/* * Copyright 2011 Vincent Sanders * * This file is part of NetSurf, http://www.netsurf-browser.org/ * * NetSurf is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * NetSurf is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include "utils/config.h" #include #include "desktop/gui.h" #include "utils/nsoption.h" #include "desktop/browser.h" #include "utils/utils.h" #include "utils/log.h" #include "utils/messages.h" #include "utils/url.h" #include "utils/filepath.h" #include "content/fetchers/resource.h" #include "windows/findfile.h" #include "windows/drawable.h" #include "windows/gui.h" #include "windows/download.h" static char **respaths; /** resource search path vector. */ char *options_file_location; static nsurl *gui_get_resource_url(const char *path) { char buf[PATH_MAX]; char *raw; nsurl *url = NULL; raw = path_to_url(filepath_sfind(respaths, buf, path)); if (raw != NULL) { nsurl_create(raw, &url); free(raw); } return url; } /** * Ensures output logging stream is available */ static bool nslog_ensure(FILE *fptr) { /* mwindows compile flag normally invalidates standard io unless * already redirected */ if (_get_osfhandle(fileno(fptr)) == -1) { AllocConsole(); freopen("CONOUT$", "w", fptr); } return true; } /** * Set option defaults for framebuffer frontend * * @param defaults The option table to update. * @return error status. */ static nserror set_defaults(struct nsoption_s *defaults) { /* Set defaults for absent option strings */ /* ensure homepage option has a default */ nsoption_setnull_charp(homepage_url, strdup(NETSURF_HOMEPAGE)); return NSERROR_OK; } /** * Entry point from operating system **/ int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hLastInstance, LPSTR lpcli, int ncmd) { char **argv = NULL; int argc = 0, argctemp = 0; size_t len; LPWSTR *argvw; char *messages; nserror ret; const char *addr; nsurl *url; nserror error; struct gui_table win32_gui_table = { .browser = win32_browser_table, .window = win32_window_table, .clipboard = win32_clipboard_table, .download = win32_download_table, .fetch = win32_fetch_table, }; win32_browser_table->get_resource_url = gui_get_resource_url; if (SLEN(lpcli) > 0) { argvw = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLineW(), &argc); } setbuf(stderr, NULL); /* Construct a unix style argc/argv */ argv = malloc(sizeof(char *) * argc); while (argctemp < argc) { len = wcstombs(NULL, argvw[argctemp], 0) + 1; if (len > 0) { argv[argctemp] = malloc(len); } if (argv[argctemp] != NULL) { wcstombs(argv[argctemp], argvw[argctemp], len); /* alter windows-style forward slash flags to * hyphen flags. */ if (argv[argctemp][0] == '/') argv[argctemp][0] = '-'; } argctemp++; } respaths = nsws_init_resource("${APPDATA}\\NetSurf:${HOME}\\.netsurf:${NETSURFRES}:${PROGRAMFILES}\\NetSurf\\NetSurf\\:"NETSURF_WINDOWS_RESPATH); options_file_location = filepath_find(respaths, "preferences"); /* initialise logging - not fatal if it fails but not much we * can do about it */ nslog_init(nslog_ensure, &argc, argv); /* user options setup */ ret = nsoption_init(set_defaults, &nsoptions, &nsoptions_default); if (ret != NSERROR_OK) { die("Options failed to initialise"); } nsoption_read(options_file_location, NULL); nsoption_commandline(&argc, argv, NULL); /* common initialisation */ messages = filepath_find(respaths, "messages"); ret = netsurf_init(messages, &win32_gui_table); free(messages); if (ret != NSERROR_OK) { free(options_file_location); LOG(("NetSurf failed to initialise")); return 1; } ret = nsws_create_main_class(hInstance); ret = nsws_create_drawable_class(hInstance); ret = nsws_create_localhistory_class(hInstance); nsoption_set_bool(target_blank, false); nsws_window_init_pointers(hInstance); /* If there is a url specified on the command line use it */ if (argc > 1) { addr = argv[1]; } else if (nsoption_charp(homepage_url) != NULL) { addr = nsoption_charp(homepage_url); } else { addr = NETSURF_HOMEPAGE; } LOG(("calling browser_window_create")); error = nsurl_create(addr, &url); if (error == NSERROR_OK) { error = browser_window_create(BROWSER_WINDOW_VERIFIABLE | BROWSER_WINDOW_HISTORY, url, NULL, NULL, NULL); nsurl_unref(url); } if (error != NSERROR_OK) { warn_user(messages_get_errorcode(error), 0); } else { netsurf_main_loop(); } netsurf_exit(); free(options_file_location); return 0; }