path: root/continuous_integration_debian_jessie_setup.mdwn
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authorVincent Sanders <>2017-02-14 09:36:24 +0000
committerVincent Sanders <>2017-02-14 09:36:24 +0000
commit90a93ee16d3374309dd36842f75a034706ce40e8 (patch)
tree768da9da87f00470b33264f44425508db79dd8a6 /continuous_integration_debian_jessie_setup.mdwn
parentb791a470cb8156fbd00b3e8a738a188b4fe997d4 (diff)
move CI section to subdirectory
Diffstat (limited to 'continuous_integration_debian_jessie_setup.mdwn')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 421 deletions
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index fb794a8..0000000
--- a/continuous_integration_debian_jessie_setup.mdwn
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-[[!meta title="Continuous Integration Debian Jessie Setup"]]
-[[!meta author="Kyllikki"]]
-[[!meta date="2016-07-06T12:46:14Z"]]
-Debian jessie (8.x) OS install
-### amd64 VDS install from media
-[[Virtual server setup|virtual_host_server]]
-Install minimal system from netinst CD (attached when VDS is created on
-phoenix) Config options:
-- In the "role" selection select "ssh server" and "system utilities"
- only.
-- The whole disc default partitioning is fine
-- The base user the install insists on creating should be the netsurf
- user.
-- Boot loader in MBR
-Once installed:
-- install sudo package and add netsurf user to sudo group
-- edit /etc/default/grub
-`GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8"`
-`# update-grub2`
-### arm64 VDS install
-[[ARM64 virtual server setup|virtual_host_server_arm64]]
-Once installed:
-- create netsurf user
-- install sudo package and add netsurf user to sudo group
-- edit /etc/inittab comment pty 3 through 6 and uncomment serial T0
-- enable backports
-`echo "deb `[``](` jessie-backports main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/backports.list`
-`apt-get update`
-- install updated kernel
-`apt-get install linux-image-4.3.0-0.bpo.1-arm64`
-### Banana Pi
-This system is a dual core ARMv7 allwinner using the armhf ABI
-Used the install SD media from
-[[ Igor Pecovnik|http///]]
-- unzip and write raw file to full size SD card.
-Once installed:
-- first login as root:1234 which will need to be immediately changed
-- use the nand-sata-install script and moved the install to sata disc.
- The drive needs to be a clean drive with a recognised partition
- table (DOS or GPT) and a single partition where the OS will be
- installed.
-- edit /etc/init.d/armhwinfo to remove the toilet dynamic MOTD banner
-- (re)move /etc/bash.bashrc.custom as it issues a lot of unnecessary
- commands
-- adduser netsurf
-- change /etc/apt/sources.list to point at a local mirror
-- apt-get update
-- apt-get upgrade
-- install sudo package and add netsurf user to sudo group
-### Raspberry Pi 2
-This system is a quad core ARMv7 Broadcom using the armhf ABI
-Used install media from [[ Sjored|http///]]
-- unpack onto micro SD card with bmap-tools
-`On any debian-based linux type "sudo apt-get install bmap-tools" and install it.`
-`Then type "sudo bmaptool copy --nobmap 'yourlocation/jessie-rpi2.img' /dev/sdx" (Change yourlocation to the location of the .img file and sdx for the letter where the SD is mounted, if you don't know it type "sudo fdisk -l" and look for it).`
-Once installed:
-- first login as root:debian which will need to be immediately changed
-`'touch /etc/apt/preferences.d/flash-kernel' create a new file`
-`'vi /etc/apt/preferences.d/flash-kernel' edit it an add the following lines to it:`
-`Package: flash-kernel`
-`Pin: origin`
-`Pin-Priority: 1000`
-`'apt-cache policy flash-kernel' check if the package is pinned`
-- change /etc/apt/sources.list to point at a local mirror
-- apt-get update
-- apt-get upgrade
-- adduser netsurf
-- install sudo package and add netsurf user to sudo group
-### Orange Pi PC
-This system is a quad core ARMv7 allwinner H3 using the armhf ABI
-Used "mini" install media from
-[[ loboris|http///]]
-- unpack image and write to micro SD card and configure as per loboris
- instructions, careful installation steps are not immediately obvious
-Once installed:
-- first login as orangepi:orangepi which will need to be immediately
- changed
-`* superuser available via sudo -i`
-- change /etc/apt/sources.list to point at a local mirror
-- apt-get update
-- apt-get upgrade
-- alter orangepi user to netsurf by editing
-`/etc/group (dont forget to replace orangepi on the sudo group)`
-`mv /home/orangepi /home/netsurf`
-Packaged CI worker install
-Do a base OS install
-The recommended hostname for CI workers is "ciworker13" this allows us
-to clearly identify CI worker nodes. Note historically we have used
-"cislave1" which has been objected to by several users. See
-[[ changing hostname|https///]] on how to achive this.
-On master jenkins use "manage nodes" to create new node. Ensure "remote
-fs root" is set to /var/lib/jenkins add variable JENKINS\_HOME set to
-Note: replace arm64 with architecture name as required (armhf etc.)
-As superuser:
-- create jenkins user
-`adduser --system --group --home /var/lib/jenkins/ --disabled-login jenkins`
-- Add CI server repo to slave apt sources
-`echo "deb `[``](` jessie/amd64/" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/netsurf-browser.list`
-- update repos
-`apt-get update`
-- install ns-ci-worker package. accept the large package list and the
- unsigned package install for gcovr and ns-ci-slave
-`apt-get install ns-ci-worker`
-- edit /etc/default/ns-ci-worker to set the correct url and secret
- parameters
-- If toolchains are to be built on the node ensure /opt is setup
- correctly
-`mkdir -p /opt/netsurf`
-`chown jenkins:jenkins /opt/netsurf`
-- become jenkins user
-`su -s/bin/bash - jenkins`
-- create ssh keypair (accept defaults - no password)
-`ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""`
-- copy .ssh/id\ from slave to jenkins master node and append
- to /home/netsurf/.ssh/authorized\_keys
-`scp /home/jenkins/.ssh/`
-- exit jenkins user shell
-- start CI worker daemon
-`/etc/init.d/ns-ci-worker start`
-Manual CI worker install
-### required packages
-The Netsurf repository has necessary updated packages in it and can be
-accessed by doing the following:
-- Add CI server repo to slave apt sources
-`echo "deb `[``](` jessie/amd64/" >> /etc/apt/sources.list`
-- update repos
-`apt-get update`
-use apt to install these packages:
-`openjdk-7-jre-headless `
-`screen `
-`libjson0-dev (from our repo - needs bugfixes `[``](`)`
-`gcovr (from our repo)`
-### config
-- on master jenkins use "manage nodes" to create new node. Ensure
- "remote fs root" is set to /home/netsurf/jenkins
-- create netsurf user
-- as netsurf user:
- - wget <>
- - run screen
- - create
-`java -Djava.awt.headless=true -jar slave.jar -jnlpUrl `[``](` -secret 0123456789abcdef01234567890abcdef`
-- - run
- - create new screen tab
- - create ssh keypair (accept defaults - no password)
-`ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""`
-- - copy .ssh/id\ from slave to jenkins master node and
- append to /home/netsurf/.ssh/authorized\_keys
-`cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys`
-- - copy .ssh/id\ from master node to slave and append to
- /home/netsurf/.ssh/authorized\_keys
- - create (change tunnel port number!)
-`ssh -R 22224:localhost:22 'bash -c "while true; do echo .; sleep 60; done"'`
-- - run
- - on the master create a shell script to use the ssh tunnel
- connection, thus firewalls etc are moot as long as the slave can
- connect to the master
-`ssh netsurf@localhost -p 22223`
-Pbuilder setup
-This allows a worker to build Debian packages. The worker should be
-installed as a normal CI worker node and then:
-as superuser on node:
-- apt-get install pbuilder
-- addgroup pbuilder
-- addgroup jenkins pbuilder
-- create /etc/sudoers.d/pbuilder
-`jenkins         ALL = NOPASSWD:/usr/sbin/pbuilder`
-- visudo and alter Defaults
-`Defaults        env_reset,env_keep="DIST ARCH"`
-- replace /etc/pbuilderrc
-`# this is your configuration file for pbuilder.`
-`# the file in /usr/share/pbuilder/pbuilderrc is the default template.`
-`# /etc/pbuilderrc is the one meant for overwriting defaults in`
-`# the default template`
-`# read pbuilderrc.5 document for notes on specific options.`
-`# List of Debian suites.`
-`DEBIAN_SUITES=("sid", "stretch", "jessie", "wheezy", "squeeze")`
-`# List of Ubuntu suites.`
-`UBUNTU_SUITES=("vivid" "utopic" "trusty" "saucy" "raring" "quantal" "precise" "oneiric" "natty" "lucid" "hardy")`
-`# Mirrors to use. Update these to your preferred mirror.`
-`# set a default distribution if none is used.`
-`: ${DIST:="$(lsb_release --short --codename)"}`
-`# set the architecture to the host architecture if none set.`
-`: ${ARCH:="$(dpkg --print-architecture)"}`
-`if [ -n "${ARCH}" ]; then`
-`    NAME="$NAME-$ARCH"`
-`if $(echo ${DEBIAN_SUITES[@]} | grep -q $DIST); then`
-`    # Debian configuration`
-`    MIRRORSITE="http://$DEBIAN_MIRROR/debian/"`
-`    COMPONENTS="main contrib non-free"`
-`    if $(echo "$STABLE_CODENAME stable" | grep -q $DIST); then`
-`    fi`
-`elif $(echo ${UBUNTU_SUITES[@]} | grep -q $DIST); then`
-`    # Ubuntu configuration`
-`    MIRRORSITE="http://$UBUNTU_MIRROR/ubuntu/"`
-`    COMPONENTS="main restricted universe multiverse"`
-`    echo "Unknown distribution: $DIST"`
-`    exit 1`
-The architecture is assumed to be the native one from
-`dpkg --print-architecture`
-This can be set by passing ARCH to pbuilder (useful for i386 maybe?)
-for each distribution this node will build for:
-- create pbuilder result directory and set ownership permissions
-`mkdir -p /var/cache/pbuilder/jessie-armhf/result`
-`chown root:pbuilder /var/cache/pbuilder/jessie-armhf/result`
-`chmod g+w /var/cache/pbuilder/jessie-armhf/result`
-- become jenkins user
-`su -s/bin/bash - jenkins`
-- create pbuilder base for distribution
-`sudo DIST=jessie pbuilder create`
-- if desired additional packages and config can be made to the base
- with
-`sudo DIST=jessie pbuilder login --save-after-login`
-distcc worker node
-Do a basic OS install but \*not\* a CI worker setup.
-A recommended hostname for distcc worker is something like "cicpu0" this
-allows us to use systems as processing node for other purposes than just
-distcc in future. See debians
-[[ changing hostname|https///]] on how to achive this.
-The Netsurf repository has necessary updated packages in it and can be
-accessed by doing the following:
-- Add CI server repo to slave apt sources
-`echo "deb `[``](` jessie/amd64/" >> /etc/apt/sources.list`
-- update repos
-`apt-get update`
-- use apt to install these packages:
-- edit /etc/default/distcc
-- start the service
-`service distcc start`
-- ensure the client has hosts set to use the new worker