/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2003 Phil Mellor * Copyright 2004 James Bursa * Copyright 2003 John M Bell * Copyright 2004 Richard Wilson */ #include #include #include #include "oslib/colourtrans.h" #include "oslib/osfile.h" #include "oslib/osgbpb.h" #include "oslib/osspriteop.h" #include "oslib/wimp.h" #include "netsurf/utils/config.h" #include "netsurf/desktop/netsurf.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/gui.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/options.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/theme.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/wimp.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #include "netsurf/utils/messages.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" /* The maximum number of persistant dialogues */ #define MAX_PERSISTANT 8 wimp_w dialog_info, dialog_saveas, dialog_config, dialog_config_br, dialog_config_prox, dialog_config_th, download_template, #ifdef WITH_AUTH dialog_401li, #endif dialog_zoom, dialog_pageinfo, dialog_objinfo, dialog_tooltip, dialog_warning, dialog_config_th_pane, dialog_debug, dialog_folder, dialog_entry; static int font_size; static int font_min_size; static char *theme_choice = 0; static struct theme_entry *theme_list = 0; static unsigned int theme_list_entries = 0; /* A simple mapping of parent and child */ static wimp_w persistant_dialog[MAX_PERSISTANT][1]; static void ro_gui_dialog_click_config(wimp_pointer *pointer); static void ro_gui_dialog_click_config_br(wimp_pointer *pointer); static void ro_gui_dialog_update_config_br(void); static void ro_gui_dialog_click_config_prox(wimp_pointer *pointer); static void ro_gui_dialog_open_config_th(void); static void ro_gui_dialog_click_config_th(wimp_pointer *pointer); static void ro_gui_dialog_click_config_th_pane(wimp_pointer *pointer); static void ro_gui_redraw_config_th_pane_plot(wimp_draw *redraw); static void ro_gui_dialog_click_zoom(wimp_pointer *pointer); static void ro_gui_dialog_reset_zoom(void); static void ro_gui_dialog_click_warning(wimp_pointer *pointer); static void set_browser_choices(void); static void get_browser_choices(void); static void set_proxy_choices(void); static void get_proxy_choices(void); static void set_theme_choices(void); static void get_theme_choices(void); static const char *language_name(const char *code); /** * Load and create dialogs from template file. */ void ro_gui_dialog_init(void) { dialog_info = ro_gui_dialog_create("info"); /* fill in about box version info */ ro_gui_set_icon_string(dialog_info, 4, netsurf_version); dialog_saveas = ro_gui_dialog_create("saveas"); dialog_config = ro_gui_dialog_create("config"); dialog_config_br = ro_gui_dialog_create("config_br"); dialog_config_prox = ro_gui_dialog_create("config_prox"); dialog_config_th = ro_gui_dialog_create("config_th"); dialog_config_th_pane = ro_gui_dialog_create("config_th_p"); dialog_zoom = ro_gui_dialog_create("zoom"); dialog_pageinfo = ro_gui_dialog_create("pageinfo"); dialog_objinfo = ro_gui_dialog_create("objectinfo"); dialog_tooltip = ro_gui_dialog_create("tooltip"); dialog_warning = ro_gui_dialog_create("warning"); dialog_debug = ro_gui_dialog_create("debug"); dialog_folder = ro_gui_dialog_create("new_folder"); dialog_entry = ro_gui_dialog_create("new_entry"); set_browser_choices(); set_proxy_choices(); set_theme_choices(); } /** * Create a window from a template. * * \param template_name name of template to load * \return window handle * * Exits through die() on error. */ wimp_w ro_gui_dialog_create(const char *template_name) { wimp_window *window; wimp_w w; os_error *error; window = ro_gui_dialog_load_template(template_name); /* create window */ error = xwimp_create_window(window, &w); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_create_window: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); xwimp_close_template(); die(error->errmess); } /* the window definition is copied by the wimp and may be freed */ free(window); return w; } /** * Load a template without creating a window. * * \param template_name name of template to load * \return window block * * Exits through die() on error. */ wimp_window * ro_gui_dialog_load_template(const char *template_name) { char name[20]; int context, window_size, data_size; char *data; wimp_window *window; os_error *error; /* wimp_load_template won't accept a const char * */ strncpy(name, template_name, sizeof name); /* find required buffer sizes */ error = xwimp_load_template(wimp_GET_SIZE, 0, 0, wimp_NO_FONTS, name, 0, &window_size, &data_size, &context); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_load_template: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); xwimp_close_template(); die(error->errmess); } if (!context) { LOG(("template '%s' missing", template_name)); xwimp_close_template(); die("Template"); } /* allocate space for indirected data and temporary window buffer */ data = malloc(data_size); window = malloc(window_size); if (!data || !window) { xwimp_close_template(); die("NoMemory"); } /* load template */ error = xwimp_load_template(window, data, data + data_size, wimp_NO_FONTS, name, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_load_template: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); xwimp_close_template(); die(error->errmess); } return window; } /** * Open a dialog box, centered on the screen. */ void ro_gui_dialog_open(wimp_w w) { int screen_x, screen_y, dx, dy; wimp_window_state open; /* find screen centre in os units */ ro_gui_screen_size(&screen_x, &screen_y); screen_x /= 2; screen_y /= 2; /* centre and open */ open.w = w; wimp_get_window_state(&open); dx = (open.visible.x1 - open.visible.x0) / 2; dy = (open.visible.y1 - open.visible.y0) / 2; open.visible.x0 = screen_x - dx; open.visible.x1 = screen_x + dx; open.visible.y0 = screen_y - dy; open.visible.y1 = screen_y + dy; open.next = wimp_TOP; wimp_open_window((wimp_open *) &open); } /** * Open a persistant dialog box relative to the pointer. * * \param parent the owning window (NULL for no owner) * \param w the dialog window */ void ro_gui_dialog_open_persistant(wimp_w parent, wimp_w w) { int dx, dy, i; wimp_pointer pointer; wimp_window_state open; os_error *error; /* Get the pointer position */ error = xwimp_get_pointer_info(&pointer); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_get_pointer_info: 0x%x: %s\n", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } /* Move and open */ open.w = w; wimp_get_window_state(&open); dx = (open.visible.x1 - open.visible.x0); dy = (open.visible.y1 - open.visible.y0); open.visible.x0 = pointer.pos.x - 64; open.visible.x1 = pointer.pos.x - 64 + dx; open.visible.y0 = pointer.pos.y - dy; open.visible.y1 = pointer.pos.y; open.next = wimp_TOP; wimp_open_window((wimp_open *) &open); /* Add a mapping */ if (parent == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PERSISTANT; i++) { if ((persistant_dialog[i][0] == NULL) || (persistant_dialog[i][0] == w)) { persistant_dialog[i][0] = w; persistant_dialog[i][1] = parent; return; } } /* Log that we failed to create a mapping */ LOG(("Unable to map persistant dialog to parent.")); } /** * Open a persistant dialog box relative to the pointer. * * \param parent the window to close children of */ void ro_gui_dialog_close_persistant(wimp_w parent) { int i; /* Check our mappings */ if (parent == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < MAX_PERSISTANT; i++) { if (persistant_dialog[i][1] == parent) { xwimp_close_window(persistant_dialog[i][0]); persistant_dialog[i][0] = NULL; } } } /** * Handle key presses in one of the dialog boxes. */ bool ro_gui_dialog_keypress(wimp_key *key) { #ifdef WITH_AUTH if (key->w == dialog_401li) return ro_gui_401login_keypress(key); #endif return false; } /** * Handle clicks in one of the dialog boxes. */ void ro_gui_dialog_click(wimp_pointer *pointer) { if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_MENU) return; if (pointer->w == dialog_config) ro_gui_dialog_click_config(pointer); else if (pointer->w == dialog_config_br) ro_gui_dialog_click_config_br(pointer); else if (pointer->w == dialog_config_prox) ro_gui_dialog_click_config_prox(pointer); else if (pointer->w == dialog_config_th) ro_gui_dialog_click_config_th(pointer); else if (pointer->w == dialog_config_th_pane) ro_gui_dialog_click_config_th_pane(pointer); #ifdef WITH_AUTH else if (pointer->w == dialog_401li) ro_gui_401login_click(pointer); #endif else if (pointer->w == dialog_zoom) ro_gui_dialog_click_zoom(pointer); else if (pointer->w == dialog_warning) ro_gui_dialog_click_warning(pointer); } /** * Handle clicks in the main Choices dialog. */ void ro_gui_dialog_click_config(wimp_pointer *pointer) { switch (pointer->i) { case ICON_CONFIG_SAVE: get_browser_choices(); get_proxy_choices(); get_theme_choices(); ro_gui_save_options(); if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) { ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_br); ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_prox); ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_th); ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config); } break; case ICON_CONFIG_CANCEL: if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) { ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_br); ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_prox); ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_th); ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config); } set_browser_choices(); set_proxy_choices(); set_theme_choices(); break; case ICON_CONFIG_BROWSER: ro_gui_dialog_open(dialog_config_br); break; case ICON_CONFIG_PROXY: ro_gui_dialog_open(dialog_config_prox); break; case ICON_CONFIG_THEME: ro_gui_dialog_open_config_th(); break; } } /** * Save the current options */ void ro_gui_save_options(void) { xosfile_create_dir(".WWW", 0); xosfile_create_dir(".WWW.NetSurf", 0); options_write(".WWW.NetSurf.Choices"); } /** * Handle clicks in the Browser Choices dialog. */ void ro_gui_dialog_click_config_br(wimp_pointer *pointer) { switch (pointer->i) { case ICON_CONFIG_BR_OK: if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_br); break; case ICON_CONFIG_BR_CANCEL: if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_br); set_browser_choices(); break; case ICON_CONFIG_BR_FONTSIZE_DEC: if (font_size == 50) break; font_size--; if (font_size < font_min_size) font_min_size = font_size; ro_gui_dialog_update_config_br(); break; case ICON_CONFIG_BR_FONTSIZE_INC: if (font_size == 1000) break; font_size++; ro_gui_dialog_update_config_br(); break; case ICON_CONFIG_BR_MINSIZE_DEC: if (font_min_size == 10) break; font_min_size--; ro_gui_dialog_update_config_br(); break; case ICON_CONFIG_BR_MINSIZE_INC: if (font_min_size == 500) break; font_min_size++; if (font_size < font_min_size) font_size = font_min_size; ro_gui_dialog_update_config_br(); break; } } /** * Update font size icons in browser choices dialog. */ void ro_gui_dialog_update_config_br(void) { char s[10]; sprintf(s, "%i.%ipt", font_size / 10, font_size % 10); ro_gui_set_icon_string(dialog_config_br, ICON_CONFIG_BR_FONTSIZE, s); sprintf(s, "%i.%ipt", font_min_size / 10, font_min_size % 10); ro_gui_set_icon_string(dialog_config_br, ICON_CONFIG_BR_MINSIZE, s); } /** * Handle clicks in the Proxy Choices dialog. */ void ro_gui_dialog_click_config_prox(wimp_pointer *pointer) { switch (pointer->i) { case ICON_CONFIG_PROX_OK: if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_prox); break; case ICON_CONFIG_PROX_CANCEL: if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_prox); set_proxy_choices(); break; } } /** * Prepare and open the Theme Choices dialog. */ void ro_gui_dialog_open_config_th(void) { wimp_window_state state; if (theme_list) ro_theme_list_free(theme_list, theme_list_entries); theme_list = ro_theme_list(&theme_list_entries); if (!theme_list) return; ro_gui_dialog_open(dialog_config_th); // ro_gui_dialog_open(dialog_config_th_pane); state.w = dialog_config_th; xwimp_get_window_state(&state); state.w = dialog_config_th_pane; state.visible.x0 += 24; state.visible.y1 -= 12; state.xscroll = 0; state.yscroll = 0; state.next = wimp_TOP; if (xwimp_open_window_nested((wimp_open *)&state, dialog_config_th, wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_BOTTOM_OR_LEFT << wimp_CHILD_XORIGIN_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_TOP_OR_RIGHT << wimp_CHILD_YORIGIN_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_BOTTOM_OR_LEFT << wimp_CHILD_LS_EDGE_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_TOP_OR_RIGHT << wimp_CHILD_BS_EDGE_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_TOP_OR_RIGHT << wimp_CHILD_RS_EDGE_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_TOP_OR_RIGHT << wimp_CHILD_TS_EDGE_SHIFT)) { LOG(("Unable to open theme pane window")); } } /** * Handle clicks in the Theme Choices dialog. */ void ro_gui_dialog_click_config_th(wimp_pointer *pointer) { switch (pointer->i) { case ICON_CONFIG_TH_OK: if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_th); break; case ICON_CONFIG_TH_CANCEL: if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT) ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_config_th); set_theme_choices(); break; case ICON_CONFIG_TH_MANAGE: os_cli("Filer_OpenDir " THEMES_DIR); break; case ICON_CONFIG_TH_GET: browser_window_create( "http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/themes/", NULL); break; } } #define THEME_HEIGHT 80 /** * Handle clicks in the scrolling Theme Choices list pane. */ void ro_gui_dialog_click_config_th_pane(wimp_pointer *pointer) { unsigned int i, y; wimp_window_state state; os_error *error; state.w = dialog_config_th_pane; error = xwimp_get_window_state(&state); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_get_window_state: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } y = -(pointer->pos.y - (state.visible.y1 - state.yscroll)) / THEME_HEIGHT; if (!theme_list || theme_list_entries <= y) return; if (theme_choice && strcmp(theme_choice, theme_list[y].name) == 0) return; if (theme_choice) { for (i = 0; i != theme_list_entries && strcmp(theme_choice, theme_list[i].name); i++) ; if (i != theme_list_entries) { error = xwimp_force_redraw(dialog_config_th_pane, 0, -i * THEME_HEIGHT - THEME_HEIGHT - 2, 600, -i * THEME_HEIGHT + 2); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_force_redraw: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } } } free(theme_choice); theme_choice = strdup(theme_list[y].name); error = xwimp_force_redraw(dialog_config_th_pane, 0, -y * THEME_HEIGHT - THEME_HEIGHT - 2, 600, -y * THEME_HEIGHT + 2); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_force_redraw: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } } /** * Redraw the scrolling Theme Choices list pane. */ void ro_gui_redraw_config_th_pane(wimp_draw *redraw) { osbool more; os_error *error; error = xwimp_redraw_window(redraw, &more); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_redraw_window: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } while (more) { ro_gui_redraw_config_th_pane_plot(redraw); error = xwimp_get_rectangle(redraw, &more); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_get_rectangle: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } } } /** * Redraw the scrolling Theme Choices list pane. */ void ro_gui_redraw_config_th_pane_plot(wimp_draw *redraw) { unsigned int i, j; int x0 = redraw->box.x0 - redraw->xscroll; int y0 = redraw->box.y1 - redraw->yscroll; int x; static char sprite[][10] = { "back", "forward", "stop", "reload", "history", "scale", "save" }; wimp_icon icon; os_error *error = 0; icon.flags = wimp_ICON_SPRITE | wimp_ICON_HCENTRED | wimp_ICON_VCENTRED | wimp_ICON_INDIRECTED; for (i = 0; i != theme_list_entries; i++) { error = xwimptextop_set_colour(os_COLOUR_BLACK, os_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY); if (error) break; /* plot background for selected theme */ if (theme_choice && strcmp(theme_list[i].name, theme_choice) == 0) { error = xcolourtrans_set_gcol(os_COLOUR_LIGHT_GREY, 0, os_ACTION_OVERWRITE, 0, 0); if (error) break; error = xos_plot(os_MOVE_TO, x0, y0 - i * THEME_HEIGHT); if (error) break; error = xos_plot(os_PLOT_RECTANGLE | os_PLOT_BY, 600, -THEME_HEIGHT); if (error) break; error = xwimptextop_set_colour(os_COLOUR_BLACK, os_COLOUR_LIGHT_GREY); if (error) break; } /* icons */ icon.extent.y0 = -i * THEME_HEIGHT - THEME_HEIGHT; icon.extent.y1 = -i * THEME_HEIGHT; icon.data.indirected_sprite.area = theme_list[i].sprite_area; icon.data.indirected_sprite.size = 12; for (j = 0, x = 0; j != sizeof sprite / sizeof sprite[0]; j++) { icon.extent.x0 = x; icon.extent.x1 = x + 50; icon.data.indirected_sprite.id = (osspriteop_id) sprite[j]; error = xwimp_plot_icon(&icon); if (error) break; x += 50; } if (error) break; /* theme name */ error = xwimptextop_paint(0, theme_list[i].name, x0 + 400, y0 - i * THEME_HEIGHT - THEME_HEIGHT / 2); if (error) break; } if (error) { LOG(("0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("MiscError", error->errmess); } } /** * Handle clicks in the Scale view dialog. */ void ro_gui_dialog_click_zoom(wimp_pointer *pointer) { unsigned int scale; int stepping = 10; scale = atoi(ro_gui_get_icon_string(dialog_zoom, ICON_ZOOM_VALUE)); /* Adjust moves values the opposite direction */ if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_ADJUST) stepping = -stepping; switch (pointer->i) { case ICON_ZOOM_DEC: scale -= stepping; break; case ICON_ZOOM_INC: scale += stepping; break; case ICON_ZOOM_50: scale = 50; break; case ICON_ZOOM_80: scale = 80; break; case ICON_ZOOM_100: scale = 100; break; case ICON_ZOOM_120: scale = 120; break; } if (scale < 10) scale = 10; else if (1000 < scale) scale = 1000; ro_gui_set_icon_integer(dialog_zoom, ICON_ZOOM_VALUE, scale); if (pointer->i == ICON_ZOOM_OK) { current_gui->scale = scale * 0.01; current_gui->data.browser.reformat_pending = true; gui_reformat_pending = true; } if ((pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_ADJUST) && (pointer->i == ICON_ZOOM_CANCEL)) { ro_gui_dialog_reset_zoom(); } if (pointer->buttons == wimp_CLICK_SELECT && (pointer->i == ICON_ZOOM_CANCEL || pointer->i == ICON_ZOOM_OK)) wimp_create_menu(wimp_CLOSE_MENU, 0, 0); } /** * Resets the Scale view dialog. */ void ro_gui_dialog_reset_zoom(void) { char scale_buffer[8]; sprintf(scale_buffer, "%.0f", current_gui->scale * 100); ro_gui_set_icon_string(dialog_zoom, ICON_ZOOM_VALUE, scale_buffer); } /** * Handle clicks in the warning dialog. */ void ro_gui_dialog_click_warning(wimp_pointer *pointer) { if (pointer->i == ICON_WARNING_CONTINUE) ro_gui_dialog_close(dialog_warning); } /** * Close a dialog box. */ void ro_gui_dialog_close(wimp_w close) { os_error *error; error = xwimp_close_window(close); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_close_window: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } if (close == dialog_config_th) { error = xwimp_close_window(dialog_config_th_pane); if (theme_list) { ro_theme_list_free(theme_list, theme_list_entries); theme_list = 0; } if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_close_window: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } } } /** * Update the browser choices dialog with the current options. */ void set_browser_choices(void) { font_size = option_font_size; font_min_size = option_font_min_size; ro_gui_dialog_update_config_br(); ro_gui_set_icon_string(dialog_config_br, ICON_CONFIG_BR_LANG, language_name(option_language ? option_language : "en")); ro_gui_set_icon_string(dialog_config_br, ICON_CONFIG_BR_ALANG, language_name(option_accept_language ? option_accept_language : "en")); } /** * Set the current options to the settings in the browser choices dialog. */ void get_browser_choices(void) { option_font_size = font_size; option_font_min_size = font_min_size; } /** * Update the proxy choices dialog with the current options. */ void set_proxy_choices(void) { ro_gui_set_icon_selected_state(dialog_config_prox, ICON_CONFIG_PROX_HTTP, option_http_proxy); ro_gui_set_icon_string(dialog_config_prox, ICON_CONFIG_PROX_HTTPHOST, option_http_proxy_host ? option_http_proxy_host : ""); ro_gui_set_icon_integer(dialog_config_prox, ICON_CONFIG_PROX_HTTPPORT, option_http_proxy_port); } /** * Set the current options to the settings in the proxy choices dialog. */ void get_proxy_choices(void) { option_http_proxy = ro_gui_get_icon_selected_state(dialog_config_prox, ICON_CONFIG_PROX_HTTP); free(option_http_proxy_host); option_http_proxy_host = strdup(ro_gui_get_icon_string(dialog_config_prox, ICON_CONFIG_PROX_HTTPHOST)); option_http_proxy_port = atoi(ro_gui_get_icon_string(dialog_config_prox, ICON_CONFIG_PROX_HTTPPORT)); } /** * Update the theme choices dialog with the current options. */ void set_theme_choices(void) { free(theme_choice); theme_choice = 0; if (option_theme) theme_choice = strdup(option_theme); } /** * Set the current options to the settings in the theme choices dialog. */ void get_theme_choices(void) { free(option_theme); option_theme = strdup(theme_choice); } /** * Convert a 2-letter ISO language code to the language name. * * \param code 2-letter ISO language code * \return language name, or code if unknown */ const char *language_name(const char *code) { char key[] = "lang_xx"; key[5] = code[0]; key[6] = code[1]; return messages_get(key); }