/* * This file is part of NetSurf, http://netsurf.sourceforge.net/ * Licensed under the GNU General Public License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license * Copyright 2004, 2005 Richard Wilson */ /** \file * Window themes and toolbars (implementation). */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "oslib/dragasprite.h" #include "oslib/os.h" #include "oslib/osgbpb.h" #include "oslib/osfile.h" #include "oslib/osfind.h" #include "oslib/osspriteop.h" #include "oslib/wimpspriteop.h" #include "oslib/squash.h" #include "oslib/wimp.h" #include "oslib/wimpextend.h" #include "oslib/wimpspriteop.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/dialog.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/gui.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/menus.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/options.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/theme.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/treeview.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/wimp.h" #include "netsurf/riscos/wimp_event.h" #include "netsurf/utils/log.h" #include "netsurf/utils/utils.h" #define THEME_URL_MEMORY 256 #define THEME_THROBBER_MEMORY 12 #define THEME_STATUS_MEMORY 256 static struct theme_descriptor *theme_current = NULL; static struct theme_descriptor *theme_descriptors = NULL; static struct toolbar *theme_toolbar_drag = NULL; static struct toolbar_icon *theme_toolbar_icon_drag = NULL; static bool theme_toolbar_editor_drag = false; /* these order of the icons must match the numbers defined in riscos/gui.h */ static const char * theme_browser_icons[] = {"back", "forward", "stop", "reload", "home", "history", "save", "print", "hotlist", "scale", "search", NULL}; static const char * theme_hotlist_icons[] = {"delete", "expand", "open", "launch", "create", NULL}; static const char * theme_history_icons[] = {"delete", "expand", "open", "launch", NULL}; static bool ro_gui_theme_add_descriptor(const char *folder, const char *leafname); static void ro_gui_theme_redraw(wimp_draw *redraw); static void ro_gui_theme_get_available_in_dir(const char *directory); static void ro_gui_theme_free(struct theme_descriptor *descriptor); static struct toolbar_icon *ro_gui_theme_add_toolbar_icon( struct toolbar *toolbar, const char *name, int icon_number); static void ro_gui_theme_update_toolbar_icon(struct toolbar *toolbar, struct toolbar_icon *icon); static void ro_gui_theme_destroy_toolbar_icon(struct toolbar_icon *icon); static void ro_gui_theme_link_toolbar_icon(struct toolbar *toolbar, struct toolbar_icon *icon, struct toolbar_icon *link, bool before); static void ro_gui_theme_delink_toolbar_icon(struct toolbar *toolbar, struct toolbar_icon *icon); static struct toolbar_icon *ro_gui_theme_toolbar_get_insert_icon( struct toolbar *toolbar, int x, int y, bool *before); static void ro_gui_theme_add_toolbar_icons(struct toolbar *toolbar, const char* icons[], const char* ident); static void ro_gui_theme_set_help_prefix(struct toolbar *toolbar); /* A basic window for the toolbar and status */ static wimp_window theme_toolbar_window = { {0, 0, 1, 1}, 0, 0, wimp_TOP, wimp_WINDOW_NEW_FORMAT | wimp_WINDOW_MOVEABLE | wimp_WINDOW_FURNITURE_WINDOW | wimp_WINDOW_IGNORE_XEXTENT | wimp_WINDOW_IGNORE_YEXTENT, wimp_COLOUR_BLACK, wimp_COLOUR_LIGHT_GREY, wimp_COLOUR_LIGHT_GREY, wimp_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY, wimp_COLOUR_DARK_GREY, wimp_COLOUR_MID_LIGHT_GREY, wimp_COLOUR_CREAM, wimp_WINDOW_NEVER3D | 0x16u /* RISC OS 5.03+ */, {0, 0, 1, 1}, 0, 0, wimpspriteop_AREA, 12, 1, {""}, 0, { } }; /* Shared icon validation */ static char theme_url_validation[] = "Pptr_write;KN\0"; static char theme_resize_validation[] = "R1;Pptr_lr,8,6\0"; static char theme_null_text_string[] = "\0"; static char theme_separator_name[] = "separator\0"; /** * Initialise the theme handler */ void ro_gui_theme_initialise(void) { struct theme_descriptor *descriptor; theme_descriptors = ro_gui_theme_get_available(); descriptor = ro_gui_theme_find(option_theme); if (!descriptor) descriptor = ro_gui_theme_find("Aletheia"); ro_gui_theme_apply(descriptor); } /** * Finalise the theme handler */ void ro_gui_theme_finalise(void) { ro_gui_theme_close(theme_current, false); ro_gui_theme_free(theme_descriptors); } /** * Finds a theme from the cached values. * * The returned theme is only guaranteed to be valid until the next call * to ro_gui_theme_get_available() unless it has been opened using * ro_gui_theme_open(). * * \param leafname the filename of the theme_descriptor to return * \return the requested theme_descriptor, or NULL if not found */ struct theme_descriptor *ro_gui_theme_find(const char *leafname) { struct theme_descriptor *descriptor; if (!leafname) return NULL; for (descriptor = theme_descriptors; descriptor; descriptor = descriptor->next) if (!strcmp(leafname, descriptor->leafname)) return descriptor; /* fallback for 10 chars on old filesystems */ for (descriptor = theme_descriptors; descriptor; descriptor = descriptor->next) if (!strncmp(leafname, descriptor->leafname, 10)) return descriptor; return NULL; } /** * Reads and caches the currently available themes. * * \return the requested theme_descriptor, or NULL if not found */ struct theme_descriptor *ro_gui_theme_get_available(void) { struct theme_descriptor *current; struct theme_descriptor *test; char pathname[256]; /* close any descriptors we've got so far * _except_ the current theme */ ro_gui_theme_free(theme_descriptors); assert(theme_descriptors == theme_current); if (strcmp(theme_current->name, "Aletheia") != 0) { /* add our default 'Aletheia' theme */ snprintf(pathname, 256, "%s.Resources", NETSURF_DIR); pathname[255] = '\0'; ro_gui_theme_add_descriptor(pathname, "Aletheia"); } /* scan our choices directory */ snprintf(pathname, 256, "%s%s", THEME_PATH_R, THEME_LEAFNAME); pathname[255] = '\0'; ro_gui_theme_get_available_in_dir(pathname); /* sort alphabetically in a very rubbish way */ if ((theme_descriptors) && (theme_descriptors->next)) { current = theme_descriptors; while ((test = current->next)) { if (strcmp(current->name, test->name) > 0) { current->next->previous = current->previous; if (current->previous) current->previous->next = current->next; current->next = test->next; test->next = current; current->previous = test; if (current->next) current->next->previous = current; current = test->previous; if (!current) current = test; } else { current = current->next; } } while (theme_descriptors->previous) theme_descriptors = theme_descriptors->previous; } return theme_descriptors; } /** * Adds the themes in a directory to the global cache. * * \param directory the directory to scan */ static void ro_gui_theme_get_available_in_dir(const char *directory) { int context = 0; int read_count; osgbpb_INFO(100) info; os_error *error; while (context != -1) { /* read some directory info */ error = xosgbpb_dir_entries_info(directory, (osgbpb_info_list *) &info, 1, context, sizeof(info), 0, &read_count, &context); if (error) { LOG(("xosgbpb_dir_entries_info: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); if (error->errnum == 0xd6) /* no such dir */ return; warn_user("MiscError", error->errmess); break; } /* only process files */ if ((read_count != 0) && (info.obj_type == fileswitch_IS_FILE)) ro_gui_theme_add_descriptor(directory, info.name); } } /** * Checks a theme is valid and adds it to the current list * * \param folder the theme folder * \param leafname the theme leafname * \return whether the theme was added */ bool ro_gui_theme_add_descriptor(const char *folder, const char *leafname) { struct theme_file_header file_header; struct theme_descriptor *current; int output_left; os_fw file_handle; os_error *error; char *filename; /* create a full filename */ filename = malloc(strlen(folder) + strlen(leafname) + 2); if (!filename) { LOG(("No memory for malloc")); warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return false; } sprintf(filename, "%s.%s", folder, leafname); /* get the header */ error = xosfind_openinw(osfind_NO_PATH, filename, 0, &file_handle); if (error) { LOG(("xosfind_openinw: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("FileError", error->errmess); free(filename); return false; } if (file_handle == 0) { free(filename); return false; } error = xosgbpb_read_atw(file_handle, (char *)&file_header, sizeof (struct theme_file_header), 0, &output_left); xosfind_closew(file_handle); if (error) { LOG(("xosbgpb_read_atw: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("FileError", error->errmess); free(filename); return false; } if (output_left > 0) { /* should try to read more? */ free(filename); return false; } /* create a new theme descriptor */ current = (struct theme_descriptor *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct theme_descriptor)); if (!current) { LOG(("calloc failed")); warn_user("NoMemory", 0); free(filename); return false; } if (!ro_gui_theme_read_file_header(current, &file_header)) { free(filename); free(current); return false; } current->filename = filename; current->leafname = current->filename + strlen(folder) + 1; if (strcmp(current->name, theme_current->name) == 0) { /* Don't add if this theme matches the current one */ free(current->filename); free(current); return false; } /* link in our new descriptor at the head*/ if (theme_descriptors) { current->next = theme_descriptors; theme_descriptors->previous = current; } theme_descriptors = current; return true; } /** * Fills in the basic details for a descriptor from a file header. * The filename string is not set. * * \param descriptor the descriptor to set up * \param file_header the header to read from * \return false for a badly formed theme, true otherwise */ bool ro_gui_theme_read_file_header(struct theme_descriptor *descriptor, struct theme_file_header *file_header) { if ((file_header->magic_value != 0x4d54534e) || (file_header->parser_version > 2)) return false; strcpy(descriptor->name, file_header->name); strcpy(descriptor->author, file_header->author); descriptor->browser_background = file_header->browser_bg; descriptor->hotlist_background = file_header->hotlist_bg; descriptor->status_background = file_header->status_bg; descriptor->status_foreground = file_header->status_fg; descriptor->decompressed_size = file_header->decompressed_sprite_size; descriptor->compressed_size = file_header->compressed_sprite_size; if (file_header->parser_version >= 2) { descriptor->throbber_right = !(file_header->theme_flags & (1 << 0)); descriptor->throbber_redraw = file_header->theme_flags & (1 << 1); } else { descriptor->throbber_right = (file_header->theme_flags == 0x00); descriptor->throbber_redraw = true; } return true; } /** * Opens a theme ready for use. * * \param descriptor the theme_descriptor to open * \param list whether to open all themes in the list * \return whether the operation was successful */ bool ro_gui_theme_open(struct theme_descriptor *descriptor, bool list) { fileswitch_object_type obj_type; squash_output_status status; os_coord dimensions; os_mode mode; os_error *error; struct theme_descriptor *next_descriptor; char sprite_name[16]; bool result = true; int i, n; int workspace_size, file_size; char *raw_data, *workspace; osspriteop_area *decompressed; /* If we are freeing the whole of the list then we need to start at the first descriptor. */ if (list && descriptor) while (descriptor->previous) descriptor = descriptor->previous; /* Open the themes */ next_descriptor = descriptor; for (; descriptor; descriptor = next_descriptor) { /* see if we should iterate through the entire list */ if (list) next_descriptor = descriptor->next; else next_descriptor = NULL; /* if we are already loaded, increase the usage count */ if (descriptor->theme) { descriptor->theme->users = descriptor->theme->users + 1; continue; } /* create a new theme */ descriptor->theme = (struct theme *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct theme)); if (!descriptor->theme) { LOG(("calloc() failed")); warn_user("NoMemory", 0); continue; } descriptor->theme->users = 1; /* try to load the associated file */ error = xosfile_read_stamped_no_path(descriptor->filename, &obj_type, 0, 0, &file_size, 0, 0); if (error) { LOG(("xosfile_read_stamped_no_path: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("FileError", error->errmess); continue; } if (obj_type != fileswitch_IS_FILE) continue; raw_data = malloc(file_size); if (!raw_data) { LOG(("malloc() failed")); warn_user("NoMemory", 0); continue; } error = xosfile_load_stamped_no_path(descriptor->filename, (byte *)raw_data, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (error) { free(raw_data); LOG(("xosfile_load_stamped_no_path: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("FileError", error->errmess); continue; } /* decompress the new data */ error = xsquash_decompress_return_sizes(-1, &workspace_size, 0); if (error) { free(raw_data); LOG(("xsquash_decompress_return_sizes: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("MiscError", error->errmess); continue; } decompressed = (osspriteop_area *)malloc( descriptor->decompressed_size); workspace = malloc(workspace_size); if ((!decompressed) || (!workspace)) { free(decompressed); free(raw_data); LOG(("malloc() failed")); warn_user("NoMemory", 0); continue; } error = xsquash_decompress(squash_INPUT_ALL_PRESENT, workspace, (byte *)(raw_data + sizeof( struct theme_file_header)), descriptor->compressed_size, (byte *)decompressed, descriptor->decompressed_size, &status, 0, 0, 0, 0); free(workspace); free(raw_data); if (error) { free(decompressed); LOG(("xsquash_decompress: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("MiscError", error->errmess); continue; } if (status != 0) { free(decompressed); continue; } descriptor->theme->sprite_area = decompressed; /* find the highest sprite called 'throbber%i', and get the * maximum dimensions for all 'thobber%i' icons. */ for (i = 1; i <= descriptor->theme->sprite_area->sprite_count; i++) { error = xosspriteop_return_name(osspriteop_USER_AREA, descriptor->theme->sprite_area, sprite_name, 16, i, 0); if (error) { LOG(("xosspriteop_return_name: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("MiscError", error->errmess); continue; } if (strncmp(sprite_name, "throbber", 8)) continue; /* get the max sprite width/height */ error = xosspriteop_read_sprite_info( osspriteop_USER_AREA, descriptor->theme->sprite_area, (osspriteop_id)sprite_name, &dimensions.x, &dimensions.y, (osbool *)0, &mode); if (error) { LOG(("xosspriteop_read_sprite_info: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("MiscError", error->errmess); continue; } ro_convert_pixels_to_os_units(&dimensions, mode); if (descriptor->theme->throbber_width < dimensions.x) descriptor->theme->throbber_width = dimensions.x; if (descriptor->theme->throbber_height < dimensions.y) descriptor->theme->throbber_height = dimensions.y; /* get the throbber number */ n = atoi(sprite_name + 8); if (descriptor->theme->throbber_frames < n) descriptor->theme->throbber_frames = n; } } return result; } /** * Applies the theme to all current windows and subsequent ones. * * \param descriptor the theme_descriptor to open * \return whether the operation was successful */ bool ro_gui_theme_apply(struct theme_descriptor *descriptor) { struct theme_descriptor *theme_previous; /* check if the theme is already applied */ if (descriptor == theme_current) return true; /* re-open the new-theme and release the current theme */ if (!ro_gui_theme_open(descriptor, false)) return false; theme_previous = theme_current; theme_current = descriptor; /* apply the theme to all the current windows */ ro_gui_window_update_theme(); ro_gui_theme_close(theme_previous, false); return true; } /** * Closes a theme after use. * * \param descriptor the theme_descriptor to close * \param list whether to open all themes in the list * \return whether the operation was successful */ void ro_gui_theme_close(struct theme_descriptor *descriptor, bool list) { if (!descriptor) return; /* move to the start of the list */ while (list && descriptor->previous) descriptor = descriptor->previous; /* close the themes */ while (descriptor) { if (descriptor->theme) { descriptor->theme->users = descriptor->theme->users - 1; if (descriptor->theme->users <= 0) { free(descriptor->theme->sprite_area); free(descriptor->theme); descriptor->theme = NULL; } } if (!list) return; descriptor = descriptor->next; } } /** * Performs the redraw for a toolbar * * \param redraw the redraw area * \param toolbar the toolbar to redraw */ void ro_gui_theme_redraw(wimp_draw *redraw) { struct toolbar *toolbar; struct toolbar_icon *icon; osbool more; wimp_icon separator_icon; os_error *error; bool perform_redraw = false; toolbar = (struct toolbar *)ro_gui_wimp_event_get_user_data(redraw->w); assert(toolbar); /* set up the icon */ if ((toolbar->descriptor) && (toolbar->descriptor->theme) && (toolbar->descriptor->theme->sprite_area)) { separator_icon.flags = wimp_ICON_SPRITE | wimp_ICON_INDIRECTED | wimp_ICON_HCENTRED | wimp_ICON_VCENTRED; separator_icon.data.indirected_sprite.id = (osspriteop_id)theme_separator_name; separator_icon.data.indirected_sprite.area = toolbar->descriptor->theme->sprite_area; separator_icon.data.indirected_sprite.size = 12; separator_icon.extent.y0 = 0; separator_icon.extent.y1 = toolbar->height; perform_redraw = true; } perform_redraw &= toolbar->display_buttons || toolbar->editor; error = xwimp_redraw_window(redraw, &more); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_redraw_window: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } while (more) { if (perform_redraw) for (icon = toolbar->icon; icon; icon = icon->next) if ((icon->icon_number == -1) && (icon->display)) { separator_icon.extent.x0 = icon->x; separator_icon.extent.x1 = icon->x + icon->width; xwimp_plot_icon(&separator_icon); } error = xwimp_get_rectangle(redraw, &more); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_get_rectangle: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } } } /** * Frees any unused theme descriptors. * * \param descriptor the theme_descriptor to free * \param list whether to open all themes in the list * \return whether the operation was successful */ void ro_gui_theme_free(struct theme_descriptor *descriptor) { struct theme_descriptor *next_descriptor; if (!descriptor) return; /* move to the start of the list */ while (descriptor->previous) descriptor = descriptor->previous; /* free closed themes */ next_descriptor = descriptor; for (; descriptor; descriptor = next_descriptor) { next_descriptor = descriptor->next; /* no theme? no descriptor */ if (!descriptor->theme) { if (descriptor->previous) descriptor->previous->next = descriptor->next; if (descriptor->next) descriptor->next->previous = descriptor->previous; /* keep the cached list in sync */ if (theme_descriptors == descriptor) theme_descriptors = next_descriptor; /* release any memory */ free(descriptor->filename); free(descriptor); } } } /** * Creates a toolbar. * * \param descriptor the theme to use, or NULL for current * \param type the toolbar type * \return a new toolbar, or NULL for failure */ struct toolbar *ro_gui_theme_create_toolbar(struct theme_descriptor *descriptor, toolbar_type type) { struct toolbar *toolbar; /* Create a new toolbar */ toolbar = calloc(sizeof(struct toolbar), 1); if (!toolbar) { LOG(("No memory for malloc()")); warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return NULL; } toolbar->type = type; /* Store the theme */ if (!descriptor) descriptor = theme_current; toolbar->descriptor = descriptor; /* Apply the default settings */ toolbar->display_buttons = true; toolbar->toolbar_current = 16384; switch (type) { case THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR: toolbar->display_url = true; toolbar->display_throbber = true; toolbar->display_status = true; ro_gui_theme_add_toolbar_icons(toolbar, theme_browser_icons, option_toolbar_browser); toolbar->suggest = ro_gui_theme_add_toolbar_icon(NULL, "gright", ICON_TOOLBAR_SUGGEST); break; case THEME_HOTLIST_TOOLBAR: ro_gui_theme_add_toolbar_icons(toolbar, theme_hotlist_icons, option_toolbar_hotlist); break; case THEME_HISTORY_TOOLBAR: ro_gui_theme_add_toolbar_icons(toolbar, theme_history_icons, option_toolbar_history); break; case THEME_BROWSER_EDIT_TOOLBAR: ro_gui_theme_add_toolbar_icons(toolbar, theme_browser_icons, "0123456789a|"); break; case THEME_HOTLIST_EDIT_TOOLBAR: ro_gui_theme_add_toolbar_icons(toolbar, theme_hotlist_icons, "40123|"); break; case THEME_HISTORY_EDIT_TOOLBAR: ro_gui_theme_add_toolbar_icons(toolbar, theme_history_icons, "0123|"); break; } /* Claim the memory for our Wimp indirection */ if (type == THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR) { toolbar->url_buffer = calloc(1, THEME_URL_MEMORY + THEME_THROBBER_MEMORY + THEME_STATUS_MEMORY); if (!toolbar->url_buffer) { LOG(("No memory for calloc()")); ro_gui_theme_destroy_toolbar(toolbar); return NULL; } toolbar->throbber_buffer = toolbar->url_buffer + THEME_URL_MEMORY; toolbar->status_buffer = toolbar->throbber_buffer + THEME_THROBBER_MEMORY; sprintf(toolbar->throbber_buffer, "throbber0"); } /* Apply the desired theme to the toolbar */ if (!ro_gui_theme_update_toolbar(descriptor, toolbar)) { ro_gui_theme_destroy_toolbar(toolbar); return NULL; } return toolbar; } /** * Updates a toolbar to use a particular theme. * The toolbar may be unstable on failure and should be destroyed. * * \param descriptor the theme to use, or NULL for current * \param toolbar the toolbar to update * \return whether the operation was successful */ bool ro_gui_theme_update_toolbar(struct theme_descriptor *descriptor, struct toolbar *toolbar) { wimp_icon_create new_icon; os_error *error; osspriteop_area *sprite_area; struct toolbar_icon *toolbar_icon; int width, max_icon; wimp_icon_flags icon_flags; struct gui_window *g; if (!toolbar) return false; /* Set the theme and window sprite area */ if (!descriptor) descriptor = theme_current; toolbar->descriptor = descriptor; if ((toolbar->descriptor) && (toolbar->descriptor->theme)) sprite_area = toolbar->descriptor->theme->sprite_area; else sprite_area = (osspriteop_area *)1; theme_toolbar_window.sprite_area = sprite_area; /* Update the icon sizes */ for (toolbar_icon = toolbar->icon; toolbar_icon; toolbar_icon = toolbar_icon->next) ro_gui_theme_update_toolbar_icon(toolbar, toolbar_icon); if (toolbar->suggest) ro_gui_theme_update_toolbar_icon(toolbar, toolbar->suggest); /* Recreate the toolbar window */ if (toolbar->descriptor) { if (toolbar->type == THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR) theme_toolbar_window.work_bg = toolbar->descriptor->browser_background; else theme_toolbar_window.work_bg = toolbar->descriptor->hotlist_background; } else { theme_toolbar_window.work_bg = wimp_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY; } theme_toolbar_window.work_flags &= ~wimp_ICON_BUTTON_TYPE; if ((toolbar->editor) || (toolbar->type == THEME_HOTLIST_EDIT_TOOLBAR) || (toolbar->type == THEME_HISTORY_EDIT_TOOLBAR) || (toolbar->type == THEME_BROWSER_EDIT_TOOLBAR)) theme_toolbar_window.work_flags |= (wimp_BUTTON_CLICK_DRAG << wimp_ICON_BUTTON_TYPE_SHIFT); theme_toolbar_window.flags &= ~wimp_WINDOW_AUTO_REDRAW; theme_toolbar_window.flags |= wimp_WINDOW_NO_BOUNDS; theme_toolbar_window.xmin = 1; theme_toolbar_window.ymin = 1; theme_toolbar_window.extent.x1 = 16384; theme_toolbar_window.extent.y1 = 16384; theme_toolbar_window.sprite_area = sprite_area; if (toolbar->toolbar_handle) { error = xwimp_delete_window(toolbar->toolbar_handle); if (error) LOG(("xwimp_delete_window: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); ro_gui_wimp_event_finalise(toolbar->toolbar_handle); toolbar->toolbar_handle = NULL; } error = xwimp_create_window(&theme_toolbar_window, &toolbar->toolbar_handle); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_create_window: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return false; } ro_gui_wimp_event_register_redraw_window(toolbar->toolbar_handle, ro_gui_theme_redraw); ro_gui_wimp_event_set_user_data(toolbar->toolbar_handle, toolbar); switch (toolbar->type) { case THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR: case THEME_BROWSER_EDIT_TOOLBAR: ro_gui_wimp_event_register_mouse_click(toolbar->toolbar_handle, ro_gui_toolbar_click); break; case THEME_HOTLIST_TOOLBAR: case THEME_HOTLIST_EDIT_TOOLBAR: case THEME_HISTORY_TOOLBAR: case THEME_HISTORY_EDIT_TOOLBAR: ro_gui_wimp_event_register_mouse_click(toolbar->toolbar_handle, ro_gui_tree_toolbar_click); break; } /* Create the basic icons */ if ((toolbar->type == THEME_HOTLIST_TOOLBAR) || (toolbar->type == THEME_HOTLIST_EDIT_TOOLBAR)) max_icon = ICON_TOOLBAR_HOTLIST_LAST; else if ((toolbar->type == THEME_HISTORY_TOOLBAR) || (toolbar->type == THEME_HISTORY_EDIT_TOOLBAR)) max_icon = ICON_TOOLBAR_HISTORY_LAST; else max_icon = ICON_TOOLBAR_URL; new_icon.w = toolbar->toolbar_handle; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.size = 1; new_icon.icon.flags = wimp_ICON_TEXT | wimp_ICON_SPRITE | wimp_ICON_INDIRECTED | wimp_ICON_HCENTRED | wimp_ICON_VCENTRED; if ((toolbar->editor) || (toolbar->type == THEME_HOTLIST_EDIT_TOOLBAR) || (toolbar->type == THEME_HISTORY_EDIT_TOOLBAR) || (toolbar->type == THEME_BROWSER_EDIT_TOOLBAR)) new_icon.icon.flags |= (wimp_BUTTON_CLICK_DRAG << wimp_ICON_BUTTON_TYPE_SHIFT); else new_icon.icon.flags |= (wimp_BUTTON_CLICK << wimp_ICON_BUTTON_TYPE_SHIFT); if (toolbar->descriptor) new_icon.icon.flags |= (toolbar->descriptor->browser_background << wimp_ICON_BG_COLOUR_SHIFT); else new_icon.icon.flags |= (wimp_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY << wimp_ICON_BG_COLOUR_SHIFT); icon_flags = new_icon.icon.flags; for (int i = 0; i < max_icon; i++) { new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.text = theme_null_text_string; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.validation = theme_null_text_string; toolbar_icon = toolbar->icon; while (toolbar_icon) { if (toolbar_icon->icon_number == i) { new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.validation = toolbar_icon->validation; break; } else { toolbar_icon = toolbar_icon->next; } } error = xwimp_create_icon(&new_icon, 0); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_create_icon: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return false; } } /* Create the URL/throbber icons */ if (toolbar->type == THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR) { new_icon.icon.flags = wimp_ICON_TEXT | wimp_ICON_INDIRECTED | wimp_ICON_VCENTRED | wimp_ICON_BORDER | wimp_ICON_FILLED | (wimp_COLOUR_BLACK << wimp_ICON_FG_COLOUR_SHIFT) | (wimp_BUTTON_WRITE_CLICK_DRAG << wimp_ICON_BUTTON_TYPE_SHIFT); new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.text = toolbar->url_buffer; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.validation = theme_url_validation; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.size = THEME_URL_MEMORY; error = xwimp_create_icon(&new_icon, 0); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_create_icon: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return false; } /* Now the throbber */ new_icon.icon.flags = wimp_ICON_SPRITE | wimp_ICON_INDIRECTED | wimp_ICON_HCENTRED | wimp_ICON_VCENTRED; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_sprite.id = (osspriteop_id)toolbar->throbber_buffer; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_sprite.area = sprite_area; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_sprite.size = THEME_THROBBER_MEMORY; error = xwimp_create_icon(&new_icon, 0); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_create_icon: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return false; } /* Now the URL suggestion icon */ new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.text = theme_null_text_string; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.size = 1; new_icon.icon.flags = icon_flags | (wimp_BUTTON_CLICK << wimp_ICON_BUTTON_TYPE_SHIFT); if (toolbar->suggest) new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.validation = toolbar->suggest->validation; else new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.validation = theme_null_text_string; error = xwimp_create_icon(&new_icon, 0); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_create_icon: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return false; } } if (toolbar->parent_handle) { ro_gui_theme_attach_toolbar(toolbar, toolbar->parent_handle); } /* Recreate the status window */ if (toolbar->type == THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR) { /* Delete the old window and create a new one */ if (toolbar->status_handle) { xwimp_delete_window(toolbar->status_handle); toolbar->status_handle = NULL; ro_gui_wimp_event_finalise(toolbar->status_handle); } if (toolbar->descriptor) theme_toolbar_window.work_bg = toolbar->descriptor->status_background; else theme_toolbar_window.work_bg = wimp_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY; theme_toolbar_window.flags &= ~wimp_WINDOW_NO_BOUNDS; theme_toolbar_window.flags |= wimp_WINDOW_AUTO_REDRAW; theme_toolbar_window.xmin = 12; theme_toolbar_window.ymin = ro_get_hscroll_height((wimp_w)0) - 4; theme_toolbar_window.extent.y1 = theme_toolbar_window.ymin; error = xwimp_create_window(&theme_toolbar_window, &toolbar->status_handle); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_create_window: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return false; } ro_gui_wimp_event_register_mouse_click(toolbar->status_handle, ro_gui_status_click); ro_gui_wimp_event_set_help_prefix(toolbar->status_handle, "HelpStatus"); /* Create the status resize icon */ new_icon.w = toolbar->status_handle; new_icon.icon.flags = wimp_ICON_TEXT | wimp_ICON_INDIRECTED | wimp_ICON_BORDER | wimp_ICON_FILLED | (wimp_COLOUR_LIGHT_GREY << wimp_ICON_BG_COLOUR_SHIFT) | (wimp_BUTTON_CLICK_DRAG << wimp_ICON_BUTTON_TYPE_SHIFT); new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.text = theme_null_text_string; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.validation = theme_resize_validation; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.size = 1; error = xwimp_create_icon(&new_icon, 0); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_create_icon: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return false; } /* And finally our status display icon */ new_icon.icon.flags = wimp_ICON_TEXT | wimp_ICON_INDIRECTED | wimp_ICON_VCENTRED; if (toolbar->descriptor) new_icon.icon.flags |= (toolbar->descriptor->status_foreground << wimp_ICON_FG_COLOUR_SHIFT) | (toolbar->descriptor->status_background << wimp_ICON_BG_COLOUR_SHIFT); else new_icon.icon.flags |= (wimp_COLOUR_BLACK << wimp_ICON_FG_COLOUR_SHIFT) | (wimp_COLOUR_VERY_LIGHT_GREY << wimp_ICON_BG_COLOUR_SHIFT); new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.text = toolbar->status_buffer; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.validation = theme_null_text_string; new_icon.icon.data.indirected_text.size = THEME_STATUS_MEMORY; error = xwimp_create_icon(&new_icon, 0); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_create_icon: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return false; } } /* Force a re-processing of the toolbar */ width = toolbar->toolbar_current; toolbar->reformat_buttons = true; toolbar->toolbar_current = -1; toolbar->status_current = -1; ro_gui_theme_process_toolbar(toolbar, width); /* Keep menus up to date etc */ ro_gui_theme_set_help_prefix(toolbar); switch (toolbar->type) { case THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR: g = ro_gui_window_lookup(toolbar->parent_handle); if (g) ro_gui_prepare_navigate(g); break; case THEME_HOTLIST_TOOLBAR: case THEME_HISTORY_TOOLBAR: ro_gui_menu_prepare_action(toolbar->parent_handle, TREE_SELECTION, false); break; default: break; } return true; } /** * Attaches a toolbar to a window. * * \param toolbar the toolbar to update * \param parent the window to contain the toolbar * \return whether the operation was successful */ bool ro_gui_theme_attach_toolbar(struct toolbar *toolbar, wimp_w parent) { wimp_outline outline; wimp_window_state state; int height; int full_height; os_error *error; if (!toolbar) return false; /* Attach/close the windows */ toolbar->parent_handle = parent; height = ro_gui_theme_toolbar_height(toolbar); full_height = ro_gui_theme_toolbar_full_height(toolbar); if (height > 0) { outline.w = parent; xwimp_get_window_outline(&outline); state.w = parent; xwimp_get_window_state(&state); state.w = toolbar->toolbar_handle; state.visible.x1 = outline.outline.x1 - 2; state.visible.y0 = state.visible.y1 - height + 2; state.xscroll = 0; state.yscroll = toolbar->height - 2; /* clipped by the WIMP */ error = xwimp_open_window_nested((wimp_open *)&state, parent, wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_BOTTOM_OR_LEFT << wimp_CHILD_XORIGIN_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_TOP_OR_RIGHT << wimp_CHILD_YORIGIN_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_BOTTOM_OR_LEFT << wimp_CHILD_LS_EDGE_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_TOP_OR_RIGHT << wimp_CHILD_BS_EDGE_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_TOP_OR_RIGHT << wimp_CHILD_RS_EDGE_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_TOP_OR_RIGHT << wimp_CHILD_TS_EDGE_SHIFT); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_open_window_nested: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return false; } if (!toolbar->editor) return true; state.w = toolbar->editor->toolbar_handle; state.visible.y1 -= toolbar->height; state.yscroll = toolbar->editor->height - 2; error = xwimp_open_window_nested((wimp_open *)&state, toolbar->toolbar_handle, wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_BOTTOM_OR_LEFT << wimp_CHILD_XORIGIN_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_TOP_OR_RIGHT << wimp_CHILD_YORIGIN_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_BOTTOM_OR_LEFT << wimp_CHILD_LS_EDGE_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_TOP_OR_RIGHT << wimp_CHILD_BS_EDGE_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_TOP_OR_RIGHT << wimp_CHILD_RS_EDGE_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_TOP_OR_RIGHT << wimp_CHILD_TS_EDGE_SHIFT); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_open_window_nested: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return false; } return true; } error = xwimp_close_window(toolbar->toolbar_handle); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_close_window: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return false; } return true; } /** * Updates the toolbars status bar settings to reflect the current size * * \param toolbar the toolbar to update */ void ro_gui_theme_resize_toolbar_status(struct toolbar *toolbar) { os_error *error; wimp_outline outline; wimp_window_state state; wimp_w parent = NULL; int parent_size, status_size; if ((!toolbar) || (!toolbar->parent_handle)) return; /* Get the width to scale to */ parent = toolbar->parent_handle; outline.w = toolbar->parent_handle; error = xwimp_get_window_outline(&outline); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_get_window_outline: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } parent_size = outline.outline.x1 - outline.outline.x0 - ro_get_vscroll_width(parent) - 2; /* Get the current size */ state.w = toolbar->status_handle; error = xwimp_get_window_state(&state); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_get_window_state: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } status_size = state.visible.x1 - state.visible.x0; if (status_size <= 12) status_size = 0; /* Store the new size */ toolbar->status_width = (10000 * status_size) / parent_size; if (toolbar->status_width > 10000) toolbar->status_width = 10000; ro_gui_theme_process_toolbar(toolbar, -1); } /** * Updates the toolbar to reflect changes to the icon flags and any reformatting * required due to the change in parent window size. * * \param toolbar the toolbar to update * \param width a specific width to resize to, or -1 to use parent width * \return whether the operation was successful */ bool ro_gui_theme_process_toolbar(struct toolbar *toolbar, int width) { wimp_caret caret; os_box extent = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; os_error *error; wimp_outline outline; wimp_window_state state; int height = -1; int throbber_x = -1; int status_max; int left_edge, right_edge, bottom_edge; int status_size = 0; int status_height = 0; if (!toolbar) return false; int old_height = toolbar->height; int old_width = toolbar->toolbar_current; struct toolbar_icon *toolbar_icon; bool visible_icon = false; int collapse_height; /* find the parent window handle if we need to process the status * window, or the caller has requested we calculate the width ourself */ if ((toolbar->parent_handle) && ((width == -1) || ((toolbar->status_handle) && (toolbar->display_status)))) { outline.w = toolbar->parent_handle; error = xwimp_get_window_outline(&outline); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_get_window_outline: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return false; } if (width == -1) width = outline.outline.x1 - outline.outline.x0 - 2; } /* Find the parent visible height to clip our toolbar height to */ if ((toolbar->toolbar_handle) && (toolbar->parent_handle)) { /* Get the current state */ state.w = toolbar->parent_handle; error = xwimp_get_window_state(&state); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_get_window_state: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return false; } height = state.visible.y1 - state.visible.y0 + 2; /* We can't obscure the height of the scroll bar as we lose the resize icon if we do. */ if ((state.flags & wimp_WINDOW_SIZE_ICON) && !(state.flags & wimp_WINDOW_HSCROLL)) height -= ro_get_hscroll_height(0) - 2; /* Update our position */ if (height != toolbar->max_height) { if ((state.flags & wimp_WINDOW_SIZE_ICON) && !(state.flags & wimp_WINDOW_HSCROLL) && (toolbar->height > toolbar->max_height)) xwimp_force_redraw(toolbar->parent_handle, 0, -16384, 16384, 16384); toolbar->max_height = height; collapse_height = toolbar->height + (toolbar->editor ? toolbar->editor->height : 0); ro_gui_theme_attach_toolbar(toolbar, toolbar->parent_handle); if ((state.flags & wimp_WINDOW_SIZE_ICON) && !(state.flags & wimp_WINDOW_HSCROLL) && (collapse_height > toolbar->max_height)) xwimp_force_redraw(toolbar->parent_handle, 0, -16384, 16384, 16384); } } /* Reformat the buttons starting with the throbber */ if ((width != old_width) || (toolbar->reformat_buttons)) { left_edge = 6; right_edge = width - 8; toolbar->height = 0; if ((toolbar->descriptor) && (toolbar->descriptor->theme) && (toolbar->type == THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR) && (toolbar->display_throbber)) { if (!toolbar->descriptor->throbber_right) { throbber_x = left_edge; left_edge += toolbar->descriptor->theme->throbber_width + 8; } toolbar->height = toolbar->descriptor->theme->throbber_height + 8; } if ((toolbar->type == THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR) && (toolbar->display_url)) { if (toolbar->height < 52 + 8) toolbar->height = 52 + 8; if ((toolbar->suggest) && (toolbar->height < (toolbar->suggest->height + 8))) toolbar->height = toolbar->suggest->height + 8; } /* Get the minimum height of the icons */ bottom_edge = left_edge; if ((toolbar->display_buttons || toolbar->editor) && (toolbar->descriptor) && (toolbar->descriptor->theme)) { toolbar_icon = toolbar->icon; while (toolbar_icon) { if (toolbar_icon->display) { bottom_edge += toolbar_icon->width; visible_icon = true; if ((toolbar_icon->height != 0) && (toolbar->height < toolbar_icon->height + 8)) { toolbar->height = toolbar_icon->height + 8; } } toolbar_icon = toolbar_icon->next; } if (visible_icon) bottom_edge += 8; } /* Check for minimum widths */ if (toolbar->type == THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR) { if (!toolbar->reformat_buttons) left_edge = bottom_edge; if (toolbar->display_url) { bottom_edge += 64; if (toolbar->suggest) bottom_edge += toolbar->suggest->width + 8; } if (bottom_edge > right_edge) right_edge = bottom_edge; if ((toolbar->descriptor) && (toolbar->descriptor->theme) && (toolbar->display_throbber) && (toolbar->descriptor->throbber_right)) { bottom_edge += toolbar->descriptor->theme->throbber_width; if (bottom_edge > right_edge) right_edge = bottom_edge; throbber_x = right_edge - toolbar->descriptor->theme->throbber_width; right_edge -= toolbar->descriptor->theme->throbber_width + 8; } } if (toolbar->height != 0) toolbar->height += 2; if (toolbar->reformat_buttons) { /* Hide the URL bar if we should */ if ((!toolbar->display_url) && (toolbar->type == THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR)) { if (!xwimp_get_caret_position(&caret)) { if ((caret.w == toolbar->toolbar_handle) && (caret.i == ICON_TOOLBAR_URL)) { if (toolbar->parent_handle) xwimp_set_caret_position(toolbar->parent_handle, wimp_ICON_WINDOW, -100, -100, 32, -1); else xwimp_set_caret_position((wimp_w)-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } xwimp_resize_icon(toolbar->toolbar_handle, ICON_TOOLBAR_URL, 0, -16384, 0, -16384); xwimp_resize_icon(toolbar->toolbar_handle, ICON_TOOLBAR_SUGGEST, 0, -16384, 0, -16384); } else if (toolbar->type == THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR) { ro_gui_set_icon_shaded_state(toolbar->toolbar_handle, ICON_TOOLBAR_URL, !toolbar->display_url); } xwimp_force_redraw(toolbar->toolbar_handle, 0, 0, 16384, 16384); /* Move the buttons */ toolbar_icon = toolbar->icon; while (toolbar_icon) { if ((toolbar->display_buttons || toolbar->editor) && (toolbar_icon->display) && (toolbar_icon->width > 0)) { visible_icon = true; bottom_edge = (toolbar->height - toolbar_icon->height) / 2; toolbar_icon->x = left_edge; toolbar_icon->y = bottom_edge; xwimp_resize_icon(toolbar->toolbar_handle, toolbar_icon->icon_number, left_edge, bottom_edge, left_edge + toolbar_icon->width, bottom_edge + toolbar_icon->height); left_edge += toolbar_icon->width; } else { xwimp_resize_icon(toolbar->toolbar_handle, toolbar_icon->icon_number, 0, -16384, 0, -16384); } toolbar_icon = toolbar_icon->next; } if (visible_icon) left_edge += 8; } if (toolbar->type == THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR) { /* Move the URL bar */ if (toolbar->display_url) { if (toolbar->suggest) { xwimp_resize_icon(toolbar->toolbar_handle, ICON_TOOLBAR_URL, left_edge, (toolbar->height / 2) - 26, right_edge - toolbar->suggest->width - 8, (toolbar->height / 2) + 26); xwimp_resize_icon(toolbar->toolbar_handle, ICON_TOOLBAR_SUGGEST, right_edge - toolbar->suggest->width, (toolbar->height - toolbar->suggest->height) / 2, right_edge, (toolbar->height + toolbar->suggest->height) / 2); xwimp_force_redraw(toolbar->toolbar_handle, right_edge - toolbar->suggest->width - 8, 0, 16384, 16384); } else { xwimp_resize_icon(toolbar->toolbar_handle, ICON_TOOLBAR_URL, left_edge, (toolbar->height / 2) - 26, right_edge, (toolbar->height / 2) + 26); xwimp_force_redraw(toolbar->toolbar_handle, right_edge, 0, 16384, 16384); } if (!xwimp_get_caret_position(&caret)) { if ((caret.w == toolbar->toolbar_handle) && (caret.i == ICON_TOOLBAR_URL)) { xwimp_set_caret_position(toolbar->toolbar_handle, ICON_TOOLBAR_URL, caret.pos.x, caret.pos.y, -1, caret.index); } } ro_gui_redraw_icon(toolbar->toolbar_handle, ICON_TOOLBAR_URL); } /* Move the throbber */ if ((toolbar->descriptor) && (toolbar->descriptor->theme) && (throbber_x >= 0) && (toolbar->display_throbber)) { xwimp_resize_icon(toolbar->toolbar_handle, ICON_TOOLBAR_THROBBER, throbber_x, 0, throbber_x + toolbar->descriptor->theme->throbber_width, toolbar->height); if (toolbar->descriptor->throbber_right) { xwimp_force_redraw(toolbar->toolbar_handle, old_width - width + throbber_x, 0, 16384, 16384); xwimp_force_redraw(toolbar->toolbar_handle, throbber_x, 0, 16384, 16384); } } else { xwimp_resize_icon(toolbar->toolbar_handle, ICON_TOOLBAR_THROBBER, 0, -16384, 0, -16384); } } /* Re-attach to the parent */ toolbar->toolbar_current = width; if (toolbar->reformat_buttons) { extent.x1 = 16384; extent.y0 = (toolbar->editor ? -toolbar->editor->height : 0); extent.y1 = toolbar->height - 2; xwimp_set_extent(toolbar->toolbar_handle, &extent); if ((toolbar->parent_handle) && (old_height != toolbar->height)) ro_gui_theme_attach_toolbar(toolbar, toolbar->parent_handle); } toolbar->reformat_buttons = false; } /* Reformat the status bar */ if ((toolbar->status_handle) && (toolbar->parent_handle)) { /* Get the current state */ state.w = toolbar->status_handle; error = xwimp_get_window_state(&state); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_get_window_state: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return false; } /* Open or close the window */ if (!toolbar->display_status) { if (state.flags & wimp_WINDOW_OPEN) xwimp_close_window(toolbar->status_handle); } else { /* Get the status bar height/width */ status_max = width - ro_get_vscroll_width(toolbar->parent_handle); status_size = (status_max * toolbar->status_width) / 10000; if (status_size < 12) status_size = 12; status_height = ro_get_hscroll_height(toolbar->parent_handle) - 2; /* Update the extent */ extent.x0 = 0; extent.y0 = 0; extent.x1 = status_max; extent.y1 = status_height - 2; xwimp_set_extent(toolbar->status_handle, &extent); /* Re-open the window */ state.w = toolbar->status_handle; state.xscroll = 0; state.yscroll = 0; state.next = wimp_TOP; state.visible.x0 = outline.outline.x0; state.visible.x1 = outline.outline.x0 + status_size; state.visible.y0 = outline.outline.y0 - status_height; state.visible.y1 = outline.outline.y0 - 2; xwimp_open_window_nested((wimp_open *)&state, toolbar->parent_handle, wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_BOTTOM_OR_LEFT << wimp_CHILD_XORIGIN_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_BOTTOM_OR_LEFT << wimp_CHILD_YORIGIN_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_BOTTOM_OR_LEFT << wimp_CHILD_LS_EDGE_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_BOTTOM_OR_LEFT << wimp_CHILD_BS_EDGE_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_BOTTOM_OR_LEFT << wimp_CHILD_RS_EDGE_SHIFT | wimp_CHILD_LINKS_PARENT_VISIBLE_BOTTOM_OR_LEFT << wimp_CHILD_TS_EDGE_SHIFT); /* Resize and redraw the icons */ status_size = state.visible.x1 - state.visible.x0; if (status_size != toolbar->status_current) { xwimp_resize_icon(toolbar->status_handle, ICON_STATUS_TEXT, 0, 0, status_size - 12, status_height - 2); xwimp_resize_icon(toolbar->status_handle, ICON_STATUS_RESIZE, status_size - 12, 0, status_size, status_height - 2); xwimp_force_redraw(toolbar->status_handle, toolbar->status_current - 12, 0, status_size - 12, status_height - 2); xwimp_force_redraw(toolbar->status_handle, status_size - 12, 0, status_size, status_height - 2); toolbar->status_current = status_size; } } } return true; } /** * Destroys a toolbar and frees any associated memory. * * \param toolbar the toolbar to destroy */ void ro_gui_theme_destroy_toolbar(struct toolbar *toolbar) { struct toolbar_icon *icon; struct toolbar_icon *next_icon; if (!toolbar) return; /* Destroy our editor */ if (toolbar->editor) { toolbar->editor = NULL; ro_gui_theme_destroy_toolbar(toolbar->editor); } /* Delete our windows */ if (toolbar->toolbar_handle) { xwimp_delete_window(toolbar->toolbar_handle); ro_gui_wimp_event_finalise(toolbar->toolbar_handle); } if (toolbar->status_handle) { xwimp_delete_window(toolbar->status_handle); ro_gui_wimp_event_finalise(toolbar->status_handle); } /* Free the Wimp buffer (we only created one for them all) */ free(toolbar->url_buffer); /* Free all the icons */ next_icon = toolbar->icon; while ((icon = next_icon) != NULL) { next_icon = icon->next; ro_gui_theme_destroy_toolbar_icon(icon); } ro_gui_theme_destroy_toolbar_icon(toolbar->suggest); free(toolbar); } /** * Toggles the toolbar editing mode * * \param toolbar the toolbar to toggle editing for */ void ro_gui_theme_toggle_edit(struct toolbar *toolbar) { int height; int icons = 0; struct toolbar_icon *icon; struct gui_window *g = NULL; wimp_window_state state; os_error *error; char *option; char hex_no[4]; if (!toolbar) return; if ((toolbar->type == THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR) && (toolbar->parent_handle)) g = ro_gui_window_lookup(toolbar->parent_handle); if (toolbar->editor) { /* save options */ icons = 0; for (icon = toolbar->icon; icon; icon = icon->next) if (icon->display) icons++; option = calloc(icons + 1, 1); if (!option) { LOG(("No memory to save toolbar options")); warn_user("NoMemory", 0); } else { icons = 0; for (icon = toolbar->icon; icon; icon = icon->next) if (icon->display) { if (icon->icon_number == -1) { option[icons] = '|'; } else { sprintf(hex_no, "%x", icon->icon_number); option[icons] = hex_no[0]; } icons++; } switch (toolbar->type) { case THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR: free(option_toolbar_browser); option_toolbar_browser = option; break; case THEME_HOTLIST_TOOLBAR: free(option_toolbar_hotlist); option_toolbar_hotlist = option; break; case THEME_HISTORY_TOOLBAR: free(option_toolbar_history); option_toolbar_history = option; break; default: break; } ro_gui_save_options(); } /* turn off editing */ height = toolbar->editor->height; ro_gui_theme_destroy_toolbar(toolbar->editor); toolbar->editor = NULL; ro_gui_theme_update_toolbar(toolbar->descriptor, toolbar); switch (toolbar->type) { case THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR: if (g) ro_gui_window_update_dimensions(g, height); break; default: if (toolbar->parent_handle) xwimp_force_redraw(toolbar->parent_handle, 0, -16384, 16384, 16384); break; } } else { /* create/initialise the toolbar editor */ switch (toolbar->type) { case THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR: toolbar->editor = ro_gui_theme_create_toolbar(toolbar->descriptor, THEME_BROWSER_EDIT_TOOLBAR); break; case THEME_HOTLIST_TOOLBAR: toolbar->editor = ro_gui_theme_create_toolbar(toolbar->descriptor, THEME_HOTLIST_EDIT_TOOLBAR); break; case THEME_HISTORY_TOOLBAR: toolbar->editor = ro_gui_theme_create_toolbar(toolbar->descriptor, THEME_HISTORY_EDIT_TOOLBAR); break; default: return; } if (!toolbar->editor) { LOG(("Unable to create toolbar editor")); return; } ro_gui_wimp_event_set_user_data(toolbar->editor->toolbar_handle, ro_gui_wimp_event_get_user_data(toolbar->toolbar_handle)); ro_gui_theme_update_toolbar(toolbar->descriptor, toolbar); switch (toolbar->type) { case THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR: if (g) ro_gui_window_update_dimensions(g, -toolbar->editor->height); break; default: if (toolbar->parent_handle) { state.w = toolbar->parent_handle; error = xwimp_get_window_state(&state); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_get_window_state: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } ro_gui_open_window_request((wimp_open *)&state); xwimp_force_redraw(toolbar->parent_handle, 0, -16384, 16384, 16384); } break; } ro_gui_theme_process_toolbar(toolbar, -1); ro_gui_theme_toolbar_editor_sync(toolbar); } ro_gui_theme_set_help_prefix(toolbar); } /** * Synchronise a toolbar window with the associated editor. * * \param toolbar the toolbar to synchronise */ void ro_gui_theme_toolbar_editor_sync(struct toolbar *toolbar) { struct toolbar_icon *icon; struct toolbar_icon *icon_edit; if ((!toolbar) || (!toolbar->editor)) return; for (icon = toolbar->icon; icon; icon = icon->next) if ((icon->icon_number >= 0) && (icon->width > 0)) for (icon_edit = toolbar->editor->icon; icon_edit; icon_edit = icon_edit->next) if (icon_edit->icon_number == icon->icon_number) ro_gui_set_icon_shaded_state(toolbar->editor->toolbar_handle, icon_edit->icon_number, icon->display); } /** * Handle a toolbar click during an editor session * * \param toolbar the base toolbar (ie not editor) to respond to a click for * \param pointer the WIMP pointer details */ void ro_gui_theme_toolbar_editor_click(struct toolbar *toolbar, wimp_pointer *pointer) { wimp_window_state state; os_error *error; os_box box; if (!toolbar->editor) return; if ((pointer->buttons != (wimp_CLICK_SELECT << 4)) && (pointer->buttons != (wimp_CLICK_ADJUST << 4))) return; state.w = pointer->w; error = xwimp_get_window_state(&state); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_get_window_state: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } gui_current_drag_type = GUI_DRAG_TOOLBAR_CONFIG; theme_toolbar_drag = toolbar; theme_toolbar_editor_drag = !(pointer->w == toolbar->toolbar_handle); if (theme_toolbar_editor_drag) theme_toolbar_icon_drag = ro_gui_theme_toolbar_get_icon(toolbar->editor, pointer->pos.x - state.visible.x0, state.visible.y1 - pointer->pos.y); else theme_toolbar_icon_drag = ro_gui_theme_toolbar_get_icon(toolbar, pointer->pos.x - state.visible.x0, state.visible.y1 - pointer->pos.y); if (!theme_toolbar_icon_drag) return; if ((theme_toolbar_icon_drag->icon_number >= 0) && (pointer->w == toolbar->editor->toolbar_handle) && (ro_gui_get_icon_shaded_state( toolbar->editor->toolbar_handle, theme_toolbar_icon_drag->icon_number))) return; box.x0 = pointer->pos.x - theme_toolbar_icon_drag->width / 2; box.x1 = box.x0 + theme_toolbar_icon_drag->width; box.y0 = pointer->pos.y - theme_toolbar_icon_drag->height / 2; box.y1 = box.y0 + theme_toolbar_icon_drag->height; error = xdragasprite_start(dragasprite_HPOS_CENTRE | dragasprite_VPOS_CENTRE | dragasprite_BOUND_POINTER | dragasprite_DROP_SHADOW, toolbar->descriptor->theme->sprite_area, theme_toolbar_icon_drag->name, &box, 0); if (error) LOG(("xdragasprite_start: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); } /** * Handle the end of a drag * * \param drag the details for the drag end */ void ro_gui_theme_toolbar_editor_drag_end(wimp_dragged *drag) { wimp_window_state state; os_error *error; wimp_pointer pointer; struct toolbar_icon *insert_icon; struct toolbar_icon *local_icon = NULL; struct toolbar_icon *icon; bool before; if ((!theme_toolbar_drag) || (!theme_toolbar_icon_drag) || (!theme_toolbar_drag->editor)) return; error = xwimp_get_pointer_info(&pointer); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_get_pointer_info: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } if (pointer.w == theme_toolbar_drag->toolbar_handle) { /* drag from editor or toolbar to toolbar */ state.w = pointer.w; error = xwimp_get_window_state(&state); if (error) { LOG(("xwimp_get_window_state: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("WimpError", error->errmess); return; } insert_icon = ro_gui_theme_toolbar_get_insert_icon( theme_toolbar_drag, pointer.pos.x - state.visible.x0, state.visible.y1 - pointer.pos.y, &before); if (theme_toolbar_icon_drag->icon_number == -1) { if (theme_toolbar_editor_drag) { theme_toolbar_icon_drag = ro_gui_theme_add_toolbar_icon( theme_toolbar_drag, NULL, -1); ro_gui_theme_update_toolbar_icon( theme_toolbar_drag, theme_toolbar_icon_drag); } /* move the separator */ if (theme_toolbar_icon_drag != insert_icon) { ro_gui_theme_delink_toolbar_icon( theme_toolbar_drag, theme_toolbar_icon_drag); ro_gui_theme_link_toolbar_icon( theme_toolbar_drag, theme_toolbar_icon_drag, insert_icon, before); } } else { /* move/enable the icon */ for (icon = theme_toolbar_drag->icon; icon; icon = icon->next) if (theme_toolbar_icon_drag->icon_number == icon->icon_number) local_icon = icon; if (!local_icon) return; if (local_icon != insert_icon) { ro_gui_theme_delink_toolbar_icon( theme_toolbar_drag, local_icon); ro_gui_theme_link_toolbar_icon( theme_toolbar_drag, local_icon, insert_icon, before); } local_icon->display = true; } } else if ((pointer.w == theme_toolbar_drag->editor->toolbar_handle) && (!theme_toolbar_editor_drag)) { /* drag from toolbar to editor */ if (theme_toolbar_icon_drag->icon_number == -1) { /* delete separators */ ro_gui_theme_delink_toolbar_icon(theme_toolbar_drag, theme_toolbar_icon_drag); ro_gui_theme_destroy_toolbar_icon( theme_toolbar_icon_drag); } else { /* hide icons */ theme_toolbar_icon_drag->display = false; } } theme_toolbar_drag->reformat_buttons = true; ro_gui_theme_process_toolbar(theme_toolbar_drag, -1); ro_gui_theme_toolbar_editor_sync(theme_toolbar_drag); } /** * Adds a toolbar icon to the end of a toolbar * * \param toolbar the toolbar to add the icon to the end of (or NULL) * \param name the icon name, or NULL for a separator * \param icon_number RISC OS wimp icon number for the icon (not separators) */ struct toolbar_icon *ro_gui_theme_add_toolbar_icon(struct toolbar *toolbar, const char *name, int icon_number) { struct toolbar_icon *toolbar_icon; struct toolbar_icon *link_icon; /* Separators are really a sprite called "separator" */ if (name == NULL) { name = "separator"; icon_number = -1; } /* Create a new toolbar */ toolbar_icon = calloc(sizeof(struct toolbar_icon), 1); if (!toolbar_icon) { LOG(("No memory for malloc()")); warn_user("NoMemory", 0); return NULL; } /* Set up and link in the icon */ sprintf(toolbar_icon->name, name); sprintf(toolbar_icon->validation, "R5;S%s,p%s", name, name); toolbar_icon->icon_number = icon_number; toolbar_icon->display = true; if (toolbar) { if (!toolbar->icon) { toolbar->icon = toolbar_icon; } else { link_icon = toolbar->icon; while (link_icon->next) link_icon = link_icon->next; link_icon->next = toolbar_icon; } } return toolbar_icon; } /** * Updates a toolbar icon with respect to the associated sprite. * * \param icon the toolbar icon to update */ void ro_gui_theme_update_toolbar_icon(struct toolbar *toolbar, struct toolbar_icon *icon) { os_coord dimensions = {0, 0}; os_mode mode; os_error *error = NULL; int default_width = 0; osspriteop_area *sprite_area = NULL; /* Separators default to a width of 16 */ if (icon->icon_number == -1) default_width = 16; /* Handle no theme/no sprite area */ if (!toolbar) return; if ((toolbar->descriptor) && (toolbar->descriptor->theme)) sprite_area = toolbar->descriptor->theme->sprite_area; /* Get the sprite details */ if (sprite_area) error = xosspriteop_read_sprite_info(osspriteop_USER_AREA, sprite_area, (osspriteop_id)icon->name, &dimensions.x, &dimensions.y, 0, &mode); /* fallback to user area just for 'gright' */ if ((error || !sprite_area) && (!strcmp(icon->name, "gright"))) error = xwimpspriteop_read_sprite_info(icon->name, &dimensions.x, &dimensions.y, 0, &mode); if (error) { icon->width = default_width; icon->height = 0; if (error->errnum != error_SPRITE_OP_DOESNT_EXIST) { LOG(("xosspriteop_read_sprite_info: 0x%x: %s", error->errnum, error->errmess)); warn_user("MiscError", error->errmess); } return; } /* Store the details */ ro_convert_pixels_to_os_units(&dimensions, mode); icon->width = dimensions.x; icon->height = dimensions.y; } /** * Destroys a toolbar icon and frees any associated memory. * The icon is not removed from any linked list. * * \param icon the toolbar icon to destroy */ void ro_gui_theme_destroy_toolbar_icon(struct toolbar_icon *icon) { free(icon); } /** * Links a toolbar icon * * \param icon the toolbar icon to link */ void ro_gui_theme_link_toolbar_icon(struct toolbar *toolbar, struct toolbar_icon *icon, struct toolbar_icon *link, bool before) { struct toolbar_icon *temp; assert(toolbar); assert(icon); assert(icon != link); /* no icon set, no link icon, or insert at head of list */ if ((!toolbar->icon) || (!link) || (before && (toolbar->icon == link))) { if (toolbar->icon != icon) { icon->next = toolbar->icon; toolbar->icon = icon; } return; } if (before) { for (temp = toolbar->icon; temp; temp = temp->next) if (temp->next == link) { temp->next = icon; icon->next = link; return; } } else { icon->next = link->next; link->next = icon; } } /** * Delinks a toolbar icon * * \param icon the toolbar icon to delink */ void ro_gui_theme_delink_toolbar_icon(struct toolbar *toolbar, struct toolbar_icon *icon) { struct toolbar_icon *link; assert(toolbar); assert(icon); if (toolbar->icon == icon) { toolbar->icon = icon->next; icon->next = NULL; return; } for (link = toolbar->icon; link; link = link->next) if (link->next == icon) { link->next = icon->next; icon->next = NULL; return; } } /** * Returns the toolbar icon at a specified position * * \param toolbar the toolbar to examine * \param x the x co-ordinate to check * \param y the y co-ordinate to check * \return the toolbar icon at the specified position, or NULL for no icon */ struct toolbar_icon *ro_gui_theme_toolbar_get_icon(struct toolbar *toolbar, int x, int y) { struct toolbar_icon *icon; for (icon = toolbar->icon; icon; icon = icon->next) if ((icon->display) && (icon->width > 0) && (icon->x <= x) && (icon->y <= y) && (icon->x + icon->width > x) && (icon->y + icon->height > y)) return icon; return NULL; } /** * Returns the toolbar icon closest to the specified position, and whether the * position is before (left) or after (right) of it. * * \param toolbar the toolbar to examine * \param x the x co-ordinate to check * \param y the y co-ordinate to check * \return the toolbar icon closest to the specified position, or NULL */ struct toolbar_icon *ro_gui_theme_toolbar_get_insert_icon( struct toolbar *toolbar, int x, int y, bool *before) { struct toolbar_icon *match = NULL; struct toolbar_icon *icon; int closest = 65536; int distance; if (!toolbar->icon) return NULL; for (icon = toolbar->icon; icon; icon = icon->next) { if ((icon->display) && (icon->width > 0)) { distance = icon->x + icon->width / 2 - x; if (distance < 0) distance = -distance; if (distance < closest) { closest = distance; match = icon; *before = (icon->x + icon->width / 2 - x) > 0; } } } return match; } /** * Sets up a toolbar with icons according to an identifier string */ void ro_gui_theme_add_toolbar_icons(struct toolbar *toolbar, const char* icons[], const char* ident) { struct toolbar_icon *icon; int index = 0; int number = 0; char hex_no[4]; /* step 1: add all main icons in their correct state */ while (icons[index]) { icon = ro_gui_theme_add_toolbar_icon(toolbar, icons[index], index); sprintf(hex_no, "%x", index); if ((icon) && (!strchr(ident, hex_no[0]))) icon->display = false; index++; } /* step 2: re-order and add separators */ index = strlen(ident); while (index--) { if (ident[index] == '|') { icon = ro_gui_theme_add_toolbar_icon(NULL, NULL, -1); if (icon) ro_gui_theme_link_toolbar_icon(toolbar, icon, NULL, NULL); } else { hex_no[0] = ident[index]; hex_no[1] = '\0'; number = strtol(hex_no, NULL, 16); for (icon = toolbar->icon; icon; icon = icon->next) if (icon->icon_number == number) { ro_gui_theme_delink_toolbar_icon( toolbar, icon); ro_gui_theme_link_toolbar_icon(toolbar, icon, NULL, NULL); } } } } /** * Sets the correct help prefix for a toolbar */ void ro_gui_theme_set_help_prefix(struct toolbar *toolbar) { if (toolbar->editor) { ro_gui_wimp_event_set_help_prefix(toolbar->toolbar_handle, "HelpEditToolbar"); return; } switch (toolbar->type) { case THEME_BROWSER_TOOLBAR: ro_gui_wimp_event_set_help_prefix(toolbar->toolbar_handle, "HelpToolbar"); break; case THEME_HOTLIST_TOOLBAR: ro_gui_wimp_event_set_help_prefix(toolbar->toolbar_handle, "HelpHotToolbar"); break; case THEME_HISTORY_TOOLBAR: ro_gui_wimp_event_set_help_prefix(toolbar->toolbar_handle, "HelpGHistToolbar"); break; case THEME_BROWSER_EDIT_TOOLBAR: case THEME_HOTLIST_EDIT_TOOLBAR: case THEME_HISTORY_EDIT_TOOLBAR: ro_gui_wimp_event_set_help_prefix(toolbar->toolbar_handle, "HelpEditToolbar"); break; } }