create(style, status->href, 0); po = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*po)); /* initialise po struct */ po->data = 0; po->type = 0; po->codetype = 0; po->codebase = 0; po->classid = 0; po->params = 0; /* object data */ if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "data"))) { po->data = strdup(s); url = url_join(strdup(s), status->content->url); LOG(("object '%s'", po->data)); xmlFree(s); } /* object type */ if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "type"))) { po->type = strdup(s); LOG(("type: %s", s)); xmlFree(s); } /* object codetype */ if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "codetype"))) { po->codetype = strdup(s); LOG(("codetype: %s", s)); xmlFree(s); } /* object codebase */ if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "codebase"))) { po->codebase = strdup(s); LOG(("codebase: %s", s)); xmlFree(s); } /* object classid */ if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "classid"))) { po->classid = strdup(s); LOG(("classid: %s", s)); xmlFree(s); } /* parameters * parameter data is stored in a singly linked list. * po->params points to the head of the list. * new parameters are added to the head of the list. */ for (c = n->children; c != 0; c = c->next) { if (strcmp((const char *) c->name, "param") == 0) { pp = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*pp)); /* initialise pp struct */ pp->name = 0; pp->value = 0; pp->valuetype = 0; pp->type = 0; pp->next = 0; if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(c, (const xmlChar *) "name"))) { pp->name = strdup(s); xmlFree(s); } if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(c, (const xmlChar *) "value"))) { pp->value = strdup(s); xmlFree(s); } if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(c, (const xmlChar *) "type"))) { pp->type = strdup(s); xmlFree(s); } if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(c, (const xmlChar *) "valuetype"))) { pp->valuetype = strdup(s); xmlFree(s); } else { pp->valuetype = strdup("data"); } pp->next = po->params; po->params = pp; } else { /* The first non-param child is the start of the * alt html. Therefore, we should break out of this loop. */ continue; } } box->object_params = po; /* start fetch */ if (plugin_decode(status->content, url, box, po)) return (struct result) {box, 0}; return (struct result) {box, 1}; } /** * add an embed to the box tree */ struct result box_embed(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style) { struct box *box; struct object_params *po; struct plugin_params *pp; char *s, *url; xmlAttr *a; box = box_create(style, status->href, 0); po = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*po)); /* initialise po struct */ po->data = 0; po->type = 0; po->codetype = 0; po->codebase = 0; po->classid = 0; po->params = 0; /* embed src */ if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "src"))) { po->data = strdup(s); url = url_join(strdup(s), status->content->url); LOG(("embed '%s'", url)); xmlFree(s); } /** * we munge all other attributes into a plugin_parameter structure */ for(a=n->properties; a!=0; a=a->next) { pp = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*pp)); /* initialise pp struct */ pp->name = 0; pp->value = 0; pp->valuetype = 0; pp->type = 0; pp->next = 0; if(strcasecmp((char*)a->name, "src") != 0) { pp->name = strdup((char*)a->name); pp->value = strdup((char*)a->children->content); pp->valuetype = strdup("data"); pp->next = po->params; po->params = pp; } } box->object_params = po; /* start fetch */ plugin_decode(status->content, url, box, po); return (struct result) {box,0}; } /** * add an applet to the box tree */ struct result box_applet(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style) { struct box *box; struct object_params *po; struct plugin_params *pp; char *s, *url; xmlNode *c; box = box_create(style, status->href, 0); po = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*po)); /* initialise po struct */ po->data = 0; po->type = 0; po->codetype = 0; po->codebase = 0; po->classid = 0; po->params = 0; /* code */ if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "code"))) { po->classid = strdup(s); url = url_join(strdup(s), status->content->url); LOG(("applet '%s'", url)); xmlFree(s); } /* object codebase */ if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "codebase"))) { po->codebase = strdup(s); LOG(("codebase: %s", s)); xmlFree(s); } /* parameters * parameter data is stored in a singly linked list. * po->params points to the head of the list. * new parameters are added to the head of the list. */ for (c = n->children; c != 0; c = c->next) { if (strcmp((const char *) c->name, "param") == 0) { pp = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*pp)); /* initialise pp struct */ pp->name = 0; pp->value = 0; pp->valuetype = 0; pp->type = 0; pp->next = 0; if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(c, (const xmlChar *) "name"))) { pp->name = strdup(s); xmlFree(s); } if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(c, (const xmlChar *) "value"))) { pp->value = strdup(s); xmlFree(s); } if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(c, (const xmlChar *) "type"))) { pp->type = strdup(s); xmlFree(s); } if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(c, (const xmlChar *) "valuetype"))) { pp->valuetype = strdup(s); xmlFree(s); } else { pp->valuetype = strdup("data"); } pp->next = po->params; po->params = pp; } else { /* The first non-param child is the start of the * alt html. Therefore, we should break out of this loop. */ continue; } } box->object_params = po; /* start fetch */ if(plugin_decode(status->content, url, box, po)) return (struct result) {box,0}; return (struct result) {box,1}; } /** * box_iframe * add an iframe to the box tree * TODO - implement GUI nested wimp stuff 'cos this looks naff atm. (16_5) */ struct result box_iframe(xmlNode *n, struct status *status, struct css_style *style) { struct box *box; struct object_params *po; char *s, *url; box = box_create(style, status->href, 0); po = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*po)); /* initialise po struct */ po->data = 0; po->type = 0; po->codetype = 0; po->codebase = 0; po->classid = 0; po->params = 0; /* iframe src */ if ((s = (char *) xmlGetProp(n, (const xmlChar *) "src"))) { po->data = strdup(s); url = url_join(strdup(s), status->content->url); LOG(("embed '%s'", url)); xmlFree(s); } box->object_params = po; /* start fetch */ plugin_decode(status->content, url, box, po); return (struct result) {box,0}; } /** * plugin_decode * This function checks that the contents of the plugin_object struct * are valid. If they are, it initiates the fetch process. If they are * not, it exits, leaving the box structure as it was on entry. This is * necessary as there are multiple ways of declaring an object's attributes. * * Returns false if the object could not be handled. */ bool plugin_decode(struct content* content, char* url, struct box* box, struct object_params* po) { struct plugin_params * pp; /* Set basehref */ po->basehref = strdup(content->url); /* Check if the codebase attribute is defined. * If it is not, set it to the codebase of the current document. */ if(po->codebase == 0) po->codebase = url_join("./", content->url); else po->codebase = url_join(po->codebase, content->url); /* Check that we have some data specified. * First, check the data attribute. * Second, check the classid attribute. * The data attribute takes precedence. * If neither are specified or if classid begins "clsid:", * we can't handle this object. */ if(po->data == 0 && po->classid == 0) { return false; } if(po->data == 0 && po->classid != 0) { if(strncasecmp(po->classid, "clsid:", 6) == 0) { /* Flash */ if(strcasecmp(po->classid, "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000") == 0) { for(pp = po->params; pp != 0 && (strcasecmp(pp->name, "movie") != 0); pp = pp->next); if(pp != 0) url = url_join(pp->value, po->basehref); else return false; /* munge the codebase */ po->codebase = url_join("./", content->url); } else { LOG(("ActiveX object - n0")); return false; } } else { url = url_join(po->classid, po->codebase); /* The java plugin doesn't need the .class extension * so we strip it. */ if(stricmp((&po->classid[strlen(po->classid)-6]), ".class") == 0) po->classid[strlen(po->classid)-6] = 0; } } else { url = url_join(po->data, po->codebase); } /* Check if the declared mime type is understandable. * Checks type and codetype attributes. */ if(po->type != 0) { if (content_lookup(po->type) == CONTENT_OTHER) return false; } if(po->codetype != 0) { if (content_lookup(po->codetype) == CONTENT_OTHER) return false; } /* If we've got to here, the object declaration has provided us with * enough data to enable us to have a go at downloading and displaying it. * * We may still find that the object has a MIME type that we can't handle * when we fetch it (if the type was not specified or is different to that * given in the attributes). */ html_fetch_object(content, url, box); return true; } /** * Find the absolute coordinates of a box. */ void box_coords(struct box *box, unsigned long *x, unsigned long *y) { *x = box->x; *y = box->y; while (box->parent != 0) { box = box->parent; *x += box->x; *y += box->y; } }