/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2003 Phil Mellor * Copyright 2004 James Bursa */ #include #include #include #include "oslib/colourtrans.h" #include "oslib/draw.h" #include "oslib/font.h" #include "oslib/os.h" #include "swis.h" #include "netsurf/utils/config.h" #include "netsurf/css/css.h" #include "netsurf/content/content.h" #include "netsurf/render/form.h" #include "netsurf/render/html.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/gui.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/options.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/tinct.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/wimp.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #include "netsurf/utils/messages.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" static void html_redraw_box(struct content *content, struct box * box, signed long x, signed long y, unsigned long current_background_color, bool *select_on, long clip_x0, long clip_y0, long clip_x1, long clip_y1, float scale); static void html_redraw_clip(long clip_x0, long clip_y0, long clip_x1, long clip_y1); static void html_redraw_rectangle(int x0, int y0, int width, int height, os_colour colour); static void html_redraw_fill(int x0, int y0, int width, int height, os_colour colour); static void html_redraw_circle(int x0, int y0, int radius, os_colour colour); static void html_redraw_border(colour color, int width, css_border_style style, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1); static void html_redraw_checkbox(int x, int y, int width, int height, bool selected); static void html_redraw_radio(int x, int y, int width, int height, bool selected); static void html_redraw_file(int x, int y, int width, int height, struct box *box, float scale); static void html_redraw_background(long x, long y, int width, int height, struct box *box, float scale); bool gui_redraw_debug = false; static os_trfm trfm = { { { 65536, 0 }, { 0, 65536 }, { 0, 0 } } }; void html_redraw(struct content *c, int x, int y, int width, int height, int clip_x0, int clip_y0, int clip_x1, int clip_y1, float scale) { bool select_on = false; unsigned long background_colour = 0xffffff; struct box *box; assert(c->data.html.layout != NULL); box = c->data.html.layout->children; assert(box); /* clear to background colour */ if (c->data.html.background_colour != TRANSPARENT) background_colour = c->data.html.background_colour; colourtrans_set_gcol(background_colour << 8, colourtrans_SET_BG | colourtrans_USE_ECFS, os_ACTION_OVERWRITE, 0); os_clg(); trfm.entries[0][0] = trfm.entries[1][1] = 65536 * scale; html_redraw_box(c, box, x, y, background_colour, &select_on, clip_x0, clip_y0, clip_x1, clip_y1, scale); } void html_redraw_box(struct content *content, struct box * box, signed long x, signed long y, unsigned long current_background_color, bool *select_on, long clip_x0, long clip_y0, long clip_x1, long clip_y1, float scale) { struct box *c; int width, height; int padding_left, padding_top; int padding_width, padding_height; int x0, y0, x1, y1; int colour; os_VDU_VAR_LIST(5) vars = { { os_VDUVAR_GWL_COL, os_VDUVAR_GWB_ROW, os_VDUVAR_GWR_COL, os_VDUVAR_GWT_ROW, -1 } }; os_vdu_var cgw[4]; x += box->x * 2 * scale; y -= box->y * 2 * scale; width = box->width * 2 * scale; height = box->height * 2 * scale; padding_left = box->padding[LEFT] * 2 * scale; padding_top = box->padding[TOP] * 2 * scale; padding_width = (box->padding[LEFT] + box->width + box->padding[RIGHT]) * 2 * scale; padding_height = (box->padding[TOP] + box->height + box->padding[BOTTOM]) * 2 * scale; x0 = x; y1 = y - 1; x1 = x0 + padding_width - 1; y0 = y1 - padding_height + 1; /* if visibility is hidden render children only */ if (box->style && box->style->visibility == CSS_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN) { for (c = box->children; c; c = c->next) html_redraw_box(content, c, x, y, current_background_color, select_on, x0, y0, x1, y1, scale); return; } if (gui_redraw_debug) { html_redraw_rectangle(x, y, padding_width, padding_height, os_COLOUR_MAGENTA); html_redraw_rectangle(x + padding_left, y - padding_top, width, height, os_COLOUR_CYAN); html_redraw_rectangle(x - (box->border[LEFT] + box->margin[LEFT]) * 2 * scale, y + (box->border[TOP] + box->margin[TOP]) * 2 * scale, padding_width + (box->border[LEFT] + box->margin[LEFT] + box->border[RIGHT] + box->margin[RIGHT]) * 2 * scale, padding_height + (box->border[TOP] + box->margin[TOP] + box->border[BOTTOM] + box->margin[BOTTOM]) * 2 * scale, os_COLOUR_YELLOW); } /* borders */ if (box->style && box->border[TOP]) html_redraw_border(box->style->border[TOP].color, box->border[TOP] * 2 * scale, box->style->border[TOP].style, x - box->border[LEFT] * 2 * scale, y + box->border[TOP] * scale, x + padding_width + box->border[RIGHT] * 2 * scale, y + box->border[TOP] * scale); if (box->style && box->border[RIGHT]) html_redraw_border(box->style->border[RIGHT].color, box->border[RIGHT] * 2 * scale, box->style->border[RIGHT].style, x + padding_width + box->border[RIGHT] * scale, y + box->border[TOP] * 2 * scale, x + padding_width + box->border[RIGHT] * scale, y - padding_height - box->border[BOTTOM] * 2 * scale); if (box->style && box->border[BOTTOM]) html_redraw_border(box->style->border[BOTTOM].color, box->border[BOTTOM] * 2 * scale, box->style->border[BOTTOM].style, x - box->border[LEFT] * 2 * scale, y - padding_height - box->border[BOTTOM] * scale, x + padding_width + box->border[RIGHT] * 2 * scale, y - padding_height - box->border[BOTTOM] * scale); if (box->style && box->border[LEFT]) html_redraw_border(box->style->border[LEFT].color, box->border[LEFT] * 2 * scale, box->style->border[LEFT].style, x - box->border[LEFT] * scale, y + box->border[TOP] * 2 * scale, x - box->border[LEFT] * scale, y - padding_height - box->border[BOTTOM] * 2 * scale); /* return if the box is completely outside the clip rectangle, except * for table rows which may contain cells spanning into other rows */ if (box->type != BOX_TABLE_ROW && (clip_y1 < y0 || y1 < clip_y0 || clip_x1 < x0 || x1 < clip_x0)) return; if (box->type == BOX_BLOCK || box->type == BOX_INLINE_BLOCK || box->type == BOX_TABLE_CELL || box->object) { /* find intersection of clip rectangle and box */ if (x0 < clip_x0) x0 = clip_x0; if (y0 < clip_y0) y0 = clip_y0; if (clip_x1 < x1) x1 = clip_x1; if (clip_y1 < y1) y1 = clip_y1; /* clip to it */ html_redraw_clip(x0, y0, x1, y1); } else { /* clip box unchanged */ x0 = clip_x0; y0 = clip_y0; x1 = clip_x1; y1 = clip_y1; } /* read current graphics window dimensions */ xos_read_vdu_variables((os_vdu_var_list const *) &vars, (int*)&cgw); /* background colour */ if (box->style != 0 && box->style->background_color != TRANSPARENT) { /* find intersection of clip box and padding box */ int px0 = x < x0 ? x0 : x; int py0 = y - padding_height < y0 ? y0 : y - padding_height; int px1 = x + padding_width < x1 ? x + padding_width : x1; int py1 = y < y1 ? y : y1; /* clip to it */ html_redraw_clip(px0, py0, px1, py1); colourtrans_set_gcol(box->style->background_color << 8, colourtrans_USE_ECFS, os_ACTION_OVERWRITE, 0); os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, px0, py0); if (px0 < px1 && py0 < py1) os_plot(os_PLOT_RECTANGLE | os_PLOT_TO, px1, py1); current_background_color = box->style->background_color; } /* plot background image */ html_redraw_background(x, y, width, clip_y1-clip_y0, box, scale); /* restore previous graphics window, if necessary */ if (box->style != 0 && box->style->background_color != TRANSPARENT) /* should probably take account of the eigvalues here... */ html_redraw_clip(cgw[0]*2, cgw[1]*2, cgw[2]*2, cgw[3]*2); if (box->object) { content_redraw(box->object, x + padding_left, y - padding_top, width, height, x0, y0, x1, y1, scale); } else if (box->gadget && box->gadget->type == GADGET_CHECKBOX) { html_redraw_checkbox(x + padding_left, y - padding_top, width, height, box->gadget->selected); } else if (box->gadget && box->gadget->type == GADGET_RADIO) { html_redraw_radio(x + padding_left, y - padding_top, width, height, box->gadget->selected); } else if (box->gadget && box->gadget->type == GADGET_FILE) { colourtrans_set_font_colours(box->font->handle, current_background_color << 8, box->style->color << 8, 14, 0, 0, 0); html_redraw_file(x + padding_left, y - padding_top, width, height, box, scale); } else if (box->text && box->font) { if (content->data.html.text_selection.selected == 1) { struct box_position *start; struct box_position *end; start = &(content->data.html.text_selection.start); end = &(content->data.html.text_selection.end); if (start->box == box) { fprintf(stderr, "THE START OFFSET IS %d\n", start->pixel_offset * 2); if (end->box == box) { colourtrans_set_gcol(os_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY, colourtrans_USE_ECFS, 0, 0); os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, x + start->pixel_offset * 2, y - height); os_plot(os_PLOT_RECTANGLE | os_PLOT_TO, x + end->pixel_offset * 2 - 2, y - 2); } else { colourtrans_set_gcol(os_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY, colourtrans_USE_ECFS, 0, 0); os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, x + start->pixel_offset * 2, y - height); os_plot(os_PLOT_RECTANGLE | os_PLOT_TO, x + width - 2, y - 2); *select_on = true; } } else if (*select_on) { if (end->box != box) { colourtrans_set_gcol(os_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY, colourtrans_USE_ECFS, 0, 0); os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, x, y - height); os_plot(os_PLOT_RECTANGLE | os_PLOT_TO, x + width - 2, y - 2); } else { colourtrans_set_gcol(os_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY, colourtrans_USE_ECFS, 0, 0); os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, x, y - height); os_plot(os_PLOT_RECTANGLE | os_PLOT_TO, x + end->pixel_offset * 2 - 2, y - 2); *select_on = false; } } } colourtrans_set_font_colours(box->font->handle, current_background_color << 8, box->style->color << 8, 14, 0, 0, 0); /* antialias colour for under/overline */ colour = box->style->color; colour = ((((colour >> 16) + (current_background_color >> 16)) / 2) << 16) | (((((colour >> 8) & 0xff) + ((current_background_color >> 8) & 0xff)) / 2) << 8) | ((((colour & 0xff) + (current_background_color & 0xff)) / 2) << 0); colourtrans_set_gcol((unsigned int)colour << 8, colourtrans_USE_ECFS, os_ACTION_OVERWRITE, 0); if (box->style->text_decoration & CSS_TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE) { os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, x, y - (int) (box->height * 1.8 * scale)); os_plot(os_PLOT_SOLID_EX_END | os_PLOT_BY, box->width * 2 * scale, 0); } if (box->parent->parent->style->text_decoration & CSS_TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE && box->parent->parent->type == BOX_BLOCK) { colourtrans_set_gcol((unsigned int)box->parent->parent->style->color << 8, colourtrans_USE_ECFS, os_ACTION_OVERWRITE, 0); os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, x, y - (int) (box->height * 1.8 * scale)); os_plot(os_PLOT_SOLID_EX_END | os_PLOT_BY, box->width * 2 * scale, 0); colourtrans_set_gcol((unsigned int)box->style->color << 8, colourtrans_USE_ECFS, os_ACTION_OVERWRITE, 0); } if (box->style->text_decoration & CSS_TEXT_DECORATION_OVERLINE) { os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, x, y - (int) (box->height * 0.2 * scale)); os_plot(os_PLOT_SOLID_EX_END | os_PLOT_BY, box->width * 2 * scale, 0); } if (box->parent->parent->style->text_decoration & CSS_TEXT_DECORATION_OVERLINE && box->parent->parent->type == BOX_BLOCK) { colourtrans_set_gcol((unsigned int)box->parent->parent->style->color << 8, colourtrans_USE_ECFS, os_ACTION_OVERWRITE, 0); os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, x, y - (int) (box->height * 0.2 * scale)); os_plot(os_PLOT_SOLID_EX_END | os_PLOT_BY, box->width * 2 * scale, 0); colourtrans_set_gcol((unsigned int)box->style->color << 8, colourtrans_USE_ECFS, os_ACTION_OVERWRITE, 0); } if (box->style->text_decoration & CSS_TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_THROUGH) { os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, x, y - (int) (box->height * 1.0 * scale)); os_plot(os_PLOT_SOLID_EX_END | os_PLOT_BY, box->width * 2 * scale, 0); } if (box->parent->parent->style->text_decoration & CSS_TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_THROUGH && box->parent->parent->type == BOX_BLOCK) { colourtrans_set_gcol((unsigned int)box->parent->parent->style->color << 8, colourtrans_USE_ECFS, os_ACTION_OVERWRITE, 0); os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, x, y - (int) (box->height * 1.0 * scale)); os_plot(os_PLOT_SOLID_EX_END | os_PLOT_BY, box->width * 2 * scale, 0); colourtrans_set_gcol((unsigned int)box->style->color << 8, colourtrans_USE_ECFS, os_ACTION_OVERWRITE, 0); } if (scale == 1) font_paint(box->font->handle, box->text, font_OS_UNITS | font_GIVEN_FONT | font_KERN | font_GIVEN_LENGTH, x, y - (int) (box->height * 1.5), 0, 0, (int) box->length); else font_paint(box->font->handle, box->text, font_OS_UNITS | font_GIVEN_FONT | font_KERN | font_GIVEN_LENGTH | font_GIVEN_TRFM, x, y - (int) (box->height * 1.5 * scale), 0, &trfm, (int) box->length); } else { for (c = box->children; c != 0; c = c->next) if (c->type != BOX_FLOAT_LEFT && c->type != BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT) html_redraw_box(content, c, x, y, current_background_color, select_on, x0, y0, x1, y1, scale); for (c = box->float_children; c != 0; c = c->next_float) html_redraw_box(content, c, x, y, current_background_color, select_on, x0, y0, x1, y1, scale); } if (box->type == BOX_BLOCK || box->type == BOX_INLINE_BLOCK || box->type == BOX_TABLE_CELL || box->object) html_redraw_clip(clip_x0, clip_y0, clip_x1, clip_y1); /* } else { if (content->data.html.text_selection.selected == 1) { struct box_position *start; struct box_position *end; start = &(content->data.html.text_selection.start); end = &(content->data.html.text_selection.end); if (start->box == box && end->box != box) *select_on = true; else if (*select_on && end->box == box) *select_on = false; } }*/ } void html_redraw_clip(long clip_x0, long clip_y0, long clip_x1, long clip_y1) { os_set_graphics_window(); os_writec((char) (clip_x0 & 0xff)); os_writec((char) (clip_x0 >> 8)); os_writec((char) (clip_y0 & 0xff)); os_writec((char) (clip_y0 >> 8)); os_writec((char) (clip_x1 & 0xff)); os_writec((char) (clip_x1 >> 8)); os_writec((char) (clip_y1 & 0xff)); os_writec((char) (clip_y1 >> 8)); } /** * Plot a dotted rectangle outline. */ void html_redraw_rectangle(int x0, int y0, int width, int height, os_colour colour) { colourtrans_set_gcol(colour, 0, os_ACTION_OVERWRITE, 0); os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, x0, y0); os_plot(os_PLOT_DOTTED | os_PLOT_BY, width, 0); os_plot(os_PLOT_DOTTED | os_PLOT_BY, 0, -height); os_plot(os_PLOT_DOTTED | os_PLOT_BY, -width, 0); os_plot(os_PLOT_DOTTED | os_PLOT_BY, 0, height); } /** * Fill a rectangle of colour. */ void html_redraw_fill(int x0, int y0, int width, int height, os_colour colour) { colourtrans_set_gcol(colour, 0, os_ACTION_OVERWRITE, 0); os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, x0, y0 - height); os_plot(os_PLOT_RECTANGLE | os_PLOT_BY, width - 1, height - 1); } /** * Fill a circle of colour. */ void html_redraw_circle(int x0, int y0, int radius, os_colour colour) { colourtrans_set_gcol(colour, 0, os_ACTION_OVERWRITE, 0); os_plot(os_MOVE_TO, x0, y0); os_plot(os_PLOT_CIRCLE | os_PLOT_BY, radius, 0); } static int path[] = { draw_MOVE_TO, 0, 0, draw_LINE_TO, 0, 0, draw_END_PATH, 0 }; static const draw_line_style line_style = { draw_JOIN_MITRED, draw_CAP_BUTT, draw_CAP_BUTT, 0, 0x7fffffff, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; static const int dash_pattern_dotted[] = { 0, 1, 512 }; static const int dash_pattern_dashed[] = { 0, 1, 2048 }; void html_redraw_border(colour color, int width, css_border_style style, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) { draw_dash_pattern *dash_pattern = 0; os_error *error; if (style == CSS_BORDER_STYLE_DOTTED) dash_pattern = (draw_dash_pattern *) &dash_pattern_dotted; else if (style == CSS_BORDER_STYLE_DASHED) dash_pattern = (draw_dash_pattern *) &dash_pattern_dashed; path[1] = x0 * 256; path[2] = y0 * 256; path[4] = x1 * 256; path[5] = y1 * 256; error = xcolourtrans_set_gcol(color << 8, 0, os_ACTION_OVERWRITE, 0, 0); if (error) LOG(("xcolourtrans_set_gcol: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); error = xdraw_stroke((draw_path *) path, 0, 0, 0, width * 256, &line_style, dash_pattern); if (error) LOG(("xdraw_stroke: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); } /** * Plot a checkbox. */ void html_redraw_checkbox(int x, int y, int width, int height, bool selected) { int z = width * 0.15; if (z == 0) z = 1; html_redraw_fill(x, y, width, height, os_COLOUR_BLACK); html_redraw_fill(x + z, y - z, width - z - z, height - z - z, os_COLOUR_WHITE); if (selected) html_redraw_fill(x + z + z, y - z - z, width - z - z - z - z, height - z - z - z - z, os_COLOUR_RED); } /** * Plot a radio icon. */ void html_redraw_radio(int x, int y, int width, int height, bool selected) { html_redraw_circle(x + width * 0.5, y - height * 0.5, width * 0.5 - 1, os_COLOUR_BLACK); html_redraw_circle(x + width * 0.5, y - height * 0.5, width * 0.4 - 1, os_COLOUR_WHITE); if (selected) html_redraw_circle(x + width * 0.5, y - height * 0.5, width * 0.3 - 1, os_COLOUR_RED); } /** * Plot a file upload input. */ void html_redraw_file(int x, int y, int width, int height, struct box *box, float scale) { int text_width; const char *text; const char *sprite; if (box->gadget->value) { text = box->gadget->value; sprite = "file_fff"; } else { text = messages_get("Form_Drop"); sprite = "drophere"; } text_width = font_width(box->font, text, strlen(text)) * 2 * scale; if (width < text_width + 8) x = x + width - text_width - 4; else x = x + 4; font_paint(box->font->handle, text, font_OS_UNITS | font_GIVEN_FONT | font_KERN | font_GIVEN_TRFM, x, y - height * 0.75, 0, &trfm, 0); /* xwimpspriteop_put_sprite_user_coords(sprite, x + 4, */ /* y - height / 2 - 17, os_ACTION_OVERWRITE); */ } void html_redraw_background(long xi, long yi, int width, int height, struct box *box, float scale) { unsigned int tinct_options = 0; long x = 0; long y = 0; unsigned int image_width, image_height; os_coord image_size; float multiplier; bool fixed = false; if (box->background == 0) return; /* Set the plot options */ if (ro_gui_current_redraw_gui) { if (!ro_gui_current_redraw_gui->option_background_images) return; tinct_options = (ro_gui_current_redraw_gui->option_filter_sprites?tinct_BILINEAR_FILTER:0) | (ro_gui_current_redraw_gui->option_dither_sprites?tinct_DITHER:0); } else { if (!option_background_images) return; tinct_options = (option_filter_sprites?tinct_BILINEAR_FILTER:0) | (option_dither_sprites?tinct_DITHER:0); } /* Get the image dimensions for our positioning and scaling */ image_size.x = box->background->width; image_size.y = box->background->height; ro_convert_pixels_to_os_units(&image_size, -1); image_width = image_size.x * scale; image_height = image_size.y * scale; /* handle background-attachment */ switch (box->style->background_attachment) { case CSS_BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT_FIXED: fixed = true; break; case CSS_BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT_SCROLL: break; default: break; } /* handle background-repeat */ switch (box->style->background_repeat) { case CSS_BACKGROUND_REPEAT_REPEAT: tinct_options |= tinct_FILL_HORIZONTALLY | tinct_FILL_VERTICALLY; break; case CSS_BACKGROUND_REPEAT_REPEAT_X: tinct_options |= tinct_FILL_HORIZONTALLY; break; case CSS_BACKGROUND_REPEAT_REPEAT_Y: tinct_options |= tinct_FILL_VERTICALLY; break; case CSS_BACKGROUND_REPEAT_NO_REPEAT: break; default: break; } /* handle window offset */ x = xi; if (fixed) { /**\todo fixed background attachments */ y = yi; } else { y = yi; } /* handle window offset */ x = xi; if (fixed) { /**\todo fixed background attachments */ y = yi; } else { y = yi; } /* handle background-position */ switch (box->style->background_position.horz.pos) { case CSS_BACKGROUND_POSITION_PERCENT: multiplier = box->style->background_position.horz.value.percent / 100; x += box->x + (box->width * multiplier) - (box->background->width * scale * multiplier); break; case CSS_BACKGROUND_POSITION_LENGTH: x += box->x + len(&box->style->background_position.horz.value.length, box->style) * scale; break; default: break; } switch (box->style->background_position.vert.pos) { case CSS_BACKGROUND_POSITION_PERCENT: multiplier = box->style->background_position.vert.value.percent / 100; y += box->y + (box->height * multiplier) - (box->background->height * scale * multiplier); break; case CSS_BACKGROUND_POSITION_LENGTH: y += box->y + len(&box->style->background_position.vert.value.length, box->style) * scale; break; default: break; } // LOG(("Body [%ld, %ld], Image: [%ld, %ld], Flags: %x", xi, yi, x, y, tinct_options)); /* and plot the image */ switch (box->background->type) { #ifdef WITH_PNG case CONTENT_PNG: _swix(Tinct_PlotScaledAlpha, _IN(2) | _IN(3) | _IN(4) | _IN(5) | _IN(6) | _IN(7), ((char*) box->background->data.png.sprite_area + box->background->data.png.sprite_area->first), x, y, image_width, image_height, tinct_options); break; #endif #ifdef WITH_JPEG case CONTENT_JPEG: _swix(Tinct_PlotScaled, _IN(2) | _IN(3) | _IN(4) | _IN(5) | _IN(6) | _IN(7), ((char*) box->background->data.jpeg.sprite_area + box->background->data.jpeg.sprite_area->first), x, y, image_width, image_height, tinct_options); break; #endif #ifdef WITH_GIF case CONTENT_GIF: _swix(Tinct_PlotScaledAlpha, _IN(2) | _IN(3) | _IN(4) | _IN(5) | _IN(6) | _IN(7), (char*) box->background->data.gif.gif->frame_image, x, y, image_width, image_height, tinct_options); break; #endif /**\todo Add draw/sprite background support? */ default: break; } }