/* * Copyright 2019 John-Mark Bell * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "utils/corestrings.h" #include "utils/http.h" #include "utils/http/generics.h" #include "utils/http/primitives.h" /** * Representation of a Cache-Control */ struct http_cache_control { uint32_t max_age; /**< Max age (delta seconds) */ bool max_age_valid; /**< Whether max-age is valid */ bool no_cache; /**< Whether caching is forbidden */ bool no_store; /**< Whether persistent caching is forbidden */ }; /** * Representation of a directive */ typedef struct http_directive { http__item base; lwc_string *name; /**< Parameter name */ lwc_string *value; /**< Parameter value (optional) */ } http_directive; static void http_destroy_directive(http_directive *self) { lwc_string_unref(self->name); if (self->value != NULL) { lwc_string_unref(self->value); } free(self); } static nserror http__parse_directive(const char **input, http_directive **result) { const char *pos = *input; lwc_string *name; lwc_string *value = NULL; http_directive *directive; nserror error; /* token [ "=" ( token | quoted-string ) ] */ error = http__parse_token(&pos, &name); if (error != NSERROR_OK) return error; http__skip_LWS(&pos); if (*pos == '=') { pos++; http__skip_LWS(&pos); if (*pos == '"') error = http__parse_quoted_string(&pos, &value); else error = http__parse_token(&pos, &value); if (error != NSERROR_OK) { lwc_string_unref(name); return error; } } directive = malloc(sizeof(*directive)); if (directive == NULL) { if (value != NULL) { lwc_string_unref(value); } lwc_string_unref(name); return NSERROR_NOMEM; } HTTP__ITEM_INIT(directive, NULL, http_destroy_directive); directive->name = name; directive->value = value; *result = directive; *input = pos; return NSERROR_OK; } static void http_directive_list_destroy(http_directive *list) { http__item_list_destroy(list); } static nserror http_directive_list_find_item(const http_directive *list, lwc_string *name, lwc_string **value) { bool match; while (list != NULL) { if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(name, list->name, &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) break; list = (http_directive *) list->base.next; } if (list == NULL) return NSERROR_NOT_FOUND; if (list->value != NULL) { *value = lwc_string_ref(list->value); } else { *value = NULL; } return NSERROR_OK; } static const http_directive *http_directive_list_iterate( const http_directive *cur, lwc_string **name, lwc_string **value) { if (cur == NULL) return NULL; *name = lwc_string_ref(cur->name); if (cur->value != NULL) { *value = lwc_string_ref(cur->value); } else { *value = NULL; } return (http_directive *) cur->base.next; } static uint32_t count(const http_directive *list, lwc_string *key) { uint32_t count = 0; bool match; while (list != NULL) { if (lwc_string_caseless_isequal(key, list->name, &match) == lwc_error_ok && match) { count++; } list = (http_directive *) list->base.next; } return count; } static bool check_duplicates(const http_directive *directives) { bool result = true; const http_directive *key = directives; if (key == NULL) { /* No directives, so there can't be any duplicates */ return true; } do { lwc_string *name = NULL, *value = NULL; key = http_directive_list_iterate(key, &name, &value); result &= (count(directives, name) == 1); lwc_string_unref(name); if (value != NULL) { lwc_string_unref(value); } } while (key != NULL); return result; } static nserror parse_max_age(lwc_string *value, uint32_t *result) { const char *pos = lwc_string_data(value); const char *end = pos + lwc_string_length(value); uint32_t val = 0; /* 1*DIGIT */ if (pos == end) { /* Blank value */ return NSERROR_NOT_FOUND; } while (pos < end) { if ('0' <= *pos && *pos <= '9') { uint32_t nv = val * 10 + (*pos - '0'); if (nv < val) { val = UINT_MAX; } else { val = nv; } } else { /* Non-digit */ return NSERROR_NOT_FOUND; } pos++; } *result = val; return NSERROR_OK; } /* See cache-control.h for documentation */ nserror http_parse_cache_control(const char *header_value, http_cache_control **result) { const char *pos = header_value; http_cache_control *cc; http_directive *first = NULL; http_directive *directives = NULL; lwc_string *value_str = NULL; uint32_t max_age = 0; bool max_age_valid = false; bool no_cache = false; bool no_store = false; nserror error; /* 1#cache-directive */ http__skip_LWS(&pos); error = http__parse_directive(&pos, &first); if (error != NSERROR_OK) { return error; } http__skip_LWS(&pos); if (*pos == ',') { error = http__item_list_parse(&pos, http__parse_directive, first, &directives); if (error != NSERROR_OK) { if (directives != NULL) { http_directive_list_destroy(directives); } return error; } } else { directives = first; } /* Each directive must only appear once */ if (check_duplicates(directives) == false) { http_directive_list_destroy(directives); return NSERROR_NOT_FOUND; } /* Find max-age */ error = http_directive_list_find_item(directives, corestring_lwc_max_age, &value_str); if (error == NSERROR_OK && value_str != NULL) { error = parse_max_age(value_str, &max_age); max_age_valid = (error == NSERROR_OK); lwc_string_unref(value_str); } /* Find no-cache */ error = http_directive_list_find_item(directives, corestring_lwc_no_cache, &value_str); if (error == NSERROR_OK) { no_cache = true; if (value_str != NULL) { lwc_string_unref(value_str); } } /* Find no-store */ error = http_directive_list_find_item(directives, corestring_lwc_no_store, &value_str); if (error == NSERROR_OK) { no_store = true; if (value_str != NULL) { lwc_string_unref(value_str); } } http_directive_list_destroy(directives); cc = malloc(sizeof(*cc)); if (cc == NULL) { return NSERROR_NOMEM; } cc->max_age = max_age; cc->max_age_valid = max_age_valid; cc->no_cache = no_cache; cc->no_store = no_store; *result = cc; return NSERROR_OK; } /* See cache-control.h for documentation */ void http_cache_control_destroy(http_cache_control *victim) { free(victim); } /* See cache-control.h for documentation */ bool http_cache_control_has_max_age(http_cache_control *cc) { return cc->max_age_valid; } /* See cache-control.h for documentation */ uint32_t http_cache_control_max_age(http_cache_control *cc) { return cc->max_age; } /* See cache-control.h for documentation */ bool http_cache_control_no_cache(http_cache_control *cc) { return cc->no_cache; } /* See cache-control.h for documentation */ bool http_cache_control_no_store(http_cache_control *cc) { return cc->no_store; }