path: root/netsurf.css
diff options
authorDaniel Silverstone <>2012-07-01 13:18:47 +0100
committerDaniel Silverstone <>2012-07-01 13:18:47 +0100
commit5f5fa631013417dd4c9010e3b12084f3bd805895 (patch)
tree30956a49dffdb9382cb37dcec71c36a6feebacad /netsurf.css
Transfer current state of netsurfweb as a fresh line of history
Diffstat (limited to 'netsurf.css')
1 files changed, 1146 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/netsurf.css b/netsurf.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72b4597
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netsurf.css
@@ -0,0 +1,1146 @@
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+ font-weight: bold; }
+ * Recent SVN Activity
+ */
+.changelog p {
+ margin-top: 0.2em;
+ margin-bottom: 0em; }
+.entry + .entry .meta {
+ border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
+ padding-top: 0.6em;
+ margin-top: 0.6em; }
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+ padding-left: 5em; }
+ {
+ font-weight: normal; }
+ {
+ color: #005; }
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+ color: #777; }
+ * Themes Page
+ */
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+ padding-top: 5mm;
+ margin-bottom: 3mm;
+ border-top: thin solid #ddd; }
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+ * Screenshot gallery
+ */
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+ margin: 1em 0;
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+ overflow: auto; }
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+ border: none;
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+ padding: 0;
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+ text-align: center;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ background-color: #d8e2ff;
+ border-top: 2px solid #c5d3ff; }
+ * About NetSurf
+ */
+dl.projectgoals {
+ counter-reset: goal; }
+dl.projectgoals > dt:before {
+ content: counter(goal) ". ";
+ counter-increment: goal; }
+table.timeline {
+ margin-bottom: 1em; }
+table.timeline th {
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ text-align: left;
+ vertical-align: top;
+ padding-right: 1em; }
+table.timeline td {
+ text-align: left;
+ vertical-align: top; }
+ * News
+ */
+ > dt {
+ font-size: 120%;
+ color: #000;
+ padding-left: 8em;
+ position: relative; }
+ > dt > span {
+ color: #888;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0; }
+ > dd {
+ margin-bottom: 1em; }
+ * Documentation
+ */
+.docsections > li {
+ margin-bottom: 1em; }
+.updated {
+ text-align: right; }
+.headnote {
+ color: #777;
+ font-style: italic; }
+ * User Guide
+ */
+.submenu {
+ border-bottom: thin solid #ddd; }
+.menupath {
+ margin-bottom: 0;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: #555; }
+.menuitem {
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+ margin: 0 0 1em 0;
+ padding: 0 0 0 1em;
+ border-left: 1px #888 solid; }
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+ padding: 0.8em;
+ border: 4px ridge #d2ffd2;
+ margin-left: auto;
+ margin-right: auto; }
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+ font-style: italic; }
+ * NSTheme
+ */
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+ font-size: 90%;
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+ * Progress page
+ */
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+ width: 100%;
+ border-spacing: 2px;
+ margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }
+.progress td {
+ vertical-align: top; }
+.progress .progresstitle {
+ width: 28%; }
+.progress .progressstatus {
+ width: 7em; }
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+ background-color: #eee;
+ color: #333;
+ font-style: italic; }
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+ background-color: #ffd4d4; }
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+ background-color: #ffe8d2; }
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+ background-color: #ffffd0; }
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+ background-color: #e6ffce; }
+.complete {
+ background-color: #ccffcc; }
+ * Two Column
+ */
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+ float: left;
+ width: 49%; }
+.content .rightcol {
+ float: right;
+ width: 50%;
+ background-color: #fff; }
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+ font-size: 120%;
+ font-weight: bold; }
+.content .rightcol > div {
+ padding-left: 1em; }
+.content .rightcol .changelog .msg {
+ padding-left: 2em; }
+.content .example {
+ overflow: auto;
+ background: #feb;
+ color: #a42;
+ border: 1px solid #db1;
+ padding: 0.1em 0.3em; }
+ * GSoC
+ */
+.details {
+ margin: 0 1em 0 2em;
+ background: #ddd;
+ border: 1px solid #000;
+ padding: 0 1em 1em 1em; }
+ * Welcome page
+ */
+.welcomenslinks {
+ display: table;
+ width: 100%;
+ margin: 0;
+ border-spacing: 0;
+ padding: 0;
+ background: #ccd8ff; }
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+ padding: 0;
+ margin: 1.2em auto 0 auto;
+ width: 90%;
+ color: #444; }
+.welcomeintro {
+ width: 90%;
+ margin: 1em auto;
+ color: #666; }
+.websearch {
+ margin: 1.5em auto;
+ padding: 1.2em 0.3em;
+ background: #d8e2ff;
+ border: 2px solid #c5d3ff;
+ width: 80%;
+ text-align: center; }
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+ background: #f9faff;
+ color: #000;
+ margin-right: 0.3em; }
+.websearch input[type=submit] {
+ border: 2px outset #cedaff;
+ color: #000;
+ background: #cedaff; }
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+ display: table;
+ width: 80%;
+ margin: 0 auto 3em auto; }
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+ display: table-cell;
+ padding-left: 2.5em; }
+.welcomelinks ul + ul {
+ padding-left: 1em; }
+ * Thanks page
+ */
+img.thankslogo {
+ float: right;
+ margin: 0 0 1em 1em; }
+ * GSoC page
+ */
+dl.gsocstudents li {
+ color: #222; }