/* * Copyright 2011 John Mark Bell * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils/corestrings.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/nsurl.h" struct test_pairs { const char* test; const char* res; }; struct test_triplets { const char* test1; const char* test2; const char* res; }; static void netsurf_lwc_iterator(lwc_string *str, void *pw) { LOG("[%3u] %.*s", str->refcnt, (int)lwc_string_length(str), lwc_string_data(str)); } static const struct test_pairs create_tests[] = { { "", NULL }, { "http:", NULL }, { "http:/", NULL }, { "http://", NULL }, { "http:a", "http://a/" }, { "http:a/", "http://a/" }, { "http:a/b", "http://a/b" }, { "http:/a", "http://a/" }, { "http:/a/b", "http://a/b" }, { "http://a", "http://a/" }, { "http://a/b", "http://a/b" }, { "www.example.org", "http://www.example.org/" }, { "www.example.org/x", "http://www.example.org/x" }, { "about:", "about:" }, { "about:blank", "about:blank" }, { "http://www.ns-b.org:8080/", "http://www.ns-b.org:8080/" }, { "http://user@www.ns-b.org:8080/hello", "http://user@www.ns-b.org:8080/hello" }, { "http://user:pass@www.ns-b.org:8080/hello", "http://user:pass@www.ns-b.org:8080/hello" }, { "http://www.ns-b.org:80/", "http://www.ns-b.org/" }, { "http://user@www.ns-b.org:80/hello", "http://user@www.ns-b.org/hello" }, { "http://user:pass@www.ns-b.org:80/hello", "http://user:pass@www.ns-b.org/hello" }, { "http://www.ns-b.org:/", "http://www.ns-b.org/" }, { "http://u@www.ns-b.org:/hello", "http://u@www.ns-b.org/hello" }, { "http://u:p@www.ns-b.org:/hello", "http://u:p@www.ns-b.org/hello" }, { "http:a/", "http://a/" }, { "http:/a/", "http://a/" }, { "http://u@a", "http://u@a/" }, { "http://@a", "http://a/" }, { "mailto:u@a", "mailto:u@a" }, { "mailto:@a", "mailto:a" }, { NULL, NULL } }; static const struct test_pairs join_tests[] = { /* Normal Examples rfc3986 5.4.1 */ { "g:h", "g:h" }, { "g", "http://a/b/c/g" }, { "./g", "http://a/b/c/g" }, { "g/", "http://a/b/c/g/" }, { "/g", "http://a/g" }, { "//g", "http://g" /* [1] */ "/" }, { "?y", "http://a/b/c/d;p?y" }, { "g?y", "http://a/b/c/g?y" }, { "#s", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q#s" }, { "g#s", "http://a/b/c/g#s" }, { "g?y#s", "http://a/b/c/g?y#s" }, { ";x", "http://a/b/c/;x" }, { "g;x", "http://a/b/c/g;x" }, { "g;x?y#s", "http://a/b/c/g;x?y#s" }, { "", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q" }, { ".", "http://a/b/c/" }, { "./", "http://a/b/c/" }, { "..", "http://a/b/" }, { "../", "http://a/b/" }, { "../g", "http://a/b/g" }, { "../..", "http://a/" }, { "../../", "http://a/" }, { "../../g", "http://a/g" }, /* Abnormal Examples rfc3986 5.4.2 */ { "../../../g", "http://a/g" }, { "../../../../g", "http://a/g" }, { "/./g", "http://a/g" }, { "/../g", "http://a/g" }, { "g.", "http://a/b/c/g." }, { ".g", "http://a/b/c/.g" }, { "g..", "http://a/b/c/g.." }, { "..g", "http://a/b/c/..g" }, { "./../g", "http://a/b/g" }, { "./g/.", "http://a/b/c/g/" }, { "g/./h", "http://a/b/c/g/h" }, { "g/../h", "http://a/b/c/h" }, { "g;x=1/./y", "http://a/b/c/g;x=1/y" }, { "g;x=1/../y", "http://a/b/c/y" }, { "g?y/./x", "http://a/b/c/g?y/./x" }, { "g?y/../x", "http://a/b/c/g?y/../x" }, { "g#s/./x", "http://a/b/c/g#s/./x" }, { "g#s/../x", "http://a/b/c/g#s/../x" }, { "http:g", "http:g" /* [2] */ }, /* Extra tests */ { " g", "http://a/b/c/g" }, { "g ", "http://a/b/c/g" }, { " g ", "http://a/b/c/g" }, { "http:/b/c", "http://b/c" }, { "http://", "http:" }, { "http:/", "http:" }, { "http:", "http:" }, { " ", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q" }, { " ", "http://a/b/c/d;p?q" }, { "/", "http://a/" }, { " / ", "http://a/" }, { " ? ", "http://a/b/c/d;p?" }, { " h ", "http://a/b/c/h" }, { "http:// %s", test->test, string); passed++; } else { LOG("\tFAIL: \"%s\"\t--> %s", test->test, string); LOG("\t\tExpecting: %s", test->res); } free(string); } nsurl_unref(joined); } count++; } nsurl_unref(base); /* Create tests */ LOG("Testing nsurl_create"); for (test = create_tests; test->test != NULL; test++) { err = nsurl_create(test->test, &base); if (err != NSERROR_OK || test->res == NULL) { if (test->res == NULL && err != NSERROR_OK) { LOG("\tPASS: \"%s\"\t--> BAD INPUT", test->test); passed++; } else if (test->res != NULL && err != NSERROR_OK) { LOG("Failed to create URL:\n\t\t%s.", test->test); } else { LOG("\tFAIL: \"%s\"\t--> %s", test->test, nsurl_access(base)); LOG("\t\tExpecting BAD INPUT"); } if (err == NSERROR_OK) nsurl_unref(base); } else { if (strcmp(nsurl_access(base), test->res) == 0) { LOG("\tPASS: \"%s\"\t--> %s", test->test, nsurl_access(base)); passed++; } else { LOG("\tFAIL: \"%s\"\t--> %s", test->test, nsurl_access(base)); LOG("\t\tExpecting %s", test->res); } nsurl_unref(base); } count++; } /* nice filename tests */ LOG("Testing nsurl_nice (no strip)"); for (test = nice_tests; test->test != NULL; test++) { err = nsurl_create(test->test, &base); if (err != NSERROR_OK) { LOG("Failed to create URL:\n\t\t%s.", test->test); } else { char *res; err = nsurl_nice(base, &res, false); if (err == NSERROR_OK && test->res != NULL) { if (strcmp(res, test->res) == 0) { LOG("\tPASS: \"%s\"\t--> %s", test->test, res); passed++; } else { LOG("\tFAIL: \"%s\"\t--> %s", test->test, res); LOG("\t\tExpecting %s", test->res); } free(res); } else { if (test->res == NULL && err == NSERROR_OK) { LOG("\tFAIL: \"%s\"\t--> %s", test->test, res); LOG("\t\tExpecting BAD_INPUT"); free(res); } else { LOG("\tFAIL: \"%s\"", test->test); } } nsurl_unref(base); } count++; } LOG("Testing nsurl_nice (strip)"); for (test = nice_strip_tests; test->test != NULL; test++) { err = nsurl_create(test->test, &base); if (err != NSERROR_OK) { LOG("Failed to create URL:\n\t\t%s.", test->test); } else { char *res; err = nsurl_nice(base, &res, true); if (err == NSERROR_OK && test->res != NULL) { if (strcmp(res, test->res) == 0) { LOG("\tPASS: \"%s\"\t--> %s", test->test, res); passed++; } else { LOG("\tFAIL: \"%s\"\t--> %s", test->test, res); LOG("\t\tExpecting %s", test->res); } free(res); } else { if (test->res == NULL && err == NSERROR_OK) { LOG("\tFAIL: \"%s\"\t--> %s", test->test, res); LOG("\t\tExpecting BAD_INPUT"); free(res); } else { LOG("\tFAIL: \"%s\"", test->test); } } nsurl_unref(base); } count++; } /* Replace query tests */ LOG("Testing nsurl_replace_query"); for (ttest = replace_query_tests; ttest->test1 != NULL; ttest++) { if (nsurl_create(ttest->test1, &base) != NSERROR_OK) { LOG("Failed to create URL:\n\t\t%s.", ttest->test1); } else { if (nsurl_replace_query(base, ttest->test2, &joined) != NSERROR_OK) { LOG("Failed to make test URL"); } else { if (strcmp(nsurl_access(joined), ttest->res) == 0) { LOG("\tPASS: \"%s\" + %s", ttest->test1, ttest->test2); passed++; } else { LOG("\tFAIL: \"%s\" + %s", ttest->test1, ttest->test2); LOG("\t\tExpecting %s", ttest->res); LOG("\t\tGot %s", nsurl_access(joined)); } nsurl_unref(joined); } nsurl_unref(base); } count++; } if (passed == count) { LOG("Testing complete: SUCCESS"); } else { LOG("Testing complete: FAILURE"); LOG("Failed %d out of %d", count - passed, count); } corestrings_fini(); LOG("Remaining lwc strings:"); lwc_iterate_strings(netsurf_lwc_iterator, NULL); return 0; }