path: root/data/charwidths.jl
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authorSteven G. Johnson <>2015-06-24 14:07:15 -0400
committerSteven G. Johnson <>2015-06-24 14:07:15 -0400
commit6a7f92da641360fe4c0bb37288982f72d211db7b (patch)
tree0166fe857640643d09a996fd597a0f7128f1f30f /data/charwidths.jl
parent2b6aa142acd4836f86f88423f787654d08dbc228 (diff)
fix #46 (make sure symbol-like codepoints have nonzero width even if they aren't in Unifont)
Diffstat (limited to 'data/charwidths.jl')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/data/charwidths.jl b/data/charwidths.jl
index 34323b7..7b32a82 100644
--- a/data/charwidths.jl
+++ b/data/charwidths.jl
@@ -15,6 +15,40 @@ end
CharWidths = Dict{Int,Int}()
+# Use ../libutf8proc for category codes, rather than the one in Julia,
+# to minimize bootstrapping complexity when a new version of Unicode comes out.
+catcode(c) = ccall((:utf8proc_category,"../libutf8proc"), Cint, (Int32,), c)
+# use Base.UTF8proc module to get category codes constants, since
+# we won't change these in utf8proc.
+import Base.UTF8proc
+# Use a default width of 1 for all character categories that are
+# letter/symbol/number-like. This can be overriden by Unifont or UAX 11
+# below, but provides a useful nonzero fallback for new codepoints when
+# a new Unicode version has been released but Unifont hasn't been updated yet.
+zerowidth = Set{Int}() # categories that may contain zero-width chars
+push!(zerowidth, UTF8proc.UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_CN)
+push!(zerowidth, UTF8proc.UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_MN)
+push!(zerowidth, UTF8proc.UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_MC)
+push!(zerowidth, UTF8proc.UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_ME)
+push!(zerowidth, UTF8proc.UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_SK)
+push!(zerowidth, UTF8proc.UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_ZS)
+push!(zerowidth, UTF8proc.UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_ZL)
+push!(zerowidth, UTF8proc.UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_ZP)
+push!(zerowidth, UTF8proc.UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_CC)
+push!(zerowidth, UTF8proc.UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_CF)
+push!(zerowidth, UTF8proc.UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_CS)
+push!(zerowidth, UTF8proc.UTF8PROC_CATEGORY_CO)
+for c in 0x0000:0x110000
+ if catcode(c) ∉ zerowidth
+ CharWidths[c] = 1
+ end
# Widths from GNU Unifont
universion=get(ENV, "UNIFONT_VERSION", "7.0.06")
@@ -40,7 +74,13 @@ function parsesfd(filename::String, CharWidths::Dict{Int,Int}=Dict{Int,Int}())
contains(line, "Encoding:") && (codepoint = int(split(line)[3]))
contains(line, "Width:") && (width = int(split(line)[2]))
if codepoint!=nothing && width!=nothing && codepoint >= 0
- CharWidths[codepoint]=div(width, 512) # 512 units to the en
+ w=div(width, 512) # 512 units to the en
+ if w > 0
+ # only add nonzero widths, since (1) the default is zero
+ # and (2) this circumvents some apparent bugs in Unifont
+ # (
+ CharWidths[codepoint] = w
+ end
state = :seekchar
@@ -84,17 +124,6 @@ end
# A few exceptions to the above cases, found by manual comparison
# to other wcwidth functions and similar checks.
-# Use ../libutf8proc for category codes, rather than the one in Julia,
-# to minimize bootstrapping complexity when a new version of Unicode comes out.
-function catcode(c)
- uint(c) > 0x10FFFF && return 0x0000 # see utf8proc_get_property docs
- return unsafe_load(ccall((:utf8proc_get_property,"../libutf8proc"), Ptr{UInt16}, (Int32,), c))
-# use Base.UTF8proc module to get category codes constants, since
-# we won't change these in utf8proc.
-import Base.UTF8proc
for c in keys(CharWidths)
cat = catcode(c)