/** * $Id: css.c,v 1.13 2003/02/09 12:58:15 bursa Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include "netsurf/render/css.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" /** * internal structures */ struct rule { struct css_selector * selector; unsigned int selectors; struct css_style * style; struct rule * next; }; struct decl { unsigned long score; struct rule * rule; }; #define HASH_SIZE 1 struct css_stylesheet { struct rule * hash[HASH_SIZE]; }; static int parse_length(struct css_length * const length, const char *s); static colour parse_colour(const char *s); static void parse_background_color(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value); static void parse_clear(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value); static void parse_color(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value); static void parse_display(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value); static void parse_float(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value); static void parse_font_size(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value); static void parse_height(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value); static void parse_text_align(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value); static void parse_width(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value); static void parse_selector(struct css_selector * sel, char * const str); static unsigned int hash_str(const char * str); static int seleq(const struct css_selector * const s1, const struct css_selector * const s2); static unsigned long selmatch(const struct css_selector * const s, const struct css_selector * const sr); static struct rule * find_rule(struct css_stylesheet * stylesheet, struct css_selector * selector, unsigned int selectors); static int cmpdecl(const struct decl * d0, const struct decl * d1); static void update_style(struct css_stylesheet * stylesheet, struct css_selector * selector, unsigned int selectors, char * str); static void dump_length(const struct css_length * const length); static void dump_selector(const struct css_selector * const sel); static void dump_rule(const struct rule * rule); const struct css_style css_base_style = { 0xffffff, CSS_CLEAR_NONE, 0x000000, CSS_DISPLAY_BLOCK, CSS_FLOAT_NONE, { CSS_FONT_SIZE_LENGTH, { { 12, CSS_UNIT_PT } } }, CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL, CSS_FONT_STYLE_NORMAL, { CSS_HEIGHT_AUTO, { 1, CSS_UNIT_EM } }, { CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_ABSOLUTE, { 1.2 } }, CSS_TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, { CSS_WIDTH_AUTO, { { 1, CSS_UNIT_EM } } } }; const struct css_style css_empty_style = { CSS_COLOR_INHERIT, CSS_CLEAR_INHERIT, CSS_COLOR_INHERIT, CSS_DISPLAY_INHERIT, CSS_FLOAT_INHERIT, { CSS_FONT_SIZE_INHERIT, { { 1, CSS_UNIT_EM } } }, CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_INHERIT, CSS_FONT_STYLE_INHERIT, { CSS_HEIGHT_AUTO, { 1, CSS_UNIT_EM } }, { CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_INHERIT, { 1.2 } }, CSS_TEXT_ALIGN_INHERIT, { CSS_WIDTH_INHERIT, { { 1, CSS_UNIT_EM } } } }; const struct css_style css_blank_style = { TRANSPARENT, CSS_CLEAR_NONE, CSS_COLOR_INHERIT, CSS_DISPLAY_INLINE, CSS_FLOAT_NONE, { CSS_FONT_SIZE_INHERIT, { { 1, CSS_UNIT_EM } } }, CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_INHERIT, CSS_FONT_STYLE_INHERIT, { CSS_HEIGHT_AUTO, { 1, CSS_UNIT_EM } }, { CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_INHERIT, { 1.2 } }, CSS_TEXT_ALIGN_INHERIT, { CSS_WIDTH_AUTO, { { 1, CSS_UNIT_EM } } } }; /** * property parsers */ static int parse_length(struct css_length * const length, const char *s) { length->unit = css_unit_parse(s + strspn(s, "0123456789+-.")); if (length->unit == CSS_UNIT_UNKNOWN) return 1; length->value = atof(s); return 0; } static colour parse_colour(const char *s) { int len = strlen(s); colour c = TRANSPARENT; unsigned int r, g, b; if (s[0] == '#' && len == 4) { if (sscanf(s + 1, "%1x%1x%1x", &r, &g, &b) == 3) c = (b << 20) | (b << 16) | (g << 12) | (g << 8) | (r << 4) | r; } else if (s[0] == '#' && len == 7) { if (sscanf(s + 1, "%2x%2x%2x", &r, &g, &b) == 3) c = (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r; } else if (sscanf(s, "rgb(%u, %u, %u)", &r, &g, &b) == 3) { c = (b << 16) | (g << 8) | r; } else if (sscanf(s, "rgb(%u%%, %u%%, %u%%)", &r, &g, &b) == 3) { c = ((int) (b * 2.55) << 16) | ((int) (g * 2.55) << 8) | (int) (r * 2.55); } return c; } static void parse_background_color(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value) { if (strcmp(value, "transparent") == 0) { style->background_color = TRANSPARENT; } else { style->background_color = parse_colour(value); } } static void parse_clear(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value) { style->clear = css_clear_parse(value); } static void parse_color(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value) { style->color = parse_colour(value); } static void parse_display(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value) { style->display = css_display_parse(value); } static void parse_float(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value) { style->float_ = css_float_parse(value); } static void parse_font_weight(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value) { style->font_weight = css_font_weight_parse(value); } static void parse_font_style(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value) { style->font_style = css_font_style_parse(value); } #define SIZE_FACTOR 1.2 static struct font_size { const char * keyword; float size; } const font_size[] = { { "xx-small", 1.0 / (SIZE_FACTOR * SIZE_FACTOR * SIZE_FACTOR) }, { "x-small", 1.0 / (SIZE_FACTOR * SIZE_FACTOR) }, { "small", 1.0 / SIZE_FACTOR }, { "medium", 1.0 }, { "large", 1.0 * SIZE_FACTOR }, { "x-large", 1.0 * SIZE_FACTOR * SIZE_FACTOR }, { "xx-large", 1.0 * SIZE_FACTOR * SIZE_FACTOR * SIZE_FACTOR } }; static void parse_font_size(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(font_size) / sizeof(struct font_size); i++) { if (strcmp(value, font_size[i].keyword) == 0) { style->font_size.size = CSS_FONT_SIZE_LENGTH; style->font_size.value.length.unit = CSS_UNIT_PT; style->font_size.value.length.value = font_size[i].size * 12; return; } } if (strcmp(value, "larger") == 0) { style->font_size.size = CSS_FONT_SIZE_PERCENT; style->font_size.value.percent = SIZE_FACTOR * 100; } else if (strcmp(value, "smaller") == 0) { style->font_size.size = CSS_FONT_SIZE_PERCENT; style->font_size.value.percent = 1 / SIZE_FACTOR * 100; } else if (strrchr(value, '%')) { style->font_size.size = CSS_FONT_SIZE_PERCENT; style->font_size.value.percent = atof(value); } else if (parse_length(&style->font_size.value.length, value) == 0) { style->font_size.size = CSS_FONT_SIZE_LENGTH; } } static void parse_height(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value) { if (strcmp(value, "auto") == 0) style->height.height = CSS_HEIGHT_AUTO; else if (parse_length(&style->height.length, value) == 0) style->height.height = CSS_HEIGHT_LENGTH; } static void parse_line_height(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value) { if (strcmp(value, "normal") == 0) { style->line_height.size = CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_ABSOLUTE; style->line_height.value.absolute = 1.0; } else if (strrchr(value, '%')) { style->line_height.size = CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_PERCENT; style->line_height.value.percent = atof(value); } else if (parse_length(&style->line_height.value.length, value) == 0) { style->line_height.size = CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_LENGTH; } } static void parse_text_align(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value) { style->text_align = css_text_align_parse(value); } static void parse_width(struct css_style * const style, const char * const value) { if (strcmp(value, "auto") == 0) style->width.width = CSS_WIDTH_AUTO; else if (strrchr(value, '%')) { style->width.width = CSS_WIDTH_PERCENT; style->width.value.percent = atof(value); } else if (parse_length(&style->width.value.length, value) == 0) style->width.width = CSS_WIDTH_LENGTH; } static struct property { const char * const name; void (*parse) (struct css_style * const s, const char * const value); } const property[] = { { "background-color", parse_background_color }, { "clear", parse_clear }, { "color", parse_color }, { "display", parse_display }, { "float", parse_float }, { "font-weight", parse_font_weight }, { "font-size", parse_font_size }, { "font-style", parse_font_style }, { "height", parse_height }, { "line-height", parse_line_height }, { "text-align", parse_text_align }, { "width", parse_width }, }; /** * parse a property list */ void css_parse_property_list(struct css_style * style, char * str) { char * end; for (; str != 0; str = end) { char * prop; char * value; unsigned int i; if ((end = strchr(str, ';')) != 0) { *end = 0; end++; } if ((value = strchr(str, ':')) == 0) continue; *value = 0; value++; prop = strip(str); value = strip(value); /*fprintf(stderr, "css_parse: '%s' => '%s'\n", prop, value);*/ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(property) / sizeof(struct property); i++) { if (strcmp(prop, property[i].name) == 0) { property[i].parse(style, value); break; } } } } /** * selectors */ static void parse_selector(struct css_selector * sel, char * const str) { char * dot = strchr(str, '.'); char * hash = strchr(str, '#'); if ((dot == 0) && (hash == 0)) { sel->element = xstrdup(str); sel->class = sel->id = 0; } else if (dot != 0) { *dot = 0; sel->element = xstrdup(str); sel->class = xstrdup(dot + 1); sel->id = 0; } else if (hash != 0) { *hash = 0; sel->element = xstrdup(str); sel->class = 0; sel->id = xstrdup(hash + 1); } } /** * stylesheet structure */ static unsigned int hash_str(const char * str) { unsigned int s = 0; for (; *str != 0; str++) s += *str; return s % HASH_SIZE; } static int seleq(const struct css_selector * const s1, const struct css_selector * const s2) { return strcmp(s1->element, s2->element) == 0 && ((s1->class == 0 && s2->class == 0) || (s1->class != 0 && s2->class != 0 && strcmp(s1->class, s2->class) == 0)) && ((s1->id == 0 && s2->id == 0) || (s1->id != 0 && s2->id != 0 && strcmp(s1->id, s2->id) == 0)); } static unsigned long selmatch(const struct css_selector * const s, const struct css_selector * const sr) { unsigned int c; if (sr->element[0] != 0 && strcmp(s->element, sr->element) != 0) return 0; c = s->element[0] == 0 ? 0 : 1; if (sr->class != 0) { if (s->class != 0 && strcmp(s->class, sr->class) == 0) return 0x100 + c; return 0; } if (sr->id != 0) { if (s->id != 0 && strcmp(s->id, sr->id) == 0) return 0x10000 + c; return 0; } return 1; } struct css_stylesheet * css_new_stylesheet(void) { struct css_stylesheet * stylesheet = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct css_stylesheet)); return stylesheet; } static struct rule * find_rule(struct css_stylesheet * stylesheet, struct css_selector * selector, unsigned int selectors) { struct rule * rule; for (rule = stylesheet->hash[hash_str(selector[selectors - 1].element)]; rule != 0; rule = rule->next) { unsigned int i; if (selectors != rule->selectors) continue; /* inv: selector[0..i) == rule->selector[0..i) */ for (i = 0; i != selectors && seleq(&selector[i], &rule->selector[i]); i++) ; if (i == selectors) return rule; } return 0; } static int cmpdecl(const struct decl * d0, const struct decl * d1) { if (d0->score < d1->score) return -1; else if (d0->score == d1->score) return 0; return 1; } void css_get_style(struct css_stylesheet * stylesheet, struct css_selector * selector, unsigned int selectors, struct css_style * style) { struct rule * rule; struct decl * decl = xcalloc(0, sizeof(struct decl)); unsigned int d, decls = 0; /* fprintf(stderr, "css_get_style: "); */ /* for (d = 0; d < selectors; d++) dump_selector(&selector[d]); */ /* fprintf(stderr, "\n"); */ for (rule = stylesheet->hash[hash_str(selector[selectors - 1].element)]; rule != 0; rule = rule->next) { unsigned int i = selectors - 1; unsigned int j; unsigned int score, s; /* for (d = 0; d < rule->selectors; d++) dump_selector(&rule->selector[d]); */ if ((score = selmatch(&selector[i], &rule->selector[rule->selectors - 1])) == 0) { /* fprintf(stderr, " last selector match fails\n"); */ continue; } if (selectors < rule->selectors) { /* fprintf(stderr, " less selectors than in rule\n"); */ continue; } for (j = rule->selectors - 1; j != 0; j--) { for (; i != 0 && (s = selmatch(&selector[i - 1], &rule->selector[j - 1])) == 0; i--) ; if (i == 0) break; score += s; } if (j == 0) { /* fprintf(stderr, " match\n"); */ decl = xrealloc(decl, (decls + 1) * sizeof(struct decl)); decl[decls].score = score; decl[decls].rule = rule; decls++; } else { /* fprintf(stderr, " some selector match fails\n"); */ } } if (decls == 0) { css_cascade(style, &css_blank_style); } else { qsort(decl, decls, sizeof(struct decl), (int (*) (const void *, const void *)) cmpdecl); for (d = 0; d < decls; d++) { /* fprintf(stderr, "%i: 0x%lx\n", d, decl[d].score); */ /* dump_rule(decl[d].rule);*/ css_cascade(style, decl[d].rule->style); } } } static void update_style(struct css_stylesheet * stylesheet, struct css_selector * selector, unsigned int selectors, char * str) { struct rule * rule = find_rule(stylesheet, selector, selectors); if (rule == 0) { unsigned int h = hash_str(selector[selectors - 1].element); /*fprintf(stderr, "update_style: not present - adding\n");*/ rule = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct rule)); rule->selector = selector; rule->selectors = selectors; rule->style = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct css_style)); memcpy(rule->style, &css_blank_style, sizeof(struct css_style)); css_parse_property_list(rule->style, str); rule->next = stylesheet->hash[h]; stylesheet->hash[h] = rule; } else { /*fprintf(stderr, "update_style: already present - updating\n");*/ css_parse_property_list(rule->style, str); free(selector); } } /** * parse an entire css file or block */ void css_parse_stylesheet(struct css_stylesheet * stylesheet, char * str) { /* overwrite comments with spaces */ char * copen = strstr(str, "/*"); while (copen != 0) { char * cclose = strstr(copen + 2, "*/"); if (cclose == 0) { *copen = 0; break; } memset(copen, ' ', (size_t) (cclose - copen + 2)); copen = strstr(cclose + 2, "/*"); } while (*str != 0) { char * open = strchr(str, '{'); char * close = strchr(str, '}'); char * sels_str; char * comma; if ((open == 0) || (close == 0)) break; *open = 0; *close = 0; sels_str = strip(str); do { char * sel_str; char * space; char * style_str; unsigned int selectors = 0; struct css_selector * selector = xcalloc(0, sizeof(struct css_selector)); comma = strchr(sels_str, ','); if (comma != 0) *comma = 0; sel_str = strip(sels_str); /*fprintf(stderr, "css_parse_stylesheet: %s\n", sel_str);*/ do { space = strchr(sel_str, ' '); if (space != 0) *space = 0; selector = xrealloc(selector, sizeof(struct css_selector) * (selectors + 1)); parse_selector(&selector[selectors++], sel_str); if (space != 0) sel_str = strip(space + 1); } while (space != 0); style_str = xstrdup(open + 1); update_style(stylesheet, selector, selectors, style_str); free(style_str); if (comma != 0) sels_str = strip(comma + 1); } while (comma != 0); str = close + 1; } } /** * dump a style */ static void dump_length(const struct css_length * const length) { fprintf(stderr, "%g%s", length->value, css_unit_name[length->unit]); } void css_dump_style(const struct css_style * const style) { fprintf(stderr, "{ "); fprintf(stderr, "background-color: #%lx; ", style->background_color); fprintf(stderr, "clear: %s; ", css_clear_name[style->clear]); fprintf(stderr, "color: #%lx; ", style->color); fprintf(stderr, "display: %s; ", css_display_name[style->display]); fprintf(stderr, "float: %s; ", css_float_name[style->float_]); fprintf(stderr, "font-size: "); switch (style->font_size.size) { case CSS_FONT_SIZE_ABSOLUTE: fprintf(stderr, "[%g]", style->font_size.value.absolute); break; case CSS_FONT_SIZE_LENGTH: dump_length(&style->font_size.value.length); break; case CSS_FONT_SIZE_PERCENT: fprintf(stderr, "%g%%", style->font_size.value.percent); break; case CSS_FONT_SIZE_INHERIT: fprintf(stderr, "inherit"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "UNKNOWN"); break; } fprintf(stderr, "; "); fprintf(stderr, "height: "); switch (style->height.height) { case CSS_HEIGHT_AUTO: fprintf(stderr, "auto"); break; case CSS_HEIGHT_LENGTH: dump_length(&style->height.length); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "UNKNOWN"); break; } fprintf(stderr, "; "); fprintf(stderr, "line-height: "); switch (style->line_height.size) { case CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_ABSOLUTE: fprintf(stderr, "[%g]", style->line_height.value.absolute); break; case CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_LENGTH: dump_length(&style->line_height.value.length); break; case CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_PERCENT: fprintf(stderr, "%g%%", style->line_height.value.percent); break; case CSS_LINE_HEIGHT_INHERIT: fprintf(stderr, "inherit"); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "UNKNOWN"); break; } fprintf(stderr, "; "); fprintf(stderr, "text-align: %s; ", css_text_align_name[style->text_align]); fprintf(stderr, "width: "); switch (style->width.width) { case CSS_WIDTH_AUTO: fprintf(stderr, "auto"); break; case CSS_WIDTH_LENGTH: dump_length(&style->width.value.length); break; case CSS_WIDTH_PERCENT: fprintf(stderr, "%g%%", style->width.value.percent); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "UNKNOWN"); break; } fprintf(stderr, "; "); fprintf(stderr, "}"); } static void dump_selector(const struct css_selector * const sel) { if (sel->class != 0) fprintf(stderr, "'%s'.'%s' ", sel->element, sel->class); else if (sel->id != 0) fprintf(stderr, "'%s'#'%s' ", sel->element, sel->id); else fprintf(stderr, "'%s' ", sel->element); } static void dump_rule(const struct rule * rule) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < rule->selectors; i++) dump_selector(&rule->selector[i]); css_dump_style(rule->style); } void css_dump_stylesheet(const struct css_stylesheet * stylesheet) { unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++) { struct rule * rule; fprintf(stderr, "hash %i:\n", i); for (rule = stylesheet->hash[i]; rule != 0; rule = rule->next) dump_rule(rule); } } /** * cascade styles */ void css_cascade(struct css_style * const style, const struct css_style * const apply) { float f; if (apply->background_color != CSS_COLOR_INHERIT) style->background_color = apply->background_color; if (apply->clear != CSS_CLEAR_INHERIT) style->clear = apply->clear; if (apply->color != CSS_COLOR_INHERIT) style->color = apply->color; if (apply->display != CSS_DISPLAY_INHERIT) style->display = apply->display; if (apply->float_ != CSS_FLOAT_INHERIT) style->float_ = apply->float_; if (apply->height.height != CSS_HEIGHT_INHERIT) style->height = apply->height; if (apply->text_align != CSS_TEXT_ALIGN_INHERIT) style->text_align = apply->text_align; if (apply->width.width != CSS_WIDTH_INHERIT) style->width = apply->width; if (apply->font_weight != CSS_FONT_WEIGHT_INHERIT) style->font_weight = apply->font_weight; if (apply->font_style != CSS_FONT_STYLE_INHERIT) style->font_style = apply->font_style; /* font-size */ f = apply->font_size.value.percent / 100; switch (apply->font_size.size) { case CSS_FONT_SIZE_ABSOLUTE: style->font_size = apply->font_size; break; case CSS_FONT_SIZE_LENGTH: switch (apply->font_size.value.length.unit) { case CSS_UNIT_EM: f = apply->font_size.value.length.value; break; case CSS_UNIT_EX: f = apply->font_size.value.length.value * 0.6 /*?*/; break; default: style->font_size = apply->font_size; } if ((apply->font_size.value.length.unit != CSS_UNIT_EM) && (apply->font_size.value.length.unit != CSS_UNIT_EX)) break; /* drop through if EM or EX */ case CSS_FONT_SIZE_PERCENT: switch (style->font_size.size) { case CSS_FONT_SIZE_ABSOLUTE: style->font_size.value.absolute *= f; break; case CSS_FONT_SIZE_LENGTH: style->font_size.value.length.value *= f; break; default: die("attempting percentage of unknown font-size"); } break; case CSS_FONT_SIZE_INHERIT: default: /* leave unchanged */ break; } } /** * testing */ /* int main(int argv, char *argc[]) { int i; struct rule * r; struct css_stylesheet * s; struct css_selector sel = { "h1", 0, 0 }; struct css_selector con[] = {{ "html", 0, 0 }, {"body", 0, 0}, {"h1", "foo", 0}, {"b", 0, "bar"}}; struct css_style * style = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct css_style)); s = css_new_stylesheet(); css_parse_stylesheet(s, argc[1]); css_dump_stylesheet(s); r->selectors = 1; css_stylesheet_add_rule(s, r); puts("********** finding h1:"); r = find_rule(s, &sel, 1); if (r) dump_rule(r); else puts("not found"); puts("********** finding html body h1.foo b#bar:"); for (i = 1; i <= sizeof(con) / sizeof(con[0]); i++) { css_get_style(s, con, i, style); css_dump_style(style); } fprintf(stderr, "%x %x\n", r, r2); struct css_style *s; struct css_selector *sel; s = parse_property_list(argc[1]); css_dump_style(s); for (i = 2; i < argv; i++) { css_cascade(s, parse_property_list(argc[i])); css_dump_style(s); }*/ /* for (i = 1; i < argv; i++) { sel = parse_selector(argc[i]); css_dump_selector(sel); puts(""); }*/ /* return 0; } */