/* * Copyright 2013 Michael Drake * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** \file * Box tree treeview box replacement (implementation). */ #include #include "desktop/browser.h" #include "desktop/textarea.h" #include "desktop/textinput.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "render/box_textarea.h" #include "render/font.h" #include "render/form_internal.h" bool box_textarea_keypress(html_content *html, struct box *box, uint32_t key) { struct form_control *gadget = box->gadget; struct textarea *ta = gadget->data.text.ta; struct form* form = box->gadget->form; struct content *c = (struct content *) html; assert(ta != NULL); if (gadget->type != GADGET_TEXTAREA) { switch (key) { case NS_KEY_NL: case NS_KEY_CR: if (form) form_submit(content_get_url(c), html->bw, form, 0); return true; case NS_KEY_TAB: { struct form_control *next_input; /* Find next text entry field that is actually * displayed (i.e. has an associated box) */ for (next_input = gadget->next; next_input && ((next_input->type != GADGET_TEXTBOX && next_input->type != GADGET_TEXTAREA && next_input->type != GADGET_PASSWORD) || !next_input->box); next_input = next_input->next) ; if (!next_input) return true; textarea_set_caret(ta, -1); textarea_set_caret(next_input->data.text.ta, 0); } return true; case NS_KEY_SHIFT_TAB: { struct form_control *prev_input; /* Find previous text entry field that is actually * displayed (i.e. has an associated box) */ for (prev_input = gadget->prev; prev_input && ((prev_input->type != GADGET_TEXTBOX && prev_input->type != GADGET_TEXTAREA && prev_input->type != GADGET_PASSWORD) || !prev_input->box); prev_input = prev_input->prev) ; if (!prev_input) return true; textarea_set_caret(ta, -1); textarea_set_caret(prev_input->data.text.ta, 0); } return true; default: /* Pass to textarea widget */ break; } } return textarea_keypress(ta, key); } /** * Callback for html form textareas. */ static void box_textarea_callback(void *data, struct textarea_msg *msg) { struct form_textarea_data *d = data; struct form_control *gadget = d->gadget; struct html_content *html = d->gadget->html; struct box *box = gadget->box; switch (msg->type) { case TEXTAREA_MSG_DRAG_REPORT: if (msg->data.drag == TEXTAREA_DRAG_NONE) { /* Textarea drag finished */ html_drag_type drag_type = HTML_DRAG_NONE; union html_drag_owner drag_owner; drag_owner.no_owner = true; html_set_drag_type(html, drag_type, drag_owner, NULL); } else { /* Textarea drag started */ struct rect rect = { .x0 = INT_MIN, .y0 = INT_MIN, .x1 = INT_MAX, .y1 = INT_MAX }; union html_drag_owner drag_owner; drag_owner.textarea = box; switch (msg->data.drag) { case TEXTAREA_DRAG_SCROLLBAR: html_set_drag_type(html, HTML_DRAG_TEXTAREA_SCROLLBAR, drag_owner, &rect); break; case TEXTAREA_DRAG_SELECTION: html_set_drag_type(html, HTML_DRAG_TEXTAREA_SELECTION, drag_owner, &rect); break; default: LOG(("Drag type %d not handled.", msg->data.drag)); break; } } break; case TEXTAREA_MSG_REDRAW_REQUEST: { /* Request redraw of the required textarea rectangle */ int x, y; if (html->reflowing == true) { /* Can't redraw during layout, and it will * be redrawn after layout anyway. */ break; } box_coords(box, &x, &y); content__request_redraw((struct content *)html, x + msg->data.redraw.x0, y + msg->data.redraw.y0, msg->data.redraw.x1 - msg->data.redraw.x0, msg->data.redraw.y1 - msg->data.redraw.y0); } break; case TEXTAREA_MSG_SELECTION_REPORT: if (msg->data.selection.have_selection) { /* Textarea now has a selection */ union html_selection_owner sel_owner; sel_owner.textarea = box; html_set_selection(html, HTML_SELECTION_TEXTAREA, sel_owner, msg->data.selection.read_only); } else { /* The textarea now has no selection */ union html_selection_owner sel_owner; sel_owner.none = true; html_set_selection(html, HTML_SELECTION_NONE, sel_owner, true); } break; case TEXTAREA_MSG_CARET_UPDATE: if (html->bw == NULL) break; if (msg->data.caret.type == TEXTAREA_CARET_HIDE) { union html_focus_owner focus_owner; focus_owner.textarea = box; html_set_focus(html, HTML_FOCUS_TEXTAREA, focus_owner, true, 0, 0, 0, NULL); } else { union html_focus_owner focus_owner; focus_owner.textarea = box; html_set_focus(html, HTML_FOCUS_TEXTAREA, focus_owner, false, msg->data.caret.pos.x, msg->data.caret.pos.y, msg->data.caret.pos.height, msg->data.caret.pos.clip); } break; case TEXTAREA_MSG_TEXT_MODIFIED: form_gadget_update_value(gadget, strndup(msg->data.modified.text, msg->data.modified.len)); break; } } /* Exported interface, documented in box_textarea.h */ bool box_textarea_create_textarea(html_content *html, struct box *box, struct dom_node *node) { dom_string *dom_text = NULL; dom_exception err; textarea_setup ta_setup; textarea_flags ta_flags; plot_font_style_t fstyle; bool read_only = false; struct form_control *gadget = box->gadget; const char *text; assert(gadget != NULL); assert(gadget->type == GADGET_TEXTAREA || gadget->type == GADGET_TEXTBOX || gadget->type == GADGET_PASSWORD); if (gadget->type == GADGET_TEXTAREA) { dom_html_text_area_element *textarea = (dom_html_text_area_element *) node; ta_flags = TEXTAREA_MULTILINE; err = dom_html_text_area_element_get_read_only( textarea, &read_only); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return false; /* Get the textarea's initial content */ err = dom_html_text_area_element_get_value(textarea, &dom_text); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return false; } else { dom_html_input_element *input = (dom_html_input_element *) node; err = dom_html_input_element_get_read_only( input, &read_only); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return false; if (gadget->type == GADGET_PASSWORD) ta_flags = TEXTAREA_PASSWORD; else ta_flags = TEXTAREA_DEFAULT; /* Get initial text */ err = dom_html_input_element_get_value(input, &dom_text); if (err != DOM_NO_ERR) return false; } if (dom_text != NULL) { text = dom_string_data(dom_text); } else { /* No initial text, or failed reading it; * use a blank string */ text = ""; } if (read_only) ta_flags |= TEXTAREA_READONLY; gadget->data.text.data.gadget = gadget; font_plot_style_from_css(gadget->box->style, &fstyle); /* Reset to correct values by layout */ ta_setup.width = 200; ta_setup.height = 20; ta_setup.pad_top = 4; ta_setup.pad_right = 4; ta_setup.pad_bottom = 4; ta_setup.pad_left = 4; /* Set remaining data */ ta_setup.border_width = 0; ta_setup.border_col = 0x000000; ta_setup.text = fstyle; ta_setup.text.background = NS_TRANSPARENT; /* Make selected text either black or white, as gives greatest contrast * with background colour. */ ta_setup.selected_bg = fstyle.foreground; ta_setup.selected_text = colour_to_bw_furthest(ta_setup.selected_bg); /* Hand reference to dom text over to gadget */ gadget->data.text.initial = dom_text; gadget->data.text.ta = textarea_create(ta_flags, &ta_setup, box_textarea_callback, &gadget->data.text.data); if (gadget->data.text.ta == NULL) { return false; } if (!textarea_set_text(gadget->data.text.ta, text)) return false; return true; }