/* binding output generator for jsapi(spidermonkey) to libdom * * This file is part of nsgenbind. * Licensed under the MIT License, * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php * Copyright 2012 Vincent Sanders */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "options.h" #include "nsgenbind-ast.h" #include "webidl-ast.h" #include "jsapi-libdom.h" #define HDR_COMMENT_SEP "\n * \n * " #define HDR_COMMENT_PREABLE "Generated by nsgenbind " static int webidl_file_cb(struct genbind_node *node, void *ctx) { struct webidl_node **webidl_ast = ctx; char *filename; filename = genbind_node_gettext(node); return webidl_parsefile(filename, webidl_ast); } static int read_webidl(struct genbind_node *genbind_ast, struct webidl_node **webidl_ast) { int res; res = genbind_node_for_each_type(genbind_ast, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_WEBIDLFILE, webidl_file_cb, webidl_ast); /* debug dump of web idl AST */ if (options->verbose) { webidl_ast_dump(*webidl_ast, 0); } return res; } static int webidl_preamble_cb(struct genbind_node *node, void *ctx) { struct binding *binding = ctx; fprintf(binding->outfile, "%s", genbind_node_gettext(node)); return 0; } static int webidl_hdrcomments_cb(struct genbind_node *node, void *ctx) { struct binding *binding = ctx; fprintf(binding->outfile, HDR_COMMENT_SEP"%s", genbind_node_gettext(node)); return 0; } static int webidl_hdrcomment_cb(struct genbind_node *node, void *ctx) { genbind_node_for_each_type(genbind_node_getnode(node), GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_STRING, webidl_hdrcomments_cb, ctx); return 0; } static int webidl_private_cb(struct genbind_node *node, void *ctx) { struct binding *binding = ctx; struct genbind_node *ident_node; struct genbind_node *type_node; ident_node = genbind_node_find_type(genbind_node_getnode(node), NULL, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_IDENT); if (ident_node == NULL) return -1; /* bad AST */ type_node = genbind_node_find_type(genbind_node_getnode(node), NULL, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_STRING); if (type_node == NULL) return -1; /* bad AST */ fprintf(binding->outfile, " %s%s;\n", genbind_node_gettext(type_node), genbind_node_gettext(ident_node)); return 0; } static int webidl_private_param_cb(struct genbind_node *node, void *ctx) { struct binding *binding = ctx; struct genbind_node *ident_node; struct genbind_node *type_node; ident_node = genbind_node_find_type(genbind_node_getnode(node), NULL, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_IDENT); if (ident_node == NULL) return -1; /* bad AST */ type_node = genbind_node_find_type(genbind_node_getnode(node), NULL, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_STRING); if (type_node == NULL) return -1; /* bad AST */ fprintf(binding->outfile, ",\n\t\t%s%s", genbind_node_gettext(type_node), genbind_node_gettext(ident_node)); return 0; } static int webidl_private_assign_cb(struct genbind_node *node, void *ctx) { struct binding *binding = ctx; struct genbind_node *ident_node; const char *ident; ident_node = genbind_node_find_type(genbind_node_getnode(node), NULL, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_IDENT); if (ident_node == NULL) return -1; /* bad AST */ ident = genbind_node_gettext(ident_node); fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tprivate->%s = %s;\n", ident, ident); return 0; } static int output_api_operations(struct binding *binding) { int res = 0; /* finalise */ if (binding->has_private) { /* finalizer with private to free */ fprintf(binding->outfile, "static void jsclass_finalize(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)\n" "{\n" "\tstruct jsclass_private *private;\n" "\n" "\tprivate = JS_GetInstancePrivate(cx, obj, &JSClass_%s, NULL);\n", binding->interface); if (binding->finalise != NULL) { output_code_block(binding, genbind_node_getnode(binding->finalise)); } fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tif (private != NULL) {\n" "\t\tfree(private);\n" "\t}\n" "}\n\n"); } else if (binding->finalise != NULL) { /* finaliser without private data */ fprintf(binding->outfile, "static void jsclass_finalize(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj)\n" "{\n"); output_code_block(binding, genbind_node_getnode(binding->finalise)); fprintf(binding->outfile, "}\n\n"); } if (binding->resolve != NULL) { /* generate resolver entry */ fprintf(binding->outfile, "static JSBool jsclass_resolve(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, uintN flags, JSObject **objp)\n" "{\n"); output_code_block(binding, genbind_node_getnode(binding->resolve)); fprintf(binding->outfile, "\treturn JS_TRUE;\n" "}\n\n"); } if (binding->mark != NULL) { /* generate trace/mark entry */ fprintf(binding->outfile, "static JSAPI_MARKOP(jsclass_mark)\n" "{\n"); if(binding->has_private) { fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tstruct jsclass_private *private;\n" "\n" "\tprivate = JS_GetInstancePrivate(JSAPI_MARKCX, obj, &JSClass_%s, NULL);\n", binding->interface); } output_code_block(binding, genbind_node_getnode(binding->mark)); fprintf(binding->outfile, "\treturn JS_TRUE;\n" "}\n\n"); } return res; } void output_code_block(struct binding *binding, struct genbind_node *codelist) { struct genbind_node *code_node; code_node = genbind_node_find_type(codelist, NULL, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_CBLOCK); if (code_node != NULL) { fprintf(binding->outfile, "%s\n", genbind_node_gettext(code_node)); } } /** generate class initialiser which create the javascript class prototype */ static int output_class_init(struct binding *binding) { int res = 0; struct genbind_node *api_node; /* class Initialisor */ fprintf(binding->outfile, "JSObject *jsapi_InitClass_%s(JSContext *cx, JSObject *parent)\n" "{\n" "\tJSObject *prototype;\n", binding->interface); api_node = genbind_node_find_type_ident(binding->gb_ast, NULL, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_API, "init"); if (api_node != NULL) { output_code_block(binding, genbind_node_getnode(api_node)); } else { fprintf(binding->outfile, "\n" "\tprototype = JS_InitClass(cx,\n" "\t\tparent,\n" "\t\tNULL,\n" "\t\t&JSClass_%s,\n" "\t\tNULL,\n" "\t\t0,\n" "\t\tNULL,\n" "\t\tNULL, \n" "\t\tNULL, \n" "\t\tNULL);\n", binding->interface); } output_const_defines(binding, binding->interface); fprintf(binding->outfile, "\treturn prototype;\n" "}\n\n"); return res; } static int output_class_new(struct binding *binding) { int res = 0; struct genbind_node *binding_node; struct genbind_node *api_node; binding_node = genbind_node_find(binding->gb_ast, NULL, genbind_cmp_node_type, (void *)GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_BINDING); if (binding_node == NULL) { return -1; } /* constructor */ fprintf(binding->outfile, "JSObject *jsapi_new_%s(JSContext *cx,\n" "\t\tJSObject *prototype,\n" "\t\tJSObject *parent", binding->interface); genbind_node_for_each_type(genbind_node_getnode(binding_node), GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_BINDING_PRIVATE, webidl_private_param_cb, binding); fprintf(binding->outfile, ")\n" "{\n" "\tJSObject *newobject;\n"); /* create private data */ if (binding->has_private) { fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tstruct jsclass_private *private;\n" "\n" "\tprivate = malloc(sizeof(struct jsclass_private));\n" "\tif (private == NULL) {\n" "\t\treturn NULL;\n" "\t}\n"); genbind_node_for_each_type(genbind_node_getnode(binding_node), GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_BINDING_PRIVATE, webidl_private_assign_cb, binding); } api_node = genbind_node_find_type_ident(binding->gb_ast, NULL, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_API, "new"); if (api_node != NULL) { output_code_block(binding, genbind_node_getnode(api_node)); } else { fprintf(binding->outfile, "\n" "\tnewobject = JS_NewObject(cx, &JSClass_%s, prototype, parent);\n", binding->interface); } if (binding->has_private) { fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tif (newobject == NULL) {\n" "\t\tfree(private);\n" "\t\treturn NULL;\n" "\t}\n" "\n" "\t/* attach private pointer */\n" "\tif (JS_SetPrivate(cx, newobject, private) != JS_TRUE) {\n" "\t\tfree(private);\n" "\t\treturn NULL;\n" "\t}\n\n"); /* attach operations and attributes (functions and properties) */ fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tif (JS_DefineFunctions(cx, newobject, jsclass_functions) != JS_TRUE) {\n" "\t\tfree(private);\n" "\t\treturn NULL;\n" "\t}\n\n"); fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tif (JS_DefineProperties(cx, newobject, jsclass_properties) != JS_TRUE) {\n" "\t\tfree(private);\n" "\t\treturn NULL;\n" "\t}\n\n"); } else { fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tif (newobject == NULL) {\n" "\t\treturn NULL;\n" "\t}\n"); /* attach operations and attributes (functions and properties) */ fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tif (JS_DefineFunctions(cx, newobject, jsclass_functions) != JS_TRUE) {\n" "\t\treturn NULL;\n" "\t}\n\n"); fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tif (JS_DefineProperties(cx, newobject, jsclass_properties) != JS_TRUE) {\n" "\t\treturn NULL;\n" "\t}\n\n"); } fprintf(binding->outfile, "\n" "\treturn newobject;\n" "}\n"); return res; } static int output_jsclass(struct binding *binding) { if (binding->resolve != NULL) { /* forward declare the resolver */ fprintf(binding->outfile, "static JSBool jsclass_resolve(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, jsval id, uintN flags, JSObject **objp);\n\n"); } if (binding->mark != NULL) { fprintf(binding->outfile, "static JSAPI_MARKOP(jsclass_mark);\n\n"); } if (binding->has_private || (binding->finalise != NULL)) { /* forward declare the finalizer */ fprintf(binding->outfile, "static void jsclass_finalize(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj);\n\n"); } /* output the class */ fprintf(binding->outfile, "JSClass JSClass_%s = {\n" "\t\"%s\",\n", binding->interface, binding->interface); /* generate class flags */ if (binding->has_global) { fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tJSCLASS_GLOBAL_FLAGS"); } else { fprintf(binding->outfile, "\t0"); } if (binding->resolve != NULL) { fprintf(binding->outfile, " | JSCLASS_NEW_RESOLVE"); } if (binding->mark != NULL) { fprintf(binding->outfile, " | JSAPI_JSCLASS_MARK_IS_TRACE"); } if (binding->has_private) { fprintf(binding->outfile, " | JSCLASS_HAS_PRIVATE"); } fprintf(binding->outfile, ",\n"); /* stubs */ fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tJS_PropertyStub,\t/* addProperty */\n" "\tJS_PropertyStub,\t/* delProperty */\n" "\tJS_PropertyStub,\t/* getProperty */\n" "\tJS_StrictPropertyStub,\t/* setProperty */\n" "\tJS_EnumerateStub,\t/* enumerate */\n"); /* resolver */ if (binding->resolve != NULL) { fprintf(binding->outfile, "\t(JSResolveOp)jsclass_resolve,\n"); } else { fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tJS_ResolveStub,\n"); } fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tJS_ConvertStub,\t/* convert */\n"); if (binding->has_private || (binding->finalise != NULL)) { fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tjsclass_finalize,\n"); } else { fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tJS_FinalizeStub,\n"); } fprintf(binding->outfile, "\t0,\t/* reserved */\n" "\tNULL,\t/* checkAccess */\n" "\tNULL,\t/* call */\n" "\tNULL,\t/* construct */\n" "\tNULL,\t/* xdr Object */\n" "\tNULL,\t/* hasInstance */\n"); /* trace/mark */ if (binding->mark != NULL) { fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tJSAPI_JSCLASS_MARKOP(jsclass_mark),\n"); } else { fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tNULL, /* trace/mark */\n"); } fprintf(binding->outfile, "\tJSAPI_CLASS_NO_INTERNAL_MEMBERS\n" "};\n\n"); return 0; } static int output_private_declaration(struct binding *binding) { struct genbind_node *binding_node; struct genbind_node *type_node; if (!binding->has_private) { return 0; } binding_node = genbind_node_find(binding->gb_ast, NULL, genbind_cmp_node_type, (void *)GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_BINDING); if (binding_node == NULL) { return -1; } type_node = genbind_node_find(genbind_node_getnode(binding_node), NULL, genbind_cmp_node_type, (void *)GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_BINDING_TYPE); if (type_node == NULL) { return -1; } fprintf(binding->outfile, "struct jsclass_private {\n"); genbind_node_for_each_type(genbind_node_getnode(binding_node), GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_BINDING_PRIVATE, webidl_private_cb, binding); genbind_node_for_each_type(genbind_node_getnode(binding_node), GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_BINDING_INTERNAL, webidl_private_cb, binding); fprintf(binding->outfile, "};\n\n"); return 0; } static int output_preamble(struct binding *binding) { genbind_node_for_each_type(binding->gb_ast, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_PREAMBLE, webidl_preamble_cb, binding); fprintf(binding->outfile,"\n\n"); return 0; } static int output_header_comments(struct binding *binding) { fprintf(binding->outfile, "/* "HDR_COMMENT_PREABLE); genbind_node_for_each_type(binding->gb_ast, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_HDRCOMMENT, webidl_hdrcomment_cb, binding); fprintf(binding->outfile,"\n */\n\n"); return 0; } static bool binding_has_private(struct genbind_node *binding_node) { struct genbind_node *node; node = genbind_node_find_type(genbind_node_getnode(binding_node), NULL, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_BINDING_PRIVATE); if (node != NULL) { return true; } node = genbind_node_find_type(genbind_node_getnode(binding_node), NULL, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_BINDING_INTERNAL); if (node != NULL) { return true; } return false; } static bool binding_has_global(struct binding *binding) { struct genbind_node *api_node; api_node = genbind_node_find_type_ident(binding->gb_ast, NULL, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_API, "global"); if (api_node != NULL) { return true; } return false; } static struct binding * binding_new(char *outfilename, struct genbind_node *genbind_ast) { struct binding *nb; struct genbind_node *binding_node; struct genbind_node *ident_node; struct genbind_node *interface_node; FILE *outfile ; /* output file */ struct webidl_node *webidl_ast = NULL; int res; binding_node = genbind_node_find_type(genbind_ast, NULL, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_BINDING); if (binding_node == NULL) { return NULL; } ident_node = genbind_node_find_type(genbind_node_getnode(binding_node), NULL, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_IDENT); if (ident_node == NULL) { return NULL; } interface_node = genbind_node_find_type(genbind_node_getnode(binding_node), NULL, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_BINDING_INTERFACE); if (interface_node == NULL) { return NULL; } /* walk ast and load any web IDL files required */ res = read_webidl(genbind_ast, &webidl_ast); if (res != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error reading Web IDL files\n"); return NULL; } /* open output file */ if (outfilename == NULL) { outfile = stdout; } else { outfile = fopen(outfilename, "w"); } if (outfile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening output %s: %s\n", outfilename, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } nb = calloc(1, sizeof(struct binding)); nb->gb_ast = genbind_ast; nb->wi_ast = webidl_ast; nb->name = genbind_node_gettext(ident_node); nb->interface = genbind_node_gettext(interface_node); nb->outfile = outfile; nb->has_private = binding_has_private(binding_node); nb->has_global = binding_has_global(nb); nb->resolve = genbind_node_find_type_ident(genbind_ast, NULL, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_API, "resolve"); nb->finalise = genbind_node_find_type_ident(genbind_ast, NULL, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_API, "finalise"); nb->mark = genbind_node_find_type_ident(genbind_ast, NULL, GENBIND_NODE_TYPE_API, "mark"); return nb; } int jsapi_libdom_output(char *outfilename, struct genbind_node *genbind_ast) { int res; struct binding *binding; /* get general binding information used in output */ binding = binding_new(outfilename, genbind_ast); if (binding == NULL) { return 4; } res = output_header_comments(binding); if (res) { return 5; } res = output_preamble(binding); if (res) { return 6; } res = output_private_declaration(binding); if (res) { return 7; } res = output_jsclass(binding); if (res) { return 8; } res = output_operator_body(binding, binding->interface); if (res) { return 9; } res = output_property_body(binding, binding->interface); if (res) { return 10; } res = output_function_spec(binding); if (res) { return 11; } res = output_property_spec(binding); if (res) { return 12; } res = output_api_operations(binding); if (res) { return 13; } res = output_class_init(binding); if (res) { return 14; } res = output_class_new(binding); if (res) { return 15; } fclose(binding->outfile); return 0; }