/** * $Id: render.c,v 2002/04/22 09:24:35 bursa Exp $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "parser.h" /* libxml */ #include "css.h" #include "utils.h" /** * internal structures */ struct coord { unsigned long x, y; }; struct data { /* used in _private field of xmlNode */ struct css_style * style; unsigned long x, y, width, height; }; struct box { enum { BOX_BLOCK, BOX_INLINE, BOX_FLOAT } type; enum { CONTENT_BLOCK, CONTENT_INLINE } content; xmlNode * node; struct css_style * style; unsigned long x, y, width, height; const char * text; unsigned int length; struct box * next; struct box * children; struct box * parent; }; void layout_element(xmlNode * e, unsigned long width); unsigned long layout_element_children(xmlNode * e, unsigned long width); /** * convert a struct css_length to pixels */ signed long len(struct css_length * length, unsigned long em) { switch (length->unit) { case CSS_UNIT_EM: return length->value * em; case CSS_UNIT_EX: return length->value * em * 0.6; case CSS_UNIT_PX: return length->value; case CSS_UNIT_IN: return length->value * 90.0; case CSS_UNIT_CM: return length->value * 35.0; case CSS_UNIT_MM: return length->value * 3.5; case CSS_UNIT_PT: return length->value * 90.0 / 72.0; case CSS_UNIT_PC: return length->value * 90.0 / 6.0; default: return 0; } return 0; } /** * layout algorithm */ void layout_element(xmlNode * e, unsigned long width) { struct data * data = (struct data *) e->_private; struct css_style * style = data->style; switch (style->width.width) { case CSS_WIDTH_AUTO: data->width = width; break; case CSS_WIDTH_LENGTH: data->width = len(&style->width.value.length, 10); break; case CSS_WIDTH_PERCENT: data->width = width * style->width.value.percent / 100; break; } data->height = layout_element_children(e, data->width); switch (style->height.height) { case CSS_HEIGHT_AUTO: break; case CSS_HEIGHT_LENGTH: data->height = len(&style->height.length, 10); break; } } unsigned long layout_element_children(xmlNode * e, unsigned long width) { struct coord pos; int inline_mode = 0; xmlNode * c = e->children; xmlNode * next; unsigned long y = 0; struct coord float_left = { 0, 0 }, float_right = { 0, 0 }; /* bottom corner of current float */ xmlNode * line; /* first node in current line box */ printf("layout_element_children: starting %s\n", e->name); while (c != 0) { struct data * data = (struct data *) c->_private; next = c->next; switch (c->type) { case XML_ELEMENT_NODE: { struct css_style * style = data->style; printf("element %s: ", c->name); switch (style->float_) { case CSS_FLOAT_NONE: switch (style->display) { case CSS_DISPLAY_BLOCK: printf("block"); if (inline_mode) { y = pos.y; inline_mode = 0; printf(" (inline_mode = 0)"); } puts(""); layout_element(c, width); data->x = 0; data->y = y; y += data->height; break; case CSS_DISPLAY_INLINE: puts("inline"); next = c->children; /* TODO: fill x, y, width, height [1] */ /* TODO: replaced elements */ break; } break; case CSS_FLOAT_LEFT: puts("float left"); layout_element(c, width); data->x = 0; if (inline_mode) { if (data->width <= width - pos.y) { xmlNode * n; for (n = line; n != c; n = n->next ? n->next : n->parent->next) { printf("moving %s\n", n->name); if (n->_private) ((struct data *) n->_private)->x += data->width; } data->y = y; } else { data->y = pos.y; } } else { data->y = y; } float_left.x = data->width; float_left.y = data->y + data->height; break; case CSS_FLOAT_RIGHT: puts("float right"); layout_element(c, width); data->x = width - data->width; if (inline_mode) { if (data->width <= width - pos.y) { data->y = y; } else { data->y = pos.y; } } else { data->y = y; } float_right.x = data->x; float_right.y = data->y + data->height; break; } break; } case XML_TEXT_NODE: printf("text: "); if (whitespace(c->content)) { c->_private = 0; puts("whitespace"); } else { struct data * data = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct data)); unsigned int x1 = y < float_right.y ? float_right.x : width; if (!inline_mode) { pos.x = y < float_left.y ? float_left.x : 0; pos.y = y; inline_mode = 1; line = c; printf("(inline_mode = 1)"); } puts(""); c->_private = data; data->height = 2; data->width = strlen(c->content) + 1; /* space available is pos.x to x1 */ if (x1 - pos.x < data->width) { /* insufficient space: start new line */ y = pos.y; pos.x = y < float_left.y ? float_left.x : 0; line = c; } data->x = pos.x; data->y = y; pos.x += data->width; pos.y = y + 2; } break; } while (next == 0 && c->parent != e) /* TODO: fill coords of just finished inline element [1] */ c = c->parent, next = c->next; c = next; } if (inline_mode) y = pos.y; return y; } /******************************************************************************/ void render_plain_element(char *g, xmlNode *e, unsigned long x, unsigned long y) { unsigned long i; unsigned int l; xmlNode *c; struct data * data = e->_private; for (c = e->children; c != 0; c = c->next) render_plain_element(g, c, x + data->x, y + data->y); if (data == 0) return; // printf("render_plain_element: x0 %li y0 %li x1 %li y1 %li\n", data->x0, data->y0, data->x1, data->y1); for (i = (y + data->y) + 1; i < (y + data->y + data->height); i++) { g[80 * i + (x + data->x)] = '|'; g[80 * i + (x + data->x + data->width)] = '|'; } // if (e->style->display != INLINE) { for (i = (x + data->x); i < (x + data->x + data->width); i++) { g[80 * (y + data->y) + i] = '-'; g[80 * (y + data->y + data->height) + i] = '-'; } g[80 * (y + data->y) + (x + data->x)] = '+'; g[80 * (y + data->y) + (x + data->x + data->width)] = '+'; g[80 * (y + data->y + data->height) + (x + data->x)] = '+'; g[80 * (y + data->y + data->height) + (x + data->x + data->width)] = '+'; // } if (e->type == XML_TEXT_NODE && e->content) { l = strlen(e->content); if ((x + data->x + data->width) - (x + data->x) - 1 < l) l = (x + data->x + data->width) - (x + data->x) - 1; strncpy(g + 80 * ((y + data->y) + 1) + (x + data->x) + 1, e->content, l); } } void render_plain(xmlNode *doc) { int i; char *g; g = calloc(10000, 1); if (g == 0) exit(1); for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) g[i] = ' '; render_plain_element(g, doc, 0, 0); for (i = 0; i < 40; i++) printf("%.80s\n", g + (80 * i)); } /******************************************************************************/ void walk(xmlNode *n, unsigned int depth) { xmlNode *c; xmlAttr *a; struct data * data; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) printf(" "); data = n->_private; switch (n->type) { case XML_ELEMENT_NODE: if (data == 0) printf("ELEMENT %s", n->name); else printf("ELEMENT %s [%li %li %li*%li]", n->name, data->x, data->y, data->width, data->height); /* for (a = n->properties; a != 0; a = a->next) { assert(a->type == XML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE); printf(" %s='", a->name); for (c = a->children; c != 0; c = c->next) walk(c); printf("'"); }*/ printf("\n"); for (c = n->children; c != 0; c = c->next) walk(c, depth + 1); // printf("", n->name); break; case XML_TEXT_NODE: if (data == 0) printf("TEXT '%s'\n", n->content); else printf("TEXT [%li %li %li*%li] '%s'\n", data->x, data->y, data->width, data->height, n->content); break; default: printf("UNHANDLED\n"); break; } } /** * make a box tree with style data from an xml tree */ struct box * make_box(xmlNode * n, struct css_style * style, struct css_stylesheet * stylesheet, struct css_selector ** selector, unsigned int depth, struct box * parent, struct box * prev, struct box * containing_block, struct box ** inline_parent) { struct box * box = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct box)); xmlNode * c; unsigned int i; box->node = n; box->parent = parent; if (n->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { *selector = xrealloc(*selector, (depth + 1) * sizeof(struct css_selector)); (*selector)[depth].element = n->name; (*selector)[depth].class = (*selector)[depth].id = 0; box->style = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct css_style)); memcpy(box->style, style, sizeof(struct css_style)); css_get_style(stylesheet, *selector, depth + 1, box->style); switch (box->style->display) { case CSS_DISPLAY_BLOCK: box->type = BOX_BLOCK; break; case CSS_DISPLAY_INLINE: box->type = BOX_INLINE; break; case CSS_DISPLAY_NONE: default: free(box->style); free(box); return 0; } } else if (n->type == XML_TEXT_NODE) { /* anonymous inline box */ box->type = BOX_INLINE; } for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) printf(" "); printf("make_box: %s: %s\n", box->type == BOX_INLINE ? "inline" : "block", n->name); if (*inline_parent && box->type == BOX_BLOCK) { /* block following inline: end inline_parent */ printf("ending anonymous container for inlines\n"); (*inline_parent)->next = box; *inline_parent = 0; } else if (*inline_parent && box->type == BOX_INLINE) { /* inline following inline */ prev->next = box; } else if (!(*inline_parent) && box->type == BOX_BLOCK) { /* block following block */ if (prev) prev->next = box; } else if (!(*inline_parent) && box->type == BOX_INLINE) { /* inline following block: create anonymous container block */ printf("starting anonymous container for inlines\n"); *inline_parent = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct box)); (*inline_parent)->parent = parent; if (prev) prev->next = *inline_parent; (*inline_parent)->children = box; } /* for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) printf(" "); printf("%s ", n->name); css_dump_style(data->style);*/ { struct box * prev_c; struct box * b; struct box * containing; struct box * inline_parent_c = 0; if (box->type == BOX_BLOCK) { prev_c = 0; containing = box; } else { prev_c = box; containing = containing_block; } for (c = n->children; c != 0; c = c->next) { b = make_box(c, box->style, stylesheet, selector, depth + 1, box, prev_c, containing, &inline_parent_c); if (!box->children) box->children = b; if (b) prev_c = b; } } return box; } void dump_box(struct box * box, unsigned int depth) { unsigned int i; struct box * c; for (i = 0; i < depth; i++) printf(" "); printf("%s: %s\n", box->type == BOX_INLINE ? "inline" : "block", box->node->name); for (c = box->children; c != 0; c = c->next) dump_box(c, depth + 1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* struct layout canvas = { 0, 0, 79, 0 }; */ struct css_stylesheet * stylesheet; struct css_style * style = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct css_style)); struct css_selector * selector = xcalloc(1, sizeof(struct css_selector)); xmlNode * c; xmlDoc * doc; struct box * box; struct box * inline_parent = 0; doc = xmlParseFile(argv[1]); if (doc == 0) die("xmlParseFile failed"); for (c = doc->children; c != 0 && c->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE; c = c->next) ; if (c == 0) die("no element in document"); if (strcmp(c->name, "html")) die("document is not html"); stylesheet = css_new_stylesheet(); css_parse_stylesheet(stylesheet, load(argv[2])); box = make_box(c, style, stylesheet, &selector, 0, 0, 0, 0, &inline_parent); dump_box(box, 0); /* walk(c, 0); layout_element(c, 79); walk(c, 0); printf("\n\n"); render_plain(c);*/ return 0; } /******************************************************************************/