/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2004 John M Bell */ #include #include #include #include "oslib/drawfile.h" #include "oslib/jpeg.h" #include "oslib/osfile.h" #include "netsurf/utils/config.h" #include "netsurf/content/content.h" #include "netsurf/css/css.h" #include "netsurf/render/form.h" #include "netsurf/render/layout.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/save_draw.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" /** * \todo fix jpegs * GUI */ #ifdef WITH_DRAW_EXPORT /* in browser units = OS/2 = draw/512 */ #define A4PAGEWIDTH (744) #define A4PAGEHEIGHT (1052) static unsigned long length; static drawfile_diagram *d; static void add_font_table(struct content *content); static void add_options(void); static void add_objects(struct content *content, struct box *box, unsigned long cbc, long x, long y); static void add_graphic(struct content *content, struct box *box, unsigned long cbc, long x, long y); static void add_jpeg(struct content *content, struct box *box, unsigned long cbc, long x, long y); static void add_rect(struct content *content, struct box *box, unsigned long cbc, long x, long y, bool bg); static void add_line(struct content *content, struct box *box, unsigned long cbc, long x, long y); static void add_circle(struct content *content, struct box *box, unsigned long cbc, long x, long y); /** \todo this will probably want to take a filename/path too... */ void save_as_draw(struct content *c, char *path) { struct box *box; int temp; unsigned long bc; if (c->type != CONTENT_HTML) { return; } box = c->data.html.layout->children; temp = c->width; bc = 0xffffff; d = xcalloc(40, sizeof(char)); length = 40; memcpy((char*)&d->tag, "Draw", 4); d->major_version = 201; d->minor_version = 0; memcpy((char*)&d->source, "NetSurf ", 12); /* recalculate box widths for an A4 page */ layout_document(box, A4PAGEWIDTH); d->bbox.x0 = 0; d->bbox.y0 = 0; d->bbox.x1 = A4PAGEWIDTH*512; d->bbox.y1 = A4PAGEHEIGHT*512; add_font_table(c); add_options(); if (c->data.html.background_colour != TRANSPARENT) { bc = c->data.html.background_colour; add_rect(c, box, bc<<8, 0, A4PAGEHEIGHT*512, true); } /* right, traverse the tree and grab the contents */ add_objects(c, box, bc, 0, A4PAGEHEIGHT*512); xosfile_save_stamped(path, 0xaff, (byte*)d, (byte*)d+length); xfree(d); /* reset layout to current window width */ layout_document(box, temp); } /** * add font table */ void add_font_table(struct content *content) { drawfile_object *dro; drawfile_font_table *ft = xcalloc(0, sizeof(char)); drawfile_font_def *fd = xcalloc(0, sizeof(char)); int handle = 0, ftlen=0; const char *name; do { name = enumerate_fonts(content->data.html.fonts, &handle); if (handle == -1 && name == 0) break; /* at this point, handle is always (font_table entry + 1) */ fd = xrealloc(fd, 1+strlen(name)+1); memset(fd, 0, 1+strlen(name)+1); fd->font_index = handle; memcpy((char*)&fd->font_name, name, strlen(name)); ft = xrealloc(ft, ftlen+1+strlen(name)+1); memcpy((char*)ft+ftlen, fd, 1+strlen(name)+1); ftlen += 1+strlen(name)+1; } while (handle != -1); /* word align end of list */ if (((ftlen+3)/4*4) != 0) { ft = xrealloc(ft, (unsigned)(ftlen+3)/4*4); ftlen = (ftlen+3)/4*4; } dro = xcalloc((unsigned)8+ftlen, sizeof(char)); dro->type = drawfile_TYPE_FONT_TABLE; dro->size = 8+ftlen; memcpy((char*)&dro->data.font_table, ft, (unsigned)ftlen); d = xrealloc(d, (unsigned)length+dro->size); memcpy((char*)&d->objects, dro, (unsigned)dro->size); length += 8+ftlen; xfree(fd); xfree(ft); xfree(dro); } /** * add options object */ void add_options() { drawfile_object *dro = xcalloc(8+80, sizeof(char)); drawfile_options *dfo = xcalloc(80, sizeof(char)); dfo->bbox.x0 = dfo->bbox.y0 = dfo->bbox.x1 = dfo->bbox.y1 = 0; dfo->paper_size = 0x500; /* A4 */ dfo->paper_options = (drawfile_paper_options)0; dfo->grid_spacing = 1; dfo->grid_division = 2; dfo->isometric = false; dfo->auto_adjust = false; dfo->show = false; dfo->lock = false; dfo->cm = true; dfo->zoom_mul = 1; dfo->zoom_div = 1; dfo->zoom_lock = false; dfo->toolbox = true; dfo->entry_mode = drawfile_ENTRY_MODE_SELECT; dfo->undo_size = 5000; dro->type = drawfile_TYPE_OPTIONS; dro->size = 8+80; memcpy((char*)&dro->data.options, dfo,(unsigned)dro->size-8); d = xrealloc(d, length+dro->size); memcpy((char*)d+length, dro, (unsigned)dro->size); length += dro->size; xfree(dfo); xfree(dro); } /** * Traverses box tree, adding objects to the diagram as it goes. */ void add_objects(struct content *content, struct box *box, unsigned long cbc, long x, long y) { struct box *c; int width, height, colour; x += box->x * 512; y -= box->y * 512; width = (box->padding[LEFT] + box->width + box->padding[RIGHT]) * 2; height = (box->padding[TOP] + box->height + box->padding[BOTTOM]) * 2; if (box->style->visibility == CSS_VISIBILITY_HIDDEN) { for (c = box->children; c; c = c->next) add_objects(content, c, cbc, x, y); return; } if (box->style != 0 && box->style->background_color != TRANSPARENT) { cbc = box->style->background_color; add_rect(content, box, cbc<<8, x, y, false); } if (box->object) { if (box->object->type == CONTENT_PLUGIN || box->object->type == CONTENT_OTHER || box->object->type == CONTENT_UNKNOWN || box->object->type == CONTENT_HTML || box->object->type == CONTENT_TEXTPLAIN || box->object->type == CONTENT_CSS || box->object->type == CONTENT_DRAW) { return; /* don't handle these */ } else { add_graphic(box->object, box, cbc, x, y); return; } } else if (box->gadget && (box->gadget->type == GADGET_CHECKBOX || box->gadget->type == GADGET_RADIO)) { if (box->gadget->type == GADGET_CHECKBOX) { add_rect(content, box, 0xDEDEDE00, x, y, false); } else { add_circle(content, box, 0xDEDEDE00, x, y); } return; } else if (box->text && box->font) { if (box->length == 0) { return; } /* text-decoration */ colour = box->style->color; colour = ((((colour >> 16) + (cbc >> 16)) / 2) << 16) | (((((colour >> 8) & 0xff) + ((cbc >> 8) & 0xff)) / 2) << 8) | ((((colour & 0xff) + (cbc & 0xff)) / 2) << 0); if (box->style->text_decoration & CSS_TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE || (box->parent->parent->style->text_decoration & CSS_TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE && box->parent->parent->type == BOX_BLOCK)) { add_line(content, box, (unsigned)colour<<8, x, (int)(y+(box->height*0.1*512))); } if (box->style->text_decoration & CSS_TEXT_DECORATION_OVERLINE || (box->parent->parent->style->text_decoration & CSS_TEXT_DECORATION_OVERLINE && box->parent->parent->type == BOX_BLOCK)) { add_line(content, box, (unsigned)colour<<8, x, (int)(y+(box->height*0.9*512))); } if (box->style->text_decoration & CSS_TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_THROUGH || (box->parent->parent->style->text_decoration & CSS_TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_THROUGH && box->parent->parent->type == BOX_BLOCK)) { add_line(content, box, (unsigned)colour<<8, x, (int)(y+(box->height*0.4*512))); } /* normal text */ { drawfile_object *dro = xcalloc(8+44+((box->length+1+3)/4*4), sizeof(char)); drawfile_text *dt = xcalloc(44+((box->length+1+3)/4*4), sizeof(char)); dt->bbox.x0 = x; dt->bbox.y0 = y-(box->height*1.5*512); dt->bbox.x1 = x+(box->width*512); dt->bbox.y1 = y; dt->fill = box->style->color<<8; dt->bg_hint = cbc<<8; dt->style.font_index = box->font->id+1; dt->xsize = box->font->size*40; dt->ysize = box->font->size*40; dt->base.x = x; dt->base.y = y-(box->height*512)+1536; memcpy(dt->text, box->text, box->length); dro->type = drawfile_TYPE_TEXT; dro->size = ((box->length+1+3)/4*4) + 44 + 8; memcpy((char*)&dro->data.text, dt, (unsigned)dro->size-8); d = xrealloc(d, (unsigned)length + dro->size); memcpy((char*)d+length, dro, (unsigned)dro->size); length += dro->size; xfree(dt); xfree(dro); return; } } else { for (c = box->children; c != 0; c = c->next) { if (c->type != BOX_FLOAT_LEFT && c->type != BOX_FLOAT_RIGHT) add_objects(content, c, cbc, x, y); } for (c = box->float_children; c != 0; c = c->next_float) { add_objects(content, c, cbc, x, y); } } } /** * Add images to the drawfile. Uses add_jpeg as a helper. */ void add_graphic(struct content *content, struct box *box, unsigned long cbc, long x, long y) { drawfile_object *dro; drawfile_sprite *ds; long sprite_length = 0; /* cast-tastic... */ switch (content->type) { case CONTENT_JPEG: if (content->data.jpeg.use_module) { sprite_length = -1; } else { sprite_length = ((osspriteop_header*)((char*)content->data.jpeg.sprite_area+content->data.jpeg.sprite_area->first))->size; } break; case CONTENT_PNG: sprite_length = ((osspriteop_header*)((char*)content->data.png.sprite_area+content->data.png.sprite_area->first))->size; break; case CONTENT_GIF: sprite_length = ((osspriteop_header*)((char*)content->data.gif.sprite_area+content->data.gif.sprite_area->first))->size; break; case CONTENT_SPRITE: sprite_length = ((osspriteop_header*)((char*)content->data.sprite.data+(((osspriteop_area*)content->data.sprite.data)->first)))->size; break; default: break; } if (sprite_length == -1 && content->type == CONTENT_JPEG) { add_jpeg(content, box, cbc, x, y); return; } dro = xcalloc((unsigned)8 + 16 + sprite_length, sizeof(char)); ds = xcalloc((unsigned)16 + sprite_length, sizeof(char)); ds->bbox.x0 = x; ds->bbox.y0 = y-((box->padding[TOP] + box->height + box->padding[BOTTOM])*512); ds->bbox.x1 = x+((box->padding[LEFT] + box->width + box->padding[RIGHT])*512); ds->bbox.y1 = y; switch (content->type) { case CONTENT_JPEG: memcpy((char*)ds+16, (char*)content->data.jpeg.sprite_area+content->data.jpeg.sprite_area->first, (unsigned)sprite_length); break; case CONTENT_PNG: memcpy((char*)ds+16, (char*)content->data.png.sprite_area+content->data.png.sprite_area->first, (unsigned)sprite_length); break; case CONTENT_GIF: memcpy((char*)ds+16, (char*)content->data.gif.sprite_area+content->data.gif.sprite_area->first, (unsigned)sprite_length); break; case CONTENT_SPRITE: memcpy((char*)ds+16, (char*)content->data.sprite.data+((osspriteop_area*)content->data.sprite.data)->first, (unsigned)sprite_length); break; default: break; } dro->type = drawfile_TYPE_SPRITE; dro->size = 8 + 16 + sprite_length; memcpy((char*)&dro->data.sprite, ds, (unsigned)16 + sprite_length); d = xrealloc(d, length+dro->size); memcpy((char*)d+length, dro, (unsigned)dro->size); length += dro->size; xfree(ds); xfree(dro); } /** * Add jpeg objects which the OS can cope with. * Jpegs the OS doesn't understand are added as sprites * This may still be a little buggy. */ void add_jpeg(struct content *content, struct box *box, unsigned long cbc, long x, long y) { drawfile_object *dro = xcalloc(8+60+((content->data.jpeg.length+3)/4*4), sizeof(char)); drawfile_jpeg *dj = xcalloc(60+((content->data.jpeg.length+3)/4*4), sizeof(char)); dj->bbox.x0 = x; dj->bbox.y0 = y-((box->padding[TOP] + box->height + box->padding[BOTTOM])*512); dj->bbox.x1 = x+((box->padding[LEFT] + box->width + box->padding[RIGHT])*512); dj->bbox.y1 = y; xjpeginfo_dimensions((jpeg_image const*)content->data.jpeg.data, (int)content->data.jpeg.length, 0, &dj->width, &dj->height, &dj->xdpi, &dj->ydpi, 0); dj->width *= 512; dj->height *= 512; dj->trfm.entries[0][0] = 1 << 16; dj->trfm.entries[0][1] = 0; dj->trfm.entries[1][0] = 0; dj->trfm.entries[1][1] = 1 << 16; dj->trfm.entries[2][0] = x; dj->trfm.entries[2][1] = dj->bbox.y0; dj->len = content->data.jpeg.length; memcpy((char*)&dj->image, content->data.jpeg.data, (unsigned)dj->len); dro->type = drawfile_TYPE_JPEG; dro->size = 8 + 60 + ((dj->len+3)/4*4); memcpy((char*)&dro->data.jpeg, dj, (unsigned)dro->size-8); d = xrealloc(d, length+dro->size); memcpy((char*)d+length, dro, (unsigned)dro->size); length += dro->size; xfree(dj); xfree(dro); } /** * Add a filled, borderless rectangle to the diagram * Set bg to true to produce the background rectangle. */ void add_rect(struct content *content, struct box *box, unsigned long cbc, long x, long y, bool bg) { drawfile_object *dro = xcalloc(8+96, sizeof(char)); drawfile_path *dp = xcalloc(96, sizeof(char)); draw_path_element *dpe = xcalloc(12, sizeof(char)); if (bg) { dp->bbox.x0 = 0; dp->bbox.y0 = 0; dp->bbox.x1 = A4PAGEWIDTH*512; dp->bbox.y1 = A4PAGEHEIGHT*512; } else { dp->bbox.x0 = x; dp->bbox.y0 = y-((box->padding[TOP] + box->height + box->padding[BOTTOM])*512); dp->bbox.x1 = x+((box->padding[LEFT] + box->width + box->padding[RIGHT])*512); dp->bbox.y1 = y; } dp->fill = cbc; dp->outline = cbc; dp->width = 0; dp->style.flags = 0; /** * X<------X * | ^ * | | * v | * -->X------>X */ /* bottom left */ dpe->tag = draw_MOVE_TO; dpe->data.move_to.x = dp->bbox.x0; dpe->data.move_to.y = dp->bbox.y0; memcpy((char*)&dp->path, dpe, 12); /* bottom right */ dpe->tag = draw_LINE_TO; dpe->data.line_to.x = dp->bbox.x1; dpe->data.line_to.y = dp->bbox.y0; memcpy((char*)&dp->path+12, dpe, 12); /* top right */ dpe->tag = draw_LINE_TO; dpe->data.line_to.x = dp->bbox.x1; dpe->data.line_to.y = dp->bbox.y1; memcpy((char*)&dp->path+24, dpe, 12); /* top left */ dpe->tag = draw_LINE_TO; dpe->data.line_to.x = dp->bbox.x0; dpe->data.line_to.y = dp->bbox.y1; memcpy((char*)&dp->path+36, dpe, 12); /* bottom left */ dpe->tag = draw_LINE_TO; dpe->data.line_to.x = dp->bbox.x0; dpe->data.line_to.y = dp->bbox.y0; memcpy((char*)&dp->path+48, dpe, 12); /* end */ dpe->tag = draw_END_PATH; memcpy((char*)&dp->path+60, dpe, 4); dro->type = drawfile_TYPE_PATH; dro->size = 8+96; memcpy((char*)&dro->data.path, dp, (unsigned)dro->size-8); d = xrealloc(d, length+dro->size); memcpy((char*)d+length, dro, (unsigned)dro->size); length += dro->size; xfree(dpe); xfree(dp); xfree(dro); } /** * add a line to the diagram */ void add_line(struct content *content, struct box *box, unsigned long cbc, long x, long y) { drawfile_object *dro = xcalloc(8+60, sizeof(char)); drawfile_path *dp = xcalloc(60, sizeof(char)); draw_path_element *dpe = xcalloc(12, sizeof(char)); dp->bbox.x0 = x; dp->bbox.y0 = y-((box->padding[TOP] + box->height + box->padding[BOTTOM])*512); dp->bbox.x1 = x+((box->padding[LEFT] + box->width + box->padding[RIGHT])*512); dp->bbox.y1 = y; dp->fill = cbc; dp->outline = cbc; dp->width = 0; dp->style.flags = 0; /* left end */ dpe->tag = draw_MOVE_TO; dpe->data.move_to.x = dp->bbox.x0; dpe->data.move_to.y = dp->bbox.y0; memcpy((char*)&dp->path, dpe, 12); /* right end */ dpe->tag = draw_LINE_TO; dpe->data.line_to.x = dp->bbox.x1; dpe->data.line_to.y = dp->bbox.y0; memcpy((char*)&dp->path+12, dpe, 12); /* end */ dpe->tag = draw_END_PATH; memcpy((char*)&dp->path+24, dpe, 4); dro->type = drawfile_TYPE_PATH; dro->size = 8+60; memcpy((char*)&dro->data.path, dp, (unsigned)dro->size-8); d = xrealloc(d, length+dro->size); memcpy((char*)d+length, dro, (unsigned)dro->size); length += dro->size; xfree(dpe); xfree(dp); xfree(dro); } /** * add a circle to the diagram. */ void add_circle(struct content *content, struct box *box, unsigned long cbc, long x, long y) { drawfile_object *dro = xcalloc(8+160, sizeof(char)); drawfile_path *dp = xcalloc(160, sizeof(char)); draw_path_element *dpe = xcalloc(28, sizeof(char)); double radius = 0, kappa; double cx, cy; dp->bbox.x0 = x; dp->bbox.y0 = y-((box->padding[TOP] + box->height + box->padding[BOTTOM])*512); dp->bbox.x1 = x+((box->padding[LEFT] + box->width + box->padding[RIGHT])*512); dp->bbox.y1 = y; cx = ((dp->bbox.x1-dp->bbox.x0)/2.0); cy = ((dp->bbox.y1-dp->bbox.y0)/2.0); if (cx == cy) { radius = cx; /* box is square */ } else if (cx > cy) { radius = cy; dp->bbox.x1 -= (cx-cy); /* reduce box width */ } else if (cy > cx) { radius = cx; dp->bbox.y0 += (cy-cx); /* reduce box height */ } kappa = radius * ((4.0/3.0)*(sqrt(2.0)-1.0)); /* ~= 0.5522847498 */ dp->fill = cbc; dp->outline = cbc; dp->width = 0; dp->style.flags = drawfile_PATH_ROUND; /* * Z b Y * * a X c * * V d W * * V = (x0,y0) * W = (x1,y0) * Y = (x1,y1) * Z = (x0,y1) * * X = centre of circle (x0+cx, y0+cx) * * The points a,b,c,d are where the circle intersects * the bounding box. at these points, the bounding box is * tangental to the circle. */ /* start at a */ dpe->tag = draw_MOVE_TO; dpe->data.move_to.x = (dp->bbox.x0+cx)-radius; dpe->data.move_to.y = (dp->bbox.y0+cy); memcpy((char*)&dp->path, dpe, 12); /* point1->point2 : (point1)(ctrl1)(ctrl2)(point2) */ /* a->b : (x-r, y)(x-r, y+k)(x-k, y+r)(x, y+r) */ dpe->tag = draw_BEZIER_TO; dpe->data.bezier_to[0].x = (dp->bbox.x0+cx)-radius; dpe->data.bezier_to[0].y = (dp->bbox.y0+cy)+kappa; dpe->data.bezier_to[1].x = (dp->bbox.x0+cx)-kappa; dpe->data.bezier_to[1].y = (dp->bbox.y0+cy)+radius; dpe->data.bezier_to[2].x = (dp->bbox.x0+cx); dpe->data.bezier_to[2].y = (dp->bbox.y0+cy)+radius; memcpy((char*)&dp->path+12, dpe, 28); /* b->c : (x, y+r)(x+k, y+r)(x+r, y+k)(x+r, y)*/ dpe->tag = draw_BEZIER_TO; dpe->data.bezier_to[0].x = (dp->bbox.x0+cx)+kappa; dpe->data.bezier_to[0].y = (dp->bbox.y0+cy)+radius; dpe->data.bezier_to[1].x = (dp->bbox.x0+cx)+radius; dpe->data.bezier_to[1].y = (dp->bbox.y0+cy)+kappa; dpe->data.bezier_to[2].x = (dp->bbox.x0+cx)+radius; dpe->data.bezier_to[2].y = (dp->bbox.y0+cy); memcpy((char*)&dp->path+40, dpe, 28); /* c->d : (x+r, y)(x+r, y-k)(x+k, y-r)(x, y-r) */ dpe->tag = draw_BEZIER_TO; dpe->data.bezier_to[0].x = (dp->bbox.x0+cx)+radius; dpe->data.bezier_to[0].y = (dp->bbox.y0+cy)-kappa; dpe->data.bezier_to[1].x = (dp->bbox.x0+cx)+kappa; dpe->data.bezier_to[1].y = (dp->bbox.y0+cy)-radius; dpe->data.bezier_to[2].x = (dp->bbox.x0+cx); dpe->data.bezier_to[2].y = (dp->bbox.y0+cy)-radius; memcpy((char*)&dp->path+68, dpe, 28); /* d->a : (x, y-r)(x-k, y-r)(x-r, y-k)(x-r, y)*/ dpe->tag = draw_BEZIER_TO; dpe->data.bezier_to[0].x = (dp->bbox.x0+cx)-kappa; dpe->data.bezier_to[0].y = (dp->bbox.y0+cy)-radius; dpe->data.bezier_to[1].x = (dp->bbox.x0+cx)-radius; dpe->data.bezier_to[1].y = (dp->bbox.y0+cy)-kappa; dpe->data.bezier_to[2].x = (dp->bbox.x0+cx)-radius; dpe->data.bezier_to[2].y = (dp->bbox.y0+cy); memcpy((char*)&dp->path+96, dpe, 28); /* end */ dpe->tag = draw_END_PATH; memcpy((char*)&dp->path+124, dpe, 4); dro->type = drawfile_TYPE_PATH; dro->size = 8+160; memcpy((char*)&dro->data.path, dp, (unsigned)dro->size-8); d = xrealloc(d, length+dro->size); memcpy((char*)d+length, dro, (unsigned)dro->size); length += dro->size; xfree(dpe); xfree(dp); xfree(dro); } #endif